Welcome article for new readers: battlefield philosophy and my articles summarised
ExcessDeathsAU has been banned from social media: I rely on you to share articles
Dear Readers,
I have been wanting to write this article for years.
However, I have been so angry, for so long, that I could not even bring myself to start writing about what we endured here in Western Australia. Thanks to God, I finally feel that I am in a position to perform my duty to history and bring you this article.
Here I publish a highlight reel of what happened from 2020 to 2022 using headlines and images. I captured these items myself for years by taking screenshots on my phone. There was no real methodology or intent other than thinking at the time that what I was seeing may be important for the historical record because I suspected they would disappear (and they have). Therefore, this article is an intimate reflection of what I saw from 2020-2022 and experienced in real time.
The article focusses on Western Australia, but meanders across the country (and the world). It does not cover everything - you can see more in my articles which are linked below the images.
The random memes and images represent how I felt at the time (and still do, reading the headlines). The memes and images also tell the story, and we shared a lot of them during these years.
These articles highlight the bullying, lies, and terror to which we were all exposed and demonstrate the depravity of the media and the ‘journalists’ involved in peddling these lies. Starting the highlight reel in 2020, we can now see in hindsight how chilling a lot of these headlines are based on where we have ended up.
Many of the articles are incredibly stupid and, looking back, one cannot help but think that The Monster was having a great laugh at the expense of the vulnerable. This is why fighting stupidity with clown world energy is so important: memes, jokes, and satire is a key element of resistance.
In my opinion, those in the media spouting the mainstream narrative are complicit in covid democide and are therefore merchants of death. They are no different to Dr Andrew Robertson the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia who presided over nearly a year of mass vaccine injuries during ‘covid zero’ and then issued mandates.
This article of ‘memory-holed headlines’ also helps other people around the world to understand what happened here in Australia, and especially Perth. We are one of the most isolated cities in the world, and one of my concerns is that something will collectively happen to us and no one will ever know - that we will be erased by virtue of our geography and the madness of our leaders who would take advantage of the vulnerability of our isolation.
Perth is beautiful, but we are exposed here at the end of the world.
As regular readers will know, I write a lot about resistance and how to fight tyranny through non-compliance and personal courage. There are some headlines and images about that in this article as well. I did not include any of these images from 2020 because there were not many of us resisting at that point and I did not want to dox anyone.
This is a rather long article, and one purpose is to have the information on the public record and archived. Were it not for private citizens driven by the courage of our conviction this information would be lost to history. I am also acutely aware that search engines are being manipulated, and if I had not screenshotted these articles, there was likely no way I could have retrieved them now in 2024 just using my memory. Even having the screenshotted images, a lot of them were difficult to find.
I have pulled these headlines back out of the memory hole and presented them in chronological order, not just for those who may be waking up, but for when they say “that never happened.”
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
-The Narcissist’s Prayer by Dayna Craig
The situation in Western Australia (WA) was extremely complex, but I will attempt to distill it here:
For a little over two years, there was a socio-political obsesssion with ‘covid zero.’ This meant that any ‘community transmission’ of ‘covid’ (as determined via ‘testing’ and ‘cases’) was deemed unacceptable due to a ‘lethal risk of covid.’ ‘Protecting the hospitals’ was a key part of this message.
‘Covid zero’ was ‘accomplished’ via ‘hard borders’ - not just the border of Australia, but the state border of WA and different borders within WA. Remote Aboriginal communities (in particular) were isolated for years.
The flow of people was controlled using a complex quarantine-and-surveillance operation that involved ‘medi-hotels,’ quarantine at home, quarantine on an island off Perth (Rottnest Island), roadblocks, control at the ports and aerial surveillance of the coastline and borders.
People were identified and tracked using digital passes on their phones, facial recognition, and physically by the police and aerial surveillance (as above). If you needed or wanted to belong to society and adhered to the system by travelling across borders (especially), you would be tracked. Trangressors were punished by fines, arrest, jail time, lawfare, and humiliation in the media.
Official permission to move across the state border was determined by the number of ‘cases’ in other states. If the Premier decided that ‘cases elsewhere were too high,’ the border would close with only a few hours’ notice and Australians got stranded all over the country and the world.
Once the vaccine was rolled out in 2021, permission to move not just across the border but within our own community (and even earn a living) was more tightly coupled to the vaccine. These vaccine requirements dragged on in many cases to the end of 2022, and many jobs in WA still require injection in 2024.
