Welcome article for new readers: battlefield philosophy and my articles summarised
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Dear Readers,
Over the past year I have documented the response of the Australian government to covid using FOI requests, statistics, transcripts, videos, and news reports. I have produced original research and used the work of countless others both in Australia and overseas.
The excess deaths and horror that was unleashed on us was not ‘covid’ but government response to covid.
Stanton’s Stages of Genocide is a critical and informative framework but is limited in scope relative to the scale and nature of the covid response. Essentially, covid crimes has necessitated a new ‘covid lexicon.’
The importance of this new lexicon is to: 1) accurately describe the crimes and bear witness, 2) push back against the lies as they develop their own ‘covid reality,’ 3) identify the correct perpetrators, and 4) educate people so they do not re-perpetrate or become re-victimised during the next ‘emergency.’
For a superb breakdown of weaponised ‘covid language,’ please see:
The above article demonstrates how yes, ‘they’ really do get together and make up new words and decide your reality.
This covid democide ‘primer’ will likely change over time as my understanding evolves. While Australian examples are used for illustrative purposes, you can apply the terms in your own country as appropriate. It’s a place to start.
Yours Faithfully,
As long as it is day, we must do the works of Him who sent me.
Night is coming, when no one can work.
(John 9:4)
Table of Contents
I. Definitions
II. Articles
III. Covid democide is a matter of scale
IV. The three stages of covid democide
V. Final thoughts
I. Definitions
Democide - The intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.
Covid democide – Democide (as above) using the ostensible reasons of reducing or preventing covid symptoms or contracting the ‘virus that causes covid.’
Architects – The people in the democidal power structure who ‘craft the program and give the orders.’ Activities include (but are not limited to): inflating the danger of covid, crafting and/or imposing mandates, designing vaccine contracts and logistics, designing media campaigns including cognitive warfare techniques (e.g., ‘nudge tactics’), designing and implementing hospital protocols, and ordering subordinates to ignore data and safety signals.
Architects are often handsomely rewarded after the democide with government medals and awards, lucrative private industry employment, comfortable retirement, overseas ‘academic posts’ and increased personal wealth.
Collaborators – the people in the democidal power structure who follow and implement the orders of the Architects. Activities include (but are not limited to): implementing and executing hospital protocols and mandates, law and mandate enforcement, protecting vaccinators, being a vaccinator, and the lesser politicians and magistrates acting in their authoritative positions to implement, facilitate or ignore covid democide/data safety signals and the suffering and appeals of citizens to stop the democide.
Collaborators are often portrayed by the mainstream media and power structure as ‘heroic’ or ‘essential’ during the killing.
Democidaire – any person alleged to have committed, or is guilty of, democide. Includes covid democide Architects and Collaborators. From the French ‘genocidaire’ (genocide).
Witness-survivor - people who are aware of the covid democide: protestors, writers, activists, dissidents, fired workers, anyone who speaks out. Witness-survivors include the vaccine- and hospital protocol-injured who know they are/were injured including their surviving families, as well as the unvaccinated who were subject to administrative cruelty leading to suicide, depression, loss of income, careers, incarceration, lawfare, etc. To be a witness-survivor, one must be aware that the government-industrial complex is the active and intentional perpetrator of covid democide.
II. Articles
This is how they did it:
Here is the evidence (not in order):
III. Covid democide is a matter of scale
Covid democide is a global, genetic and spiritual crime.
Up until 2020, democide, genocide or government-directed mass murder events had been geographically limited. One tribe or religious group may have been pitted against another for the purposes of murder, or the government may have ‘cut out the middleman’ and performed the murder using its own appointed actors (in or out of uniform) acting in their authoritative capacities. Traditionally after the mass murder is committed, an external group is then invited or arrives by force to document the crimes and provide justice.
Covid democide involved all levels of government actors (Architects and Collaborators) operating in their authoritative positions, but these actors (particularly the Architects) collaborated across international boundaries, within and across jurisdictions, as well as with multinational private industry, military, media, insurance, industry, health care and among civilians who were recruited into the democide via psychological and cognitive warfare tactics (i.e., the antithesis of the Witness-Survivor). Covid democide was deliberate global, coordinated institutional capture and had been planned over many decades.
has meticulously outlined the ‘legal walls of the kill box’ and everyone needs to understand this concept, whether you are in Australia, the US or elsewhere. Australians, this is why your ‘informed consent,’ FairWork, religious freedom, and human rights did not exist under the States of Emergency (federal and state) and keep failing and being blocked in the court. It is why data and safety signals will not ‘turn this around.’ It is why people are still being punished and stripped of their licenses to work in 2023 for ‘crimes’ committed during the State of Emergency. Please read Ms Watt’s article and her words:“…since Jan. 30, 2020, in the United States and most other countries, government murder of citizens (democide) has been legalized.
And self-preservation and lifesaving of others have been criminalized.
