Let me know if you find any broken links, errors, or something doesn't download. I'm pretty tired and all the evil BS is blurring together right now. Unlike Satan's minions in government I do not have a team of well-rested debooonkers on hand so I'm relying on you to help me.
Ok, many are requesting that I print this into hard copy. I have calculated with a big box printer and there are 718 pages at 15c each so it will cost me $107.70. I can do that with your Ko-Fi donations thank you kindly! For anyone who feels compelled, many thanks: https://ko-fi.com/excessdeathsau
I am not sure how long it will take me but I will show you "the goods" once it is finished (or they kick me out at closing time).
In the meantime, please please share the article on social media or with your friends, church, club, etc. You are the most important people out there and I cannot do this without you. I am only one person.
Once you know the truth it is impossible to go back. No matter how hard you try to forget it won't work. Hence we are winning, they are scared rich tiny little men who live in perpetual fear someone might take all their ill gotten gains away. I sleep like a log at night.
Holy cow! This was an epic undertaking! Such an important read for not just Australians, but for all of us. As goes Australia, so go we all. It’s clear that many governments, across the world, have been in lockstep pushing their agenda and “Covid” was their excuse to ram it down our throats. What you’ve detailed is their totalitarian march to subjugate the masses, clearly detailed here! Thank you.
Thank you Judy. It should put some pieces of the puzzle together for Americans and Britons as well. Please share - I am banned everywhere and do not have any reach on social media.
This must be THE most definitive body of work outlining each step of the intentional Australian democide.
I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of work, and the number of sleepless nights you have spent in collating this for us. At this point I have not viewed all the documents, and cannot bring myself to watch the sickening reminders of what we have had to endure.
I too fear that things are only going to get worse. Non compliance is the only way, because as you so rightly say, this will be the only stopping condition.
Loved this find, well done!..."FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’"
Hello aagabriel did you have any luck getting more info re "FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’"? If you can please advise? Thankyou
I can see why writing made you sick! I couldn’t watch all though the videos, it was to difficult to review the bigotry. It’s said the most dangerous people are those who believe they are doing “it” for the sake of the greater good!
For you Gaz or anyone else reading I will just park this comment here. If you are time limited or cannot bear to look at too much, the most important videos in the article would be:
I would say that these three videos really capture what this time was like in Australia for the unvaccinated - black and white, city and country. All the elements are there, and we all felt and experienced it to varying degrees. We felt, and were, hunted by authorities.
Brilliant writing. Great work. It's all the more horrifying when you realise there was literally no testing for safety and efficacy for First Nations people prior to the rollout.
They are desperate to erase the DNA of the people who are strong in culture and the land. If they cannot do that, they will burn them out (like in the great forests of Quebec and town of Lahaina). These people are completely evil and will not stop.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: David Lurnpa Cole stands behind a sofa, flanked by other aboriginal elders. Seated on the sofa are 2 women at each end, and three men in the center. Four of the men have white hair and beards, and the two women appear to be late middle-age. Cole has a white beard and wears a sleeveless T-shirt with an aboriginal design.
DAVID LURNPA COLE: [speaking briefly in indigenous language] name here is David. I am descendent of Luritja Wombai people in Central Desert. I will say the same from the Scottish and Irish tribes of Europe. We are a part of the original sovereign tribal federation, we are part of the community, we are part of the people. And we're standing here united to make an international call for assistance. We need international attention focused on what's happening here in our communities.
We have the Northern Territory government force-vaccinating our people, pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers, and local military and local police officers to pressure our people into taking this bioweapon.
They are not informing the people, they are lining them up, they are pressuring them, they are telling them they can't eat in the shops, they can't leave the community, they can't go shopping elsewhere. Those who have been forced, those who are fleeing to get food or fleeing from this forced vaccination are actually fined 5,000 dollars for leaving the community. So this is martial law. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity and everything that has been implemented against humanity has been trialed and practiced on the tribal people of this continent. We are the guinea pigs. We are the dry run for everything. What they're doing in our community right now, do not think because you live in major cities that you avoid of it, this is a dry run for the rest of the country and the rest of the world. They are trialing it on us. They tried the basic card, OK, basic universal income, noncash card. Everything gets tried on us. The New World Order agenda, everything has been trialed and practiced on the sovereign tribal people of this continent. What they are doing now is they are forcing this genocidal weapon onto us through coercion, through force, through pressure, through the relief of getting a fee or food or getting money. They are pressuring us in every way and now they are going in with the military, they are locking down entire communities, they are not letting people in or out, they are protecting their crime by [inaudible] everybody out and they are pressuring and forcing our people to take this bioweapon.
Our people are scared, our people are frightened, our people are terrorized out there, OK? This is torture. Do not be mistaken. This is torture. And we are calling out for the international community to bring this to the attention of the world. Candace Owen, she called it out, she called on the US, why isn't the US military intervening here when they went into Iraq and Afghanistan over lies?
Well we're not lying to you. We're the people on the ground. We are the people watching our people die from this bioweapon. This is truth. This is reality. Do not ignore this cry. Do not ignore this call out. Please, we're asking the international community to please raise the awareness around the world and bring support. We need to pressure this government and the Northern Territory government and Michael Gunner who is pushing this mandate with the police, with the military. This is genocide against the oldest living culture on the planet. This is wiping out the oldest living culture on the planet that you're a part of. Our culture is your culture, our law is your law. We hold all seven DNAs. When we are gone the reminder of who we all are to humanity in this planet is gone. So we need yous to stand up. Show some courage. Show some honor. Come forward and help us stop this genocide against our people because our people are suffering, our children are suffering. And like my sister said, when the elders are gone, when the parents are gone, what are the children going to have? Nothing. They're going to removed off the land.
