About ExcessDeathsAU
The Australian government (federal, state and local levels) committed democide, torture and mass murder during ‘covid zero’ and beyond. Here I document their actions. Using their own documents, legally obtained, I name the correct perpetrators during this mass slaughter.
I am doing this because it is the correct action to take when one’s fellow citizens are being tortured and murdered. I am also doing this because God is watching, and He expects us to be courageous in the face of evil. A lack of moral courage is why we have arrived at this situation.
Please see welcome article for new readers:
Subscription is free, but donations (Ko-fi) and Substack subscriptions are gratefully received. I usually restrict comments to paying subscribers on articles because I do not have time to interact or moderate, or I am under attack from infiltrators, trolls and people who wish to do me (and you) harm. Any comments (even from paid subscribers) threatening violence will be removed.
Writing this Substack is a spiritual exercise, and my way to give back to humanity in a state of repentance by the Grace of Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome to my Substack: people of different faiths or no faith at all. You are all welcome.
If you have a story about non-compliance, courage, or anything within the remit of EDAU I would love to hear from you. Please email me at vicparkpetition@protonmail.com
Thank you for reading.
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Legal disclaimer: ExcessDeathsAU (EDAU) does not advocate for offensive violence. EDAU is not legally responsible for the comments posted by readers or how readers interpret any articles or comments written by EDAU. EDAU reserves the right to delete comments or block accounts that advocate for offensive violence against individuals or groups or engage in troll/raiding behaviour. EDAU is a board of peace and non-compliance. EDAU does not provide medical advice. Perpetrators must be brought to justice via open, transparent and lawful public trials. May the killers repent, and may God have mercy on their souls.