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Dear Readers,
Here you will see a timeline of Australia’s federal covid response as evidenced by FOIs, mainly concerning the Department of Health.
This article took me many months to write and made me physically ill, which is a natural reaction to confronting evil.
Democide - The intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.
Democide is administrative mass murder, facilitated and carried out by people acting in their authoritative positions. The proof is in the excess death, illness and suffering in the population, which the Australian government is trying to bury and obfuscate.
Many documents have been held back because they deal with the Australian military, Operation Warp Speed, and vaccine contracts, and I will publish them in a different article.
Please keep in mind my previous articles publishing Australia’s Novavax contract regarding what you are seeing, particularly the banality of evil. They will help guide you.
Some of this information is new, some of it has been published in the media, and some of it may be ‘new to you.’ The value of this excercise is in constructing a timeline of events for posterity.
Using legally obtained documents and public information, it is my opinion that Australia’s middle management consolidated and strengthened during a state of emergency to reap the opportunities of a lifetime. Essentially, those in positions of authority did not stop because they did not want to.
The behaviour on the part of government administrators is, in my opinion, both arrogant and depraved.
This is a lot of information, but I think it is important to show you how these documents from 2020-2022 tie together as documentary evidence, because that is the ultimate point of my Substack. Please download and repost the FOIs on your own platforms, perform your own analysis, and let me know if more is needed, particularly if someone else has already written about them. I will update the article.
This article is long and interactive, and you will have to use the live link, not just read the static email.
I believe that time is both speeding up and running out, and I have a desperate sense of urgency to publish as much as possible. Why I am not sure, but that sense of urgency is growing.
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. (John 3:19-20).
Yours Faithfully,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander warning: images of Aboriginal people are used in this article.
Executive Summary
I. FOI Timeline
II. Early Days: planning, emergency, multinationals, censorship
III. Vaccine letters begin (two months after emergency declared)
IV. “Study & Nudge”: Behavioural psychologists move in and national scientific bodies meet
V. Vaccine roll-out & Injury
VI. Propaganda: “Arm yourself”
VII. Final Thoughts
I. FOI Timeline
Early Days: planning, emergency, multinationals, censorship
February 2020.
Australian Government develops a covid plan. Largely moderate and targeted, it does not recommend border closures.
March 2020.
Human biosecurity emergency declared. Klaus Schwab (WEF), Apple, Twitter and Facebook quickly establish contact with the Australian Government.
Twitter, Facebook and the Australian Government collude to censor, digitally corral, deplatform and target Australians.
TGA restricts prescription of hydroxychloroquine for covid-19. State-based fines for prescribing doctors.
Vaccine letters begin (two months after emergency declared)
May 2020
Letter of intent regarding ‘UQ vaccine.’
June 2020.
Letters of intent between the Australian Government and vaccine manufacturers, GAVI Covax (working with CEPI).
July 2020.
Australian Government views Pfizer clinical trial data in some form.
“Study & Nudge”: Behavioural psychologists move in and national scientific bodies meet.
August 2020.
McKinsey & Company presents covid vaccines and therapeutics (including remdesivir) in development and global market shares.
SITAG & ATAGI meetings
September 2020.
Government tells Craig Kelly Hydroxychloroquine is not a useful covid treatment. Kelly raises concerns with remdesivir.
October 2020.
(to April 2021). Quantum Market Research on vaccine sentiment. Vaccine hesitancy increased over time, and 25% of respondents said that ‘nothing’ would encourage them to be vaccinated.
ATAGI meetings. Discuss no fault compensation/indemnity of the vaccine with regards to public confidence.
Vaccine roll-out & Injury
February 2021.
Weekly number of covid-19 vaccine doses in ages 65+
March 2021.
Culturally and linguistically diverse Australians and response to covid vaccines. ABS-adjacent research projects, translation of vaccine consent forms.
April 2021.
Minister Greg Hunt writes to RACGP and AMA about doctor concerns regarding covid vaccines, consent and other issues.
June 2021.