The rules changed daily/weekly and often without notice, were highly destabilising, deliberately nonsensical, and purposefully demoralising (see below video).
Under this system, it was not possible to conduct business with the outside world or plan for one’s life in the medium- and long-term: they told us this ‘new normal’ would ‘last forever.’
Anyone who decided early on (like me) that they would not comply with this new system in any way found that their lives as they knew it were suddenly over.
In order to get the majority to comply, those who would not comply in Western Australia were scapegoated and demonised using violent rhetoric from politicians playing on the citizens’ fear of ‘the outside world.’
Further, all over the country, within different jurisdictions (states, or local government areas ‘LGAs’), Premiers and Health Officers issued different rules based on ‘cases,’ ‘testing,’ ‘compliance',’ and vaccine rates (1, 2, or 3 doses). These rules were concerned with where we could go, whom we could see, what borders we could cross, and what we could do with our bodies even in our own homes and backyards. Rules in different jurisdictions conflicted and, again, changed hourly, daily, or weekly.
For a real example of the rules, please see this video by Australian comedian Jimmy Rees. He pokes fun at the situation, but if you are reading this from outside Australia, please understand, this is what we endured for years, and this is an example of the actual rules the government imposed:
It. Was. Insane.
Now, scrolling through the headlines, we can see exactly how the plan was deployed, particularly in Western Australia. First we were love-bombed to soften us up, then terrorised, tortured, abused, divided, poisoned and studied in the largest unified cognitive warfare exercise in human history. Again, this served to destabilise and weaken people over the course of many years so that when it came time to resist, most simply rolled up their sleeves and obeyed.
The Australian covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation; a live exercise which was war gamed well in advance under the auspices of the Five Eyes intelligence apparatus. New readers, please understand: ‘covid’ was not a health event. It was an act of war on civilians. It was not an ‘accident,’ it was not ‘botched,’ it was not a ‘mistake.’
We have not been the same since, and now, we are burying our family and friends who did not listen as the government tells us it is not happening, and did not happen and actually, was a great success.
Memory holed.
Under the pile of steaming official lies with the occasional limited hangout, what most concerns me is that few people appear to be repenting for what they perpetrated and went along with. The memories of many appear to be either totally wiped or they believe what happened ‘was a good thing.’ Basically, if TV is not saying it, it does not exist, or if it does, it is quickly forgotten.
People (young people) are dying suddenly and being diagnosed with aggressive cancers in large numbers, and it is difficult to rectify the level of both organised and individual lying and ignorance with what I am seeing in my own life. Sometimes I wonder if I am the only one who feels and thinks this way, but people keep signing up to my Substack so I guess not. Hopefully this article will pull some more people up and out into the light.
As I have said previously, what makes Perth, Western Australia different is that we are an isolated, developed city of over two million that was effectively sealed off from the rest of the world for years under controlled conditions.
Let our suffering be a gift to the world so that this never happens again.
Thank you to paid subscribers who keep me going, and to everyone who subscribes, donates, reads and shares articles.
God Bless you readers, wherever you are.
Yours Faithfully,
37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ”
Christ laments over Jerusalem.
Matthew 23: 37-39. NKJV. Full chapter.
I. 2020: love-bombing and lockdowns
II. 2021: violence and division
III. 2022: survival and vindication
Epilogue: the long, slow, sad ‘goodbye.’
I. 2020: love-bombing and lockdowns.
Minderoo Foundation has joined with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Mastercard, Health Data Research UK and other partners to form a global alliance to share data on the COVID-19 pandemic.
This Data Alliance enshrines the key message of COVID-19: that collaboration must be the new normal.”
Doctors have warned a coronavirus vaccine may create dangerous side-effects and argued against a 'no jab, no play' policy.
Vaccine development is typically a long and complex process that can take up to 15 years.
Deputy chief medical officer Nick Coatsworth said possible punishments for unvaccinated people could include not being able to go to restaurants, travel internationally or catch public transport.
Monash University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Colin Pouton told The Age it was important that people should have the right to refuse.
But in the small hours of every long night I remember a recent patient, a woman in her 80s, so desperately lonely and sad after months of lockdown that she stopped eating.
She lost weight and muscle strength, and inevitably, was admitted to hospital after multiple falls. Her daughter died of cancer last month and she wasn't able to say goodbye.
