There’s a deep evil lurking in the hearts of men. My parents were convinced that “I’d be gasping to breathe in hospital” if I didn’t take the jab. Their solution to my refusal was to make me homeless. Another former acquaintance remarked that “oppression is okay if you are on the side of the oppressor.” There’s a deep sickness here. It’s the result of decades of consumerism and apathy, something Australians excel at. Playing on our psychological weaknesses is easy, because most of us are weak.

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>gasping to breathe in the hospital.

They were likely terrified by this piece of propaganda: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/covid-australia-graphic-vaccine-ad-b1882569.html

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Yeah probably. They love TV. It is difficult to stand outside and look in. It is impossible to explain multiplication to a mouse. I must have appeared as something completely other to them and I suppose I am. I don’t feel a bond with people any more. I see only the herd.

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That's sad that the propaganda was so strong that it prevailed over blood. You're right there is a deep evil lurking in the hearts of way too many. A couple of years ago (So Cal) I spent the night in the hospital for observation and one of the sweetest nurses came in and was urging me to get the covid shot, she started crying saying I would probably die if I got covid. I felt so sorry for her because of her fearfulness, and it didn't work, every cell in my being (thank God) was and is repulsed by this stuff.

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Dodged a bullet there Dosha. Well done you!

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Thank you! Quite amazing how our decisions have such impacts.

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this reminds me of the first time I rang a close friend and revealed to her what I thought was the shocking news of, at that stage, over 500 people reported to TGA suspected killed by the vax. My friend's response "even if thats true, so what? the world is overpopulated anyway". Sickness,

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I feel this.

There is a lot of that at the moment. We are losing our humanity. I will have something out soon. Hopefully you will like it.

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Admittedly I don't know your situation, but perhaps moving out will prove beneficial for you. Be cautious of resentment, it is poisonous. God bless!

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BTW, I didn't mean to sound like a fortune cookie ; )

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No problems. Covid, in a strange way, has been a good thing for me. It has made me far more resilient. And revenge is a dish best served cold.

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One who set himself on the path of revenge should first dig two graves, one for his victim and one for himself. Just sayin'.

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Superbly compiled summary. As always, thanks for your efforts!

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Thank you Shane. Your support means a lot.

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Thank you EDAU for another brilliant article. The amount of research you do is overwhelming.

The covid democide was well planned by the architects. We are where we are today because, as you so rightly say, they were successful in getting fearful people to hate each other and thus do their work for them.

I often think about the changes in the human condition as described by Naomi Wolf and others like Dr Breggin. I believe a combination of the bioweapons, psychological warfare, psychiatric and illegal drugs, obsession with self and smartphones are all responsible.

However as a witness survivor, I too am a changed person. I'm unjabbed and lost my job and lifelong friendships. I'm often anxious, irritable and intolerant. In a recent conversation with my husband I expressed that I think I'm no longer the caring person I once was. His reply ' I think it's because you care too much and feel helpless in the face of such evil'.

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Thank you Anna.

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Sounds a bit like you are suffering PSTD, but be assured that many of us are with you, reach out to more caring people and soak up their energy rather than the negative of those who have taken the evil pill. Take time out in nature to restore.

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I have severe PTSD from 9/11 and subsequent government action that was reignited during the covid response.

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I think your husband is right.

I feel blessed that my circle is thick with warrior-witnesses. I've met so many new people through all this.

Recently we formed a monthly women's dinner where both v and unv'd women come, but the v'd are a minority and have to listen to our political debates.

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Sending <3!

I understand "anxious, irritable and intolerant". I wish I was still the happy go lucky optimist I was.

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Across the ditch I assure you, if you glanced our way, there resides perfect concordance in excess deaths from 2020 to the current day ~ https://drlatusdextro.substack.com/p/excess-deaths-nzzzz-ozzzz-and-sweden. The democide is in full swing and lockstep in Oceania. Consider, how could it not be and remain in place?

I wrote to our own NZ MOH regarding the publication your referred to, Aldén et al. (2022), who dismissed my comments and intimated I did not understand the difference between in vivo or in vitro (!) Their hubris is as toxic as it is megalomaniacal. Our own Dr "Doomfield" co-chairs the WHO IHR Review Committee, while your own vaunted Professor Jane Halton is the Chair of CEPI !

And all the while, the sheeple and mushrooms ignore the clarion calls of prophets in the wilderness.

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Most institutions, especially the medical field, and the military, operate under one principle:

"If you know what's good for you "

Fortunately, I do know what's good for me, better than anyone else.

