Two shots to slow the spread: the use of midazolam and morphine in Australia and 'covid deaths' in 2020.
Platforming exceptional work by Shifted Paradigms.
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Dear Readers,
Through the exceptional work of Substack
, we have more information about what happened in Australian care homes in 2020 with a focus on Victoria.As one commenter quite rightly said:
That is one of the best pieces of analysis of a shocking dataset that I've ever seen on susbstack. Bravo. Incredible legwork and crystal clear breakdown. This should be national and international news.
Readers may remember this news article about a Melbourne care home which I have previously discussed:
Article: ‘Ants crawling from wounds’: horrifying scenes at coronavirus-hit aged care home in Melbourne. 14 August, 2020. Melissa Davey. The Guardian. (Archive).
“We had a [hospitality worker] at the door keeping an eye on the doors of the Covid area, making sure the residents didn’t invade other spaces,” the nurse said.
He did however say that after Milka was taken to hospital, hospital staff told him she had Covid-19, which was not true according to a test she had at the aged care home.
“I made an angry call to Kalyna asking why they didn’t brief the hospital properly, but then I found out it was the hospital that decided that they would treat every person from any nursing home as Covid-positive irrespective of the results because they didn’t trust the tests from age care, which in a way is sheer arrogance.
“So mum was being treated as though a Covid-19 patient. In the end, it didn’t matter much, because she passed away less than 24 hours later.” Hospitals usually separate aged care residents into separate wards – one for patients with suspected Covid-19 but who had not yet received test results, the other for patients who had tested positive. This was not made clear to Rudy.
What this article describes happening in a Melbourne care home was just the tip of the iceberg.
Shifted Paradigms (SP) gives us information of “chemical restraints.” During Emergency powers, our vulnerable family members in care homes were medicated so that they could be ‘behaviourally managed’ to comply with ‘pandemic protocols.’ (However we will see that this method is not unique to the Emergency).
Readers of EDAU know that “chemical restraints” were not the only ‘protocols’ that were being deployed during emergency powers. Often these chemically restrained people, once they ‘tested positive for covid’ (or even assumed positive) would be sent to the hospital on a one-way trip where they would be subjected to yet another ‘pandemic protocol.’
SP even informs us that (some Australian) “hospitals were refusing to admit seriously ill COVID-19 residents and sending them back to RACFs (care homes), where they were sedated…”.
While we were locked down and being abused by the military and the police and subjected to cognitive warfare, our isolated and vulnerable relatives were being sedated and potentially ping-ponged around from facility to facility and then murdered.
These protocols (both in hospitals and care homes) ignored everything about basic medical knowledge such as antibiotics, hydration, steroids, and spiritual/mental well-being which are fundamental for affirming life and human dignity.
Therefore, the care home and hospital protocols were not designed to affirm life and dignity, but to restrain, dehydrate, terrify, poison, isolate, inappropriately ventilate and position, and deliberately depress respiratory function via lethal cocktails of drugs.
In sum, the protocols were designed to murder, and, as a final twist of the knife, utterly terrify those in the days and weeks leading up to their murders.
We know that the covid response was a global military operation1 23, and the murder started in 2020. Someone at a very high level gave the order for hospital/care home protocol deployment early in 2020. This order was distributed globally and followed.
For those who want more on hospital and care home protocols, please see the following articles one of which includes the Australian hospital death protocol for the unvaccinated:
(People should also be aware of the work of
who covers the Scottish covid enquiry. The stories are unbelievable).4Upon deployment, those who followed the protocol were rewarded financially and materially, and those who did not were ostracised, shamed, scapegoated, and fired.
If people want to know what spiritual warfare looks like, look no further. If people want to know what moral courage looks like, look at the nurses who blew the whistle on the deaths in the care homes and hospitals as a result of these protocols.
Here is one example - Nurse Susan from South Africa. This is just an excerpt, but the entire interview is extremely graphic. Nurse Susan actually describes what happens when someone is murdered in hospitals by these protocols (transcript courtesy of Transcriber B, below):
NURSE SUSAN: We had in the past two years 301 cases. None of them left our ICU alive. They all died.
They came in, they were put onto CPAP what we call, it is noninvasive intubation where they put pressure through the lungs. Sometimes the pressures were so high that I think the patients actually were caused [?] trauma of the the lungs and they caused them to die. Those that were ventilated were put onto midazolam and morphine. Midazolam was earlier known to us as [?] and it apparently went off the market. This midazolam was also killing the patients. None of our patients left the ICUs alive. Then doctors introduced us to Schedule 21 medication.
When the patient gets midazolam they sedate the patients with the rate of 20. That is a very high dose because it like suppresses your whole central nervous system. And they give high rates of morphine which suppresses your breathing. So these patients couldn't cough. They did not have the ability to cough out the phlegm. So what happened? The phlegm stayed in the lungs and it got worse and worse, more infected.
Some patients were left on their stomachs for 7 to 14 days. When they were turned back, their lips, their faces, the eyes were swollen to such an extent, the families couldn't see them.
When they were turned back, we that saw them when we proned them, we couldn't recognize their faces. Their noses has burst open, they were bleeding out of their mouths, out of the ears, out of the eyes. It was a face that haunts you some nights. You can't sleep.
Reading through this Shifted Paradigm article, what struck me is that the people who gave the orders will never read it, or if they do, they likely think ‘it was worth it to stop the spread.’
At least, that’s what they say.
To them, our beloved parents and grandparents who built this nation are just numbers on a balance sheet. Those who gave the orders are still occupying their positions of power, have been re-elected, are seeking re-election, helping others to do so, or are quietly working away behind the scenes - designing protocols, signing orders, going to conferences with people like themselves, increasing their personal wealth, and giving each other awards.
Some of them, highly trained Australian physicians with military experience know exactly what happened and chose to go even harder on us in response.5 There is a moral and spiritual void with these people that is not just unfathomable but deeply chilling.
What keeps me going is the work of people like Shifted Paradigms, who is unafraid to stand next to me and stare into the abyss.
May God Bless you readers, wherever you are.
Yours Faithfully,
Shifted Paradigms article - Sedation, Not Salvation (An analysis of the use of "chemical restraints" and "COVID-19 deaths" in Australia in 2020).
Summary points from article intro:
In 2020, approximately 75% of Australia’s “COVID-19 deaths” occurred in residential aged-care facilities (RACFs), with more than 40% of these deaths occurring in just ten of these homes; nine of which were in Victoria.
During Australia’s two COVID-19 waves in 2020, shortages for sedatives caused by “unexpected consumer demand” occurred. These corresponded with surges in prescribing for sedatives, suggesting a potential link between their expanded use and increases in deaths caused by COVID-19 and dementia.
As we will show, sedation at the time was both permitted and recommended by treatment protocols for COVID-19 patients and those unable to follow COVID-19 infection mitigation controls in RACFs.
The evidence we present in this article, suggests that these recommendations were followed.
Terrifyingly, the article ends with these conclusions:
As alarming as these revelations might be, the surge in the use of sedatives pales in comparison to the prescribing of these same sedatives in June 2021 onwards.
Something made Australia sicker in 2021 and palliative care prescribing soared from mid-2021 onwards.
We will explore this in our next article.