Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.
Long-form article and analysis

Welcome article for new readers.
ExcessDeathsAU has been banned from social media: I rely on you to share articles
Summary - added December 2024 for new readers.
The Australian covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation; a live exercise which was war gamed well in advance under the auspices of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus. ‘Covid’ was not a health event. It was an act of war on civilians. It was not an ‘accident,’ it was not ‘botched,’ it was not a ‘mistake.’
The murder began early in 2020 when people were killed in hospitals and care homes throughout the Five Eyes countries (UK, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Canada) and elsewhere in order to create panic via the illusion of a widespread deadly pandemic, especially for the elderly and vulnerable:
In Western Australia, the man in charge of the covid response is named Andrew Robertson, a former UN bioweapons inspector in Iraq. He, along with a panel of qualified people in the government watched the covid vaccine injuries roll in during ‘covid zero’ for nearly a year while the hospitals collapsed and then mandated the bioweapons (named ‘vaccines’):
Domestic legislation at state and federal levels legalised the tyranny, and until these laws and acts are seen and removed, it will happen again.
‘Wins’ touted by the ‘freedom movement’ have thus far been awarded on procedural grounds, and in Agreed Facts state that both the Emergency powers and shots were ‘important to preserve public health’:
No one in government or from any political party anywhere is removing these laws and acts. You are watching political theatre. Con men are playing confidence games on the desperate.
Australian ‘freedom lawyers’ are not interested in stress-testing the accountability of the architects of covid democide under Emergency powers. Despite their talk of ‘justice’ they are not actively pursuing it by holding the perpetrators to account - they have ignored my emails and communications while they continue to misdirect and deceive the public. Their reasons are their own.
Andrew Robertson is still in his position as Chief Health Officer of Western Australia.
With God, all we have is non-compliance. No one is coming to save us.
Not your favourite politician in Australia or overseas. Or influencer. Or ‘freedom hero.’
No one.
Do not comply.
Begin original article
Dear Readers,
Last Anzac Day I wrote this poem:
And on Thanksgiving I wrote this article celebrating the divinely-inspired US founding documents and the humility of President George Washington’s leadership:
I think everyone reading knows by now that something has captured not just the US and Australian governments, but governments around the world. Some call it Satan, or Blackrock, or ‘the faceless men.’ For brevity I will call it ‘The Monster.’
The Monster exploits weakness to allow evil to flourish. For most of us that is a sort of blind pride that destroys discernment. In our jobs, our country, our homes, our bodies, our discipline, our effectiveness, our success, our heroes. Humility is not celebrated today. Few people apologise. To do so would show ‘weakness to the enemy.’
The Australian covid response was a joint US military operation and the enemy was unarmed civilians.
We are very lucky to have US analysts like
and who have laid much of this groundwork and we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude. (For the enterprising readers ahead of the curve, this article is very large-scale, so do not despair if you do not see your favourite word (countermeasures) mentioned. God willing, that is coming).We watched as the Australian military hauled Aboriginal people off to camps in the Northern Territory, the government-run media saying ‘everything is fine’ when we were terrified, yet simultaneously terrifying us when things were actually fine. We watched as Australian military patrolled Western Sydney, an area full of people of working-class Middle Eastern background. We watched as ‘Dan’s goon squad’ (many were VicPol, but we still do not know who some were; faces covered, no patches, military bearing) terrorised the people of Melbourne – getting the kit out of the armoury and blasting away at the Australian War Memorial and in the streets.
Australians were not used to this, being treated like enemy combatants in a war by our own government (remember that phrase: ‘whole-of-government’).
They could have stayed home. Or, they could have joined us:
Sure, a lot of what happened on the ground was ‘police,’ but you will see that at the highest level, this was a military operation, with military logistics and military psychological warfare.
As a result, here is what many of us saw:
Because the men in fancy dress ‘just followed orders,’ we are not the same country anymore.
While what was done to us was deadly, and although the images and videos are extremely re-traumatising, even writing this article I laughed a lot because the clown show was next-level, and I am reminded of how much love we have for each other.
My fellow Australians, they never, ever counted on our satire. The US DOD and Australian clown commandos cannot beat our spicy memes and jokes, and we rose to the occasion.