This is a land grab. This has got nothing to do with health. This is a land grab. And they are using the bioweapon to wipe us out, to get rid of the bloodline, to take over the land. They've [inaudible], they want the resources, they want the water. This is a land grab, they're coming for everything. They're going to kill us and they're going to wipe out 15 million Australian people to get us in the process. So wake up, Australia, wake up world, come to our aid, stand up. Expose the criminal genocide that we are being to subjected to now and end this now or you're going to lose the oldest loving culture on the planet. And if we all sit by idly and we don't do anything about this we're all complicit. So come forward please. Our people are dying.
Right now in Darwin we have two large apartment blocks, OK, they are housing commission blocks, everybody has been told in those blocks, if you do not get the vaccine you must leave now. So they are stopping our people from our communities coming into town and they are kicking out people out of housing commission houses because they won't get the vaccination and making them homeless in the city. When they have nowhere to go and they start to act up they're going to imprison them. OK? So they're using us to get us out of the scene, to wipe us out and to take us out.
This is not a joke. This is a serious call out to the world. And we are asking you, as the sovereign, original sovereign tribal people of this land, the ordinary executives and the heads of state, we are asking the world to please come and help us. Please pay attention to what's happening and expose this tyranny and this genocide before we die and lose it all. Ma.
I recommended your substack on someone else's article, and you commented on how encouraging it was and how much you felt you needed the support. I'm writing here because comments were closed there.
What you have done here is the sterling work of someone who has genuinely risen to the occasion (unlike my own part-time dilettante efforts). It reminds me of the last line of Kipling's If: "what is more, you'll be a Man, my son".
What I want to say is that appalling though it is, you have to find a strategy that is going to let you survive in the long term. You cannot allow yourself the indulgence of FEELING that outrage at every outrageous action. That is too much. You have already demonstrated that you have the guts, fortitude and principles to act with rigour; that you CAN empathise.
Now you must gather yourself, garner your gumption, your mental resources, for the long haul, because we've hardly started yet. You have to fully accept the worst that might happen, in advance, although working for the best; so that when it happens you are not shocked.
When I was a student, about half a century ago, I read every book by Primo Levi (when I was supposed to be reading something quite different)! I wanted to learn what it was that he had that enabled him to survive all that time in Auschwitz. Now it seems like good training for the present.
Yup, I am sick to my stomach and sick at heart. Exact same modus operandi...you NZ, UK, CAN, and US.
All those Live Exercises paid off....From Dark Winter to Event 201.
So many things you say stick in my head. Please, please, make sure you print ALL OF IT OFF ON PAPER.
My real terror is seeing all of this stuff on Substack one day wiped off the face of the Earth, and from history. Please keep a hard copy of EVERYTHING. Keep it safe, even after your death, give it only to those you can trust to keep it safe also.
You know what sentence of all of it I LIKE the most? This: My real question to these middle managers is this: do you feel safe in this system?
The top officials were , you are right, never going to stop. They got paid handsomly for their service to the globalists, you can bet on it. They are the pschyopaths among us.
The middle managers? They are the collaborators.
I wish there was a way we could get this info to them and SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them...more than they might have been scared by Covid .......and I am talking scare them with the reality they are gonna face when their USEFULLNESS is over. ALL pathocracies get rid of their collaborators as soon as possible. The German's did it, the Soviets did it, The Chinese did at, and so did Pol Pot. As Dr. Vernon Coleman says, the collaborators are getting us killed. But they too will be part of a future cull.
This is overwhelming, and sickening. I am so sorry for you...for all of us. It is not going to end well, I think. I trust your feeling...and I am uneasy in my sleep.
Thank you Duchess. All their names are listed in the FOIs. Most of them still work for government or in prominent positions and their emails are public. People can email them the article. Please, no threats of violence. It is totally unnecessary and will backfire because the law does not apply to them.
...To help maintain the supply of hydroxychloroquine in Australia and discourage inappropriate prescribing, effective from 24 March 2020 the TGA is implementing changes to the Poisons Standard to place restrictions on the medical specialists who can initiate prescribing of the medication. Initiation of hydroxychloroquine is restricted to the following medical specialties as per the Medical Board list: dermatology; intensive care medicine; paediatrics and child health; physician; and emergency medicine.
General practitioners and other medical practitioners (e.g. hospital Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) and doctors in training) can continue to prescribe repeats for hydroxychloroquine to patients in line with the registered indications for patients in whom the medication was prescribed prior to 24 March 2020. General practitioners and doctors in training can prescribe these medicines for continued treatment of patients where treatment was previously initiated by one of the specialists.
Drugs and Poisons control legislation in the States and Territories will be updated as required to reflect this change to the Poisons Standard."
= = = = =
It was then left to each state to enforce this ruling, eg in Qld:
8 Apr 2020
Doctors banned from prescribing potential COVID-19 drug
Of course, most of us realised at the time that this was all to do with facilitating the jab rollout, since an effective early treatment would stop any emergency authorisation of these injections.
But it is worth pointing out just how early this started - even back in March 2020, they were talking about "The Vaccine" as the only solution, even though (ostensibly) there had not yet been a vaccine developed.
Also, there seemed to be an inflexion point from Sunday 22 March 2020, when a nation-wide lockdown was announced (and left to each state to manage restrictions thereafter). I seem to remember that Scomo had just returned from an overseas pandemic conference, and was obviously told that lockdowns were the way to go.
That first lockdown week, everyone (government) was scrambling around trying to figure out how exactly to manage this.
Thereafter, each lockdown was ramped up just a bit, and in Queensland at least, the fear of further lockdowns was enough to keep most people compliant. At each outbreak, we were continually harangued to get tested - or our CMO would have to recommend another lockdown. We were praised for good behaviour, and chastised for naughty behaviour (eg being a "border cheat").
I well remember our international border closure, because my son was on a 10 day holiday in Cambodia, starting from 8 March. On Tuesday (2 days before his flight home) Scomo alerted Australians overseas to return home ASAP. Malaysia - base for Air Asia - closed its international borders that week, and they almost got stranded - he just managed to get a flight back to Perth through Singapore, and he was one of the very first to have to do the 14 day quarantine (at that stage it was home quarantine, severe at the time but very low key compared with what was to come).
