Confidence to resist: Australian Department of Defence and Engineers Australia report on the nation’s collapse.
The spiritual bravery of non-compliance
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Dear Readers,
In 2018 the Australian Department of Defence commissioned Engineers Australia to write a report (2019) about what would happen if there was a catastrophic breakdown in governance. The report lists many of the national infrastructure vulnerabilities and estimates how long it would take for them to fail.
The title of the report is: “Industry Responses in a Collapse of Global Governance.”
In April 2020 when Australians were assaulting each other in supermarkets and shelves were bare due to panic buying, Australian state-run media decided it was the perfect time to run a deliberately terrifying article featuring excerpts from this ‘confidential’ report.
I found the report on the Engineers Australia website and it was first captured by the Wayback Machine on 21 September 2020.
As always, please form your own opinions about what you are seeing, but when I saw the ABC article in 2020 I did not see an article about a ‘collapse in governance.’
I saw a blueprint of how to force the hand of a tyrannical regime using united non-compliance. Now we know the regime is democidal and, despite the material risks of non-compliance, compliance with tyranny ushers in death.
Not many people were talking about united non-compliance in early 2020, but something in the back of my brain told me to tuck this information away for later. Now, I am sharing it with you for ‘next time.’
No one is coming to save us, and in order to say ‘no,’ one must have spiritual discernment and bravery. The more of us who have this mindset and refuse to comply, the easier it is for every individual who resists and the greater our chance of survival.
I hope this article gives readers worldwide the confidence to organise at the grassroots and resist.
Thank you to paid subscribers for keeping me going, and to all readers for subscribing and sharing articles.
Yours Faithfully,
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:11-13. NKJV. Full chapter.
I. Media article
II. Department of Defence-Engineers Australia report
III. The spiritual bravery of non-compliance
I. Media article
New readers, please see the below article which dovetails the information here:
Essentially, in early 2020 Australian media was releasing articles to stoke incredible fear. On March 4, 2020 the media published modelling from academics at the Australian National University that predicted 96,000 Australians and 68 M globally would die from ‘covid,’ and the global economy would collapse if government did not “tame the virus.” The immediate results of this fear included violence in public locations, panic buying, and hoarding.
On April 29, 2020, Australian state-run media (ABC) released the below article, accompanied by imagery of empty food shelves and terrifying language. This article planted the idea that Australia was in danger of imminent physical collapse in addition to mass death from ‘covid’:
Article title: Think of coronavirus as a test run: Australian military leaders warn we must prepare for worse. Sean Rubinsztein-Dunlop and Kyle Taylor. 29 April, 2020. (Archive).
From the article:
As Australia was swept by panic buying and medical shortages this year, the scenes were eerily familiar for one of the country's most senior military planners.
In a secret meeting only a year earlier, the Defence Department's director of preparedness Cheryl Durrant and a group of Australian industry leaders had predicted a strikingly similar scenario.
The ABC has obtained a confidential report prepared for Defence just a year before the COVID-19 outbreak, which provides a forecast of Australia's vulnerabilities in a global crisis.
"I've looked at the global situation," she says. "It's no use festering in a bunker somewhere in Canberra — it's a time of crisis."
[Ed. – So ‘their’ bunkers are in Canberra, good to know, thanks].
The report, which Ms Durrant commissioned to plan for the growing threats, lays out a timeline of how Australian essential services would collapse within just three months if a crisis put a halt to global trade, causing even greater ramifications than COVID-19.
Last year, she commissioned a landmark review of Defence planning — the first so-called mobilisation review since the Cold War — to prepare for what the department concluded was an increasingly likely global crisis.
"We asked, if we had basically a halt on global supply — a couple of steps more demanding than we're seeing in the current crisis — what would run out in one week, two weeks, one month or three months?" she said.
The final report by Engineers Australia, obtained by the ABC, laid out a chilling timeline of how Australia's essential services would break down in an unspecified global crisis.