She had spent the weeks following her daughter's death, grieving alone. She told me she no longer wants to live in this lonely world and we cried together.
II. 2021: violence and division.
The Australian Government is partnering with state governments to deliver Centres for National Resilience in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth – purpose-built quarantine facilities that will support overseas travel and ensure the safety of the Australian community. The Commonwealth has entered into Memoranda of Understanding with Victoria on 4 June 2021, Queensland on 16 August 2021, and Western Australia on 16 August 2021 for delivery of these Centres.
Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.
THOMAS, J., dissenting
One wonders what this Court waits for. We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us. I respectfully dissent.
SCOTUS 592 U. S. ____ (2021). (Wayback Machine).
The premier said he was in discussions with WA Police commissioner Chris Dawson about what measures would be legal, including vehicle searches and potentially even recording personal details.
“If some people — civil libertarians and the like — don’t like that, my argument would be that keeping meth out of Western Australia is very, very important.”
‘There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any promotion of anti-vaccination claims including on social media, and advertising may be subject to regulatory action.’
“State Daddy” is a description of West Australian Premier Mark McGowan that he is not entirely comfortable with, but one woman now has some permanent ink to remind her of the leader.
Mr Cascarino posted the image on Instagram with the caption: “Daddy Mark at it again keepin’ us safe from the outside world.”
So, despite Mr McGowan’s embarrassment over his sex symbol status, it seems the “State Daddy” tag is here to stay.
"I accept that people don't always read fine print on insurance policies or whatever, and this is a very important principle, but the police have only got information twice out of 240 million transactions and they were exceptional circumstances, and it is lawful," Commissioner Dawson told 6PR radio.
The exclusive venue hire policy was enforced just days after the state government's definitive win in the March election.
The edict asks that state-owned facilities do not accept individuals or organisations 'where the content of the event does not represent the views of the West Australian government or the vast majority of Western Australians'.
The policy has put on hold the plans of the Australian Christian Lobby, which organised a series of functions in state-owned venues across WA.
Sirens blared across the city and a draconian message was broadcast from the skies, as millions were told: 'This is public health order —do not break rules —you will be found and fines issued.'
The lockdown was a devastating blow for Brummer, who took his own life at his parent's Glenhaven home, in the city's north west, on Saturday, just one week after the restrictions were announced.
'He was really excited and really grateful about the job,' his grieving employer, who has known Brummer for two decades, told Daily Mail Australia.
'The lockdown took the wind out of his sails.'
Brummer is the one of tens of thousands of workers who have been prevented from making a living by the city's crushing lockdown measures.
'It was the last straw,' a close friend claimed.
MCB chief executive Peter Deague confirmed cemetery recycling was alive and well in WA and told The West Live it was a nice little earner.
Mr Deague said the scheme operated on an “opt-out” basis, meaning bereaved families were required to make a conscious decision to prohibit the recycling…
An American Vietnam veteran wearing a sign saying “no forced vax” said he attended the rally to stand up for freedom.
RSLWA chief executive John McCourt had earlier told how those who attended would be “stupid” and “arrogant”.
“On the face of it, what an insult to those dead soldiers who fought for freedom just to have people dancing on their graves,” Mr McCourt told The West Australian this week.
“That’s the way you repay the people who died for your freedom?”
They will have to prove they have a place to isolate during their quarantine period and must also be fully vaccinated.
Those who are approved will have to download the South Australian Government home quarantine app, which uses geo-location and facial recognition software to track those in quarantine.
The app will contact people at random asking them to provide proof of their location within 15 minutes.
"We don't tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes," Mr Marshall said.
If a person cannot successfully verify their location or identity when requested, SA Health will notify SA Police who will conduct an in-person check on the person in quarantine.
New Australian surveillance bill enables police to hack your device, collect or delete your data, and take over your social media accounts.
Shoppers would need to scan in using a QR code system and receive a 'green light' - meaning they are fully vaccinated - to enter each business.
Ms Maus pitched the traffic light system to the federal government at the end of August, arguing it would encourage all Victorians to get vaccinated.
'We need to give people a carrot,' she said.
'We need to tell people if you get double vaccinated you can go to the bar and have a cocktail with your girlfriend, you can get your hair done.'
Colleen* said she was speaking out for fear of the mental health of people who had unnecessarily been forced to stay in their homes.
"It's like they're being held hostage in their own homes because we're failing in the medical system."
