Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

6. What to do: thinking with head or heart

Woah. This question is at the crux of a human’s soul and has been since history of mankind began to be recorded . Very profound because when you look at wisdom from sages of old, and wise words from the sages of today, they all state variations upon “It’s a battle for hearts and minds.”

It always has been. Oh, humanity!

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There is a LOT buried in this report. They also follow the the Chatham House Rule which is unusual for an industry document. The WEF adheres to CHR.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

This is fantastic work! You've linked a seemingly innocuous report by a national industry group as the source for 'National Mobilisation' which I reckon is a clear predecessor for the translation of "Whole-of-Government" into an Australian National framework.

The title of the Engineers Australia report - Industry Responses in a Collapse of Global Governance - is vaguely familiar to me. Not specifically the terms or words used, but the implication of it and its inclusion of a list of essential occupations.

I'm sure there was some kind of memo or nationwide circular sent to Insurance folk early Jan-Feb-March 2020, because I recall robust discussions in the office with my work colleagues on whether our roles would be classified as "essential." I searched for this information within the Western Australian context and remember that we were categorized through WA's definition as essential workers (if somewhat loosely).

We took it for granted to begin with. Then as lockdowns and other media and psyop-driven plandemic scares happened, most of my colleagues did not see themselves as essentially needed in the office or public places. After my initial 2-3 weeks of being sick in March/April 2020 during the first phase of global lockdown, I returned to the office and refused to work from home.

The few of us that were there agreed to lock the front office door and continue on. I maintained this attitude throughout, and distinctly remember the Jan/Feb 2021 "circuit breaker" Lockdown Mark McGowan unleashed upon Perth after approximately 3 positive cases were recorded in one day?

It was when Gidgegannup was struck by a bushfire inferno.

I walked to work after no Uber drivers were available and transperth buses weren't running. "Where is everyone?" I thought to myself. Gosh it was hot too, way too hot to have a queen-sized duvet cover wrapped around your head while walking along the path in Victoria Park nervously.

I stopped at stared at this lady, who trudged under the beating 10am summer sun determined, if not a little demented.

Okay.. I kept on with me own little act of dementia, briskly walking to work. Get to the office and it was locked. "Lockdown? Office was closed??" I must have yelled at my Office manager when I rang her and asked why the front door was locked. I'm an essential worker, I'm an essential worker. I just told everyone I was who asked me and told them I designated myself as one. Because f**k you, that's why!

Think i got home and drank Gin & Tonics while counterattacking a Chinese takeover attempt of the STEEM blockchain by Justin Sun with the rest of the global STEEM community. We ended up hard-forking into HIVE.

Anyway.. wow. Sidetracked..

I'm a bit in between worlds when I see shit like this 2019 report and remember what befell me and the rest of us as a result. Even crazier, I joined the Engineers Australia mailing list and was considering attending their Perth chapter for business development opportunities when I started my current job in mid-2023. Wow, lol.

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Thanks, I am glad you liked it. Articles like this can take me months or years to research and think about. I honestly think there is a part of my brain churning away at this stuff while I am sleeping, but actually writing these articles can take about 50 hours of research and thinking. The Anzac article took about 3 months and I lost track of the hours.

Your comment is incredible. What I have been saying from the beginning: all workers are essential. When they came out with this essential/non-essential stuff it actually scared me because I saw it as driving the first wedge into dividing us, that *people* can be divided into essential/non-essential. Years later, that was how my neighbour was so easily able to tell me I should be liquidated in a camp. The unvaccinated were not just 'non-essential.' At that point, we were non-human.

I remember one Anzac Day walking by the local Anzac memorial and it looked like trash. A few doors down there was a large wedding on because McGowan had permitted weddings (NO DANCING) but Anzac Day sunset ceremonies were cancelled. I went home and grabbed a broom and tidied up the memorial. I had done the same thing the prior year because everything was cancelled and the RSL looked like it had been abandoned.

I still can't forget what happened, and it helps me immensely to read comments like yours that I am not the only one who remembers. In many ways this year has been the worst, because I have really felt an absence of hope watching people drop dead around me yet remaining totally ignorant. I am only human, and the humilation ritual on the survivors has been the worst aspect. I think one would have to be a monster to not care at least somewhat, even as one tries to keep going.

Thank you for reading, and your support.

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Sep 3Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

This is very inspiring, thank you so much ExcessDeathsAU.

I’m already asking myself what I’ll be doing when they again amp up the masking, contact-tracing, swab tests... I want no part of it.

“there were those who blindly follow the kings of the earth, and those who blindly follow the king of heaven”

May we always and forevermore be those who blindly follow the King of Heaven!

No one in the system is coming to save us and yet tragically, people are deceived and they think there is hope in an earthly man. You should see the number of Christians here who are bought into the Trump fanaticism/delusion. It is mind-blowing and sickening. I got into an argument with one of my friends at church who insists that we must still choose the greater good - I said what if ALL options are satanists and all evil, how IS there a greater good there? There is no good then, just evil. I did a write-up on Trump and how evil he is, an easy read with links to back up my bullet points, but I’ve gotten only crickets in return. I can hardly believe it - these are people in my life who *should* be able to see, but they’re under the blanket of deception.

