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The battlefield: current philosophy
I try to avoid simply broadcasting the screams of the drowning on repeat, or regurgitating ‘news’ in data format or otherwise. At this point, I do not think that is convincing anyone of anything.
While I do rely on published data, in early 2020 I realised that ‘data’ were not the issue during at six key inflection points:
1) when they used the mRNA-lipid nanoparticle platform in the injectables despite decades of documented harm to animals in the scientific literature and repeated warnings against this technology in humans in said papers, AND
2) when anyone questioning the technology was censored because science was suddenly a ‘belief’ system, AND
3) when they ignored the decidedly non-alarming covid CFR data from the Diamond Princess and South Korea, AND
4) when they said there was no treatment for a ‘SARS-type virus’ despite their own sources stating nearly 20 years of research to the contrary, AND
5) when people in positions of power, including Australian Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty said ‘he had never heard of ‘natural immunity’, implies it is made up after using it himself’ (para.) AND
6) when they kept injecting the mRNA products past the first few weeks despite the fact that, anecdotally and officially, so many people were being injured and dying as a result of the injections.
I quickly realised the battle is not occurring within the realm of ‘data’ (or ‘truth’ or ‘saving lives’). If it were, they never would have started down this road, and certainly would not have continued because, despite what they were saying, nothing they were actually doing was life-affirming.
There were many points at which they could have stopped, but they kept killing people because the killing was legalised over many decades at the Federal and State levels via laws and Acts that precipitated the Emergency powers.
During the Emergencies, the people who affirmed life were the ones who were penalised as criminals and according to the law, we were.
There is a great crisis right now in that people do not understand that what is legal is not necessarily moral, even among those who would describe themselves as ‘awake.’ In that way, these people are similar to the killers: relying on ‘the moral justice of the government’ to save and validate them. This cognitive dissonance explains why they are banging their heads against the wall trying to get justice through the courts. People still deeply want affirmation and compensation from the state, the same state that legalised the killing, which is a mental pit that is difficult to climb out of.
A proper use of effort would be dismantling the powers that ushered in the Emergencies, but people are not interested in this. In fact, the powers are increasing and tightening, and legislation is being passed behind our backs while the ‘freedom politicians’ are noisily performing for us in the public eye.
That is why there will be no true ‘justice through the courts.’ Just a few placebo wins to put people to sleep and cries of ‘we did it!’ until the next legalised tyranny event.
Therefore, I believe those who continue to think that ‘just one more piece of evidence or news story will stop this’ cannot see the battlefield. While it is important to document harm, one must understand that one’s effort in this area is simply documentation at this point, not ammunition. Perhaps worthy, but unconvincing. Again, the screams of the drowning on repeat.
What we are seeing is a coordinated global Satanic coup of all things good and natural in order to control and manipulate for the endpoint of mass murder, likely planetary depopulation and loss of fertility. I do not know why, and I am also revolted by, and embarrassed for, every person who believes this is necessary in order to carry out a ‘broader plan.’
Our bodies, our beautiful natural world and our animal companions, the miracle of our genomes and our precious children are under attack. I do not think a lot of the people planning and participating in this are in charge of their faculties anymore – something is controlling them, because their actions are entirely anti-human, anti-man and woman, anti-nature, anti-all things beautiful, virtuous, true, good and wise. They hate humanity, believe we are disgusting vermin and want us dead.
The solution is, and always has been, do not comply.
If you do not want to do something, do not do it. An elegant well-sourced explanation backed by data is not required. ‘No’ is a complete sentence. Once you commit, you go all the way. Therefore, the battlefield is not in the scientific, but in the moral and spiritual, which is why noncompliance is, and always has been, a decision made with the higher faculties.
Edit and update November 2023.
We are moving into the ‘get pharma with lawsuits’ phase. Please see my article on why this is ultimately a losing strategy.
In sum, the legal framework that protected the covid response (States of Emergency, Health Acts, Human Biosecurity Act, WHO treaties) are still in place and solidifying government control further.
If lawyers, politicians and ‘lay legalists’ are not attacking and removing this structure, they are wasting our time, attention and money with self-promoting busywork.
Please note, when lawyers say ‘the Commonwealth will pay’ that is you the taxpayer: the unvaccinated and the vaccine-injured who already fund Medicare and government liability insurance. If one wants to engage with the system and play within the rules, a more productive use of time would be to expand the vaccine injury compensation scheme. Yet, of course, still the taxpayer forks out.