= = = = =
Panedemic Timeline - Queensland (Jan-Mar 2020)
29 Jan 2020 - First case detected in Qld; Qld is the first state to declare a public health emergency.
6 Feb - Public Health (Declared Public Health Emergencies) Amendment Bill 2020 passed by Qld Parliament
10 Mar - international ban on official travel for state school students & staff (tours & trips)
18 March - National Human Biosecurity Emergency declared (under Biosecurity Act)
19 March - Australia bans all arrivals by non-citizens & non-residents.
23 March - after meeting of National Cabinet on Sunday 22 March & rant from ScoMo about having to crack down because people were not following social distancing guidelines: from noon Monday 23rd, closure of some businesses: gyms, pubs, clubs, sit-down food service, churches, weddings; funerals limited
25 March - above order revoked & replaced by a much more detailed & specific list (but more or less the same order)
26 March: stage 1 border restrictions (travellers to Qld required to self-isolate for 14 days, including air & road travellers)
-also exhortations to Queenslanders to stay home, stay within your suburb where possible
-closure of camping areas & national parks
26 Mar - announcement that schools would close for remainder of term 1 (one week to 4 April) - but flagged remote learning for term 2.
27 Mar - self-isolation for diagnosed CV cases
27 Mar - strict travel restrictions imposed for indigenous communities (Federal Gov, under Biosecurity Act)
28 Mar - Restrictions in Private Residences Direction (no more than 10 people)
29 Mar (11:59 pm) - Home Confinement Order (Stay at home order, except for essential purposes); limit of 2 people gathering outdoors or in home.
Awesome collection of materials. Each one could almost me a post on its own.
I was particularly interested in the McKinsey & Company market research. I’ve seen parts of these reports that were made available but never seen the full document. You can see why they kept pushing “The Safe & Effective” narrative and suppressing the true intention of many Australians (30+%) that were not likely to be vaccinated. Almost a third of Australians were made to feel like they were outliers. They had to nudge and coerce this group and make them feel like they were alone in their thoughts. I was one of them, I couldn’t believe no one else could see it, turns out there were plenty of people that could see it.
Imagine if that group was allowed a voice. I’m especially encouraged by the youngest group where almost 50% expressed they were unlikely to get vaccinated. That’s a lot of pissed off people that must by now know they’ve been conned, it’s amazing how well they can manipulate and coerce such a large group and make us look like we’re all cookers.
Yep, and combine that with the info that they don't have reliable vaccine data for all the states...well sir I think the official vax numbers are a LOT lower than they say. The majority of people I know are unvaccinated (self-selecting of course) but that's a lot of people, and the ones I know who are vaccinated are real mad about it.
Yes, please download the FOIs and repost your own analyses on your site - that would be awesome (tag me so I know and can bask in your glory). Also the fact that the morally bankrupt McKinsey & Co was the company to do it - I was like 'hot damn' when I saw that...the oxy pushers? Tsk tsk Australia.
I had planned on doing a write up based on the parts of the McKinsay & Co reports I had. Will definitely tag you you in it if I end up doing the write up. Not sure I can add anything other than point out what’s in FOIs, my write up was going to be what I thought was in the actual full reports but the FOIs turn out to pretty much confirm what I thought i.e. more than 30% were not onboard with this. I like Sasha’s take when she says it was all “performance art.”
Just looked up your oxy pusher reference and found this interesting article on the consulting industry, “Powerful firms that put the 'con' into consulting.”
So we should trust the experts, the same experts that the Senate is investigating and the pharma companies that have already been fined multiple times for misconduct.
We need a ‘misinformation’ bill to put back trust into ‘authority’. How about they just start being trustworthy then maybe there won’t be so much ‘misinformation’.
“My real question to these middle managers is this: do you feel safe in this system? Don’t you understand that you are not part of the real power structure?”
The sooner these people realise how true this statement, the sooner we get out of this tyranny.
Great work indeed Cheer! PS Substack needs ability to make Donations at will at any amount eg $25. This will allow flexibility in making donations at various intervals & amounts. GREAT SUBSTACK Thankyou!
Thanks Billy. If you feel so inclined, I have a Ko-Fi account. This allows micro-donations and one-off donations that is linked to Stripe. Substack also uses Stripe and others have already donated. People are telling me to print all this off and that will cost a lot - donations will allow me to do that.
Brilliant work, fantastic capture of the timeline and documents.
"Democide is administrative mass murder facilitated by career bureaucrats completely void of moral courage".
My workplace, middle managers were so proud of themselves, so deep in the psyop, so stupid to not know history and the dangers of new experimental medication, not smart enough to stop even when an employee had confirmed vaccine induced pericarditis... These morons will never know what they did was wrong, or against human rights, because they believed they were doing "the right thing"... and in an echo chamber of similar morons... The only thing that would make them suddenly think is to be put on trial, then they'd have been "just following orders", and even then I doubt they'd have paid enough attention in school history class to draw parallels with WW2 Germany.
Thanks for all the hard work putting this together... I'm saving this as a resource!!
Thank you Steve - so true, all the morons 'everywhere all at once.'
I keep going over and over how we will move forward with this, but like the US PREP Act, the Australian State of Emergency allows this sort of barbaric murderous behaviour, nullifying all our previous levers and checks for justice. Once that SOE is declared, our rights are gone. Further, no one in the judicial system wants to pursue this because they are jabbed, complicit in the SOE, and jabbed their children, and experiencing cognitive decline from jab injuries.
I still hope for human-scale justice but if it comes, it will likely occurr a few years down the road and have to be politically expedient to roll a government. If it were to be done properly and include all the collaborators, the population of Australia would be reduced considerably.
I agree fully... Unfortunately if there ever is any recognition it will be a small bit of theatre to appease the masses...