People who test positive for COVID-19 in NSW are placed under an isolation order which prohibits them from leaving their homes.
The NSW public health orders include fines of $5,000 for anyone who breaches that isolation order.
"Some people are getting visits from police and they continue to get visits from police until they're discharged.
"Some of them have done the isolation period and really should be released, and the police are still knocking on their door."
"Some of them are threatening self-harm, Others are just crying. They're just desperate to be let out and to be able to go back to providing for their families."
[Ed. - Frank Carbone, the Mayor of Fairfield said]: "These are these are people too scared to leave home because they've been traumatised by authorities.”
Colleen said she also felt like the socio-economic status of people who were being affected had also contributed to the lack of attention the problem was getting.
"They're saying they're losing their businesses, they're struggling to pay their rent, they can't feed their families."
Renowned restauranteur Neil Perry (pictured) has called for a temporary health order under the state of emergency to ensure vaccinated and un-vaccinated patrons cannot mingle.
Perry…said he supports mandatory jabs and the Covid passport system, previously telling 60 Minutes he won't be hiring anyone who hasn't had the jab.
A fugitive who broke out of NSW jail almost 30 years ago surrendered to police because the COVID-19 pandemic had made him homeless.
The 64-year-old was sleeping on the beach until he decided life behind bars would be "much easier" than being "homeless", a police source said.
Independent Senator, Jacqui Lambie, has warned unvaccinated Australians that the rest of the population are coming at them, “lock, stock, and barrel.”
Lambie made the disturbing comments during an appearance on Sky News Australia last week, where she warned that vaccinated Australians are getting “agitated” with “anti-vaxxers,” saying “we’re going to start to get more hardcore.”
“We’re going to be putting the pressure on you fairly hard because the rest of us that are trying to do the right thing by the country, and our kids, and get vaccinated and do the right thing, I think for you, we’re going to start to get even more agitated, and we’re going to start to get more hardcore.
Lambie continued: “And I think that’s what you’re going to see, massive division out there, and it’ll be us on the front foot. That’s what I think is going to happen. I think the tide is going to turn on those anti-vaxxers out there and you are really going to feel the heat.”
Click here to watch Senator Lambie as above - can view without FB account.

The following is generally true of people from lower socio-economic suburbs — they love the Perth Royal Show and they aren’t getting vaccinated fast enough.
Millions of doses of vaccine have been secured by the Feds, and supply will finally outstrip demand, which makes this the ideal time to get tougher on jab recalcitrants.
And withholding access to public events such as the Perth Royal Show is a good place to start.

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) yesterday confirmed to 9news.com.au that Victoria Police had been granted a temporary restricted airspace order over the CBD as they face ongoing protests.
At first, media helicopters were completely banned from flying over the exclusion zone, but Victoria Police then backtracked to allow those who have been given permission but demanded a 60-minute delay on broadcasting any aerial images.
Each unvaccinated worker cited similar concerns about insufficient long-term data on COVID-19 vaccine safety and side effects.
Justice Robert Beech-Jones on Friday ruled that all grounds had failed.
Fines of up to $100k for employers
"Individual employees could also face a fine of up to $20,000.”
cross-border freight workers (high and extreme risk locations only)
public and private hospitals and public healthcare facilities
primary and community health
onsite resources sector workers
border and air transport
staff working in or entering remote Aboriginal communities
community care services
corrective services staff
Fire and Emergency Services (excluding volunteers)
abattoirs and meat processing workers
supermarkets, grocery and bakeries
restaurants, pubs, bars and cafes
post offices and hardware stores
child care and family day cares
financial institutions
petrol stations, truck stops and roadhouses
public and commercial transport
hotels, motels or other accommodation facilities
funeral or mortuary services
building, maintenance or construction businesses
Click and collect retail
Bottle shops
Pet stores
Critical conveyancing and settlement agents
Roadside assistance
Critical forestry
Critical primary industries
Critical factories, manufacturing, fabrication and production
Government or local government services (where working from home is not possible)
Some administrative services
Vehicle and mechanical repair service
Journalistic and media services
Members and staff of Members of Parliament of Western Australia
The AMA Victoria president, Dr Roderick McRae, said those who do not believe Covid-19 is real or a threat should update their advanced care directives and inform their relatives that they do not wish to receive care in the public health system if diagnosed with the virus.