At some point, it will become clear to a wider segment of the American population that for more than two years now, we’ve already been ruled over by a global organized crime syndicate. Law enforcement and courts are not going to save us. We have to understand that reality, and we have to respond to it.”
People have yet to understand the difference between what is legal as opposed to what is moral, and Ms Watt explains to you that what is happening is quite ‘legal’ yet completely immoral.
Covid democide is not just global, but microscopic, even if not immediately fatal; our genetic code is likely to have been adulterated by the mRNA injections.
In February 2022 an article was published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology demonstrating that the genetic material from the Pfizer vaccine could be incorporated into human DNA via reverse transcriptase in the lab in as little as six hours after exposure.
When I read this, I knew we had crossed the Rubicon.
At the time, I could not get people (even the unvaccinated) to understand what was happening, or the implications of this research. Still to this day normalcy bias (or hypernormalisation) prevents people from following this information forward. Yet, people are beginning to see how important this issue is now, and it has even been platformed in more mainstream news outlets in Australia (See here and here from
).Taxa may be distinguished based on genetic differences. Will these differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated people be somehow impactful beyond normally expected genetic variability? How ‘synthetic’ are the vaccinated if synthetic material is incorporated into human DNA? It’s not like this is a new area of research - see how old the references are in this review paper.
***Edit December 23, 2023: paper by Dhuli et al. (2023) “Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome.” demonstrating that mRNA COVID vaccines permanently integrate into the DNA of some COVID-vaccinated people. For an easy-to-read article, please see: COVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds.
***Edit May 23, 2024: And it is not just mRNA vaccines that are affecting/integrating with recipient DNA. Please see discussion and evidence in the below article of adenovirus vaccines (AstraZeneca, J&J) and genotoxicity:
What happens if we are no longer a unified human race?
Where are the philosophers? Well, there is one.
Let us look to the work of Yuval Noah Harari of the World Economic Forum. In his book Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, he says that there will be a massive new “useless class” of people, Silicon Valley will produce new religions, and we will become self-made gods. Harari “offer(s) a vision of tomorrow…where humanity loses its very meaning…and we should no longer expect any higher being to shape our destinies for us.” Harari goes on to propose that “humankind will next seek immortality…ultimately render(ing) most human beings superfluous.”
Many have suggested religious, spiritual, energetic and social effects of the covid vaccines. Christians have proposed religious implications based in scripture, spiritualists and body workers have noted effects, and
has proposed changes in the human condition.The ‘non-mRNA’ injections (particularly Novavax) were heavily marketed to Christians as ‘spiritually and physically safe’ because they were told that it ‘did not interfere with their DNA.’ On August 3, 2022 the European Medicines Agency released a safety bulletin about the Novavax injection (Nuvaxovid) warning recipients of anaphylaxis, paraesthesia and hypoaesthesia (tingling/crawling sensations in the skin), myocarditis, and pericarditis. (Archive link). While studies have not yet described any genotoxicity associated with Novavax, readers should be reminded that they are not looking very hard at the mechanisms of damage by these injections and the goalposts are moving rapidly with the lies from the establishment about genotoxicity.
In addition to the well-documented psychological brutality of the lockdowns, mandates and border closures in Australia that did not apply to the wealthy and Architects, covid democide via the vaccines is a socio-spiritual crime.
According to FOI 2445, Pfizer explained the “scientific development and clinical trial process underway, medical information on the novel mRNA vaccine technology, manufacturing, supply chain and procurement processes…in a lengthy and highly detailed slide deck…in a 90 minute meeting to have sufficient time to get through all this detail and Q&A." Therefore, the Australian government knew or could have known about the ‘science behind the Pfizer vaccine in detail’ in July of 2020 before the vaccine rollout.
The Australian government is also deeply embedded with the World Economic Forum. One day after the covid State of Emergency was declared March 16, 2020, Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF wrote to Minister Greg Hunt (FOI 3657; March 17) inviting him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’ Hunt was Director of Global Strategy at the WEF in Geneva from 2000-2001 reporting directly to the CEO of the WEF.
In March 2022, Hunt approved Australia’s dual-use gain-of-function research programs ‘of concern.’ These programs, conducted at a BSL4, according to the government’s own words ‘modify viruses and bacteria to increase their risk to humans or increase pandemic potential.’ Dual-use research, as defined by the report, is ‘research that is intended to provide a clear benefit, but which could easily be misapplied to do harm.’
While I am not afraid of ‘pandemics’ per se as they are defined by ‘tests’ and ‘cases,’ people should understand that what is created in these labs (vaccines - i.e., countermeasures) are bioweapons.
This is a bioweapons facility, but not in the way they want you to think.
Australia is also deeply embedded with the World Health Organisation, so much so that WHO pronouncements are used to 1) declare states of emergency and remove our human and constitutional rights (FOI 2655) and 2) reduce federal reporting of excess deaths. Australia has just re-committed to the WHO in the form of $100 M, $75 M of which is ‘voluntary funding to “be prepared for future shocks.”