Even in my "Fairwork" mediation they were just desperate to get me out of there, my workplace's lawyer getting revved up calling me an "antivaxxer" (pretty much screamed the word) without being reprimanded by the mediator... Goes to show that you may be smart at law, but not biology... and academic intelligence doesn't mean you can't easily manipulated by propaganda, the mediator was deep in the psyop herself too hence no reprimand... and goes to show that the Fairwork Commision has been told which side of the fence to sit on... Especially apparent after Fairwork Commissioner Riordan said your employer has no right to force a covid vaccine on you due to solid constitutional rights ... So what changed there I wonder 🤔??
I don't blame those manipulated by the propaganda, Australians are not used to totalitarian regimes and the "for your safety" line is easily swallowed, even when things seem slightly odd.
I could have been easily fooled by this too... Had I not studied biology at uni re mRNA pathways... but suspect I would have woken up when they started FORCING people to have it... Surprised so many other Aussies didn't wake up there (a few I know did, but didn't wake up enough, as they only thought it was "a bit rough").
I take solace hoping that many got a dud due to mishandling or production error or that there were deliberate lots of low to no mRNA.
If, in about eight years as I initially guessed, the genetic dysfunction and cancers have built up enough to drop people like flies, I can imagine Klaus calling it "Ze Great Die Off" due to "Climate Change"... and those left will believe it, as they don't know any other narrative.
Thank for all the work you've done here, stellar effort!!
You are so welcome Steve, thank you for your testimony - these stories are very, very interesting and important. I am going to have something special out soon for readers so keep your eyes peeled for that.
To answer your question:
>after Fairwork Commissioner Riordan said your employer has no right to force a covid vaccine on you due to solid constitutional rights ... So what changed there I wonder.
The State of Emergency (SOE) legally voided the constitution. I cannot put it in any simpler terms than that.
People (not you) are farming unicorns when they keep crying about 'FairWork' and 'informed consent.' Once the SOE is declared, all those things are gone, and it is totally legal. It may be immoral, we may not like it, but it is legal. That was how they were able to close the state borders and trample on religious rights (both constitutionally protected). That is why we have lost hundreds of court cases and will continue to lose.
The only way to change things is to ensure that the SOE lever cannot be pulled in the future. Look at FOI 2655. That was all that was required to suspend every right we have and the entire letter was full of lies.
What we need to do is rescind the mechanisms to declare the SOE - in the case of covid, it was the Biosecurity Act, but there are many other 'acts' including the war act, and you better believe there will be a 'climate change' act or a 'racism' act in the future.
The good news is that if the people are the stopping condition, all we have to do is warn others, stick together, and give them the middle finger. I believe they did not go 'all the way' with the forced injections because of the threat of incredible defensive violence if they tried. Yet, one cannot shoot one's way out of an information war and the law is not justly applied to allow relief for the victims.
Does that make sense? Thanks again - I like your comments and questions very much.
Edit: to your comment about Australians not understanding totalitarian regimes, I totally agree. That's why Australians from migrant backgrounds were the first to sound the alarm and knew exactly what what happening from the very beginning - essentially screaming "the commies are coming! the commies are coming!" The protests had lots of people from China and former Soviet countries going 'here we go again.'
Ah, that explains a lot re State of Emergency declarations... I note some states have already declared a "Climate Emergency", South Australia has a declared "Climate Emergency" despite no evidence of an actual emergency in the state (bumper harvests and good rainfall last few years, so where's the problem 🤔)... Yes, could go on about man made climate change and carbon, but won't!
These States of Emergency could be used for anything to get around the law given what happened with covid...
I'm sensing more people are on edge than before, so I hope this is a good sign for their future plans (and there definitely are future plans!)...
Thanks for your help with that Fairwork query... Great job, keep up the good work... Articles are fantastic and have been forwarded to quite a few people today.
When everything is an 'emergency' our rights go down the toilet. Watch the language they use - it is very, very important. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
The only 'emergency' around here is a totalitarian emergency.
Dear Readers,
Let me know if you find any broken links, errors, or something doesn't download. I'm pretty tired and all the evil BS is blurring together right now. Unlike Satan's minions in government I do not have a team of well-rested debooonkers on hand so I'm relying on you to help me.
Ok, many are requesting that I print this into hard copy. I have calculated with a big box printer and there are 718 pages at 15c each so it will cost me $107.70. I can do that with your Ko-Fi donations thank you kindly! For anyone who feels compelled, many thanks: https://ko-fi.com/excessdeathsau
I am not sure how long it will take me but I will show you "the goods" once it is finished (or they kick me out at closing time).
In the meantime, please please share the article on social media or with your friends, church, club, etc. You are the most important people out there and I cannot do this without you. I am only one person.
Once you know the truth it is impossible to go back. No matter how hard you try to forget it won't work. Hence we are winning, they are scared rich tiny little men who live in perpetual fear someone might take all their ill gotten gains away. I sleep like a log at night.
The "man speaking in the video" about the NT forced aboriginal vax is David Lurnpa Cole.
YES! That's right. Thank you JP. Will update the article, along with Transcriber B's information.
Lurnpa - another powerful Australian who has been evicerated in the depraved media.
And what a great and eloquent speaker he is.
Ah, thanks, I will update the transcript.
Yes it certainly is "evil BS"!!
deboonkers... you mean the Pflak chuckers? (smile)
Yep, those are the ones.
Holy cow! This was an epic undertaking! Such an important read for not just Australians, but for all of us. As goes Australia, so go we all. It’s clear that many governments, across the world, have been in lockstep pushing their agenda and “Covid” was their excuse to ram it down our throats. What you’ve detailed is their totalitarian march to subjugate the masses, clearly detailed here! Thank you.
Thank you Judy. It should put some pieces of the puzzle together for Americans and Britons as well. Please share - I am banned everywhere and do not have any reach on social media.
Will do. It needs to been seen by as many as possible!
Banned everywhere? Remember, the flak is always heaviest over the target.
Yep. The power structure does not take kindly to those who go after the US DOD (Warp Speed, vaccine contracts, etc.).