“A whole lot of these people are passionate disbelievers that the virus even exists. And they should notify their nearest and dearest and ensure there’s an advanced care directive that says, ‘If I am diagnosed with this disease caused by a virus that I don’t believe exists, I will not disturb the public hospital system, and I’ll let nature run its course’.”

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan has blasted Covid-19 anti-vaxxers, labelling them “wacky, nutty and dangerous” as he urged them to “act like normal, rational human beings” and get the jab.
…the time for protesting and reading crazy conspiracy theorists online is over.”
The Premier said they should “get on with life, like everyone else”.
“They are reading wacky theories online that are untrue,” he said.
“This rubbish that’s put out online and some of the lies and misleading information ... is dangerous.”
“We will do what we have to do to get the population vaccinated and this sort of conduct will not change things, other than it will make us harder in our resolve,” Mr McGowan said.

Should I invite an unvaccinated family member or friend to a gathering?
Professor Esterman says he would not take the risk.
"I would say, look, we've been friends for 20 years, but unless you have been vaccinated I am not willing to have you in my home."
Transplant Australia supports the decisions by transplant units across Australia for compulsory vaccination for patients waiting for a transplant.
The grieving mother of a promising young rugby union player, who took his own life, says the family struggled to bring his body home due to Western Australia’s hard border.

Title: What’s to protest when there’s nothing left to protest?
Byline: The so-called Freedom Movement is fracturing and splintering, but there remain tiny pockets of the selfish and very stupid. We now know who they are.
You hear that sound? That’s the ticking of a clock that will toll for unvaccinated West Aussies at 12.01.am on Saturday, February 5.
We know from a wealth of medical evidence that some of these people will land in the ICU, and there is a chance some will die.
But the broader impact that caring for unvaccinated COVID-19 patients has on a strained health system is harder to quantify.
Even more difficult to determine is what an underclass of unvaxxed will do to our society.
And, make no mistake, those who refuse the jab are destined to become second-class citizens.
Such an approach has University of WA vaccine expert Dr Katie Atwell fearing that this cohort will eventually become an army of “undead”, who walk among us while not being able to take part in the activities the rest of us take for granted.
But what is the other option? To allow a minority, who refuse to accept a weight of scientific data and the lived experience of literally billions of people, dictate the fate of the other 90 per cent of the population?
For this recalcitrant minority, come February 5, time is up.

Propaganda image of Katie Atwell c/o fellow Perth freedom fighter
ofState leaders are urging the federal government to bring forward the window for vaccine booster shots and to redefine fully vaccinated to mean three jabs, ahead of an emergency national cabinet meeting on Wednesday to address the spread of the Omicron strain of Covid-19.
Australia's former parliament building in the capital Canberra was briefly set alight on Thursday by protesters during a demonstration for Aboriginal sovereignty, police said.

III. 2022: survival and vindication
Melbourne man sets himself on fire over jab mandates
A man has set himself alight in Melbourne while yelling expletives about vaccine mandates in Victoria.
Witnesses say he poured gas on himself and his car in Richmond around 8pm last night.
Police officers and firefighters doused the man in water before he was restrained with the help of witnesses.
The man was taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries.
Article. (Wayback Machine - first captured 5 January, 2022). (Archive).
…the FDA had previously said that it takes approximately eight minutes per page to process records for a FOIA request, and that it could only review and release 500 pages a month, which is 6,000 pages a year.
At that rate, it would take 75 years to release all the data.
The group has said it will publish all the information the FDA makes public about the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
If the agency can keep up with the 55,000-pages-a-month requirement, all the data should be in the public domain by summer’s end.
The Queensland state school starting date has been extended by two weeks due to insufficient numbers of children getting the Covid jab and an alleged 29, 504 teacher sackings.
An Education Department official on a school-related social media website published the number 29,504, of alleged sackings yesterday which was recorded by a reliable source at the time.
The social media site has now disappeared.
A spokesman for Minister Grace Grace denied that any data regarding resignation numbers had ever been published on an official site.
Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan says life will become “very difficult” for the state’s unvaccinated, as he unveils the toughest proof-of-vaccination rules in Australia.
