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Reader update January 2, 2025
It has sadly been brought to my attention that this ministry, like so many before them, has been involved in un-Christlike activities.
This is extremely disappointing. I always liked their writing (even if I did not agree with all of it) and I appreciated their support of persecuted Christians in Africa and other developing countries - many people donated to this cause.
I do not believe in cancel culture and this article is part of the historical record. I believe in free speech, and I cannot control what guest authors do. For that reason, I will keep the article up.
Please pray for these people, those in their ministry who have been affected, and the Christians around the world who depended on them.
Let us always strive in humility with eyes and hearts on Christ first and foremost, beginning and without end. Amen.
Dear Readers,
I have the honour of hosting a guest article from The Two Witnesses Ministry based in the USA. I have been following this ministry for a while, and I like their work very much. They are anonymous, and everything they write is backed with scripture. Anonymity is important because their chief concern is delivering the Word, rather than attracting people with false idolatry (cults of personality). I can also sympathise with how difficult it is to deliver the truth and always being under attack, which is why anonymity is important when you straddle two worlds. They are a husband-and-wife team, and you can read their bios in the footnote here.1 Witness 1 is the husband and Witness 2 is the wife. I am so honoured that they would take the time to write an article for us, and entrust me with their words.
Let’s get started.
Recently I wrote in my battlefield philosophy article:
“Our bodies, our beautiful natural world and our animal companions, the miracle of our genomes and our precious children are under attack. I do not think a lot of the people planning and participating in this are in charge of their faculties anymore – something is controlling them, because their actions are entirely anti-human, anti-man and woman, anti-nature, anti-all things beautiful, virtuous, true, good and wise. They hate humanity, believe we are disgusting vermin and want us dead.
The solution is, and always has been, do not comply. If you do not want to do something, do not do it. An elegant well-sourced explanation backed by data is not required. ‘No’ is a complete sentence. Once you commit, you go all the way. Therefore, the battlefield is not in the scientific, but the moral and spiritual, which is why noncompliance is, and always has been, a decision made with the higher faculties.”
In the past few years people have expressed vague ideas about ‘spiritual warfare’ but have not really gone further than that. In the above paragraphs I discuss how “noncompliance is a decision made with the higher faculties.” This is true, whether you are a believer or not.
Now it’s time to discuss whether the covid vaccine is the Biblical mark of the beast. Yes, this includes Novavax, which was marketed to people of faith as a ‘spiritually safe alternative.’ According to the Two Witnesses Ministry, you were deceived, and it is the mark, along with the other covid vaccines.
Remember I published Australia’s Novavax vaccine contract and how it was “endless details about evil.” That was not a joke or a mistake. In the article I also said:
“People who are unfamiliar with evil always expect it to shock and terrify, like what we saw on the streets of Melbourne. But evil whispers. It seduces. More often than not, it is boring, which tricks us into thinking that it does not exist. Spiritual warfare requires discernment. And remember friends, evil requires your consent in the form of a contract.”
I believe that most people (pastors in particular) do not discuss this topic because they are too involved with building their earthly ‘ministries’ – they are afraid of losing money, subscribers, friendships and tithes to ‘hurt feelings’ or are stuck in some sort of bargaining loop.
According to the Day tapes, and other sources, many establishment churches (Edit: for Catholic subversion please see the work of Father Malachi Martin) have been so deliberately subverted that they no longer believe in God or indeed Christ as their saviour. Do what ‘feels good’ or ‘progressive’ seems to be their motto. Perhaps fly a political or sexual flag, displacing Christ as the focus of worship in favour of worshipping the self - bending the church to fit their egos rather than striving to walk the narrow path. Please understand, that all of this was deliberate in an attempt to weaken the broader society. In the case of many Australian churches, they were actively involved in the gruesome process of bullying congregants to take the shot, with priests turning their places of worship into injection centres ‘for the common good’ and parishioners attending church jab centres because ‘it’s just the convenience.’