If you resisted what all the ‘war colleges’ threw at us and remained unjabbed, you beat the greatest biological and psychological terrorism operation in human history. Maybe we should be teaching at these ‘war colleges,’ but what we have cannot be taught. It is given to us by God.
If you woke up to the scam, welcome aboard. Tell others. We need you.
Yours Faithfully,
*Please note that as you read the article the videos are not always in temporal order according to the Figure. If you find any errors/typos as you read, please let me know and I’ll fix them up.
**If you get confused with the timeline, look at the Figure in the frontispiece - print it out to follow along.
4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.
I. Background reading & key concepts
II. Preparation and build-up phase
III. Operational Phase 1 - fear/pandemic theatre
IV. Operational Phase 2 - scaled-up tyranny, delivery and injection of vaccine bioweapon
V. Epilogue - War and Democide (Visceral Adventure)
I. Background reading & key concepts
Please read about the full-spectrum dominance psychological warfare unleashed on the people of Western Australia; it is essential to understanding this article:
And the timeline of events at the Federal level (by FOI - the numbers cited in this article tie in here):
And the key concepts of covid democide. I wrote this because if we ever get to trial, these are the layers of perpetrators and we will need language to describe what happened. Yet, even if we never see justice on this earth, we still need language:
From Katherine Watt
:The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.
Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary and Secretary of Defense on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers.
Key articles cited:
Readers, what Ms Watt describes also occurred in Australia. Once the Chief Medical Officer declared the State of Emergency citing the WHO and the Human Biosecurity Act 2015 (see Figure, this article), legal power was transferred upwards, away from us, and our constitutional rights (in particular) to freedom of religion and movement across state borders, but also laws about bodily autonomy, FairWork, informed consent, human rights, were legally null and void (although, of course, we are already subjects of the Crown).
But also what you will see in this article is that the CMO and military laid the foundations for this usurping of power long before the Federal SOE was declared. The SOE was only the beginning of the operational phase. Before that, the immediate preparation and build-up (n.b., this article does not discuss the legal framework, it simply shows you what happened).
Many people cannot grasp the concept outlined above and stubbornly remain blinded to this reality. If this is you, I ask: it’s 2024. Is anyone dismantling the laws that caused the mandates? It is called a legal killbox for a reason.
Why do we allow the government to do this to us? To just pass laws that can take away our rights when they want to? To declare Emergencies that can be turned on or off? To first be implemented, then wound back on ‘technicalities’ or ‘updated information’ that we are meant to ‘celebrate as wins’ when the boot is slightly released from our neck. Only slaves celebrate being released into the prison yard.
The laws are still in place and the prison cell is still there behind us, waiting for the next Emergency.
And see:
Sasha Latypova
(bold mine, for emphasis):We are at war in the US and globally. Public Health Emergencies have largely the same legal status as war declarations (National Emergency). PHE (PHEIC) declarations effectively suspend the Constitution, let the Executive branch (including DOD and HHS) usurp the power and neuter the Legislative and Judicial branches of the government. Once initiated, there are no stopping conditions.
Deployment of the bio-chemical poisons advertised as “vaccines” or any other medical countermeasures (for covid or another made-up “pandemic”) does not depend on federal or state pharmaceutical regulations and are not subject to any consumer or research subject protections, such as informed consent rules. Thus, any activities advertised as “clinical trials” or regulatory actions in relation to these bio-chemical materials are theatrics to fool the public and especially the professional class into believing this is a health event, and that they are receiving (or administering) treatments.
DOD oversaw the development, manufacture, and distribution of the countermeasures.
I keep pointing out that if the motive were JUST PROFIT, then the most profitable strategy would have been to ship placebo. They would not be violating any laws by doing so, there would be no adverse events and deaths, the product would look perfectly cGMP compliant, while covid would have gone away quickly by itself. Yet, the governments (plural)-pharma cartel insists on killing and injuring millions of people, obviously limiting the profit potential by doing so.
Key articles:
Summary of Everything and Quick Links, Updated - Year End 2023
The role of the UD DoD (and their co-investors) in “covid countermeasures” enterprise.