However, outcomes indicate that engaging with ‘the government process’ on their terms in the form of petitions, ‘enquiries,’ politics, voting, peripheral court cases, citizen submissions, phone calls and letter writing has no effect on what is happening. They gaslight, lie, ignore, humilate, stick to the script and, most of all, the legality of the Emergency powers.
All of these ‘legal activies’ are busywork designed to make people feel like they are doing things to ‘get justice’ but they are simply release valves cooling the marks, and adaptation to failure.
I believe that ‘countries’ do not exist anymore and politicans are not in charge but give only the illusion of country-states. It is likely that the Bank for International Settlements, owned by the ‘old families’ is calling the shots, holding key individuals in public office and public positions hostage for the purposes of wealth transfer with a carrot-and-stick approach via corporations.
They put their people in positions of power who work for them, not us, then fear, indoctrination, greed and groupthink at the lower levels does the rest.
From there, the intelligence agencies devise and coordinate inter-pseudo-country response while domestic militaries, via established military co-operation treaties, (for example) created and transported bioweapon injections disguised as vaccines.
This is how the sausage is made, and it’s now up to people to decide what they want to do with the information. I recommend separation from the system as much as possible which includes ignoring anyone in the ‘alt. media’ pushing fear porn and disaster capitalism. One of the unfortunate by-products of the past four years is that many people are no longer able to discern reality and are terrified much of the time. They believe every word from every person who agrees that the vaccine is bad and spend their time in rabbit holes of terror and impending ‘doom events’ that never come.
On the other hand are the people who believe the ‘white hats’ will save them and refuse to look at any evidence to the contrary. Most of these people claim to be Christians, yet engage in extreme false idolatry regarding specific wealthy politicians which is taught in their churches. This intense, blasphemous hero worship coincides with ‘waiting for signs’ and directly contradicts Christ’s teaching and the New Testament and they cannot see it. When one points this out to them, one is viciously attacked. They have replaced Christ in their hearts with someone or something else and are highly delusional.
The most important things you have to give are your soul and attention. Consider where you are spending your time and whether it uplifts you or if it is true, and for Christians, whether it aligns with the New Testament.
ExcessDeathsAU body of work – organised according to topic
The Australian kill structure – food-animal-ecosystem(?) adulteration, bioweapons research, vaccine contracts and implications, WA Health Act, proposed digital misinformation bill.
October 8, 2022.
NSW Government partners with Tiba Biotech (United States National Institute of Health (NIH), US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to inject stock with mRNA products. We do not know the environmental implications of this.
January 9, 2023.
Australian Government funds research that increases the lethality or transmissibility of viruses and bacteria for dual-use bioweapons research. Vaccines are exempt from safety control structure.
January 21, 2023.
On the occasion of Bill Gates’ trip to Australia, eight pieces of evidence that they are planning more lockdowns and injections, what to do about it, and how to deal with the compliant and true believers among us.
April 16, 2023.
Jane Halton is in charge of Australia’s vaccine contracts and was involved in Event 201, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, CEPI, Novavax and elsewhere. Australian TGA and NZ’s Medsafe worked together during the Pfizer vaccine approval process. Medsafe had severe misgivings about the Pfizer vaccine (particularly in terms of long-term safety data) that were ignored by both the NZ government and the Australian TGA.
May 3, 2023.
I publish Australia’s Novavax contract, a first for Australia. I contextualise the document in terms of the Five Eyes military framework and Operation Warp Speed, which is the proper context.
May 11, 2023.
When I published the contract, a lot of people didn’t understand why it was important, so I realised I had to explain it more clearly. This article outlines the impenetrable wall of evil that has been formed around Australians using bureaucracy.
June 27, 2023.
Australia’s kill structure advances in synergy with the vaccine contracts. Two documents currently in place concerned with ‘health’ (state level in Western Australia with an amendment) and one at the federal level concerned with ‘digital misinformation’ (not yet passed). When the next emergency is declared, you may be disappeared, and your family will be unable to tell anyone about it. All of this is legal.
August 6, 2023.
The people of Western Australia were subjected to multi-pronged military-grade psychological warfare in order to take the covid vaccine. Political power was consolidated and political opposition was crushed. Yet, we resisted and it eventually fell apart as all totalitarian regimes do.
August 9, 2023.
Premier of Western Australia Roger Cook said that ‘WA’s covid response has been ‘vindicated’ as review heaps praise on the government.’ I demonstrate the absurdity of this claim and present ‘On democide: the people’s rebuttal.’