Time to face the truth and ask for forgiveness. We are all sinners and must repent, and when I say this, I say it to myself a hundred times more. One of my sins is rage – I have serious anger issues in my heart and struggle to forgive.
If you find this article uncomfortable or have questions, why not share it with your pastor or priest? It could start an important conversation. In any case, please leave your comments below for the Two Witnesses Ministry and I will endeavour to have them answer your questions. Unfortunately due to abuse, comments now for paid subscribers only. Apologies to those who wish to post but cannot.
***Declarations: ExcessDeathsAU (the ‘editor’) approached The Two Witnesses Ministry and asked them to write the article. Article art choices by ExcessDeathsAU. Minor edits in text only by editor (i.e., eliminating double spaces), extra bold/emphasis, minor additions always as indicated by ‘Ed’. ExcessDeathsAU declares no conflicts of interest.
Yours faithfully,
Witness One
Are we in the end times?
In 1999, Time Magazine gave us an ominous warning about coming genetic engineering:
This is a telling image, warning us that we will be “changed”, with a serpent intertwining itself into our DNA.
We know that we are in the end times because of Jesus’s Prophecy of the Fig Tree, in which he predicts that the generation that sees the creation of the modern day state of Israel would be the last generation on Earth. In addition, there are numerous other prophecies that have been fulfilled which confirm we are currently in the end times. For a more detailed explanation of this timeline, click on this link. This estimate places us currently in the Biblical year of 5997, with the end of this age estimated to be around 2026, give or take a few years.
The Bible warns us of a “great deception” in multiple contexts. God can and does test His people, just like the original sin in the Garden of Eden was a test. The serpent never left us, and we read in Revelation 19:20, “And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who wrought miracles by which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast.”
“Deceived” is the key word here. So, the Bible tells us that almost the entire last generation on Earth, which we’ve established is alive today, will be “deceived” by Satan into taking the Mark of the Beast.
Let’s start by closely examining the text of Revelation with the help of Strong’s Concordance.
The Greek word for “Mark” in the verse about the mark of the beast is “charagma”, Strong’s 5480, meaning something like an engraved etching. In this entry, we find that this word, in turn, comes from Strongs 5482, “charax”. “Charax” is defined as "a pointed stake or palisade". A palisade is a form of spear, a long, pointed stick with a sharp ending, which is, interestingly, the exact word someone in the 1st century would use to describe a needle.
Discussing Babylon the Great, it goes on to say, “Your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery.”
Now, sorcery here is the Greek word “pharmakeia”, which is where we get the words “pharmaceuticals” and “pharmacy”. So, the “deception” that tricked people into taking the Mark of the Beast mentioned in Revelation 19:20 is a deceptive type of pharmaceuticals or medicine.
The first major event in Revelation is the breaking of the first seal, which releases a rider on a white horse and ushers in the beginning of the tribulation. This rider is wearing a crown, which is borrowed from Latin corōna (“crown; garland, wreath”), in turn from Ancient Greek κορώνη (korṓnē, “type of crown; curved object”). On January 29, 2020 (Ed. - added article date, important given how early during covid this was published) Business Insider reported that, “The coronavirus' crown-like spikes give the virus family its name.”
This rider is also described as carrying a bow. The word used for bow in this context is the Greek word “toxon”, Strongs G5115. This is where we get our word “toxin”, from the Latin word “toxicus”, meaning “poisoned.” Etymological sources tell us that “the Latin word itself actually came from the Greek term toxon, meaning ‘bow.’ In ancient Greece, fighters with bows would put poison on the points of their arrows.”
So, the author of Revelation is warning us to watch out for something like a “poisoned arrow”, another sharp, stake-like object used to pierce the skin with a pointed tip containing toxins.
(Ed.’s note - bolded and indented this sentence for emphasis)
Lastly, in Revelation, we read that the anti-Christ will overcome a “deadly wound”. The word “wound” in the Bible is Strong’s 4127, “plege”. This is where we get the English word “plague”.