This must be THE most definitive body of work outlining each step of the intentional Australian democide.
I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of work, and the number of sleepless nights you have spent in collating this for us. At this point I have not viewed all the documents, and cannot bring myself to watch the sickening reminders of what we have had to endure.
I too fear that things are only going to get worse. Non compliance is the only way, because as you so rightly say, this will be the only stopping condition.
Eternal gratitude for your amazing work 🙏
Thank you dear Anna. Actually, I generally sleep very well, although I do dream a lot.
Loved this find, well done!..."FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’"
Indeed. And so early in the timeline too. I'm gonna have to review the FOI
Hello aagabriel did you have any luck getting more info re "FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’"? If you can please advise? Thankyou
It's linked and embedded in this substack, under..
II. Early Days: planning, emergency, multinationals, censorship
FOI 3657 - Klaus Schwab, Head of the World Economic Forum, writes to Minister Greg Hunt and invites him to join the WEF’s ‘Covid Action Platform.’
March 17, 2020
Here is a direct download link from this substack https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/api/v1/file/818735fa-f901-4896-9d43-8804fb49e306.pdf
Brilliant thanks you gabriel
Dated 17 March 2020 ....a smoking gun?
That the planet got shot by
Ha too true, very good!
I can see why writing made you sick! I couldn’t watch all though the videos, it was to difficult to review the bigotry. It’s said the most dangerous people are those who believe they are doing “it” for the sake of the greater good!
For you Gaz or anyone else reading I will just park this comment here. If you are time limited or cannot bear to look at too much, the most important videos in the article would be:
(And for overseas readers, some context)
Lurnpa speaks about forced injection of Aborginal people: https://rumble.com/vpr17l-sos-australia-ethnic-cleansing.html
The "Gunner rant" (Gunner was the 'chief magistrate' (like a US governor) of the Nothern Territory where Lurnpa broadly is): https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2021/nov/22/stuff-it-shove-it-a-furious-michael-gunner-calls-out-those-against-vaccine-mandates-video
Melbourne police brutality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iOjCn-qkGk&t=3s
I would say that these three videos really capture what this time was like in Australia for the unvaccinated - black and white, city and country. All the elements are there, and we all felt and experienced it to varying degrees. We felt, and were, hunted by authorities.
Brilliant writing. Great work. It's all the more horrifying when you realise there was literally no testing for safety and efficacy for First Nations people prior to the rollout.
They are desperate to erase the DNA of the people who are strong in culture and the land. If they cannot do that, they will burn them out (like in the great forests of Quebec and town of Lahaina). These people are completely evil and will not stop.
One of the videos cited in this post--
SOS Australia - Ethnic Cleansing
The Doctor's Lounge, posted November 24, 2021
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: David Lurnpa Cole stands behind a sofa, flanked by other aboriginal elders. Seated on the sofa are 2 women at each end, and three men in the center. Four of the men have white hair and beards, and the two women appear to be late middle-age. Cole has a white beard and wears a sleeveless T-shirt with an aboriginal design.
DAVID LURNPA COLE: [speaking briefly in indigenous language] name here is David. I am descendent of Luritja Wombai people in Central Desert. I will say the same from the Scottish and Irish tribes of Europe. We are a part of the original sovereign tribal federation, we are part of the community, we are part of the people. And we're standing here united to make an international call for assistance. We need international attention focused on what's happening here in our communities.
We have the Northern Territory government force-vaccinating our people, pressuring them, using military, using foreign military, foreign police officers, and local military and local police officers to pressure our people into taking this bioweapon.
They are not informing the people, they are lining them up, they are pressuring them, they are telling them they can't eat in the shops, they can't leave the community, they can't go shopping elsewhere. Those who have been forced, those who are fleeing to get food or fleeing from this forced vaccination are actually fined 5,000 dollars for leaving the community. So this is martial law. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity and everything that has been implemented against humanity has been trialed and practiced on the tribal people of this continent. We are the guinea pigs. We are the dry run for everything. What they're doing in our community right now, do not think because you live in major cities that you avoid of it, this is a dry run for the rest of the country and the rest of the world. They are trialing it on us. They tried the basic card, OK, basic universal income, noncash card. Everything gets tried on us. The New World Order agenda, everything has been trialed and practiced on the sovereign tribal people of this continent. What they are doing now is they are forcing this genocidal weapon onto us through coercion, through force, through pressure, through the relief of getting a fee or food or getting money. They are pressuring us in every way and now they are going in with the military, they are locking down entire communities, they are not letting people in or out, they are protecting their crime by [inaudible] everybody out and they are pressuring and forcing our people to take this bioweapon.
Our people are scared, our people are frightened, our people are terrorized out there, OK? This is torture. Do not be mistaken. This is torture. And we are calling out for the international community to bring this to the attention of the world. Candace Owen, she called it out, she called on the US, why isn't the US military intervening here when they went into Iraq and Afghanistan over lies?
Well we're not lying to you. We're the people on the ground. We are the people watching our people die from this bioweapon. This is truth. This is reality. Do not ignore this cry. Do not ignore this call out. Please, we're asking the international community to please raise the awareness around the world and bring support. We need to pressure this government and the Northern Territory government and Michael Gunner who is pushing this mandate with the police, with the military. This is genocide against the oldest living culture on the planet. This is wiping out the oldest living culture on the planet that you're a part of. Our culture is your culture, our law is your law. We hold all seven DNAs. When we are gone the reminder of who we all are to humanity in this planet is gone. So we need yous to stand up. Show some courage. Show some honor. Come forward and help us stop this genocide against our people because our people are suffering, our children are suffering. And like my sister said, when the elders are gone, when the parents are gone, what are the children going to have? Nothing. They're going to removed off the land.
