Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023Pinned

Dear Readers,

Alas, someone has informed me about what WAP is. I will spare you.

For those of you who would like to read a book written by an African woman with a formidable intellect, please see Dead Aid by Dambisa Moyo. I recommend this to all intelligent young people in my life who are in the climate/woke cult and the scales fall from their eyes. Young people are idealistic and want to do good but need direction.

"In the past fifty years, more than $1 trillion in development-related aid has been transferred from rich countries to Africa. Has this assistance improved the lives of Africans? No. In fact, across the continent, the recipients of this aid are not better off as a result of it, but worse—much worse." https://dambisamoyo.com/book/dead-aid/

I also recommend the books on race, politics and economy by Professor Thomas Sowell. This man's intellect is so intimidating that (equal to the towering genius and natural perception of Justice Clarence Thomas) I would be terrified to meet him https://www.tsowell.com/

In my opinion this WAP business, its elevation and dissemination, is directly intended to demoralise and dumb us down. Look at art.

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I like how you put it "I try to avoid simply broadcasting the screams of the drowning on repeat, or regurgitating ‘news’ in data format or otherwise. " ............... So true, I've been pondering for the last 3 years ......... how do we stop this? what is the weakest link that can bring the whole thing down? i.e. the whole current power base that by carrots and sticks has so many fearful of crossing it. We've watched this video over and over in the past 2 or 3 days https://www.bitchute.com/video/D9gjc5weYOne/ RFK JR. AND JOE ROGAN 6-15-2023 sending along in case of use to you ............ My thoughts are .... in the U.S. the vaccine/pharma massive amounts of money moving around for vaccines half of which are bought by the U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) ..... has contributed so much to excess pharma profits ($ 1 trillion a year profit per link at www.learntherisk.org) that it has had enough money to buy U.S. election cheating and to buy U.S. media to the max. When Americans turn away from vaccines, and probably even pharma in droves ....... a lot of that excess profit will dry up fast .... freeing up American media and American elections from lying and cheating. This is my theory and I'm praying to God to help us. He can do in 5 minutes what it takes us a lifetime to try to accomplish. Trying to be faithful in small things like subscribing to people like you who are sacrificing so much for all of us. Thank you for all you are doing to spread the truth. It all matters and it all adds up. May God bless you and yours for all of your efforts on behalf of all of us. Thank you.

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Jul 9, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

The amount of 'debanking' occurring is worrisome. I agree that the new ACMA bill will likely put an end non-State sanctioned "information". Troubling times ahead I'm afraid.

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I've really enjoyed your writing here and valued getting to know you thru substack. Helped me during challenging internal tumult.

Great to see you grow and spread out. Onwards and upwards!

And FUCK em!!!!

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