According to the report, "the workshop delivered the overarching advice that, in the scenario provided, Australia would suffer massive upheaval within one week due to job losses, social unease and [public and industrial] hoarding."
It predicted that within three months, the nation as we know it would cease to function. Australia would be racked by social unrest and widespread unemployment.
Now that we have the report, we can see details about critical infrastructure and, interestingly, also their predictions of ‘social cohesion.’ Again, while many saw this article and experienced fear, one may instead see how fragile the system is and how a committed group of dissidents could (peacefully) squeeze this system at key pinch-points by simply withdrawing their consent.
II. Department of Defence-Engineers Australia report
Title: Industry Responses in a Collapse of Global Governance. Workshop report for attendees. Engineers Australia. February 2019. 12pp.
Direct link to report on Engineers Australia website
Report on Wayback Machine 21 September, 2020.
PDF, please download:
I will not be doing an extensive critique of the report itself because that is not the remit of this article. Further, the authors do not divulge their methods which makes critique difficult. However, I postulate that there is one underlying assumption the report now has incorrect in 2024: we are no longer a socially cohesive nation.
After they deliberately broke the Australian social compact in multiple ways over the past four years there will be a large proportion of the population who will not follow their orders, and years of ‘divide and conquer’ cognitive warfare during deteriorating economic conditions means that chaos will escalate more quickly than they have described (I do not condone this). More here:
Briefly, from the report:
In 2018, the Department of Defence engaged Engineers Australia to convene a workshop for senior engineers with deep industry experience to discuss national mobilisation issues.
What is ‘national mobilisation?’
I went to the Australian Department of Defence for their definition.
Article: Designing Australia’s next defence mobilisation. Peter Layton. 20 October 2022. Australian Defence Magazine (ADM). (Archive).
Bold emphasis mine.
Mobilisation involves purposefully using a society’s resources to support achieving national objectives in time of war, crisis or disaster. In the case of war, mobilisation will usually focus on enhancing the nation’s defence forces including increasing their capabilities, size and ability to generate higher activity levels. The additional workforce, money and material needed for these changes to the armed forces generally comes from the civil sector of society.
Mobilisation considers all national resources.
These resources could include workforce, transportation, equipment, health support, infrastructure, the industrial base, skills training, communications, legislative issues and funding.
During a mobilisation, the nation to the extent necessary comes under the direction and control of the central government.
All the possessions of all the people are henceforth at the Government’s disposal.
Historically, the critical shortage in Australian mobilisations is people.
In general, about 23% of the workforce (about 11% of the population) is the maximum size armed forces a country can support. Remaining with generalities, this leaves about a quarter of the workforce for defence industries with the remaining half of the workforce retained in the civilian economy producing food, clothing, and other necessities.
To best allocate national resources governments can use a variety of direct and indirect controls ranging along a continuum from command to setting priorities to directive regulations to indirectly manipulating market forces.
Readers, I want you to remember this phrase: ‘national mobilisation.’
National mobilisation is a tyranny phrase like ‘whole-of-government.’
Key industries highlighted in the report:
Electricity generation and transmission
Liquid fuel (esp. diesel & additives)
Health care
IT & media
Transport, postal and warehousing (aviation, trucking)
Food (my additions: grocery, farming, abbatoirs)
Emergency services (my additions: police, fire, rescue)
Maintenance and spare parts for electricity generation and all sectors
Medical equipment
Chemicals for potable water
Undersea cables & ships to repair their damage
Financial systems
Export market
If you work in these industries you are extremely important.
Here is their timeline of how they think systems will break down which the ABC published in their April 29, 2020 article:
Finally, on p.6 there is targeting of the elderly and the unvaccinated:
Particularly affected will be the elderly and, if there is a disease outbreak, the unvaccinated.
These people are not playing around.