This is a land grab. This has got nothing to do with health. This is a land grab. And they are using the bioweapon to wipe us out, to get rid of the bloodline, to take over the land. They've [inaudible], they want the resources, they want the water. This is a land grab, they're coming for everything. They're going to kill us and they're going to wipe out 15 million Australian people to get us in the process. So wake up, Australia, wake up world, come to our aid, stand up. Expose the criminal genocide that we are being to subjected to now and end this now or you're going to lose the oldest loving culture on the planet. And if we all sit by idly and we don't do anything about this we're all complicit. So come forward please. Our people are dying.
Right now in Darwin we have two large apartment blocks, OK, they are housing commission blocks, everybody has been told in those blocks, if you do not get the vaccine you must leave now. So they are stopping our people from our communities coming into town and they are kicking out people out of housing commission houses because they won't get the vaccination and making them homeless in the city. When they have nowhere to go and they start to act up they're going to imprison them. OK? So they're using us to get us out of the scene, to wipe us out and to take us out.
This is not a joke. This is a serious call out to the world. And we are asking you, as the sovereign, original sovereign tribal people of this land, the ordinary executives and the heads of state, we are asking the world to please come and help us. Please pay attention to what's happening and expose this tyranny and this genocide before we die and lose it all. Ma.
# # #
See also Freedom Rally Darwin NT
August 22, 2021
TB do you have a Substack or personal website link for this? I will use this longer video and refer to your transcript.
(Once again, I am speechless with your efforts on behalf of Australians).
Edit: to fill in your transcript, at the beginning where you have written [speaking briefly in indigenous language] name here is David
What he actually says: "Yeah my name is Lurnpa Tjumpatjimpa some of yous know me as David..."
'yous' is like 'y'all'
This is an incredible effort by the way - despite the speaker's eloquence, transcribing this would not have been easy for a non-Australian.
Thanks, ExcessdeathsAU, the transcript is here:
I have not yet given it a spotlight on the Substack.
This is really something. Truly, this article is blessed and the people are mobilising.
Dear Excess Deaths Au,
I recommended your substack on someone else's article, and you commented on how encouraging it was and how much you felt you needed the support. I'm writing here because comments were closed there.
What you have done here is the sterling work of someone who has genuinely risen to the occasion (unlike my own part-time dilettante efforts). It reminds me of the last line of Kipling's If: "what is more, you'll be a Man, my son".
What I want to say is that appalling though it is, you have to find a strategy that is going to let you survive in the long term. You cannot allow yourself the indulgence of FEELING that outrage at every outrageous action. That is too much. You have already demonstrated that you have the guts, fortitude and principles to act with rigour; that you CAN empathise.
Now you must gather yourself, garner your gumption, your mental resources, for the long haul, because we've hardly started yet. You have to fully accept the worst that might happen, in advance, although working for the best; so that when it happens you are not shocked.
When I was a student, about half a century ago, I read every book by Primo Levi (when I was supposed to be reading something quite different)! I wanted to learn what it was that he had that enabled him to survive all that time in Auschwitz. Now it seems like good training for the present.
Look after yourself. We need you.
P.S. A very small contribution here in my substack: "Finding Joy among the Skullduggery". https://whatdoino.substack.com/p/finding-joy-among-the-skullduggery?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
But Trust the Voice and vote Yes - grr
Yup, I am sick to my stomach and sick at heart. Exact same modus operandi...you NZ, UK, CAN, and US.
All those Live Exercises paid off....From Dark Winter to Event 201.
So many things you say stick in my head. Please, please, make sure you print ALL OF IT OFF ON PAPER.
My real terror is seeing all of this stuff on Substack one day wiped off the face of the Earth, and from history. Please keep a hard copy of EVERYTHING. Keep it safe, even after your death, give it only to those you can trust to keep it safe also.
You know what sentence of all of it I LIKE the most? This: My real question to these middle managers is this: do you feel safe in this system?
The top officials were , you are right, never going to stop. They got paid handsomly for their service to the globalists, you can bet on it. They are the pschyopaths among us.
The middle managers? They are the collaborators.
I wish there was a way we could get this info to them and SCARE THE LIVING CRAP out of them...more than they might have been scared by Covid .......and I am talking scare them with the reality they are gonna face when their USEFULLNESS is over. ALL pathocracies get rid of their collaborators as soon as possible. The German's did it, the Soviets did it, The Chinese did at, and so did Pol Pot. As Dr. Vernon Coleman says, the collaborators are getting us killed. But they too will be part of a future cull.
This is overwhelming, and sickening. I am so sorry for you...for all of us. It is not going to end well, I think. I trust your feeling...and I am uneasy in my sleep.
Thank you Duchess. All their names are listed in the FOIs. Most of them still work for government or in prominent positions and their emails are public. People can email them the article. Please, no threats of violence. It is totally unnecessary and will backfire because the law does not apply to them.
Even if you sent them copies of this they wouldn’t read it - psychopaths have no empathy, they wallow in their own stupidity.🤪
Thank you for compiling and sharing all this info - a mammoth undertaking indeed!
Let me just add from my own notes:
HCQ in Australia was restricted just 2 days after Trump's initial tweet about it:
24 Mar 2020
New restrictions on prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
...To help maintain the supply of hydroxychloroquine in Australia and discourage inappropriate prescribing, effective from 24 March 2020 the TGA is implementing changes to the Poisons Standard to place restrictions on the medical specialists who can initiate prescribing of the medication. Initiation of hydroxychloroquine is restricted to the following medical specialties as per the Medical Board list: dermatology; intensive care medicine; paediatrics and child health; physician; and emergency medicine.
General practitioners and other medical practitioners (e.g. hospital Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) and doctors in training) can continue to prescribe repeats for hydroxychloroquine to patients in line with the registered indications for patients in whom the medication was prescribed prior to 24 March 2020. General practitioners and doctors in training can prescribe these medicines for continued treatment of patients where treatment was previously initiated by one of the specialists.
Drugs and Poisons control legislation in the States and Territories will be updated as required to reflect this change to the Poisons Standard."