I want to scream something I recently saw:

“You can not vote your way out of the Book of Revelation.”

It doesn’t matter though if we have 10,000 people who see what we do or no one else, because we live in the will of our Heavenly Father and ultimately He is the only one we need to be concerned with. We go it all alone if necessary. And I pray he gives us the bravery to always fight, to resist the evil, and to serve and follow Him with joy.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

> "No one in the system is coming to save us and yet tragically, people are deceived and they think there is hope in an earthly man. You should see the number of Christians here who are bought into the Trump fanaticism/delusion. It is mind-blowing and sickening."

Anyone who believes a foreign leader in any nation that's deeply and generationally entrenched into "cultural warfare" mass media hypnosis, is themselves a victim of the vaccine. Trump F**KING authorised Operation Warp Speed, and that set the stage for all global governance apparatus' to deploy their own versions of "national mobilisation" and "whole-of-government" diktats upon their citizenry.

It infuriates me as well. No one is coming to save us because YOU can't even speak with utmost certainty and steadfast resolve - in public or not - that YOU can't even save yourself.

The endless carousel of political pundits (para-political in the case of Trump, RFK, Elon Musk, <insert billionaire of choice here>) essentially assures continued collective suffering of its' audience.

However, you me and the author, and many others are not of part of the audience. Not swayed through theatre such as this. Glad you go back to the intractable words of ancient wisdom because there's far more meaning and learning to be gained from 1,000's of years ago than what's portrayed as knowledge and evidence around us today.

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Also aagabriel, Trump isn’t a foreign leader to me because I’m in the US, so I’m watching this $h!tshow go down firsthand and it’s sickening. People are sucked deep deep into the theater and it’s like trying to pull someone out of quicksand. And it turns out pulling people out of quicksand is especially difficult when they’re very happy to stay there because they don’t even believe they’re in quicksand!

Here is what I’ve pulled together on him and I’m trying to share it to get some people around me awake:


So far I’ve gotten silence in return.

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YES!!!! He was the king of the vax roll-out so we could stop right there and that’s all we need to know. But then there are yet so many more evil layers to this man….this man who keeps repeating the snake poem and the line “You knew damn well I was a snake before you let me in.” They always reveal quite plainly what they’re really doing in their evil and twisted game.

And yes I’m so grateful to not be part of the audience and grateful there are others like you and ExcessDeathsAU who *can* see it.

I am thankful I got pulled out of the bubble of deception. I want so badly to help yank others out but they have to WANT to see and from my experience, many people aren’t willing to see even when it’s right in front of their faces. It’s like living in an episode of the Twilight Zone or in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But the truth is that we’re living and breathing inside of Bible times, watching the Book of Revelation before our eyes.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 6Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Just another point on "they're under the blanket of deception."

Deception is not the art of engaging in truth-speaking or convincing others of what source of knowledge is right. It's about convincing others in what not to believe: to treat fact as falsehood. And human beings have collectively evolved a consciousness to favour "un-belief," and behaviours that seek reinforcement of negative reactions.

What they react and behaviourally respond to as being right or correct, is just what someone else reinforced in them to believe as wrong or false. And believing someting is wrong is far less of a burden on the individual than it is to believe in something as right. It takes effort to stand up for what you believe in.

But you don't stand up for wrongs.. You let them happen.. Because there is no effort needed to do so..


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Sep 6Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Wow - “believing something is wrong is far less of a burden on the individual than it is to believe in something as right. It takes an effort to stand up for what you believe in.”

That is a whole lot of truth right there. It takes effort to stand up and fight for what you know is right…. and it also takes a big dose of courage to let your whole former world implode as you see you were living in a lie.

Thanks so much for your comments!

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Sep 3Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

P.S. Thank you so much for the info and footage on the protest there - that’s amazing.

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You're welcome, and thank you for the support. The censorship and media weaponisation of the protests was nearly total, both inside Australia and especially outside the country. Everyone thinks we all just 'rolled over and took it' but that is not the case at all. While most did, a large number did not. Even now, stories of workplace heroes are still emerging from that time thanks to people like Transcriber B and others who are documenting history.

Hopefully next time there will be more who stand up and walk away, although there will always be those who worship mammon and will do as they are told.

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Sep 4Liked by ExcessDeathsAU


It’s so wonderful that you’re sharing what the stalwarts in your country did to be an inspiration for us all. And so we KNOW of it, so the truth is revealed!!!

I remember back before I understood what the shots really were but I still knew something was very very wrong , I was watching in horror, with a sick feeling inside, as people ran to line up for them at my workplace.

There was a conflict within me because I wanted to tell people to stop and think about it, and the way I tried to do that was by saying what I was personally feeling and how I wasn’t going to get it……and I wanted to try and fire up people to come against it more, and yet I so clearly knew that as soon as they made the decision to not get it, they would also need to have a deep inner strength to draw from in order to STAND and not be pushed over, and to endure the mocking and persecution over it. And sadly I knew that a lot of people around me don’t have that. (One of the worst things for me was watching some of my coworkers who were very against it initially start dropping like flies as soon as the tiniest amount of pressure started. I was planning to count on them and stand strong with them and then they caved so fast.)