1. I like sauce on my food.

2. We own these motherfuckers.


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A devastating presentation, but I completely concur, I'm an Australian living in Ireland and the situation is play by play the same here.

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Keeping. The terminology you present is just right.

Architects...witneses....I think we should adopt them asap.

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Parasitic Architects, PA for short.

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great work you did. this is probably a stupid question but why would the lizards democide Australia? Australia is a huge continent with a low population. They just want to kill? Wherever and however many people they can ? The other stupid question is how do the lizards get so many willing collaborators after the democide is known? I can sort of understand collaborators early on but now?

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Thank you.

As to your questions, you will have to ask them. The face-forward Architects will likely say it was 'to keep people safe.' The data show otherwise. This is why their motivations do not matter.

One does not ask the motivations of a mad dog. You simply do what needs to be done. They need to be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity.

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Yes. I believe the facts show they don't deserve any other treatment. Whatever their motivations are, the architects and the collaborators.

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Islands like Australia and NZ are perfect biological and social experimental labs. Isolated, no shared land borders with other countries, and difficult to get in or out.

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Because they want to bring in more immigrants, they pay.

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In for a Penny, in for a pound

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Well done and no easy task, given what we have to confront. Thank you. Best.

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RE: "...this is why your ‘informed consent,’ FairWork, religious freedom, and human rights did not exist under the States of Emergency (federal and state) and keep failing and being blocked in the court."

I'm trying to come to grips with whether a State of Emergency can over-ride existing laws.

The Public Health Orders were not a "law". They were not a statutory rule to which the tabling and disallowance powers and parliamentary scrutiny laws applied. So, were they just the illusion of legality, rather than legality itself?

Peter Fam (Human Rights Lawyer, Sydney) wrote about this two years ago in his article, "The Curious Case of the Unlawful Public Health Orders".


Mr. Fam argues that:

1. The Biosecurity Act overrides the Public Health Act.

2. Advocate Me argued that NSW hadn’t actually declared a “State of Emergency” under the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989, despite repeatedly referring to the pandemic as a “state of emergency” (in press conferences, for example)

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Thanks Johnno - I am going to tell you something that is hard for most people to hear. It is why I am not invited to the cool kid's table in the 'freedom cafe.'

Good people are in asymmetrical warfare with the state and they do not know it.

What this means in practical terms is that people in the power structure just do what they want using any excuse and the in-group power structure protects them. Once a SOE is declared all your rights are gone - legal/fair or not.

I will re-emphasise: Legal/fair or not.

A SOE or 'emergency by media' means that the country is lawless. 'Emergency-by-media' is just as important as an actual SOE because it creates the perception of an emergency and recruits unthinking propagandised citizens to oppress the more thinking citizens (i.e., my neighbour who said I should be 'liquidated in a camp for being unvaccinated'). The criminality of the emergency then becomes total.

This is not the country, system or world that we grew up in. It's gone. Good people who engage in intellectual arguments (i.e., 'NSW did/did not not actually declare a SOE') are right to do so, but do not fully grasp that we are in asymmetrical warfare - the law of the jungle. Until people come to grips with the fact that something has captured and is running most western countries, they will be prey items. They will be asking 'why, why...what about the Act' as they are hauled off to the camps. I know many instances of this personally - when they come for you, your entire perspective changes.

That does not mean we stop trying to poke holes in the system, but it means that understanding this is asymmetrical warfare is critical. The people with the beautiful arguments are still playing by the rules. The power structure has no rules. Rules are for the proles. That is why it is asymmetrical. The only way is individual noncompliance reaching a critical mass.

Take the jab: NO

Get an exemption: NO

No more of 'their' games. Flip the mental battlefield from the intellectual cul-de-sac of "I'm trying to come to grips with whether a State of Emergency can over-ride existing laws" to "these people are lawless psychopaths."

Then we win.

Anyway, if you want to see if NSW has declared a SOE you will have to go to the state Parliamentary website and find it.

Here is a revocation of the WA SOE which is just one example of a related document - there were many, many iterations as the SOE was renewed throughout the years, layered at times under the Federal Act.


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I read that as cool-aid kid's table and nodded in agreement.

Great article!

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AFTER THREE YEARS OF LOOKING DEEPLY INTO THE COVID CULL MORE THAN MOST ... I feel I’m no closer to a definitive answer to the simple question; WHY? Or have I missed it some how? The following link takes you to a video hypothesis that has merit and it would good to get some feed back ... https://rumble.com/v3oap32-lets-talk-about-sustainability-and-thinning-the-herd.html

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Is this Erlich 'limit to growth' stuff?