Carefully examining the Greek meanings of Revelation allows us to unravel some of the mysteries contained within this book, and it appears to tell us that we will know the tribulation has begun when we see a “corona plague” that will involve some type of “sharply pointed stick” containing a toxic substance similar to “deceptive pharmaceutical drugs” within or associated with it.
(Ed. - bold and indented for emphasis).
The Days of Noah
Matthew 24:37 reads:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
To understand what this means, we will go back to Genesis 6, in a chapter titled Increasing Corruption on Earth. In this chapter, God tells us that the genetic lineage of the Earth was corrupted, because of genetic manipulation by the fallen angels. So, to know that we are in the end times, we should be looking for a world-wide genetic manipulation to occur, “as in the days of Noah”.
In addition, it’s a scientific fact that the human genome has 144,000 genes. This is a prophetic indicator and a sign that our genes are marked, or signed, by God.
It only gets worse from here, as the creation of this gene therapy injection was facilitated using the “sacrifice” of aborted fetuses. Both the HEK-293 cell line, and the PER. C6 cell line, both harvested from willingly aborted fetuses, were used in the design, development, and production of the Covid vaccines. Thus, all these vaccines involve “child sacrifice rituals” - an abomination to the Lord.
Furthermore, when Revelation is read in Greek, the number of the beast, 666, is written out with three characters, or four in English. These characters are chxs, or “chi xi stigma”, Strong’s entry 5516. The stigma character is an obsolete letter of the Greek alphabet which had a dual meaning, as either six or, “a mark made on the body by a pointed instrument”. Today, we still use the word stigmata to describe the pierced holes and wounds in Jesus’s hands and feet from the crucifixion.
For those with eyes to see, the warning was clear.
Witness Two
Clothed in Sackcloth and Ashes
In the Bible, the expression “clothed in sackcloth and ashes” can take both literal and symbolic meanings. While we are not physically clothed in sackcloth and ashes, spiritually we are, and we believe that you should be, too. This means to be in a state of mourning and repentance, and we should all be in this condition, as the tribulation has begun with the conquest or “crown” (Corona) over the entire world beginning in 2020 (See part 4 of our book The Great Delusion).
Yes, the first horse of Revelation is conquest, and really, the “Covid pandemic” was a psychological, spiritual, and physical conquest of the entire world, with now 72% of the world injected with at least one dose of the “Covid” gene therapy - or what has been mislabeled as a vaccine. So, yes, we should all be mourning and repenting, as now the horses of famine, war, and death are beginning to ride in full force, as we recently explained in this blog post. However, let us never forget the hope and mercy that Jesus Christ provides for all.
We believe we are witnessing the events of Revelation unfold, hence the title of our website twowitnessesofrevelation.com. If you want to learn more about us, there is plenty of information and writing to guide you on our site and we welcome new visitors.
The Bible is clear that when it comes to matters of credibility and authenticity, there should be an establishment of two or three Christian witnesses in order for a “fact to be confirmed.” In other words, let us stand as two witnesses to testify that this is the end times, and let you, the reader, be the third witness to verify if what we say is true through fasting, prayer, supplication, humility, and most of all, repentance.
We must first understand that the mark of the beast is an intentional alteration of one’s DNA so one is no longer in the image of God. In other words, one becomes a “beast’’ before God, and their DNA is “marked by Satan.”
In order to understand this better, one must first understand the importance of blood in the Bible, which contains your DNA, or the image of God. If one chooses to alter their DNA, through a so-called mRNA vaccine, they have decided to alter their image of God at its foundational level. Yes, if even one “speck” of this DNA, such as a liver cell, is altered, it is an abomination before God - one is now in the image of the beast - not YHWH (***Ed. - please see Alden et al. 2022 “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line”).
Just to note, other non-mRNA-based vaccines, such as Novavax, can alter your DNA as well, so it is important not to be deceived by coming vaccines that may not be mRNA-based. Satan never stops trying to deceive his most targeted group - Christians.