From Monday January 31 proof of vaccination for people aged 16 years and over will be required state-wide for:
All hospitality venues, food and licensed venues including restaurants, dine-in fast food, cafés, bars, pubs, clubs, taverns, licensed commercial boats (excluding food and non-alcoholic beverage takeaway; food courts; roadhouses, and petrol stations)
Night clubs
Bottle shops (including drive-through bottle shops)
Indoor entertainment venues (including play centres, gaming and gambling, theatres, concert halls, cinemas, live music venues, including Perth Convention Centre) and the following specified cultural venues:
Art Gallery of WA
Goldfields Arts Centre
Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts
WA Museum Boola Bardip
WA Maritime Museum
Shipwrecks Museum (Fremantle)
Museum of the Great Southern
Museum of the Goldfields
Museum of Geraldton
Gwoonwardu Mia (Carnarvon)
Crown Perth Complex
Major stadiums
Music festivals and indoor large events with more than 500 people, unless exempt.
Gyms, fitness studios and centres
Zoos and amusement parks
Visitors to residential aged care and hospitals

With an extraordinary night-time press conference, Mr McGowan abandoned a February 5 reopening plan he had insisted was "locked in".
West Australians were promised that once the state reached a 90 per cent double-dose rate, travel freedoms taken away two years ago would return.
"It would be reckless and irresponsible to open now," the Premier said, arguing the Omicron variant had "changed everything".
The infected workers face 14 days isolation at an accommodation camp under WA's strict laws, as does another contractor who tested positive at 29Metals' Golden Grove copper and zinc mine, about 450km northeast of Perth.
Staff say local governments are not responsible for public health matters…
Recognising that good health and wellbeing is the cornerstone of a happy and thriving community, the new draft Public Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2023-2028 represents a review of the Town’s Healthy Vic Park Plan 2017-2022, and seeks to reinforce these values at the heart of what we do.
“Mandates work. These measures work,” the Premier [McGowan] said on January 14.
“I know a lot of unvaccinated people don’t like it ... they get very angry, very cross. They march around down at Elizabeth Quay and so forth.
“I think what they would find if they just got vaccinated is they’d go back to work, they can go to the pub, they can go to the football and go on holiday. Life will be sweet, and they will probably say they were never an anti-vaxxer.”
Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments in Covid vaccine negotiations and has asked some countries to put up sovereign assets, such as embassy buildings and military bases, as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.
While vaccinated arrivals are no longer required to quarantine, measures such as mask wearing, proof of vaccination and venue capacity limits are still in place.
WA Health has launched a COVID-19 vaccination blitz for the school holidays, offering a free pass to Perth Zoo and face painting at pop-up clinics for children who get vaccinated.
"We are seeing high numbers of kids catch COVID, and they are making up a significant proportion of hospitalisations," Ms Sanderson said.
The state opposition has called for an education campaign on vaccine safety and efficacy to lift vaccination rates among young children.
"The government needs to do more to reassure parents about the safety of the vaccine," WA Liberals leader David Honey said.
"Quite clearly, a lot of parents who are vaccinated themselves are hesitant to get their children vaccinated."
"I think the government needs to go to the root cause here. They need to spend some effort to really educate parents, and show them the safety of the vaccine for children," he said.
"Let's show people that children can be safely vaccinated."
Coercive control is a serious form of abuse where perpetrators manipulate, intimidate and isolate victims mentally, emotionally, socially and financially.
The McGowan Government is exploring whether specific laws should be introduced regarding coercive control.
"The child is fully vaccinated, however, was in serious condition as a result of the infection," a statement read.
Mr McGowan was forced into isolation on Wednesday after one of his family members tested positive.
WA's largest Anzac Day dawn service at Kings Park is set to return after two years of cancellations due to COVID, but will have restrictions in place.
In a bid to avoid spreading COVID among vulnerable veterans, RSLWA has decided to host the State War Memorial Dawn Service as an invite-only event.
A Gunfire Breakfast will be open to everyone at the Government House Gardens with a two-square metre rule and vaccination requirement in place.

Kat P.
We the vaccinated don’t want you [Ed. - the unvaccinated] coming back [to society] on principal alone.
May 6, 2022: Perth, Western Australia
The high number of postal votes registered for the federal election may lessen Australians’ chances of learning who has won government on the night.
He said the vaccine mandate for workers would be reviewed in the coming weeks, as 80.7 per cent of the eligible population had received their third COVID-19 vaccination.
A last-minute change to voting rules, only made yesterday, meant people who have tested positive to COVID-19 will be able to vote over the telephone this election.
"Why can I go to the football, but I can't work in my job," the heckler said.
"I'm one of your constituents. It's a fair question, I deserve an answer."