ATAGI discusses elevated risk of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome and in AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine recipients, myocarditis signal, consent documents and palliative care, boosters into 2023, therapeutics, covid variants and vaccine effectiveness.
ATAGI now has weekly meetings on thrombosis with thrombocyotopenia syndrome (TTS).
Health Department refuses to disclose to C-Suite the number of vaccine doses Australia has. C-Suite threatens the Health Department with “the consequences.” It is unclear who is setting vaccination targets and how.
July 2021.
Aviation industry pressures federal government to implement vaccine mandates and gets knocked back, decides to implement them at the corporate level.
August 2021.
Guidance on myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA covid-19 vaccines published on Department of Health website.
October 2021.
Reliable data for vaccination status of PCR covid cases only available for NSW, Qld, and SA. Majority of cases in vaccinated individuals including those that experience severe illness and death. “This does not mean that the vaccines are not working.” “Estimating the impact of a vaccination program is challenging as there is no completely unaffected control group.”
Greg Hunt announces mRNA covid vaccination for children 12+
January 2022.
Emergence Technology Pty Ltd listed as the winning supplier for RATs. “Strong ties with manufacturers of medical devices in China and secured supply for the Tests.”
February-March 2022.
Confirmed covid positive ventilation cases in Western Australia (max n = 2).
October 2022.
Total AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) vaccination ‘events’ to 26 October 2022 by ‘dose’ 1-4+
Propaganda: “Arm yourself”
Years (FY) 2021-2022.
“Arm Yourself” vaccine media campaign – celebrities, sports stars, and pastors tell a mainly Aboriginal target audience to ‘get the vaccine.’
Videos: Thank you to Igor’s Newsletter Ben Swann (sovren media), Lurnpa,
@TheDoctorsLounge (Rumble), and the Northern Territory people, Central Desert people.Click here to watch the shorter video
Here is the complete video (5 min)
“…we need international attention...the Northern Territory government is force vaccinating our people, pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers...they are not informing the people...they are telling them they can't eat in the shops...they can't leave the community...this is martial law, this is a war crime, this is a crime against humanity...we are the guinea pigs...this is a dry run for the rest of the world...our people are frightened.”
-Man speaking in video is Lurnpa Tjumpatjimpa David Cole (David, if you’re out there and want to correct your name, please let me know).
II. Early Days: planning, emergency, multinationals, censorship
FOI 1712 - Australian Department of Health COVID-19 Scenario and Planning Workshop
February 3, 2020
“Examination of different scenarios for the novel coronavirus outbreak over the next 3-6 months and define response strategies and enable planning for implementation.”
The appropriate plan for dealing with (covid-19) is the AHMPPI in order to “maintain public trust, promoted equity of outcomes and reduce harms to individuals and society.”
A “targeted and proportionate response.”
“See whether our population has any existing immunity to novel coronavirus and allow identification of very mild or asymptomatic infections.”
Using a CFR of 2% from China but acknowledge that this number is “heavily biased.”
“The natural history of covid-19 is yet to be understood.”
“For a SARS-like response pharmaceutical interventions are currently unavailable (in the national stockpile).”
“Border measures and (location) closures are not recommended due to social and financial implications on families and businesses.”
FOI 2655 – Declaration of human biosecurity emergency under section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015
March 16, 2020
Professor Brendan Murphy (CMO and Director of Human Biosecurity) writes to Greg Hunt MP (Minister for Health) to declare a ‘human biosecurity emergency’ under section 475 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.
Quotes a CFR for covid of 3.8%, ‘increasing with age’ and Diamond Princess ‘concerns.’
Recommendation of emergency powers (3 months).
Banning mass gatherings, visiting remote communities, restriction on aged care visitors.
FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’
March 17, 2020
FOIs 2995 & 4278 – COVIDSafe App development with Apple and total cost.
March 23, 2020-December 2020
Emails between Apple and Daniel Keys (CIO, CSO – Department of Health) regarding development of the covidsafe app.