= = = = =
It was then left to each state to enforce this ruling, eg in Qld:
8 Apr 2020
Doctors banned from prescribing potential COVID-19 drug
Of course, most of us realised at the time that this was all to do with facilitating the jab rollout, since an effective early treatment would stop any emergency authorisation of these injections.
But it is worth pointing out just how early this started - even back in March 2020, they were talking about "The Vaccine" as the only solution, even though (ostensibly) there had not yet been a vaccine developed.
Also, there seemed to be an inflexion point from Sunday 22 March 2020, when a nation-wide lockdown was announced (and left to each state to manage restrictions thereafter). I seem to remember that Scomo had just returned from an overseas pandemic conference, and was obviously told that lockdowns were the way to go.
That first lockdown week, everyone (government) was scrambling around trying to figure out how exactly to manage this.
Thereafter, each lockdown was ramped up just a bit, and in Queensland at least, the fear of further lockdowns was enough to keep most people compliant. At each outbreak, we were continually harangued to get tested - or our CMO would have to recommend another lockdown. We were praised for good behaviour, and chastised for naughty behaviour (eg being a "border cheat").
I well remember our international border closure, because my son was on a 10 day holiday in Cambodia, starting from 8 March. On Tuesday (2 days before his flight home) Scomo alerted Australians overseas to return home ASAP. Malaysia - base for Air Asia - closed its international borders that week, and they almost got stranded - he just managed to get a flight back to Perth through Singapore, and he was one of the very first to have to do the 14 day quarantine (at that stage it was home quarantine, severe at the time but very low key compared with what was to come).
= = = = =
Panedemic Timeline - Queensland (Jan-Mar 2020)
29 Jan 2020 - First case detected in Qld; Qld is the first state to declare a public health emergency.
6 Feb - Public Health (Declared Public Health Emergencies) Amendment Bill 2020 passed by Qld Parliament
10 Mar - international ban on official travel for state school students & staff (tours & trips)
18 March - National Human Biosecurity Emergency declared (under Biosecurity Act)
19 March - Australia bans all arrivals by non-citizens & non-residents.
23 March - after meeting of National Cabinet on Sunday 22 March & rant from ScoMo about having to crack down because people were not following social distancing guidelines: from noon Monday 23rd, closure of some businesses: gyms, pubs, clubs, sit-down food service, churches, weddings; funerals limited
25 March - above order revoked & replaced by a much more detailed & specific list (but more or less the same order)
26 March: stage 1 border restrictions (travellers to Qld required to self-isolate for 14 days, including air & road travellers)
-also exhortations to Queenslanders to stay home, stay within your suburb where possible
-closure of camping areas & national parks
26 Mar - announcement that schools would close for remainder of term 1 (one week to 4 April) - but flagged remote learning for term 2.
27 Mar - self-isolation for diagnosed CV cases
27 Mar - strict travel restrictions imposed for indigenous communities (Federal Gov, under Biosecurity Act)
28 Mar - Restrictions in Private Residences Direction (no more than 10 people)
29 Mar (11:59 pm) - Home Confinement Order (Stay at home order, except for essential purposes); limit of 2 people gathering outdoors or in home.
...and so on thereafter.
Holy shit (excuse my Irish).
This is great info with regards to the HCQ. I'll add that info to the timeline.
Awesome collection of materials. Each one could almost me a post on its own.
I was particularly interested in the McKinsey & Company market research. I’ve seen parts of these reports that were made available but never seen the full document. You can see why they kept pushing “The Safe & Effective” narrative and suppressing the true intention of many Australians (30+%) that were not likely to be vaccinated. Almost a third of Australians were made to feel like they were outliers. They had to nudge and coerce this group and make them feel like they were alone in their thoughts. I was one of them, I couldn’t believe no one else could see it, turns out there were plenty of people that could see it.
Imagine if that group was allowed a voice. I’m especially encouraged by the youngest group where almost 50% expressed they were unlikely to get vaccinated. That’s a lot of pissed off people that must by now know they’ve been conned, it’s amazing how well they can manipulate and coerce such a large group and make us look like we’re all cookers.
Yep, and combine that with the info that they don't have reliable vaccine data for all the states...well sir I think the official vax numbers are a LOT lower than they say. The majority of people I know are unvaccinated (self-selecting of course) but that's a lot of people, and the ones I know who are vaccinated are real mad about it.
Yes, please download the FOIs and repost your own analyses on your site - that would be awesome (tag me so I know and can bask in your glory). Also the fact that the morally bankrupt McKinsey & Co was the company to do it - I was like 'hot damn' when I saw that...the oxy pushers? Tsk tsk Australia.
I had planned on doing a write up based on the parts of the McKinsay & Co reports I had. Will definitely tag you you in it if I end up doing the write up. Not sure I can add anything other than point out what’s in FOIs, my write up was going to be what I thought was in the actual full reports but the FOIs turn out to pretty much confirm what I thought i.e. more than 30% were not onboard with this. I like Sasha’s take when she says it was all “performance art.”
Just looked up your oxy pusher reference and found this interesting article on the consulting industry, “Powerful firms that put the 'con' into consulting.”
So we should trust the experts, the same experts that the Senate is investigating and the pharma companies that have already been fined multiple times for misconduct.
We need a ‘misinformation’ bill to put back trust into ‘authority’. How about they just start being trustworthy then maybe there won’t be so much ‘misinformation’.
Incredible work here! Wow this is going to take some time to read. Congrats on putting in the hard yards for this one. ✊
“My real question to these middle managers is this: do you feel safe in this system? Don’t you understand that you are not part of the real power structure?”
The sooner these people realise how true this statement, the sooner we get out of this tyranny.
Great work indeed Cheer! PS Substack needs ability to make Donations at will at any amount eg $25. This will allow flexibility in making donations at various intervals & amounts. GREAT SUBSTACK Thankyou!
Thanks Billy. If you feel so inclined, I have a Ko-Fi account. This allows micro-donations and one-off donations that is linked to Stripe. Substack also uses Stripe and others have already donated. People are telling me to print all this off and that will cost a lot - donations will allow me to do that.