What you will see in this article dovetails the work of Ms Watt and Ms Latypova: that the US DOD made and distributed the covid vaccine bioweapons, and that the US DOD was intimately involved in the Australian covid response – from modelling ‘the spread’ that determined our daily lives (in place a few days after the WHO PHEIC was declared, well in advance of the federal State of Emergency), to training and hosting our soldiers, to our top soldier in charge of the psychological operation a Commando himself in charge of US ‘clandestine operations’ in Tampa, Florida (It would be naïve to think that he was not chosen for his position in Operation COVID-19 Assist by accident).
The Australian military even designed the ventilators in our hospitals and ‘did financial things’ to ‘keep the economy afloat.’ At the direction of the Prime Minister Scott Morrison, they were in charge of the communication at the state level and even the workers’ unions.
Enterprising readers would remember when I published Australia’s Novavax vaccine contract (with redactions), after the Australian Senate voted to not release them. They could have done this as well, but chose not to. In fact, contained in the contract was the clause that “politicians may know about this Agreement and associated information if they requested the information and adhered to confidentiality agreements.” When people are being maimed and killed by a military bioweapon, at what point does ‘fear of being sued’ end for these cowards? If they knew or suspected Australians were being maimed and killed, why were they afraid to break confidentiality?
For those who need or want more on the Australian-US ‘alliance,’ false flags, and empire, please see:
Operation Gladio. On NATO, Empire’s terrorism, and The Netherlands by
silent enim leges inter arma
“In times of war, the law falls silent.”
II. Preparation and build-up phase
Original cross-documentary evidence found in this article: FOI 2655
21 January 2020
Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy declares ‘human coronavirus with pandemic potential’ to be listed as a human disease under Section 42 of the Biosecurity Act 2015.
***TYRANNY ALERT: Please keep your eyes on this document (Biosecurity Act 2015). When it changes, we are in the shit. When they are pushing any of these diseases currently on the list in the media or at the WHO, we are in the shit.
has noted that the US has added ‘acute radiation syndrome’ to their tyranny documents (US PREP Act). If Australia adds ‘acute radiation syndrome’ or anything new to the Act, you know where we are (in the shit).30 January 2020
From FOI 2655: WHO determined COVID-19 to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
3 February 2020
Pandemic modelling: US DOD (DTRA) & Aus DSTG
The US Department of Defence (DTRA) and Australia’s Defence Science Technology Group provided the earliest Australian pandemic modelling that could determine “thresholds and indicators that would confirm established community spread and support relaxation of enhanced case-finding and isolation activities, and border measures” (so, how restricted our freedoms were in the community and our homes and states based on ‘spread’ and ‘cases’).
These models were even ‘adapted and changed over time to reflect current and emerging understanding.’ (What is ‘emerging understanding,’ anyway?)

More about these military agencies:
DTRA provides cross-cutting solutions to enable the Department of Defense, the United States Government, and international partners to Deter strategic attack against the United States and its allies; Prevent, reduce, and counter WMD and emerging threats; and Prevail against WMD-armed adversaries in crisis and conflict.
Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) is the Australian Government’s lead agency responsible for applying science and technology to safeguard Australia and its national interests…As Australia’s second-largest national science agency, DSTG brings together interdisciplinary expertise from across Australia and around the world to address Defence and national security challenges. Their role is to work closely with the Australian science, technology and innovation eco-system to deliver scientific advice and solutions that provide capability enhancement for Defence and the national security community.
Meanwhile, experts are baffled as to why ‘governments will not release the pandemic data’ and ‘COVID modelling commissioned by the federal government is kept under wraps.’
Come on, guys.
Howard Springs COVID facility, Northern Territory
Edit: January 2, 2024. All of Deactivist’s YT videos are now gone. Happened after I published this article.
Please see Odysee for video: Australia just released the ARMY onto their own citizens
Full link adress:
December 1, 2021. Click for article.
He (Ed. - Chief Minister Gunner) said the escape could mean an extension of the time the teenagers were required to stay in quarantine.
"Because we will catch you and there will be consequences."
November 24, 2023. Click for article.