August 19, 2023.
Key principles of democide through a covid lens, documenting the excess deaths vote in the Australian Senate, contacting the Senators via phone and email, ABS disappears non-covid deaths from the historical ledger, the folly of Royal Commissions.
September 9 & October 11, 2023.
Timelines (long and short formats) of Australia’s federal covid response as evidenced by FOIs, mainly concerning the Department of Health. Two things are true: 1) those in positions of authority did not stop because they did not want to, and 2) everyone who complied ensured that the plan was completed and the administrators were rewarded.
October 3, 2023.
The lexicon of covid crimes. The purpose of this article is to provide a language framework for legal situations including citizen juries. Discusses the different perpetrators and the nature and scale of covid democide.
October 30, 2023.
The ‘pharma is fraudulent’ lawsuits are setting us up for total disaster because they are predicated on the idea that the issue is with the vaccines, not the tyranny. Therefore, there is no reason to not submit next time.
November 9, 2023.
Readers react to the ‘fluoro lay-down protest’ article about December 1, 2021. Comments are highlighted and memorialised in the contact of Australia’s digital censorship bill and Cambodia’s Year Zero, where censorship led to the death of millions.
December 14, 2023
Government of Western Australia removes covid mandates and policies from website, legal experts demand transparency, government gaslights them. In this article I upload and publish the documents - I printed them at the time they were issued knowing that the government would disappear evidence because that is what democidal regimes do.
December 31, 2023
The title says it all. Here is your killbox.
May 15, 2024
Again, the WHO is unnecessary for totalitarian control. The Australian Federal Government has budgeted for all of it (such as whole-of-society digital ID) and indemnified its partners in crime (in this case, onshore mRNA vaccine manufacturers and the Red Cross for tainted blood and blood products).
May 28, 2024
History of remdesivir, discrimination and murder of a minority dissident group in Australian hospitals and globally by classifying vaccine deaths as unvaccinated deaths and killing the unvaccinated with aggressive hospital protocols.
June 16, 2024
July 23, 2024
August 3, 2024
Contextualising the current slaughter in historical, essay, first-person, and poetic format
October 30, 2022.
Stanton’s Ten Stages of Genocide are established criteria used to alert people to current threats of state-based violence potentially leading to genocide. These stages, while defined, can occur simultaneously, and occurred against the unvaccinated in Australia.
February 16, 2023.
‘Hypernormalisation’ (a term from Soviet times) causes everyone in society to maintain the ‘pretence of a functioning society’ even as it is completely falling apart. How bad is this going to get before it totally falls apart?
February 18, 2023.
The government of Western Australia’s review into its handling of the COVID-19 response. I show how this sham review dovetails ‘Stanton’s stages of genocide denial.’
March 18, 2023.
After the 2021 vaccine injury report was released, I was disgusted. However, I believe in atonement and forgiveness and so put out a beacon to all politicians and doctors – they had the opportunity to use my ‘stack to write a letter of apology to the public. No one took up my offer.
March 30, 2023.
One of the most harrowing tales from Western Australia I have ever read, including the devastating effect of the mandates on homelessness and mental health.
April 10, 2023.
A post-war German responds to the above letter from a jabbed Australian. The unvaccinated are enraged at the ‘betrayal by our fellow jabbed Australians’ and that must be recognised. Wounds must not be allowed to fester even if they hurt feelings, because feelings will be hurt during reconciliation.
April 25, 2023.
An ANZAC Day poem in the time of covid dystopia.
May 23, 2023.
A precis of Australia’s current geopolitical position: location, resources, ASIO, Pine Gap, gold scams, money laundering, US and Chinese masters, Premiers gone wild, King Charles and Satan. Australians wising up to the WEF and pushing back against these weasels using street justice.
June 10, 2023.
At this point I had become extremely burned out due to what I have experienced as an unvaccinated person in Australia. Writing and researching had also taken its toll. I told everyone I was taking a bit of a rest from writing, but I wanted to tell my overseas readers who Harold Holt was – our Australian Prime Minister who one day just vanished. A strange but true story. This article opened a flood of comments from readers who were similarly traumatised – a useful chance to connect.
June 24, 2023.
One of the things I have struggled with over the past few years is becoming unpersoned. I believe this will accelerate for many, either out of necessity or choice. Therefore, lo-tech means of communications are important. We don’t know how to communicate in real life anymore and the vaccine injured are numerous and all around us yet unseen. This is a way for them to perhaps be more visible.