III. The spiritual bravery of non-compliance
On December 1, 2021, thousands of West Australians participated in one of the most censored acts of united non-compliance in our nation’s history. People in Australia did not even realise this was happening, and many to this day still do not know that it happened:
The government knew that this was the most dangerous form of protest during the Emergency - people just peacefully walking off their jobs, going home, and watching our complex civilisational system slow down, haemorrhage wealth for the wealthy, deteriorate, and potentially collapse. They were desperate for violence to ratchet up martial law and we did not give it to them.
There were a lot of other people in Perth who walked away in 2021 and who would not comply. Many ended up losing everything they had ever worked for and living rough in bushland on the outskirts of the city:
United non-compliance is not glamorous, and these extremely brave people suffered a lot for their beliefs. At the time, we had no idea how long this situation would last. The government told us it would last for years, and that we all needed to ‘go get vaccinated.’ However, we knew they were lying, yet even if they were telling the truth, we would never cave and sell our bodies and souls to the state.
And it is quite clear that compliance has been deadly for many Australians…
Allen, DE. 2024. The correlation between Australian excess deaths by state and booster vaccinations. Medical Research Archives, [online] 12(7).
The study explores the relationship by Australia State between COVID Booster Vaccinations and excess deaths. There is evidence of a very strong correlation in ordinary least squares regression analysis.
Most revealing is the insignificant correlation…between the unvaccinated and excess deaths.
….because the unvaccinated in Australia do not have excess mortality levels seen in the vaccinated.
I talk about 2021 a lot, because I often wonder what we could have achieved if there were 500,000 of us who walked off the job that year in Perth. Or if the ports closed, or all the pilots stopped flying.
Or if all the police had joined us.
We didn’t need everyone, only the people in key positions as per the Engineers Australia document and elsewhere. However, I believe we made a difference; the mandates were dropped just a few months after they were announced. These acts of united non-compliance demonstrated there were rather a lot of people in the community willing to go ‘all the way.’
It was astonishing that when the architects of covid democide saw that people preferred to become homeless, hungry, and live in a tent near an industrial area rather than take the jab, they labelled these people ‘conspiracy theorists’ and continued to brutalise the public even when they had the jab harm data:
The architects of covid democide kept plowing ahead and did not stop. They stuck to the script they were given which was to murder, torture, lie, and destroy civilisation while saying they were ‘saving lives,’ weaponising and inverting reality (real and stated goals as per Dr Richard Day).
I believe bravery is the core of spiritual warfare. I also believe that the architects of covid democide contracted with evil and are now reaping the material, earthly rewards for services rendered.
In terms of the architects of covid democide, please see
:The human participants — central bankers, public health dictators, judges, legislators, presidents etc. — are motivated partially by their own earthly success goals (wealth, power, sex) and they’ve contracted with Lucifer and his minions to achieve those goals at the cost of selling their souls.
Again, in my opinion, the evidence for this is that many of the architects of covid democide are being rewarded for services rendered.
In the example of Western Australia, former Premier Mark McGowan currently has five jobs delivering him share options worth almost $500,000 in potential profit on top of salary earned. This income is, again, further boosted by a $275,000 per annum payout for life (or $3.5 M lump sum), which is taken from the taxpayers of Western Australia.
McGowan’s busy employment began five months after McGowan famously (and suddenly) retired from politics in May of 2023 because he was “tired, extremely tired. In fact, [he was] exhausted." McGowan was also awarded the nation’s highest honour (Companion of the Order of Australia) for “significant contributions to public health,” and has been accused of unregistered lobbying in Canberra.
While McGowan’s wealth and worldly success may provoke rage, especially given that Perth has the lowest rental availability in the world and many are now homeless and jobless even after taking the jab, to me McGowan cuts a deeply pitiful figure. His material success reinforces what he sold for his thirty pieces of silver.
Yet, there was one woman in the Parliament of Western Australia who was not lukewarm. She did not hide behind her party, ‘career,’ or take half-measures (e.g., ‘don’t ask don’t tell’). She did not worry about what people thought of her and stuck to her guns. One woman out of 95 elected men and women stood up.
