Young Frenchman speaks: “There is no future for young people in France.”
An Ex-Muslim and Brother-in-Christ on the 2024 French election, history, and identity.
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Dear Readers,
I really enjoy publishing opinion pieces from guest authors.1 You may remember these previous first-person perspectives:
A letter from a coerce-jabbed Australian woman to her ‘unjabbed heroes’:
And the UK publican
who resisted the jab against incredible odds and delivered not one but two music festivals during lockdown:I am now honoured to bring you this brave article from a dynamic young Frenchman:
Please meet Mr. Salim ‘Frenchanon.’
I first made Salim’s acquaintance through his interesting writing via an online Christian ministry. Salim Frenchanon is a young ex-Muslim turned Christian whose experience intersects Islam and Christianity, French and English, history and the present. Salim speaks with boldness and authority on these cultural matters. No one can accuse Salim of being a ‘fascist far-right Nazi’ and he is clear-eyed and concise in his assessment.
I approached Salim Franchanon for an article because Substack does not have a lot of young voices and, not really knowing what was happening in France myself, I wanted his perspective. If Salim thinks and feels this way, a lot of other people in France will also think and feel this way. I think we should pay attention.
What Salim Frenchanon writes below is, in my opinion, the story of a great nation, renowned for its exceptional culture, that has been propagandised and humiliated into submission due to self-hatred. It is also the story of how collectivists ruthlessly and seamlessly organise and play the game while the right™ hands the country to the Real Owners on a silver platter. The article ends with a prophecy of self-destruction with notes from the Iranian Revolution.
For those who would use this article to score points or push an agenda, perhaps instead you would like to join me in self-reflection, deep mourning and repentance:
Or perhaps you would like to travel a bit further back in time to another bankers’ war that killed millions:
(Look at the Real Owners, hard at work).
The way to counter their plans is to expose them and act in love. To that end, please join me in praying for our brother in Christ Salim Frenchanon and all the people of France and their leaders. We send them our best wishes to live in peace together, and peace among and within all nations. It is peace that will foil their plans because they desperately want us to kill each other.
Thank you to paid subscribers who keep articles free for readers in 79 countries.
God Bless you readers, wherever you are.
Yours Faithfully,
41 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the plank in your own eye? 42 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck that is in your eye,’ when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother’s eye.
Luke 6:41-42. NKJV. Full chapter.
Article from Salim Frenchanon: why the 2024 election happened
Hello everyone! Please call me Salim Frenchanon. I am an ex-Muslim turned Christian from France. Today, I would like to write this article to try to explain to you the events that are currently happening in France.
To understand the current political and social situation in France, we need to go back in time to the Second World War.
Adolf Hitler and the German army occupied France after France completely failed to defend the country. For 4 years France was under German occupation until it was ‘liberated’ by America during the war.

The French claim that they all resisted the Nazis but this is fabricated – hardly anyone resisted at the time. But, when the ‘liberation’ was complete, everybody and their mother claimed to be ‘top-tier resisters that fought against the Nazi invaders.’
During the German occupation there was anti-Jewish propaganda and deportation of Jews to Poland and other camps. Therefore, after the war, there was demonisation of ‘everything fascist and Nazi,’ and the French ended up during the second half of the 20th century therefore despising anything ‘far-right.’
I can't stress this enough: fascism is a taboo in France. Voting for the far-right is frowned upon to the extreme. And it has remained well in the 21st century.
During the second half of the 20th century, France lost its Empire and began to have waves of immigration that started with the Pied-Noir, Arabs that fought for France during the Algeria-France war of Independence, and other Africans. At the same time France was hit with globalist, cultural Marxist propaganda to the extreme (e.g., forced diversity, drug culture, feminism, and the Boomers' absolutely sh*tty decisions and all the other things that are so well-known in the west).
Make no mistake: all of this is completely normal in France. That is the Normal. It has been the Normal for as long as I have been alive.
Europeans also have a saviour-complex: they MUST save everyone, and everything wrong with the other populations is their fault and they MUST take responsibility for it. For example: the Middle East was destroyed by the governments of the West. If they run away to go to the West, it's our duty as enlightened individuals to help them by giving them refuge. You don't want it? You're a racist.
For a time, the French could accept the Arabs and Africans due to the wonderful economic prosperity that France was having. However, there was more propaganda: ‘Oh no the French are not having enough kids’ (also due to propaganda). How to solve this problem? ‘Oh I know, immigration!’ Live and let live right? Love and everything right? We're not Nazis. Come here. We'll accept you. All you have to do is to integrate into Europe and everything will be fine.
Except that most of them did not integrate.