The Northern Territory coroner is set to investigate whether it was legal to compulsorily detain people in Australia's "gold standard" quarantine facility during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In April, Coroner Elisabeth Armitage will examine the deaths of Raylene Dick, David Hardy and Karen Bading, all of whom died during the six-week period between December 2021 and January 2022.
Look at the dates. (Run kids, run. Or, do not get on the bus in the first place. Do not go to the camp, do not comply).
9 March 2020
Source document (Wayback Machine): Department of Defence Annual Report 2019-20
Formation of COVID-19 Taskforce
…led by Lieutenant General John Frewen DSC AM. Lieutenant General Frewen was supported by the First Assistant Secretary Governance and Reform, Megan Lees. This leadership combination embodied the collaborative, integrated relationship between Defence’s Australian Public Service (APS) workforce and the Australian Defence Force (ADF)—a partnership that made Defence uniquely able to coordinate the operational and policy aspects of its response.
The COVID-19 Taskforce was established to coordinate Defence’s contribution to the whole-of-government response, ensure departmental resilience and support Defence capabilities with advice, policy initiatives and communications so that our business could continue in a rapidly changing situation.
The health and wellbeing of our personnel was the highest priority, to ensure that we could continue to provide essential Defence capability throughout the developing crisis.
Please read about Lt. Gen Frewen here.
Excerpts and more from above bio:
Head Military Strategic Commitments
The Head Military Strategic Commitments is also responsible for the Australian Defence Force Investigative Service, strategic communications, strategic crisis response, the Australian Defence Force Parliamentary Program, and engagement with the United Nations and other coalition partners. Click for Wiki.
National commander of all Australian Defence personnel in the Middle East, including Iraq and Afghanistan, throughout 2017.
Graduate of the US Army War College
The purpose of US Army War College at this time in our Nation's history is to produce graduates from all our courses who are skilled critical thinkers and complex problem solvers in the global application of Landpower. Concurrently, it is our duty to the Army to also act as a "Think Factory" for Commanders and Civilian Leaders at the strategic level worldwide and routinely engage in discourse and debate on ground forces' role in achieving national security objectives. Source.
(“Think Factory”)
After the end of his important covid thinking, Lt. Gen Frewen was rewarded for waging war on Australians by being “appointed as Chief of Joint Capabilities and (will) commence(d) in that role on completion of the national vaccine rollout.”
…head of the Joint Capabilities Group (JCG) in the Australian Department of Defence. position was created on 1 July 2017
Australian Civil-Military Centre
Australian Defence College
Joint Health Command
Joint Logistics Command
Information Warfare Division (includes space capabilities)
Joint Military Police Unit
Reserve and Youth Division
Women, Peace and Security
Please enjoy some deep thinking from Mr Think Factory himself, where he is also your doctor and breakfast TV show host:
11 March 2020
Original cross-documentary evidence found in this article: FOI 2655
WHO declares a covid pandemic based on ‘international spread, case numbers and deaths.’
Excerpts you may find interesting (I did):
We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus.
And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled, at the same time.
(Just let that second sentence settle, readers. Let it stew, after everything that was done to us, to our children. Our elderly. Let it…sink in…).
This is not just a public health crisis, it is a crisis that will touch every sector
I have said from the beginning that countries must take a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach
There it is.
Please read the whole speech. Given the low ‘case’ fatality rate, there was no need for this hysteria (there is never need for killing civilians or taking away people’s rights and declaring war in order to consolidate power through terrorism).
As always, I will let you be the judge for what is happening here.
III. Operational Phase 1 - fear/pandemic theatre
16 March 2020
Original cross-documentary evidence found in this article: FOI 2655
Australian federal State of Emergency is declared by Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy under the Biosecurity Act 2015. For those who wish to read in-text please see my transcription below images (bold mine indicating legal transfer of power away from the people to the Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt and Military into a war-time footing).
Images are to preserve documentary evidence.
I believe on the basis of international and national evidence, that COVID-19 poses a severe and immediate threat to human health on a nationally significant scale. Globally, as at 16 March 2020, there are 163,716 cases in 149 countries. There is now some evidence of community transmission of COVID-19 within Australia, with 298 cases being reported within Australia (as at 6am 16 March 2020), including 5 deaths. 40 of these cases, including 3 deaths, have no history of overseas travel. The global case fatality rate for COVID-19 is currently estimated at as high as 3.8%, with the risk of death reported to increase with age.