September 17, 2023.
Yeats’ ‘The Second Coming’ as an allegory for current times. The difficulty of living with unacknowledged collective trauma and government lies.
November 4, 2023.
First-person account of the December 1, 2021 ‘fluoro lay-down’ in Western Australia, where the workers of the state decided they would not participate in the covid vaccine slaughter. The protest consisted of laying down their uniforms on the steps of Parliament house and walking off the job. Discussion of the effect of the protest on the mandates and lives of the protestors afterwards.
November 18, 2023.
West Australian premier Roger Cook re-introduces mask mandates in hospitals on November 20, 2023. Freedom Media WA raises the alarm about the implications of the announcement in terms of the WA covid emergency legislation.
January 7, 2024
On Australian ‘experts’ and the othering of the working class. What really works as forms of protest in Australia.
March 14, 2024
What happens when democide is unacknowledged - a nation sinks.
April 10, 2024
A UK publican put it all on the line for freedom.
April 16, 2024
Article anthology and subscriber update
July 11, 2024
An Ex-Muslim and Brother-in-Christ on the 2024 French election, history, and identity.
Data – live births, excess deaths, jab rollout during covid zero
November 10, 2022.
National live birth data from the Australian Bureau of statistics with a focus on covid-zero Western Australia. Comparison to birth rates of Londoners during the Blitz. (N.b., December 2021 live birth data is still showing as incomplete).
January 14, 2023.
Australian Bureau of Statistics excess deaths data including exposing baseline vs. historical data and potential manipulation of messaging. Most excess deaths were not coded as covid or covid-related.
March 14, 2023.
I tailor reporting from Dystopian Down Under
about the WA vaccine injury report in 2021 for an international audience. The jab rollout in covid zero Western Australia showed that the covid vaccine was responsible for injuries 24x the rate of all other jabs combined. This could NOT be due to covid.
July 17, 2023.
In 2021 the West Australian government terrorised, maimed and murdered citizens during ‘covid zero’ and I lay out the evidence for democide. I update the Australian excess deaths statististics for 2023. The ABS is reducing its reporting schedule of excess deaths on recommendation by the WHO. Western Australia expands its state mortuary.
November 17, 2023
Title explanatory - pdf of tabled documents from WA parliament showing that Vaccine Group was meeting while West Australians were being maimed and killed by covid vaccines during covid zero situation.
December 1, 2023
New Zealand government Ministry of Health employee tasked with building and implementing a digital covid vaccine ‘pay-per-dose’ system for health care providers. Jab injuries cluster by geography, batch, vaccinator and are well above New Zealand’s background death rate of 0.75% (up to 30%).
May 7, 2024
June 9, 2024
“Futurology & Faith” – a section on what may come to pass, based on what has happened
April 19, 2023.
I was so impressed by this short film that I reached out to its creator. This is what they did to us. What they are still doing to us. Why they refuse to talk about it. This is not a mere dystopian film but a documentary and describes where we are headed. It’s brilliant.
May 31, 2023.
This is why things seem to be getting worse with no ‘justice.’ In 1988, a doctor recalls a talk given by depopulationist and Rockefeller insider delivered in 1969. This is the active control and depopulation plan outlined in complete detail. Every aspect of our lives has been controlled and much of it has come to pass.
July 27, 2023.
Guest article from The Two Witnesses Ministry (USA) arguing that the covid vaccines are the Biblical Mark of the Beast.
November 25, 2023
Perth is on fire and they are re-opening the covid camps.
December 14, 2023
My personal story of faith, redemption, and humanity.
January 22, 2024
Opinion on ‘upcoming Ebola crisis.’
February 13, 2024
February 20, 2024
February 29, 2024
Senator Babet finally gets the excess deaths enquiry passed through the Senate. Hansard transcript of Senator Ayres insulting Australians during the debate. PM Albanese fiddles while Rome burns.
Historical analysis
November 24, 2023
The strength of humble leadership as exemplified by President George Washington, and how the current ‘new Australian leadership’ is failing. Oppressive leadership demonstrates weakness and a lack of moral courage.
April 23, 2024
Anzac Day on the eve of World War Three.