When Labor used their overwhelming parliamentary majority to ram through a bill mandating MP vaccination the Hon Sophia Moermond from the micro-party ‘Legalise Cannabis’ was suspended from the WA Parliament because, like us, she was required to declare her status and be triple-vaccinated. Again, like many of us, she was the only one who left her workplace when it counted, and was then gaslit about what happened.
Sophia Moermond did not comply with evil.
More here:
For a meditation on resisting evil please consider the words of
, who lost her mother to jab-induced turbo cancer and her son to fentanyl at the same time:Perhaps the vaccine was a test. It did reveal that the population is made up of two types of people: there were those who blindly follow the kings of the earth, and those who blindly follow the king of heaven.
During the first year of the pandemic, I went to the forest every morning, to hike and to watch the sun rise. It struck me that the world, according to what I saw on the screen, was falling apart, but that nature continued through her cycles, unperturbed. In the forest, and in the light of the rising sun, for the first time in my life, I felt the presence of God.
I was filled with his light. I felt the spirit of a warrior enter my being, and I heard a voice tell me, repeatedly, not to take the vaccine. I knew that there would be consequences to resistance. I also knew that resistance was my destiny.
I listened to the voice. I accepted the consequences. I complied with what I was instructed to do.
People thought that I was crazy. I was willing to give up everything that I had worked for because of a voice that I had heard in the forest.
So when I consider the issue of united non-compliance and what ‘could have been’ I am reminded that bravery is the core of spiritual warfare. Yet, many strong, ‘brave’ men and women with the Hollywood hero archetype who can jump out of a plane, run into a burning building, and perform feats of physical strength on land, air and at sea folded quickly to the demands of the state, or worse, brutalised us on behalf of the architects of covid democide.
These men and women did not have the correct type of bravery to engage in spiritual warfare; God’s fiercest army is composed of warriors who you would not look twice at on the street (if at all). During the Emergency, the Hollywood hero was exposed as a pathetic coward.
It is the same story re-told through the centuries; the humble monk, nun, layman or woman, perhaps with physical afflictions, who performs extraordinary acts of personal bravery against the prevailing power structure in service to God.
For a stunning example of an Australian workplace hero with courage, morality, and intellect, please meet Darwin pharmacist and man of God Li Chu. He was the only one in his company to refuse to jab anyone, refused the jab himself, and walked off the job.

Transcript thanks to Transcriber B:
I'm very straight to my superior, manager… Are you going to do this, and then regret for the rest of your life?..The only thing he can say is, what can I do, I got to feed my family. And that is means that your family, your money, basically it's the money, basically, money to feed your family is more important than your conviction of morality, or your ethical as health professional, as ethical.
So this is something that, being a strong Christian, this is something that I cannot compromise. Because I'm not answering to man. I'm answering to God.
That's (an) even bigger responsibility.
Finally, if you are reading this, you are the leader in your workplace, school, organisation, and neighbourhood. No one in the system is coming to save us and it is up to you to inform the people around you.
I will say this again: no one in the system is coming to save you. Not your favourite politician, not the unions, not the judges and lawyers, not the “freedom heroes,” not the Governor or the Governor-General, and especially not the military.
No one.
With prayer, bravery, and discernment, we are the heroes we are looking for.
And next time, when they do this again, we have the blueprint for united non-compliance.
Next time it may not be a ‘pandemic’ so keep your eyes open.
Next time, we withdraw our consent to be governed and we all walk off together.
Remember what we did, and that you are not alone:
God bless you readers, wherever you are.
Thank you for all you do.
A really interesting article and sub-articles to read. Depressing too of course, as you say “no one is coming to save us”. My faith is helping me get through these dark times. So the elite have their bunkers in Canberra! Not a shock I guess, these evil people intend to protect themselves at all costs. The storm is coming and I just hope that more people will stand up and be counted when the next fake pandemic is announced. Thank you so much for being you x