We have a time-limited opportunity to interrupt the transmission of the disease and reduce the number of cases and deaths within Australia, and the subsequent burden on the Australian health system. Based on this information I am formally recommending to you that the declaration of a human biosecurity emergency is necessary to support the containment the human biosecurity threat of COVID-19.
The declaration of a human biosecurity emergency will provide you with the power to set requirements and give directions as necessary to manage the risk of COVID-19. The declaration of an emergency now provides powers to give effect to requirements and directions over the coming days. Without limiting these powers, it is prudent to consider giving legal effect to recommendations to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival in Australia, banning mass gatherings (of 500 people or more), and restrictions on visitation to aged care facilities and remote communities. It is important to reduce the spread of the disease and in particular protect our vulnerable communities, while ensuring that our capacity to test and treat, not only COVID-19 patients but all Australians requiring health care, is sustainable.
[redacted s47C, s47E(d)]
I note with concern that 10 cases, including one death, in Australia are associated with the Diamond Princess repatriation. Worldwide there are a number of cruise vessel that have experienced significant onboard transmission, resulting in the identification of hundreds of additional COVID-19 cases. [Redaction s47C]
[Redaction s47C, s47E(d)]
I am satisfied that the declaration of a human biosecurity emergency is necessary to enable powers to give effect to the clinical recommendations of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee. I, in my capacity as Director of Human Biosecurity, recommend that the initial period of the emergency declaration be for three months to ensure the human biosecurity declaration is in effect for an appropriate length of time to manage the immediate and medium term response requirements.
Yours sincerely
Professor Brendan Murphy
Chief Medical Officer and Directory of Human Biosecurity
Please note these words in bold: “without limiting these powers.” That was how they were able to legally ratchet up the tyranny. Please also see state Emergency declarations. The one in Western Australia is particularly next-level (WA Health Act 2016):
And on the subject of state issues, please note this group mentioned in the SOE declaration: Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee is the key decision-making committee for health emergencies. Australia's Chief Medical Officer chairs this committee, which includes all state and territory Chief Health Officers.
This, dear readers, is why it is a killbox.
1 April 2020
Source document (Wayback Machine): Department of Defence Annual Report 2019-20
Live Exercise 1: Operation COVID-19 ASSIST (fear/pandemic theatre - cognitive warfare).
Led by Major General Paul Kenny DSC DSM, it was an operation built on partnership as the ADF supported the Commonwealth, state and territory governments to protect public health.
ADF members and Defence civilians were deployed across Australia on a range of
tasks, including: repatriating Australian citizens from overseas, planning support and liaison roles, ensuring quarantine compliance with local law enforcement agencies, providing frontline medical assistance, supporting the defence industry, assisting Australia’s partners in the Indo-Pacific.
Defence personnel reopened and operated the emergency department at North West Regional Hospital, whose staff were sent home for two weeks quarantine following an outbreak of COVID-19.
Please click to enjoy many photos of Australian soldiers bravely washing their hands in Tasmania:
We provided planning assistance, medical personnel and support personnel to testing centres across Melbourne, New South Wales and Queensland. Defence personnel acted in concert with the rapid whole-of-government measures to control the virus across Australia.
At the request of the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology in response to concerns about Australia’s supply of invasive ventilators, the Chief Defence Scientist, Professor Tanya Monro, formed a Rapid Response Group to research possible methods of repurposing non-invasive ventilators to perform as invasive ventilators.
Defence scientists and engineers quickly pivoted from developing military hardware to designing precision medical equipment and learning about ventilator operation and oxygen requirements for critical COVID-19 patients.
So…the Australian military designed the hospital ventilators for ‘critical patients?’
(I’ll just tuck that away for later. Meanwhile, please see this post by
, with links to Sasha Latypova videos and Substack about the deadly hospital protocols involving ventilators. If you are reading this and still think that ventilators and hospital and other government protocols ‘saved covid patients’ I cannot help you anymore).Defence was involved in pandemic modelling to investigate the effectiveness of physical distancing measures and the influence of environmental factors. The results were provided to the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee.