Also developed a “mental health app” for healthcare workers.
Acknowledgement of community privacy concerns.
FOI 4278 – the estimated total costs for the COVIDSafe application…is $20 Million.
Click to read about Daniel Keys explaining the app.
June 2020: “‘Dishonest’ CovidSafe app has not detected a case despite 6 million downloads.”
(No FOI - timeline update) - TGA restricts prescription of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
March 24, 2020
“In recent days there has been considerable focus on the potential for hydroxychloroquine and the similar compound chloroquine (which is not marketed in Australia) to help in treating COVID-19.”
“…these medicines pose well-known serious risks to patients including cardiac toxicity (potentially leading to sudden heart attacks), irreversible eye damage and severe depletion of blood sugar (potentially leading to coma).”
“Given the limited evidence for effect against COVID-19, as well as the risk of significant adverse effects, the TGA strongly discourages the use of hydroxychloroquine outside of its current indications at this time other than in a clinical trial setting or in a controlled environment in the treatment of severely ill patients in hospital.”
TGA Announcement: https://www.tga.gov.au/news/safety-alerts/new-restrictions-prescribing-hydroxychloroquine-covid-19
Media: Doctors banned from prescribing potential COVID-19 drug
FOI 3953 – Emails between Twitter, Facebook and the Australian government
March 2020-September 2022
Twitter, Facebook and the Australian government engage in online censorship, corralling citizens into specific information sources, and target specific prominent citizens for censorship as “anti-vaxxers.”
Total cost of this social media program to the Australian taxpayers: $9,816,821.56
Click to watch video, the famous “Gunner rant” that went viral globally.
“…if you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax..I don't care what your personal vaccination status is. If you support, champion, give a green light, give comfort to, support ANYBODY who argues against the vaccine you are an anti-vaxxer....if you are out there in any way, shape or form, campaigning against the mandate you are absolutely anti-vaxx...STUFF IT SHOVE IT...we are absolutely going to make sure as many Territorians as possible are vaccinated.”
-Michael Gunner, Northern Territory Chief Minister
III. Vaccine letters begin (two months after emergency declared)
FOI 2356 - Email between Greg Hunt, Brendan Murphy, Paul Kelly and Caroline Edwards regarding CSL working with UQ (University of Queensland).
May 2020
FOI 1905 – Letter of intent between Australian Gov. (Brendan Murphy, Greg Hunt) and AstraZeneca, EOI between Australian Gov. and GAVI Covax, working with CEPI
June-August 2020
Confirmation of intent to participate in GAVI Covax, ‘Friends of the Facility,’ negotiating financial ‘population dosing’ at 10-50% of the population.
“It is unknown when, if ever, a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19 will be developed. The mainstream media continues to report on vaccine developments and public expectations of early access to any vaccine will be high.”
“The Hunt-Pfizer letter incident”
(Ed. - the media and Labor opposition beat this up according to ‘failure to procure a vaccine’ but they’re missing the real issue, which is that at some point the government was aware of the ‘science’ behind the Pfizer vaccine and chose to keep going).
FOI 3173 (letter) – Letter from Pfizer to Greg Hunt, Minister for Health
June 30, 2020
“Working to advance vaccine candidates into human clinical testing…”
“…doing many steps in the manufacturing process in parallel, rather than sequentially…”
“…serve the millions of people around the world impacted by this devastating illness.”
FOI 3173 (3) – Email between Lisa Schofield and Pfizer re. letter to Minister Hunt re. Pfizer vaccine development for covid-19
July 2, 2020
Request for formal virtual engagement with members of (Australia’s) Vaccine Taskforce.
FOI 3173 (2) – Email between Lisa Schofield and Pfizer. Pfizer covid-19 vaccine – positive early data released last night
July 2, 2020
“Positive early data from an ongoing Phase 1/2 study.”