I applaud your efforts, it must have taken an extraordinary amount of time. Shared on X.
Thank you Keith. It did.
Brilliant work, fantastic capture of the timeline and documents.
"Democide is administrative mass murder facilitated by career bureaucrats completely void of moral courage".
My workplace, middle managers were so proud of themselves, so deep in the psyop, so stupid to not know history and the dangers of new experimental medication, not smart enough to stop even when an employee had confirmed vaccine induced pericarditis... These morons will never know what they did was wrong, or against human rights, because they believed they were doing "the right thing"... and in an echo chamber of similar morons... The only thing that would make them suddenly think is to be put on trial, then they'd have been "just following orders", and even then I doubt they'd have paid enough attention in school history class to draw parallels with WW2 Germany.
Thanks for all the hard work putting this together... I'm saving this as a resource!!
Thank you Steve - so true, all the morons 'everywhere all at once.'
I keep going over and over how we will move forward with this, but like the US PREP Act, the Australian State of Emergency allows this sort of barbaric murderous behaviour, nullifying all our previous levers and checks for justice. Once that SOE is declared, our rights are gone. Further, no one in the judicial system wants to pursue this because they are jabbed, complicit in the SOE, and jabbed their children, and experiencing cognitive decline from jab injuries.
I still hope for human-scale justice but if it comes, it will likely occurr a few years down the road and have to be politically expedient to roll a government. If it were to be done properly and include all the collaborators, the population of Australia would be reduced considerably.
I agree fully... Unfortunately if there ever is any recognition it will be a small bit of theatre to appease the masses...
Even in my "Fairwork" mediation they were just desperate to get me out of there, my workplace's lawyer getting revved up calling me an "antivaxxer" (pretty much screamed the word) without being reprimanded by the mediator... Goes to show that you may be smart at law, but not biology... and academic intelligence doesn't mean you can't easily manipulated by propaganda, the mediator was deep in the psyop herself too hence no reprimand... and goes to show that the Fairwork Commision has been told which side of the fence to sit on... Especially apparent after Fairwork Commissioner Riordan said your employer has no right to force a covid vaccine on you due to solid constitutional rights ... So what changed there I wonder 🤔??
I don't blame those manipulated by the propaganda, Australians are not used to totalitarian regimes and the "for your safety" line is easily swallowed, even when things seem slightly odd.
I could have been easily fooled by this too... Had I not studied biology at uni re mRNA pathways... but suspect I would have woken up when they started FORCING people to have it... Surprised so many other Aussies didn't wake up there (a few I know did, but didn't wake up enough, as they only thought it was "a bit rough").
I take solace hoping that many got a dud due to mishandling or production error or that there were deliberate lots of low to no mRNA.
If, in about eight years as I initially guessed, the genetic dysfunction and cancers have built up enough to drop people like flies, I can imagine Klaus calling it "Ze Great Die Off" due to "Climate Change"... and those left will believe it, as they don't know any other narrative.
Thank for all the work you've done here, stellar effort!!
You are so welcome Steve, thank you for your testimony - these stories are very, very interesting and important. I am going to have something special out soon for readers so keep your eyes peeled for that.
To answer your question:
>after Fairwork Commissioner Riordan said your employer has no right to force a covid vaccine on you due to solid constitutional rights ... So what changed there I wonder.
The State of Emergency (SOE) legally voided the constitution. I cannot put it in any simpler terms than that.
People (not you) are farming unicorns when they keep crying about 'FairWork' and 'informed consent.' Once the SOE is declared, all those things are gone, and it is totally legal. It may be immoral, we may not like it, but it is legal. That was how they were able to close the state borders and trample on religious rights (both constitutionally protected). That is why we have lost hundreds of court cases and will continue to lose.
The only way to change things is to ensure that the SOE lever cannot be pulled in the future. Look at FOI 2655. That was all that was required to suspend every right we have and the entire letter was full of lies.
What we need to do is rescind the mechanisms to declare the SOE - in the case of covid, it was the Biosecurity Act, but there are many other 'acts' including the war act, and you better believe there will be a 'climate change' act or a 'racism' act in the future.
The good news is that if the people are the stopping condition, all we have to do is warn others, stick together, and give them the middle finger. I believe they did not go 'all the way' with the forced injections because of the threat of incredible defensive violence if they tried. Yet, one cannot shoot one's way out of an information war and the law is not justly applied to allow relief for the victims.
Does that make sense? Thanks again - I like your comments and questions very much.
Edit: to your comment about Australians not understanding totalitarian regimes, I totally agree. That's why Australians from migrant backgrounds were the first to sound the alarm and knew exactly what what happening from the very beginning - essentially screaming "the commies are coming! the commies are coming!" The protests had lots of people from China and former Soviet countries going 'here we go again.'
Ah, that explains a lot re State of Emergency declarations... I note some states have already declared a "Climate Emergency", South Australia has a declared "Climate Emergency" despite no evidence of an actual emergency in the state (bumper harvests and good rainfall last few years, so where's the problem 🤔)... Yes, could go on about man made climate change and carbon, but won't!
These States of Emergency could be used for anything to get around the law given what happened with covid...
I'm sensing more people are on edge than before, so I hope this is a good sign for their future plans (and there definitely are future plans!)...
Thanks for your help with that Fairwork query... Great job, keep up the good work... Articles are fantastic and have been forwarded to quite a few people today.
You got it.
When everything is an 'emergency' our rights go down the toilet. Watch the language they use - it is very, very important. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
The only 'emergency' around here is a totalitarian emergency.
This is a great resource for anyone who forgot the timeline of assaults against the Australian people.
Bookmarked into my covid investigations folder!
Omg I'm starting to download some of the FOIs... so juicy.
Got triggered at the McClown quotes. Fuck, be blessed us who did not engage M.A.D protocols.
How did we not??!! 🙏
Thank God for you and downloading everything. Please download ALL the FOIs and save them offline. I will feel much better knowing you have them.