In collaboration with CSIRO and members of the Five Nation Research and Development Council, Defence investigated how the COVID-19 virus survived on various surfaces such as metal, glass, plastic and banknotes.
I do not think that the ‘Five Nation Research and Development Council’ exists. I looked everywhere, even on their joint publications. Can someone find this exact organisation?
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated a true partnership between government and industry. Defence industry worked extremely hard to keep businesses operating safely and continued to invest in and deliver capability to Defence. In turn, Defence invested in industry, maintaining cash flow in the economy and supporting business growth by linking companies with opportunities across Australia.
Defence was an exemplar in accelerating the payment of supplier invoices, fast-tracking more than $8 billion to help mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. We also released $870 million of estate works to the market early to open up new jobs and business opportunities, providing a steady pipeline of work for thousands of Australians during the pandemic recovery phase.
Actually, we paid for that, and this ‘pandemic financial acceleration’ deliberately created inflation and our current level of desperation.
(If you want to read more vague words about what Defence did with our money, see Wayback Machine: Industry Support Cell)
Full-time and Reserve members were embedded with local health agencies to trace potential paths of infection from confirmed COVID-19 cases. Members with medical and planning backgrounds made particularly effective contributions in the initial stages of establishing contact-tracing operations.
Defence APS personnel volunteered for redeployment to assist with critical whole-of-government priorities during the pandemic. More than 200 deployed to Services Australia—most based in Canberra and a small number in Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide.
After training by Services Australia, these Defence personnel worked on critical tasks such as processing income support payments for the many Australians who were losing their jobs because of the pandemic. Many took on roles in a call centre environment, speaking with customers over the phone and processing their JobSeeker claims.
(Everything is fine, Australia is fine).
Please read about Maj. Gen. Paul Kenny here.
(Remember that Kenny is in charge of this Live Exercise 1, subordinate to Mr. Think Factory).
From the above bio:
Commando Officer Selection Course in 1994.
Commanded the Special Forces Training Centre (2006–07) and the 2nd Commando Regiment (2008–09). He commanded at the formation level as the commander of the International Security and Advisory Force – Special Operations Forces (ISAF SOF) in Afghanistan in 2013.
Director of Special Operations and Plans at Special Operations Command – Australia (2011–12).
Deputy Director of Operations at United States Special Operations Command in Tampa (2015–17).
USSOCOM is involved with clandestine activity, such as direct action, special reconnaissance, counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, unconventional warfare, psychological warfare, civil affairs, and counter-narcotics operations.
Major General Kenny has also been awarded the US Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious service as the CJ5 NSOCC-A and a second US Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious service as the Deputy Director of Operations at US Special Operations Command.
The Special Operations Joint Task Force - Afghanistan (SOJTF-A) is the United States component of the NATO Special Operations Component Command - Afghanistan (NSOCC-A). The commander of NSOCC-A is also the commander of SOJTF-A - a dual-hat command arrangement.
Please watch a propaganda video from Commando Clown, where he declares war on fresh air; his personal video diary of what it looks like when the Constitution is overthrown and your human rights are nullified (but it’s ok he’s a father…and he is thinking of you, dear readers):
July (and September) 2020
FOI documents showing Australia communicating about US DOD Operation Warp Speed-produced covid vaccine bioweapons.
Also shows Australian government denying effectiventess of HCQ on same document and other vaccine candidates. Please open the documents up and read them. There is a lot of interesting information.
FOI 3173 - Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments: State of Play (12 July 2020)
FOI 2445 - Company Liaison Template (Pfizer and the Australian Government)
For those with eyes to see, this is the motherlode. Open it and read it.
Number of covid vaccine bioweapon doses ordered from Operation Warp Speed, media announcements, ‘scientific progress,’ development timeline, location of fill and finish plants (US and Australia), partnership with Fosun Pharma (China), cost, location of legal indemnity (‘New York, for global consistency’), mRNA vaccine advantages (‘less biosafety required’ - based on what?), early allocation to priority populations (health care workers).