They came here, full of resentment, bitterness, and hatred. They remember the humiliation France had done to them during the time they were colonized, and they passed that hatred to their kids, who grew up with a sense of entitlement and a sense of “we're doing to them what they have done to us. They took from us and now we take from them. They deserve it.”
Again, the French were hit with such Marxist propaganda that they didn't wake up to this EVEN with all the terrorist attacks that were happening to them, all the while more and more and more of them were coming. To give you an explanation of just how bad the propaganda was, I'll go to the election of 2002.
The French presidential election works in two rounds. During this election, there were three main candidates:
Jacques Chirac (Right) got 19.88%
Lionel Jospin (Left) got 16.18%
Jean-Marie Le Pen (Far-Right) got 16.86%
During the second round, both the left and the right allied with each other to make a roadblock for the Far-Right. Jacques Chirac REFUSED to debate with Le Pen because “I won't debate with someone who represents intolerance and hatred.”
[Ed. - for examples of this language, telling the French people (and the world) they should be ‘ashamed’ and ‘afraid’ of ‘the racist candidate’ and ‘racist election results’ etc., please see this Guardian article from 2002. (Archive - no paywall).]
This led to:
Jacques Chirac (Right) winning the election with 82.21%
Jean-Marie Le Pen (Far-Right) got 17.79%
80 Percent. Can you imagine?
Just to let you know, Jean-Marie Le Pen was right about everything he said about the future of the country. Everything he said came true but those opposite said: ‘he's a fearmonger, so we won't vote for him.’
***Ed. - Salim Frenchanon has kindly provided us with a translated speech from Jean-Marie Le Pen entitled: “Statement by Mr. Jean-Marie Le Pen, president of the National Front and candidate in the 2002 presidential election, on his political project on immigration and national sovereignty, Paris, January 27, 2002.”
The speech occurred at a Conference entitled “Immigration and sovereignty” in Paris, January 27, 2002.
Link to the speech. (Archive link).
Here are some interesting excerpts from Mr. Le Pen’s speech but it is worth reading the whole thing:
Immigration is a taboo subject in France. It is frowned upon, even prosecuted and condemned, to debate it freely and democratically.
Immigration is a difficult subject because it crystallizes opinions and is the victim of a bad quarrel which has been exploited by the left in a racism/anti-racism opposition for basely electoral purposes.
Immigration is a fundamental fact in the history of humanity. The French political class has decided to avoid the debate so as not, it seems, to shock consciences and upset the thought police.
What we are demanding in terms of immigration policy is simply respect for the principles of reciprocity, justice and balance.
As such, talking about national preference is not racist. On the contrary, it is showing solidarity with the national community. It is legitimate and natural to protect one's community before taking care of the condition of other communities, even if we must remain attentive to the misery of others. The National Front defends all nationals regardless of their origins, races or skin colors. In the Republic, French citizenship is an essential element. It is not us who say this but the constitutional texts of the French Republic.
(Now, back to Salim Frenchanon).
‘NO PASARAN’ is the phrase the far-left uses. ‘NO PASARAN’ was a national call during the Spanish civil war about how they ‘won't let fascists pass.’ After that, it became an international call from leftists and far-leftists about how they'll ‘never allow the far-right to come into power,’ either democratically OR forcefully. (‘They won't pass’ = Ils ne passeront pas). This has become a staple of French politics: Left and Right will always ally against Far-Right because ‘NO FASCISM NO PASARAN.’
***Ed. - Dear Readers, I am sorry for this photo…but I think it perfectly illustrates what Salim Frenchanon is describing. A lot of the modern imagery I found regarding ‘NO PASARAN’ was commercial in nature and associated with Antifa.
Of course, during 2008-2024, with all the Islamic terrors on France and a government that is absolute sh*t (just because you vote against Far-Right doesn't mean that the other party is actually good, and is actually absolute sh*t), the French got tired.
Tired of Islam, tired of the slackness of their government towards all the internal problems France had, tired of all of it. For 40 years everybody said that “diversity is our strength,” “immigration is a chance for France” but the only reason they were able to get away with it before is because:
They were prosperous.
They were relatively safe (as in, the problem was not as big as it was going to be later).
It's like when you compartmentalize your problems: you put them at the back of your mind, and at some point or another, they pop back. And now they were popping back. Everything the Far-Right said came true. But the people were so lobotomized with anti-fascist, anti-racist propaganda that they couldn't accept it. Instead, when seeing the problems, they turned it on themselves: ‘it must be our fault somehow, we weren't good enough.’
Now here we are in 2024.
Again, the French electoral system works in two rounds. The first round was over and as most people know the Far-Right had won the great majority. (Archive).