Did you know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, whom you have received from God? Because our bodies are now temples, that is where God dwells. There will be no “third temple” in Jerusalem, that is another deception - our bodies are the third temple.
If we change the DNA of our temple, we are no longer human, and God, or His Holy Spirit, can no longer dwell there. This is what Daniel calls the spiritual “abomination of desolation.” Now, for all the scientific and technical issues regarding this, please read our book “Sitting in the Temple: The Gene Therapy Injection as Biotechnological Warfare” where we discuss the computerized nanotechnology in the injections and how these gene-altering vaccines will be tied to a coming Digital ID.
Before you lose hope for yourself or others who have taken it, we are one of the few ministries that believe repentance is possible for the vaccinated, and it is important to read our recent blog post on possible repentance before condemning anyone to hell. As for our most compelling argument, we challenge everyone to read Revelation 16. After people have taken the mark, it says “They refuse to repent.” It does not say “They cannot repent”, but rather, they refuse to do so. This goes along with the sin of pride, which is the first and last sin of mankind.
Well, how can one repent? They must first acknowledge that the vaccine is the mark of the beast. How many people are really going to do that? Probably very few, as it is very painful, and as mentioned earlier, most are under a strong delusion. However, if one is willing to face the truth, as Jesus Christ is the truth, then it is important to remember that God will have mercy on whom He has mercy, and compassion on whom He has compassion. Jesus Christ is hope, and let us not take that hope away, yes, even from the vaccinated. For more information about possible repentance, please contact us, as we believe we have led many down that path.
Common misconceptions about the mark of the beast
Misconception 1: You have to knowingly bow down and worship the anti-Christ in order to receive the mark.
Quite the opposite is true. It says those who take the mark are deceived into taking it, and all nations were deceived by pharmakeia or sorcery.
Misconception 2: The mark of the beast has to be a chip.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the mark has to be a chip. Witness 1 already explained “charagma”, and besides, we have written plenty about the nanochips contained in the vaccine, as people have been focusing on outdated technology.
Misconception 3: Won’t Christians be raptured before they receive the mark?
The “pre-tribulation” rapture is a Jesuit deception. I'm sorry to say the pre-tribulation was used to deceive Christians on a massive scale. So many put hope in escaping the pains of Tribulation, but we are there now.
Misconception 4: Where’s the anti-Christ?
Did you know Revelation doesn't mention the word anti-Christ at all? It talks about a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns in control of everything. These 7 heads (or continents) are ruled by the G-10 (10 horns) to make all worldwide decisions. This was originally the G-7, but there were recent additions, and the anti-Christ is one of those heads. There are many anti-Christs in the end times. However, we believe Donald Trump is the "major" anti-Christ, or who Daniel refers to as "the son of perdition”, who distributed the mark of the beast (vaccine), and he will be coming back to power. There is much more about this topic on our website.
Misconception 5: But can’t everyone still buy and sell without the vaccine?
Not everywhere, and it isn't over yet. In the meantime, when it says he causes "all kinds" to take the mark, according to Strong’s, all does not necessarily mean “every single person.” It can mean:
2a) some of all types - “The words "world" and "all" are used in some seven or eight senses in Scripture, and it is very rarely the "all" means all persons, taken individually.”
In Revelation 20:4, it clearly implies that some are beheaded for refusing the mark, meaning not all have taken it. We predict that after a pre-planned collapse, they will come out with some type of digital ID system, which will be tied to your health records (aka vaccines), which will not be optional. Choose wisely.
Misconception 6: But God cannot trick anyone!
God didn't trick anyone. He warned everyone through His Word up until this time. Most ignored the warnings, and all nations were deceived. Remember, God does test people.
Misconception 7: The vaccine is just a precursor.
Precursor is nowhere in the Bible - there is no test run. Satan had to be clever, and he knew end times knowledge would increase in the end days. So, he deceived the whole world with a vaccine.
Misconception 8: But we're not in the tribulation yet!
It is the end of the world. Just because you haven’t been shaken from your comfort zone yet, doesn’t mean you won’t be. Remember, tribulation isn’t just a physical thing - it is spiritual and psychological, too.