“Data will be used…to determine a dose level…seek to progress to a large, global Phase 2b/3 safety and efficacy trial…may involve up to 30,000 healthy participants and is anticipated to begin in late July 2020…”
“Preliminary clinical data from this ongoing study has been submitted for potential publication in a peer-reviewed journal and is available on (link).” (Ed. – I cannot click link, do not know what study this is).
FOI 3026 - Informal meeting notes with Pfizer
July 10, 2020 (Ed. - note the FOI says 2021 but information about clinical trials suggests this meeting was in 2020).
“Deploy at unprecedented speed.”
“Want to consider how we can invest while they progress manufacturing and clinical development.”
“Distortion approach” to vaccine manufacturing is noted. I have received advice about this with no answers. (
- do you know what ‘distortion approach’ is?)
FOI 3173 (1) – Lisa Schofield email to ?. Weekly status update on covid-19 vaccines and treatments
July 12, 2020
FOI 2445 – Email correspondence between Lisa Schofield (Department of Health) and Pfizer regarding vaccine development for COVID-19
July 23, 2020
Pfizer to explain the “scientific development and clinical trial process underway, medical information on the novel mRNA vaccine technology, manufacturing, supply chain and procurement processes…in a lengthy and highly detailed slide deck…in a 90 minute meeting to have sufficient time to get through all this detail and Q&A.”
A Confidential Disclosure Agreement must be signed by both parties prior to the meeting.
Several senior Global Pfizer colleagues on the call to “provide detail you may be seeking on a range of issues.”
Lisa Schofield is managing the “whole-of-government work on COVID-19 vaccine from the Department of Health.”
Media: Emails released under FOI reveal Pfizer’s correspondence with Greg Hunt’s office
(End of “Hunt-Pfizer letter incident”)
FOI 2380 – Australian Dept. of Health (Immunisation and Communicable Disease Branch) letter of support for GAVI
August 2020
Australia supports Gavi by pledging $300M over 5 years (2021-2025) which is a 20% increase on previous contribution.
FOI 1966 – Letter of intent between Australian Gov. (Greg Hunt) and AstraZeneca Pty Ltd
August 2020
“Australian government recognises the possibility that the development of a safe vaccine is yet unknown, and may not be possible.”
“Cooperation activities are intended to be conducted having regard to Australian laws and regulations.”
Yeah, nah.
(Thank you Australians vs The Agenda for consistently excellent material).
IV. “Study & Nudge”: Behavioural psychologists move in and national scientific bodies meet.
FOI 2202 - Presentation by McKinsey & Company about covid vaccines and therapeutics in development and global market share
August 2020
Remdesivir mentioned as a therapeutic approved by the US FDA with the link directing here: https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/emergency-use-authorization#covidtherapeutics
Please see Due Diligence and Art and
for an explanation of the US PREP Act, BARDA, US DOD, FDA and the EUA to understand what this link about remdesivir really means.FOI 2555 – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group (SITAG) meetings
August-September 2020
Scoring vaccine candidates – Pfizer and Novavax a ‘priority.’
Discussed a ‘global paracetamol shortage’
UQ vaccine
In the section for therapeutics, there was an emphasis on procuring vaccines, yet acknowledgement that value of steroids had been demonstrated.
FOI 1993 - Emails between Craig Kelly, Dr Nick Coatsworth (Deputy CMO), ‘Medical Advisor’ TAAD Aust. Gov. DOH.
September 2020
Australian government denies HCQ useful as a covid treatment, Kelly brings up concerns with remdesivir.
FOI 2398 (5 in the series) – Quantum Market Research – Sentiment towards a COVID-19 vaccine
October 2020-May 2021 (data range)
Surveys of 1,000 Australians tracking attitudes and behaviours during the covid-19 pandemic.
Nationally representative sample by age, gender and state
“Confidence in the safety of the vaccine is the main form of reassurance required”
Decline in vaccination intentions largely driven by people under 50
Detailed analyses of why people do not want to get vaccinated
Females express greater concerns than males about the vaccine
Vaccine hesitancy/concerns increased over time
In May 2021, 34% of respondents were not very/not likely to be vaccinated against covid-19 due to safety concerns, and 25% said NOTHING would encourage them to be vaccinated.