There are 3 main blocs:
Nouveau Front populaire (Coalition of Left + Far-Left)
Les Républicains et alliés (Coalition of Right + center)
Rassemblement national et alliés (Far-Right + other Right)
In this election, the Far-Right actually had a chance. This time, their momentum was hot and high. They had won the first round easily. This time, in 2024, everyone thought they were in.
But they didn't win the second round.
Breakdown for the Nouveau Front populaire (Coalition of Left + Far-Left) got 180 seats.
71 for France insoumise (FAR-LEFT TO THE MAX)
64 for the Socialist Party (LEFT)
33 for the Ecologists (FAR-LEFT)
9 for the Communist Party (FAR-LEFT)
3 classified as Others (LEFT)
Les Républicains et alliés (Coalition of Right + center) got 163 seats
Rassemblement national et alliés (Far-Right + other Right) got 143 seats.

I will explain what happened:
There are 577 seats in the French Parliament (Assemblee Nationale). So, 577 MPs. Each MP is elected in an Electoral Territory. It's an absolutely ridiculous system that favours the loser. Yes literally, the loser.
Let's say there are 5 candidates in an Electoral Territory. The winner gets 45% of the votes in the 1st round. And the other 4 candidates share 55%. You need 12% to qualify for the 2nd round.
Traditionally the other candidates qualified for the 2nd round do not withdraw. So the winner in the 2nd round is usually the winner in the 1st round.
But if a loser withdraws, he gives his votes to the loser who has more chance to beat the winner. Because the other 55% do not want the victory of the 45% they unite under one candidate to block the victory of their candidate (‘Roadblock to the Far-Right’).
So this is what they did in 2024. There were approximately 120 seats who were gained in this manner by the Far-Left and Macron's party because of the ‘withdrawing alliance.’
Therefore, the Far-Right who received 40% of the vote nationally got only 20% of the seats. The Far-Left who got 30% of the vote, got 40% of the seats. Macron's party who got 20% of the vote got 30% of the seats.
Between the two rounds, more than 220 candidates withdrew, most of them to intentionally block the Rassemblement National (Far-Right) or its allies.
By doing so, it was not just the Left that won, the Far-Left did as well. Because they allied with one another to block the Far-Right, they get to have a bigger piece of the cake.
This is how they ‘stole’ the elections from the will of the people.
They have succeeded in their gamble.
As for the Far-Left, some of the policies that the LFI propose are just so terrible, it will kill France on the spot.
You see, what is happening to France is what happened to Iran right before the Revolution.
In Iran, Islamists made a coalition with the Left and Far-Left (with their whole ‘anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist’ narrative) during the elections, but the second the Islamists got strong enough, they crushed the Left. While there are numerous differences between the two, the core of it is actually the same. They mirror each other.
***Ed. - Salim Frenchanon has kindly provided us with this article: “How Iran’s Theocrats Allied With — and Then Crushed — the Left.” (Wayback machine).
This is an unbelievable article and a highly recommended read. Some excerpts:
Sociologist Chahla Chafiq was a 25-year-old Marxist activist during the 1979 Iranian revolution. Now in exile in France, she looks back on the tensions between socialism, feminism, and anti-imperialism that have roiled Iran’s opposition politics for decades.
(Begin interview)
“The Marxist branch of the group wanted to get rid of the religious thinking, and they actually killed some of the religious members. Then it became a more Marxist party.”
“Ideas of human rights and civil rights and all of this — the general idea of rights — were not so important because they considered that socialism would fix all those problems.”
“Nobody had the slightest idea of what an Islamist power structure could be, using fascism and killing people to keep its power.”
“Iran created a model for the new Islamist person that would exist in this new society. And the first victims were the Muslims themselves. They were either killed or reformed into this model that the regime had created.”
“How could we not have known that it would be like this?”
(Now, back to Salim Frenchanon).
As for the current riots, as a Frenchman, here's what I can tell you:
Nobody cares.
The French riot for anything. They'll find any excuse to. There is nothing actually interesting in those riots. It's just an average Sunday as far as everyone is concerned. You really shouldn't care about it. The Yellow Vests were fifty times more energetic than this, and even they fizzled out.
Energy runs high, the Left is happy that they won, some guys (Left + immigrants) decide to destroy some properties, and then peace comes back.
That's it. It already has fizzled out.
As for France, with three ‘blocs’ in the Parliament, a huge number of people believe that France has now become ungovernable. After all, if neither bloc is willing to make concessions to the other, how can we govern a country?
This major distortion between votes and seats poses a real problem, which can be summarised in one sentence:
France is on the right and it's going to be governed by the left.
Q & A with Salim Frenchanon
Q: How do your Muslim friends and family feel about a 'right country and a left government'? Are there a diversity of views?