Misconception 9: But my family and friends took it! They are “good” people.
Unfortunately, many were not living for Christ, not following the Bible, and not caring. God warned about a great falling away in the end times, and there were many warnings about not being deceived throughout the Bible, as well as not loving the world. All who took the vaccine noted worldly reasons for taking it (travel, health, fitting in, job, etc.). Remember, Jesus also says there is not “one good person.” We all fall short of the glory of God.
Misconception 10: The mark must be a physical mark that we can see on the head or forehead.
In the meantime, the forehead and arm can also be symbolic, and they are, all throughout the Bible.
Forehead = thoughts/identity
Arm = actions, work
So, think of it this way. Those who took the mark did for one of two reasons:
1) They worshiped and trusted the system already.
2) They needed to for work but didn't really want to.
Finally, if you are still not convinced, here is a 5 hour documentary called "Exposing the Mark”. We strongly recommend watching it, as he covers many small details we could not get into here.
Remember, all things are possible with God and Jesus is coming soon. This is not a drill - Repent!
Who Are We?
Husband and wife. Male and female. Rational and Spiritual.
I'm Witness 1, the husband. Surprisingly to some, perhaps, I am a natural skeptic. I believe in debunking everything possible, and I value rationality. The two main things I could never debunk are the 9/11 conspiracy and the truth of the Bible. That's why my main work, The More Rational Worldview, has over 250 pages on 9/11. I am an artist, a writer, and most of all, a Christian, and I do this all according to Ephesians 5:11 to expose the works of darkness in the world.
I'm Witness 2, the wife. We represent a dichotomy, a juxtaposition where I place more value on the intangible, the spiritual, that which can be felt but doesn't necessarily need to be proven. I focus on the soul. Though I am spiritual, I still back up everything I write with logic, as well as scientific and scriptural evidence. I merge the spiritual world with the material world. I'm a professional, I've always been a leader, and I'm also fed up with the world. Jesus is the truth, and that is why we do this. If one denies the truth, they deny Jesus Christ Himself.
Dear Readers,
Please read the article including the 'misconceptions' section. If you have questions (scriptural or otherwise) I would be very happy to pass them along to The Two Witnesses Ministry, or you can contact them directly if you would like (see body of article). I cannot answer your questions as I did not write the article, but I will do my best to pass along your queries.
Edit: unfortunately, due to the level of attack I am experiencing (particularly via email) I have decided to close the comments section. Very unfortunate that I cannot openly platform important/controversial topics without people totally losing it, but that seems to be par for the course these days. I simply do not have time to moderate the comments section as I would like. God Bless you readers.
Edit2: As requested, I have opened the comment section to paid subscribers. Apologies for any confusion - I had to close the comments until I figured out how to handle what was happening.
Edit3: Update: my subscriber count has gone down after I published this article. Usually after I publish an article I will have a big jump in subscribers as people share the article, but not in this case. The numbers show that people are reading it and not sharing it. As a Christian, I have an obligation to share what I know. Let's pray for those who find the information so confronting that they cannot face it and warn others.
Edit4: woooo watch those numbers drop wow!
Dear Readers (again),
The Two Witnesses Ministry has written a post on their blog about ExcessDeathsAU including the letter I wrote to their readers. You can read it here: https://twowitnessesofrevelation.com/blog/f/excessdeathsau-article-the-vaccine-is-the-mark-of-the-beast
They remind us of the following:
"If you can openly profess your beliefs to millions of people in these end times without any fear of backlash or persecution, you are not saying much truth - if any at all...I can't think of any topic more controversial than saying the vaccine is the mark of the beast. Try bringing that up to friends and family and see what happens. If it wasn't true, though, it wouldn't bother anyone."
Job 6:25-27
The truth is always painful,
but your arguments
prove nothing.
Here I am desperate,
and you consider my words
as worthless as wind.
Why, you would sell an orphan
or your own neighbor!