Mr McGowan told the man he would not talk to him before the Premier's security intervened.
"The good thing about the mandates is we got to the highest vaccination rates in the world, the best health and economic outcomes in the world and I think sometimes that is not well understood," the Premier said.
"Mr Palmer's team don't like it, but they're really just a bunch of oddballs."
After a relatively mild first bout of COVID-19, triple-vaccinated Perth teacher Kylie Lund was shocked to catch the virus again so quickly — and so badly — just eight weeks later.
She tested positive for the second time last Friday and went downhill quickly, having to call an ambulance on Sunday night after finding it difficult to breathe and swallow.
…this is her fourth round of COVID leave…
“It’s out in Bullsbrook near RAAF Base Pearce so we’re trying to think what else can be done with it.”
Mr McGowan floated potentially using the compound as a Commonwealth detention facility.

Patients facing delays while waiting for an ambulance will now be prompted by a St John call centre operator to phone their next of kin in a bid to help them get medical assistance as soon as possible.
The new plan was spurred by the grieving son of Georgina Wild, who died after waiting 2½ hours for an ambulance earlier this month.
Georgina received several welfare checks after calling triple zero with chest pains. She never answered the last call and was found dead by paramedics inside her home a short time later. She had unlocked the front door and laid her prescriptions out on a table prior to her death.
…the call centre operator asked her to do a COVID-19 rapid antigen test.
The total AEFI report rate was 3,163.4 per 100,000 Mpox doses administered
Western Australia
3 July, 2022
New Covid 30-day rule. Why you may be forced into isolation again due to reinfection rates.
The WA Government edict on COVID-19 reinfections, announced on Monday, is out-of-date already.
Chief Health Officer Andrew Robertson said being re-infected in less than four weeks was rare. I’d like to know how rare?
“Help wanted” signs seem to be blu-tacked up in every second pub, café and restaurant window.
WA Police Force has the money to recruit 950 new officers but can barely keep up with higher-than-usual attrition, with resignations running at about double the typical rate.
Schools are struggling to find enough teachers for every classroom; the health workforce is stretched.
Mining doesn’t just carry the WA economy, for all intents and purposes it is the WA economy post-pandemic, growing to an extraordinary share of 47 per cent of economic activity by value post-pandemic, a run up from 29 per cent in 2017.
Epilogue: the long, slow, sad ‘goodbye.’
The ‘pandemic’ ended for me in April 2020 when I saw that elderly Australian billionaires with ‘health issues’ were living their globe-trotting lives completely normally while we were all told to cower in our homes.
From that point on, as an unvaccinated West Australian who refused to engage with the system, as readers can see, I was effectively locked in a hostile open-air lunatic asylum for years, surrounded by dangerous, highly-propagandised people who were terrified of the outside world and believed complying with tyranny would ‘give them their freedoms back.’ Like seals, they continued to jump through hoops for that fish. I did not know who around me was an enemy - who would turn me in to the state for breaches of ‘covid rules.’
Regular readers of ExcessDeathsAU understand that Emergencies are extremely dangerous forms of government. In particular, people in Australian prisons during an Emergency or have contact with authorities are at the mercy of the state during war time conditions. Mohamed Warwar (35) from Sydney was arrested and placed in a mandatory 14-day isolation cell where he received his first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 ‘vaccine.' By the following morning he was dead:
During the Emergency powers in Western Australia, I moved about my life normally and peacefully, unmasked and showing others that I was not afraid. However, I never knew when I would feel a hand on my shoulder, turn around and see a masked police officer behind me, or hear those heavy boots on the front veranda.
Even now, in September 2024, when a police vehicle drives by or I see a uniformed police officer, my hands start to shake and I feel dizzy. I also scan everyone around me constantly to clock whether they are plain clothes officers. Hypervigilance is the consequence of a sane person who has lived through years of tyranny in a prison state.
It has taken me years to get to the point where I am ready to talk about this, especially knowing that other people have ‘forgotten’ or think ‘McGowan kept them safe’ or say ‘wow crazy times, hey?’ and just go back to watching TV. Having my dignity and everything I worked for my entire life get stripped away while my neighbours and co-workers cheered on ‘the science’ and ‘State Daddy’ has been extremely traumatising. Having people tell me I am of a lesser virtue or say I should be ‘liquidated in a camp’ while crowing about ‘championing minorities’ is a festering wound that has not healed.