(Oh dear…alas, here comes that awkward moment when our favourite president was Commander-in-Chief of Operation Warp Speed but also a vaccine salesman…where people could not consent to the hospital protocols once kidnapped and restrained, and early treatments denied to facilitate the covid vaccine bioweapons. But of course, ‘you have your freedoms…he did not mandate it’).
Trump's 2016 campaign FEC filing showing substantial donations from Pfizer and Amgen:
The 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) is a tax-exempt organization registered to do business in the District of Columbia. The PIC served as the primary vehicle for planning and organizing activities around the 2017 Presidential Inauguration of Donald J. Trump. Source.
One million dollars from Pfizer on 22 December 2016:
$500,000 from Amgen on 23 December, 2016:
(I recommend looking up the company history and activities of Amgen. You will not be disappointed).
Here is EO 13887 President Trump signed setting up the Operation Warp Speed jab framework on 19 September 2019 - Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States To Promote National Security and Public Health.
Please understand, this is not about ‘influenza,’ this is about the ‘whole-of-government’ response to ‘pandemics’ and vaccine bioweapons ‘the Task Force’ co-chaired by Defense, facilitating the Act of War on the people - you:

Here is where President Trump gave everyone in Warp Speed an award in the final hours of his presidency:
General Mark Milley
Secretary Alex Azar
Jared Kushner
Dr. Moncef Slaoui
General Gustave Perna
Dr. Deborah Birx
Dr. Anthony Fauci
(there are 52 names in total, these are the first 7 awardees on the list).
Is it possible for someone to be both omnipotent and incompetent?
To aid in your decision, please see Katherine Watt:
IV. Operational Phase 2 - scaled-up tyranny, delivery and injection of vaccine bioweapon
8 June 2021
FOI 2564 - Prime Minister Scott Morrison further transfers power from the civilan sector to the military in order to distribute the covid vaccine bioweapons. Morrison writes to Lt. General Frewen (Mr. Think Factory) to ‘step up’ the vaccination campaign in a ‘new phase’ as Co-ordinator General of the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce.
Excerpts in text, screenshots for documentary evidence.

Key excerpts from the letter (bold mine):
As Co-ordinator General, you will have direct operational control of all relevant assets and resources across all Commonwealth government departments and agencies engaged in the direction and implementation of the national COVID vaccination program. Among other things, you will be responsible for communication around the vaccine rollout, engagement with states and territories, distribution and delivery of vaccines, engagement with health providers including hospital, GPs, Aboriginal Health Services and pharmacies, and engagement with key community stakeholders, business groups and unions.
“responsible for communication around the vaccine rollout, engagement with states and territories:”
“All the Australians just bent over and took it, especially in the cities.”
(Yeah, nah).
The goals of the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce are to ensure public confidence in the vaccine rollout and ensure as many Australians are vaccinated as early as possible within the TGA guidelines and available vaccine supply. Achievement of these goals will also ensure Australia’s economy is well-supported and our international borders are opened as quickly as possible. My expectation is that a direct command and control structure, with you as Co-ordinator General, will ensure that these goals are met.
”Public confidence”
1 July 2021
Live Exercise 2: Operation COVID Shield
Command: Lt Gen. John Frewen (as per PM Morrison’s letter, above).
This guy again.
Here is Mr Think Factory and his fancy friends telling you all about it:
It is an extremely long document that glows like the sun, but is pretty much the culmination of everything that I have described here. The military is in charge of everything, ‘public confidence’ (i.e., secrecy and censorship for positive press) is essential for the ‘roll out’ in order to ‘open the borders’ and ‘get back to normal.’
I will analyse this document in future articles, but it is chiefly concerned with ratcheting up the roll-out because on one hand we were not obeying, and on the other hand the international media was calling the Australian roll-out a ‘stroll-out’ and Morrison was in political trouble - even his US friends at the Washington Compost were making fun of him:
So what do Australian politicians do when they are internationally embarassed?
Terrorism: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.
30 July 2021:
Until the next article, West Australians should remember this guy (well, both of them I suppose):
New Year's open comments section - let's see what happens.
All of Deactivist's YT videos were taken down after I published this article and used his video on the army in Binjari.
Dat u Commando Clown x