FOI 2557 – ATAGI covid-19 working group meetings
October-December 2020
Implementation of the covid-19 vaccine: no fault compensation/indemnity discussion, public confidence
Participant names listed.
Discussed ‘poor vaccine sentiment and uptake.’
”Pack of drongos, idiots, morons, absolute cretins and I could use worse language than that.”
“Grow a brain.”
“life will be sweet once jabbed”
-Mark McGowan, Former Premier of Western Australia (on Australians who protest or refuse the covid vaccine).
V. Vaccine roll-out & Injury
FOI 3798 - Weekly number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in ages 65+
February 2021-May 2022
FOI 2455 – Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians and response to covid vaccines
March-July 2021
Digital Health Research Team re. AIR-MADIP research project
Data collection app
Translation of “consent form”
Dr Lucas De Toca, First Assistant Secretary, COVID-19 Primary Care Response, Department of Health.
Profile: Dr Lucas De Toca
Dr Lucas de Toca leads the Primary Care Response to the COVID-19 pandemic at the Department of Health. Lucas is responsible for the coordination of the primary care system, the implementation of 150 GP-led Respiratory Clinics and infection control training as well as, the Indigenous and remote aspects of the responses. Lucas also oversees the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccination across primary care sites.
“…strongly held beliefs in human rights and social justice. One of his primary areas of focus is helping promote self-determination for indigenous Australian communities.”
FOI 2342 – Letters (x2) from Minister Greg Hunt to RACGP and AMA about covid vaccines
April 2021
Letter 1 from Minister Greg Hunt to Dr Karen Price (RACGP) regarding vaccine indemnity arrangements, doctor concerns, informed consent, insurance, increased risk of thrombosis with AstraZeneca, ‘updated consent forms,’ ‘maintaining public confidence in the rollout,’ government contact is Paul McBride.
Letter 2 from Minister Greg Hunt to Dr Omar Khorshid (AMA), contents much as above.
FOI 2487 – ATAGI & SITAG “vaccine deliberations”
June-July 2021
ATAGI discusses elevated risk, number and timing of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome in AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine recipients.
“Maximising vaccine coverage is a priority.”
Myocarditis signal discussed
Geographical areas of low vaccination coverage
Consent documents
Vaccination advice for palliative care, immunocompromised, frail older people, pregnant/breastfeeding women
Vaccination certificates
SITAG meeting. Program Manager for Medical Countermeasures Development in attendance, among others (including Australia’s Chief Scientist, COO CSIRO).
Forward projection of boosters into 2023 including multivalent vaccines
Evaluation of therapeutics
Discussion of transmission, variants and ‘adjustment of quarantine isolation time.’
Vaccine ‘effectiveness data’ and different covid variants
FOI 2917 - ATAGI weekly meetings on thrombosis with thrombocyotopenia syndrome (TTS)
June-July 2021
Participant names are listed
Risk of death and morbidity discussed and the “need to simply explain to consumers the potential outcomes of TTS.”
Agreed to change age recommendation of AstraZeneca vaccine
Confirmation that Lt. General John Frewen in attendance at the meeting 30 June 2021.
TTS cases in 80+ cohort increasing. No change to AstraZeneca recommendations.
TTS increasing in 70-79 and 50-59. No change to AstraZeneca recommendations.
Watching myocarditis safety signal.
Agreed to not make ATAGI statement/response to media.
‘Reports of GPs dismissing headaches as potential sign of TTS, potential delay in patient presentation due to lack of awareness of TTS signs and symptoms or clinicians not recognising this symptom?’
Female dominance of TTS cases
TTS cases in 40-49 age cohort.
Important to keep an ‘open mind of potential AstraZeneca also causing myocarditis.’
FOI 2691 (x4) - Long email chains between C-suite (Troy Bilsborough) and Health Department regarding ‘how many vaccine doses Australia has.’
June-July 2021
Government will not tell C-Suite the number and type of vaccine doses.