Substack muster and democide news
The Future of Substack
There is little doubt that Substack has been highly influential in allowing dissidents to publish their work. However, for people like me, I believe our days on this platform are numbered. I realised something was wrong when Substack does not widely engage in crypto. Instead, we are funnelled into a payment system called ‘Stripe’ which is highly tracked. I contacted Substack about their ‘crypto option’ and did not understand their response. Apparently I had to apply to be put on an exclusive list in order to accept crypto? That is a red flag to me.
I recently became aware of another Substack author
in the US who was debanked because her credit card company does not like Substack. has also been debanked by Stripe because s/he ‘presents a higher level of risk than (Stripe) can support.’ (Sage ended up winning in the end though). Dr Lee Merritt’s Stripe account was completely terminated and she left Substack although her articles are still up. has claimed that Stripe has closed them three times.If you want to know more about Substack and their cultural and financial priorities, you can see that they have a Fellowship program. Their Senior Fellow is Kaitlyn Greenidge who received $100,000 USD from Substack via their Fellowship program. Here is her Substack page. Her top article is “What is a WAP.” I did not know what a WAP is, so I clicked to learn more. She did not define the acronym ‘WAP,’ but the article outlined how her baby peed in the bed and she likes women who talk in a sexually explicit manner. There was also was mention of racism and sexuality ‘as a black woman.’ Unfortunately, I did not understand her essay. What I did understand, however, is that Substack believes Ms. Greenidge to be the most deserving writer on Substack because they gave her $100,000 US dollars. Whether this was ultimately a good financial and cultural investment is up to Substack.
Recently, Substack promoted epidemiologist Dr Katelyn Jetelina. Dr Jetelina is a senior scientific consultant to the CDC, and receives research funding from the NIH, CDC, DOJ, NIOSH, and several non-profit organizations. In her article for The Conversation, she said "After reviewing the mounting body of research on how the immune system shifts over time following each dose, it is clear that another booster for vulnerable populations has meaningful benefit with very little risk." The comments were very enlightening on the Substack article platforming Dr Jetelina.
Further, if the digital misinformation bill is to proceed in Australia, Substack will be shut down. Perhaps at first ‘certain people’ will be debanked. Then maybe they will be allowed to post but not have comments. Or perhaps they will be allowed to post and have comments but not be monetised. Eventually I fully expect one day to wake up and see everything in my account gone. I do not know whether Substack will cheer this on. They appear to have a large, woke, safe, US market which is the foundation of their business model.
Yet, I shall proceed as normal, writing and analysing and bringing all my readers the best content within my power for as long as I can. God Bless.
Dear Readers,
Alas, someone has informed me about what WAP is. I will spare you.
For those of you who would like to read a book written by an African woman with a formidable intellect, please see Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo. I recommend this to all intelligent young people in my life who are in the climate/woke cult and the scales fall from their eyes. Young people are idealistic and want to do good but need direction.
"In the past fifty years, more than $1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. Has this assistance improved the lives of Africans? No. In fact, across the continent, the recipients of this aid are not better off as a result of it, but worse—much worse."
I also recommend the books on race, politics and economy by Professor Thomas Sowell. This man's intellect is so intimidating that (equal to the towering genius and natural perception of Justice Clarence Thomas) I would be terrified to meet him
In my opinion this WAP business, its elevation and dissemination, is directly intended to demoralise and dumb us down. Look at art.
I like how you put it "I try to avoid simply broadcasting the screams of the drowning on repeat, or regurgitating ‘news’ in data format or otherwise. " ............... So true, I've been pondering for the last 3 years ......... how do we stop this? what is the weakest link that can bring the whole thing down? i.e. the whole current power base that by carrots and sticks has so many fearful of crossing it. We've watched this video over and over in the past 2 or 3 days RFK JR. AND JOE ROGAN 6-15-2023 sending along in case of use to you ............ My thoughts are .... in the U.S. the vaccine/pharma massive amounts of money moving around for vaccines half of which are bought by the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) ..... has contributed so much to excess pharma profits ($ 1 trillion a year profit per link at that it has had enough money to buy U.S. election cheating and to buy U.S. media to the max. When Americans turn away from vaccines, and probably even pharma in droves ....... a lot of that excess profit will dry up fast .... freeing up American media and American elections from lying and cheating. This is my theory and I'm praying to God to help us. He can do in 5 minutes what it takes us a lifetime to try to accomplish. Trying to be faithful in small things like subscribing to people like you who are sacrificing so much for all of us. Thank you for all you are doing to spread the truth. It all matters and it all adds up. May God bless you and yours for all of your efforts on behalf of all of us. Thank you.