To reiterate, democide is the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect. Covid democide uses the ostensible reasons of reducing or preventing covid symptoms or contracting the ‘virus that causes covid’ in order to kill unarmed citizens by direct action, indifference and neglect.
The Australian government has ample opportunity and qualified people available to choose life-affirming action, but instead committed covid democide and continues to fund research that puts Australians at risk.
IV. The three stages of covid democide
Covid democide occurs via multiple avenues across three broad stages, and the stages occur simultaneously. Broadly, these three stages are:
Stage 1: Active murder (acute and ongoing)
Stage 2: Coverup/obfuscation (‘denial’)
Stage 3: Witness-survivor torment (occurs across stages 1 and 2)
Stage 1: Active murder (acute and ongoing)
Stage 1 of covid democide includes (but is not limited to) hospital protocols, lockdowns and lockouts, cognitive warfare, border closures, withholding early treatment, vaccine mandates, covid injections, maltreatment, isolation, kidnap to ‘medihotels’ and quarantine centres, forced/coerced injection, ignoring data safety signals, weaponising the media against the unvaccinated and witness-survivors, spiritual criminality, genetic alteration, and censorship. For reference, please see ‘Stanton’s Stages of Genocide.’
EXAMPLE 1 - Western Australian 2021 vaccine injury report.
EXAMPLE 2 - June-July 2021 weekly meetings at the federal level about covid-vaccine-induced thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) and myocarditis (FOI 2917).
Present at the meetings included individuals representing ATAGI, ATAGI COVID-19 WG Secretariat, the individuals at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, the individuals at the Department of Health, the individual representing the Australian Army, and “invited representatives.” The individuals at these meetings saw that people were being maimed and killed by the vaccine and discussed this fact. Yet, they continued the vaccine rollout, followed by mandates at the state government level. They did not stop the vaccine rollout because they did not want to.
Stage 2: Coverup/obfuscation (‘denial’)
Perpetrators (particularly Architects) engage in coverup, obfuscation and denial because a crime or immoral act has been committed. The purpose of Stage 2 is to evade justice – either formally or in the court of public opinion or politics. If Stage 1 did not occur, Stage 2 would not occur.
EXAMPLE 1 – Review of Western Australia’s COVID-19 Management and Response
EXAMPLE 2 – Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) erasing all non-covid deaths from 2022 by
EXAMPLE 3 – Australian Senate votes to not investigate the excess deaths
Stage 3: Witness-survivor torment
The purpose of witness-survivor torment is four-fold:
to solidify the prevailing ‘narrative’ as emphasised by government-media-censorship complex,
to re-write history as the victor,
to demoralise the witness,
to chill dissent and resistance among the group.
Witness-survivor torment is psychological warfare. The witness-survivor is tormented into mental illness and depression for the aim of demoralisation and inaction. Obfuscation of reality in the form of (for example) abusive or contradictory email replies from Architects and Collaborators to citizens (or not replying at all) as well as bogus ‘inquiries’ (see Stage 2) are key aspects of this torment, as is social isolation of Witness-survivors. Witness-survivor torment includes lawfare and surveillance by police/government collaborators culminating in Zersetzung; a psycho-social technique developed by the Stasi. Witness-survivor torment may end in taking one’s life.
EXAMPLE 1b - As above. Complete timeline with examples, media headlines and embedded ExcessDeathsAU articles.
EXAMPLE 2 - Northern Beaches Council insults grieving family of man killed by Pfizer gene-vaccine by
EXAMPLE 3 - Suicide of Dr. Jackie Stone of Zimbabwe. by
V. Final thoughts
Many people have asked me ‘why are they doing this?’
My answer is always: ask them. I am not the one killing people or going along with the killing.
And to be honest, their motivations are not my focus, because they are nebulous and varied. My focus is on preventing this from happening again.
The easiest thing in the world is to get fearful people to hate each other. In the case of covid democide, the fear of a ‘virus’ and social exclusion was used by the Architects to instil hatred towards the unvaccinated, dividing society so that resistance to their power grab was hobbled. The unvaccinated were scapegoated, ‘othered’ and subjected to brutal psychological warfare at the hands of the state with friends and family members often fulfilling proxy-Collaborator roles. The divide-and-conquer strategy is pathetically simple, that is why it is so effective.
Recently I posed the question to the Architects and Collaborators: do you feel safe in the system you have created?
Because there are people behind the scenes, really influential people, who will throw you to the wolves the second you have outlived your usefulness.
Architects, there is no seat on their ark for you.
There’s a deep evil lurking in the hearts of men. My parents were convinced that “I’d be gasping to breathe in hospital” if I didn’t take the jab. Their solution to my refusal was to make me homeless. Another former acquaintance remarked that “oppression is okay if you are on the side of the oppressor.” There’s a deep sickness here. It’s the result of decades of consumerism and apathy, something Australians excel at. Playing on our psychological weaknesses is easy, because most of us are weak.
Superbly compiled summary. As always, thanks for your efforts!