A: One of my friends is p*ssed that the Left/Far-Left succeeded, and due to other matters, could not vote during the second round. Next time, he'll vote and will vote for anybody who can block the Left/Far-Left alliance. As for my mother, I don't know. She is a bit concerned, but nothing great.
Q: Talking about the 'energy of the yellow vests,' what's going to happen if the EU rejects the French budget?
A: I don't know. Probably some riots and some stupid sh*t in the Government. I'm not too interested honestly.
***Ed. – I feel exactly the same way about my own government/situation.
Q: What is the future of France for young people?
A: There is no future for young people in France. Yeah, I know, that's very straight for you, but it is what it is. For too long, the French did nothing to save their own country, and now, it has bitten them in their ass.
The political system of France is SPECIFICALLY made to f*ck over the Far-Right or anyone who has any solutions to the grave problems France had. So, there's nothing that can be done anymore. The young people still are in their dreams of “NO PASARAN” and imagine Nazis everywhere. The political bloc they just elected is insane and their policies even more so.
It's over.
Q: What do you think will happen next? Is this something you think about?
A: In fact, as someone who has analyzed prophecies for years, I can tell you, without a shred of a doubt, again, it's over. Every prophecy for Europe, which includes France, always said the same thing:
-After WW2, there will be prosperity like never before.
-Then, there will be apostasy like never before.
-Then, there will be a degradation of morals like never before.
-Then, a huge number of foreigners will enter the continent, bringing with them delinquencies and trouble.
-Then, an economic crash will occur.
-Then, revolution everywhere in Europe (including France), and civil war.
-Then, Russia attacks Europe out of nowhere.
We're now in between the ‘huge amount of foreigners enter’ and the ‘economic crash occurs-civil war.’ We've been in this state for a while now, and with:
-The death of the petrodollar (9 June 2024)
-The future ‘pandemic’ that will once again bring death, fear, and confinement.
-The war in Russia and Israel that are going to go into overdrive.
We're near the ‘economic crash.’ And once it happens, the migrants inside will form gangs to kill the useful idiots, as they did in Russia and in Iran.
In 2 weeks and 3 days, the Olympic Games will open in France. And I tell you, the Government is not prepared for the event's security. The security of the Olympic Games will be a disaster. There will be much violence that will occur there.
So if a new political leadership takes the reins of power, it won't be ready either, and the fault will lie with it. Don't be shocked by what you'll see during the Olympic Games. The point of no return was crossed a long time ago.
There's no turning back now.
Q: Is there anything else you want to say from a personal perspective about what you are witnessing?
A: I always wanted to see how entertaining the end of the world was going to be. As of now, it's extremely slow.
More seriously, I am much more focused on America right now than France. The fate of America mirrors the fate of Europe, as they are both intrinsically linked. If America goes down, so does Europe. And America seems to be going down. For many prophets, and my own personal views on the matter, this 4th of July was the last one for America. If it's the last one, then bloodshed, violence, and civil war is going to come to her. And it's going to come to her sooner than most people expect.
All in all, I'm bracing myself.
Q: What are your top three memes/images? (this is just a fun one)
Article: The story beind ‘Prince of Peace’ and why it’s on display in Marble Falls. (Archived).
Jesus began to speak to Akiane Kramarik when she was 4 years old. She had never been to church and neither parent believed in God. She didn’t even have a concept in a higher power, but when she was 8 and this being of “unconditional love” told her to paint His portrait, she did.
It was first leant to an art dealer, who refused to give it back. He told Akiane’s family it was blasphemous, and he scarred it with a swipe of his hand.
“On my ninth birthday, I got it back,” Akiane said. “It was covered with sawdust and had a scratch on it.”
She carefully repaired the portrait, which still has pieces of sawdust embedded in the paint, implicative, she said, of the wooden cross where Jesus died.
Determined that her message of hope would reach more people, the painting was given to a new agent, who was instructed that it was for display only. It was mistakenly sold and the new owner hid it away. Another lawsuit was filed, but the “Prince of Peace” was gone for 16 years, stored in a dark, tomb-like basement before appearing again in the art world.
God’s Spirit Poured Out
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
29 And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
30 “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
31 The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
32 And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.
For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance,
As the Lord has said,
Among the remnant whom the Lord calls.
Joel 2:28-32 NKJV Full chapter
Do you have a story to tell? Pitch your idea to me
What I am particularly looking for: uplifting and creative stories of non-compliance, stories from non-five Eyes countries, new information about the ‘fibrous clots,’ embalmers/funeral workers, military/police, Australian prisoners/prison guards, legal experts who want to discuss Emergency powers, whistleblowers, or anything really. If you have an interesting story that is ExcessDeathsAU-adjacent, I would love to hear it. Respectfully, no guarantee it will be published and your story will have to be confirmed. I can protect your anonymity.