To be honest I do not bother myself with 'why.' Some of these people just like to kill. Some think they are doing it out of misplaced sense of altruism due to 'limited resources' or even wackier ideas. Some want to become gods and live forever. But like I said before, I do not care about the reasoning of a mad dog. I just take it to the woodshed.

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Erlich wrote the “Population Bomb” and his predictions were way off. “Limits to Growth” was by Meadows and Co. which was sponsored by the “Club of Rome”. Again there predictions were way off. But these dire predictions influence people into ‘action’ and that’s the point. If indeed this is the reason WHY, then alerting people en mass is in part the way to stop it. I can’t help but agree with the idea of the “mad dog” solution, but where do we get the power to execute that plan? I say it’s essential to alert and wake the people up. The WHY exposes the madness of the “dog” and must motivate people to ‘drag the mad dog to the woodshed!’ Anyway, you are helping with the “waking up” of the people as well, you’re doing a great job of it as well!

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Thank you for all the work you have been doing to document this terrible crime. I hope it has not come at too high a cost to your personal health - I feel an awful sinking feeling when I realise the extent of the democide, but I am most nauseated when I listen to only a few minutes of our mainstream media prattling on about trivia as if nothing has happened here, and realise that most of my former friends actually believe it was all fine (except for the suffering of those unlucky people with "long Covid"!!) Eeeeeek!

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Thank you Dr Rosemary, your comment means a lot.

Honestly, yes, writing this Substack has come at a terrible cost.

Not many writers in Australia are really grappling with the large-scale issues - the more philosophical, historical, and humanitarian questions in an international context. The vaccine contracts. Linking to Operation Warp Speed. Helping people understand the ramifications of a State of Emergency. The global nature of the crime. This has gotten me banned from social media, curtailed my reach, and people are afraid (or ashamed) of my work. Maybe they do not understand it, or want to remain in a smaller frame of reference that is less scary. They want to stay at 'vaccines bad' and leave it at that.

So, I peer into the void, think about it a lot, organise it in my mind, pray, ask God for help, and lay it out as clearly as I can. This is very different than presenting 'news' or 'facts' in a narrow framework and takes a large personal toll. It feels like peeling back an old dirty carpet and watching roaches scatter, screaming for everyone to come and see. It would be much easier to take a different path. More people would like and celebrate me, that's for sure.

Yet, I am incredibly grateful for all the subscribers and commenters to my stack. I really feel like we are a remnant here and it is quite amazing. I never thought that I would have nearly 2,500 subscribers from 70 countries when I started. More than half of my subscribers are from overseas.

Thank you again for asking about how I am. It is not easy to do this, and I do not expect to be rewarded. In fact, I expect it to get much worse, and the marginalisation to continue.

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I wish you plenty of support, both spiritual and emotional, and rest breaks in nature. Most truth-tellers are confining themselves to their areas of expertise in public statements because of the waiting "fact-assassins" and the assumption that most of the public can only stomach small doses of this, but you are providing the context for those who dare go there.

I do so love your metaphor of the roach-infested dirty carpet! The roaches have already started resigning and moving on to their reward-jobs. Most of the needled would rather just lay another layer of new carpet over the mess and pretend, but I wonder whether they can hear the roaches rustling in the middle of the night.

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Such a great comment about the "fact-assassins." I would love it if the deboonkers would would fact-check me but I am just unpersoned instead. Perhaps they sense their character assassination has zero effect on me and so just push me to the shadows.

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Thank you for hosting this Sage and for writing this, ExcessDeathAU.

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Thank you BC

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Excellent outline and glossary. Thank you. New term to me - but resonates w/the stories and anecdotes we see - is "Witness-survivor torment." TPTB certainly make full use of every move in the PsychWarfare game.

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🎯🔥💥👏 Excellent!

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{...be incorporated into human DNA via reverse transcriptase...} &

{...how ‘synthetic’ are the vaccinated if synthetic material is incorporated into human DNA?...}

Just waiting for Pfizer et al to submit patents and extorting hefty revenues from the gullible on a world-wide scale ...🤣🤣🤣🤣

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thanks for citing me and prodding me to be inspired by the likes of you and many others on substack.

Been busy but glad to read your latest and see you are still at it. You are still Persistently clear.


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