And the thing is, they were all wrong. They did not ‘follow the science.’ They followed authority. All these people who see Nazis everywhere and believe that if they lived in 1940’s Germany they would be part of the ‘resistance’ became exactly the tyrannical jackboots they rail against. They still do not see it and probably never will. That is the power of propaganda. It was clear very early on that the (real) science did not support what was happening, but they did not even look. In their fear, excitement and longing to belong, they believed, trusted, and destroyed.
Put a white coat on a lie and these ‘highly educated’ citizens will follow authority figures into hell, trampling on the rights of everyone around them.
Put a suit on a demon, stick it in front of a microphone, slap a red banner at the bottom of the TV that says WA COVID EMERGENCY and it can maim and kill while the propagandised cheer.
On February 6, 2022, former West Australian Premier Mark McGowan said ‘life will be sweet once (one is) vaccinated.’
This statement was made long after it was well-known the jab was maiming and killing people around the world:
US Senator Ron Johnson held an expert panel on federal vaccine mandates on November 2, 2021. At this official, public and internationally-broadcasted event, Mr Ernest Ramirez described how his son was murdered by the Pfizer injection. Many others at this event also described the horrific injuries and deaths of their loved ones and warned people what was happening:
On the 28th of November 2021, Bram from Perth described his life-threatening injuries from the Pfizer injection and presented all his medical receipts. Bram was one of many, many vaccine-injured Australians who had been speaking out for months about what had happened to them:
And, worst of all, the West Australian government had all the information themselves - they knew exactly what was happening. McGowan, Robertson, all the Chief Health Officers and the PM, they all knew:
And as we saw in this article, the Australian federal government anticipated deaths by setting up a funeral scheme for those murdered by the jabs, and in 2022 the federal budget anticipated payouts for Covid vaccine injuries “to explode by more than 80 times to nearly $77 million.” (Archive).
As all this was happening - like many places around the world - Australians began dying in huge numbers that coincided with the jab rollout, which was officially recorded by the federal government:
And the hospital protocols were also deadly:
The death in Australia has been so huge that they have had to cover it up:
And insult the survivors who would question them in a humiliation ritual:
It is likely that we will never know how many Australians have actually died in excess or died at all these past four years. Our institutions are no longer reliable and exist only to protect themselves and their own narrative - the ABS erased the 2022 non-covid excess deaths from the historical ledger and have changed the baselines and calculations so often that their public reports are now meaningless (see below).
However, it is reasonable to estimate that approximately 40,000 Australian men, women and children have died above what would be normally expected in 2022 and 2023:
For those of us left behind, this is the long, slow, sad ‘goodbye.’ Once the anger dissipates, there is merely sadness at the horrors we are now watching, and the lies we are enduring. There will be empty seats around the Christmas table this year that should not be there. Our loved ones are sick, dead and dying and families are fractured. Some still love the lie, and those who no longer entertain the lie have moved on.
Ironically, those of us who were thrown out of society are now the ones holding it together; we are caring for the sick and dying, doing the double shifts, and performing the advocacy work for the people who initially shunned us. This is our fate, and those of us left behind must stay physically and mentally strong enough to survive, create, and rebuild.
It has been a long winter, and although this is the most beautiful spring I can remember, humanity seems to be holding its breath. The perpetrators of covid democide are being handsomely rewarded - we can all see this. But they are in the world, and this is to be expected as it has been Written. We know that at the end of this journey, they have forfeited humanity to dine with monsters.
Imagine the terror of what they will eventually face.
They will also never know the special bond of people who have triumphed over tyranny, or the backbone that is created through courage. These people - these tyrants - are so morally weak. And while the people who resisted are all very different, again, we are all united by one thing: moral courage. So while we may be saying the ‘long goodbye’ to our friends and family who did not listen, we are also saying goodbye to the lifestyles and mindsets that no longer serve us.
O Perth, my city, over you I lament.
I'm speechless for once. The introduction was enough to make me pensive and taken aback, but the immense litany of lies and torment you've presented in here is something to treasure. It's a terrible treasure that each and every West Australian should keep on a shelf in their home library.
I scrolled up to May 2020 before having to "NOPE" the hell out of this, for now. Shaken by your reminder of what I've similarly archived & catalogued as well.
Very well done on publishing this and getting it out into the wider noosphere. Do you feel like a load has been lifted? Or a little lighter?
🙏 very important summary can't imagine how hard it was to write