Bilsborough: “We know the Department has the data and we are not going to accept no for an answer…perception that the government is covering up the numbers or is incompetent.”
Bilsborourgh threatens a Government Health employee (Lucy) with “the consequences” because he “knows what she is doing” (see image below).
(Ed. - It is well worth reading the entire email chain).
(Ed. - what are the consequences for threatening a government employee on the COVID19 Vaccine Operations Centre with ‘consequences’? Let’s ask the Qld police:
Tsk. Tsk).
Profile: Troy Bilsborough
Managing Director and Founder of Provocate, a C-Suite consultant…executing proactive government solutions to high-profile and complex public, policy, political and people problems that regularly reach millions of Australians and influence the nation’s key decision makers.
‘Dark horse’ innovator Troy Bilsborough used the PR industry’s most overlooked skill, maths, to force the Australian Prime Minister to backtrack, exposing a giant hole in the core economic principles underpinning Australia’s Federal Budget recovery and highlighting how Australia was falling behind the rest of the world in Covid vaccination rates and accurately predicting a resurgence in the virus in time for Australia’s May 2022 Federal Election. In doing so, he went against the views of prominent epidemiologists and medical experts. He managed this by putting himself and his agency Provocate’s client experience, of using PR to build its own brand. And to cap it all, he built an innovative product and client pipeline in the process.
Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine uptick is still not enough to meet the federal budget’s revised target of completing its vaccination rollout by the end of the year, according to strategy firm Provocate.
Provocate managing director Troy Bilsborough suggested that the rate of jabs in arms of eligible Australians for the COVID-19 vaccine has been inconsistent, with Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake in May swinging from record numbers of 100,000 vaccines per day to some days as low as 10,000 jabs administered
Commenting on the federal government’s position regarding how many Australian citizens it needed to be completely vaccinated before the country had reached herd immunity, Bilsborough said the ‘gold standard for infectious diseases’ was for 95% of the population to be completely vaccinated. But no definitive target for herd immunity has been announced by the government.
FOI 4274 – Correspondence about vaccine mandates between the aviation industry and Professor Paul Kelly
July 2021
Summary: airlines request federal government mandate vaccines federally and the government (Professor Paul Kelly) says no.
Group Medical Services, Qantas
Airlines for Australia and NZ (A4ANZ) also requested the Federal government impose vaccine mandates. Government says ‘no.’
Media: Qantas mandates full covid-19 vaccination for all its employees
FOI 3698 - Fully redacted internal email
August 2021
Contents: “Guidance on myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA covid-19 vaccines” published on the Department of Health Website.
FOI 3712 – “Covid-19 breakthrough infections”
October 2021-March 2022
“Reliable data on the vaccination status of PCR confirmed covid-19 cases are currently only available for New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia.”
“Where known, the majority of PCR confirmed cases among those aged 12 years and over have occurred in vaccinated individuals…including those that experience severe illness and death…this does not mean the vaccines are not working…”
“Estimating the impact of a vaccination program is challenging as there is no completely unaffected control group.”
Facts & Figures: Australian data for severity of illness by vaccination status.
Effectiveness of vaccines against variants.
UKHSA data.
FOI 3094 - Covid19 vaccines and treatments ‘state of play’
October 2021
Most information redacted
‘Efficacy’ of vaccines against variants
Bullet points of “current global vaccine science.”
Greg Hunt announcement of mRNA covid vaccine for children 12+
FOI 3814 - Tender process for procurement of rapid antigen (RAT) self-tests.
January 2022
Long legal document
One company named: Emergence Technology Pty Ltd (the rest redacted).
“Based in Melbourne, Emergence…has established strong ties with manufacturers of medical devices in China and secured supply for the Tests.” (Sole director and shareholder Mr Cun Liu).
FOI 3708 - Data on confirmed covid positive ventilation cases in Western Australia.