The ones who can and will fight it to the end are the ones who know without a doubt that their workplaces aren’t their provider, nor the government, nor any other person and not even they themselves, but God alone is our provider. And when you have that assurance then you CAN stand and never cave, no matter what the threat.

I keep saying we may be seeing manna from Heaven one day in the near future. And I’m very curious what that tastes like - I imagine that has to be delicious! :)

And I so agree on Transcriber B - what a blessing to have all those transcriptions and the inspirational stories coming out in a steady stream for us to fuel our strength and our fire!!

I hope you have a great rest of the week, ExcessDeathsAU!!!

The joy of The Lord is our strength!

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> "and yet I so clearly knew that as soon as they made the decision to not get it, they would also need to have a deep inner strength to draw from in order to STAND and not be pushed over, and to endure the mocking and persecution over it. And sadly I knew that a lot of people around me don’t have that."

Mass Media Psychological Operations are a helluva drug. I guess one way I guessed who would cave and who wouldn't, was by how much mass media they consumed. Also, if they had no bedrock of passion, belief, interests, hobbies etc which they treated as a raison d'être then they would cave far quicker than those who had more to live for than fears of losing things..

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"National mobilisation is a tyranny phrase like ‘whole-of-government.’"

Exactly: ‘National mobilisation’ is synonymous with ‘whole-of-society’ - a term that is routinely used by ‘biodefense’ and ‘health security’ types, especially in the US.

Related: The U.S. 'biodefense' apparatus was planning to target "the unvaccinated" - with a 'Zero Cases' approach - twenty years ago.


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I saw your article - thank you for your efforts. You are so right in your assessment. Hollywood TV pre-programming has likely terrified many older people (even in government). Then they refuse to assume personal authority and tell these people to go pound sand. I am so tired of living under the weight of fear-driven policy.

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"Particularly affected will be the elderly and, if there is a disease outbreak, the unvaccinated."

As you noted: "These people are not playing around."

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In my opinion, all scenarios are in play, but the police force is currently depleted and the prisons are full. I was having a look at some WA reports and prisons are at about 150% capacity lol. They are not arresting all of us.

Anyway, let them come. I am not afraid at all.

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“Quarantine facilities”, my friend…

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Q: What cocktail is best to drink during lockdowns?

A: The Quarantini!

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I think I was the only sober person in Australia from 2020-2022.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Author

The only reason why the quarantine facilities worked last time was because people policed each other and obeyed. Authorities, including police, rely entirely on the fear and good behaviour of the population and making an example of a small number of people to dissuade the majority from taking action.

If they think they can control 1,000 adults in those facilities who do not want to be there, it will not happen. If they think people will not get on the trucks to go in the first place, it will not happen. Put simply, if a large group of people decide they have had enough and will not comply, it's over.

It's a bluff.

Kids regularly riot and set fire to Banksia detention facility just because and that is a real prison. Imagine what 1,000 motivated adults will do who think they have nothing left to lose.

There is simply too much fear in the Australian population.

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"Kids regularly riot and set fire to Banksia detention facility just because..."

What's interesting is that a lot of these tabletop pandemic scenarios "predict" civil unrest -- not only because they plan to provoke it, but because it's their goal.

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Sep 2Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

🙏being that our politicians couldn't organise a root in a brothel yet alone a bunker I had already given up on them saving us

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

>Mr Albanese said that he was not aware that sexual services were offered at the premises in return for payment.


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Did his breath smell like fish when he said that?

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lol too right. I view politicians as I would sharks in an aquarium. Unless they start dismantling the Emergency powers and Health Acts, they are more than useless - they are expensive, dangerous and best avoided.

Thanks for reading, and your support Jac.

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Sep 2Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thank you for all you do.

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Thank you for your support Momo.

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Sep 2Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

A really interesting article and sub-articles to read. Depressing too of course, as you say “no one is coming to save us”. My faith is helping me get through these dark times. So the elite have their bunkers in Canberra! Not a shock I guess, these evil people intend to protect themselves at all costs. The storm is coming and I just hope that more people will stand up and be counted when the next fake pandemic is announced. Thank you so much for being you x

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Yes, I found that bunker comment interesting as well. Not sure if it was tongue-in-cheek but interesting nonetheless. There have been rumours about bunkers in Canberra which have been, well, 'debunked' by state media but who knows.

People should be ready for anything at this point, potentially a multi-vector tyranny attack that may include a fake pandemic. The emphasis on 'national mobilisation' was deliberate, and people will be caught off guard.

Thank you for reading the article, and your support. I am glad you found it interesting. I try to provide something a little different.

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I know for sure that we have bunkers in England in various strategic locations. They are not for the likes of us though!

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Don't worry. I am sure the locals know where the air vents are.

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Those air vents are gonna need a cup 'o' concrete & to HTFU!!!

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