February 6-March 22, 2022
Maximum number at any one time n = 2
Media: Western Australia’s border ‘opened’ March 3, 2022
FOI 4038 - Total AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) vaccination ‘events’ to 26 October 2022 by ‘dose’ 1-4+
October 2022
Source: Australian Immunisation Register
VI. Propaganda: “Arm yourself”
FOIA 2515 - “Arm yourself” vaccine campaign
Financial Years 2021 & 2022
Total cost: $598,352.90.
Media: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/campaign
Bonus video, Dr de Toca:
VII. Final thoughts
There is a terrible feeling that we are hurtling towards Atlantis on a global scale.
Early treatment was denied, Australians were stranded overseas for years, people were suiciding in lockdowns and the hospital kill protocols were in place. Many of us were dragged from our homes and transportation to ‘medi-hotels’ and ‘facilities’ all over the country at gunpoint or brainwashed into thinking it was ‘for the greater good.’ Some citizens, caught on the wrong side of the rules, were doxed in the media and had their lives, businesses and families ruined.
At the same time administrators were having tea breaks, zoom meetings and ‘acknowledgement of country.’ You can see all this detailed in the documents.
It is difficult to know what was really said because so much of the information was redacted, but the way they brutalised us made it clear that nothing was going to stop the vaccine rollout. Nothing.
Did anyone say ‘hey maybe we shouldn’t be doing this?’ We will probably never know, because so many of them have failed upwards and been rewarded handsomely for their participation - just check and see what they are doing now.
What is also apparent is that they do not want us to know the bulk of what they were doing, who made the key decisions, how much it cost and where the money went. If this is about our health, why is it secret? If they are proud of themselves and the outcomes, why is so much of the information redacted? Although the FOIs were redacted in a way to construct a certain ‘forward-facing’ narrative, we see more than enough to know that they knew what they were doing. This was not ‘incompetence.’ No one ‘forgot how to STEM’ (shoutout to
).My real question to these middle managers is this: do you feel safe in this system? Don’t you understand that you are not part of the real power structure? You have ushered in hell on earth. The excess deaths statistics, not seen since WWI, and the mental health crisis, demonstrate that your policies did not work. Why did you abandon the February 2020 plan?
Dear readers, my fellow Australians, democide is murder-by-paperwork and ‘make work.’ It is extremely boring, often for years, until you walk into a hospital needing nothing more than budesonide and antibiotics and find yourself isolated by force, sedated, and strapped to a bed with a ventilator down your throat while your family screams on the other side of tempered glass. Democide is administrative mass murder facilitated by career bureaucrats completely void of moral courage.
Two things are true: 1) those in positions of authority did not stop because they did not want to, and 2) everyone who complied ensured that the plan was completed and the administrators were rewarded.
This is what I mean when I say the people are the stopping condition.
To them, we are just numbers. Nothing was going to get in the way of the vaccine roll-out, and there was no lever at the higher level to pull during a State of Emergency. We the People were the levers. This is how it was then, and how it must be from now on.
Do not comply.
Dear Readers,
Let me know if you find any broken links, errors, or something doesn't download. I'm pretty tired and all the evil BS is blurring together right now. Unlike Satan's minions in government I do not have a team of well-rested debooonkers on hand so I'm relying on you to help me.
Ok, many are requesting that I print this into hard copy. I have calculated with a big box printer and there are 718 pages at 15c each so it will cost me $107.70. I can do that with your Ko-Fi donations thank you kindly! For anyone who feels compelled, many thanks: https://ko-fi.com/excessdeathsau
I am not sure how long it will take me but I will show you "the goods" once it is finished (or they kick me out at closing time).
In the meantime, please please share the article on social media or with your friends, church, club, etc. You are the most important people out there and I cannot do this without you. I am only one person.
Holy cow! This was an epic undertaking! Such an important read for not just Australians, but for all of us. As goes Australia, so go we all. It’s clear that many governments, across the world, have been in lockstep pushing their agenda and “Covid” was their excuse to ram it down our throats. What you’ve detailed is their totalitarian march to subjugate the masses, clearly detailed here! Thank you.