Dear Readers,

Please read the article including the 'misconceptions' section. If you have questions (scriptural or otherwise) I would be very happy to pass them along to The Two Witnesses Ministry, or you can contact them directly if you would like (see body of article). I cannot answer your questions as I did not write the article, but I will do my best to pass along your queries.

Edit: unfortunately, due to the level of attack I am experiencing (particularly via email) I have decided to close the comments section. Very unfortunate that I cannot openly platform important/controversial topics without people totally losing it, but that seems to be par for the course these days. I simply do not have time to moderate the comments section as I would like. God Bless you readers.

Edit2: As requested, I have opened the comment section to paid subscribers. Apologies for any confusion - I had to close the comments until I figured out how to handle what was happening.

Edit3: Update: my subscriber count has gone down after I published this article. Usually after I publish an article I will have a big jump in subscribers as people share the article, but not in this case. The numbers show that people are reading it and not sharing it. As a Christian, I have an obligation to share what I know. Let's pray for those who find the information so confronting that they cannot face it and warn others.

Edit4: woooo watch those numbers drop wow!

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Thank you to both you and the Two Witnesses for this phenomenal post, ExcessDeathsAU. This is so very comprehensive and complete with God’s Word to back up everything they say. I look forward to coming back to this to go to some of the links they provided as well. The misconceptions section was excellent. (The one thing I would add is that our DNA *is* actually known by scientists to be “right-handed.” That fact is extremely sobering. Also we have a 10-5-6-5 sequence within our DNA which translates to YHWH in Hebrew - that is absolutely beautiful and we are marked within as God’s very own, just like with the 144,000 they mention. )

Thank you for having the courage to speak out this very unpopular truth. I agree so much with what you’ve said in the comments regarding the reaction to truth. If we speak non-truth or watered down lukewarm half-truth, we can expect to watch the applause roll in. When you speak God’s holy truth through the fire of The Holy Spirit, then you can get confirmation that you’ve done just that from the intense attacks and hatred on it.

Earthly praise will never come when you are hard-core following Jesus, a lover of the truth, and walking in HIS ways. But something

so much greater than earthly praise is yours, which is the approval of your Heavenly Father who I know is so incredibly pleased with your love of the truth and your tenacity to remain faithful and to fight against the evil.

I saw what you wrote in your other article about overcoming anger and I love all you said about that and about climbing out of the pit. I pray that the level of anger you once had is very soon matched (and surpassed) by the inexplicable joy that can only come from being sold out to Jesus, honoring Him with your life, and speaking His truth no matter the cost.

My friend Denise is the one who sent me this post a while back and she saw your covid craziness post as well recently. She has a holy gift of spiritual discernment and is a prayer warrior and she has you in her daily prayers now. So just know you have the two of us backing you and praying for you as you persevere and speak the truth in this evil and depraved world. Thank you so very much for what you’re doing, ExcessDeathsAU, and don’t ever stop!!

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Wow, oh my goodness. This comment is amazing and I am overwhelmed with your generosity in spirit (and Denise, the prayer warrior). No words except to say: thank you. Please pass on my gratitude to Denise as well. I am in shock with the level of love you are showing me and feel that I do not deserve it. You are truly walking with Christ.

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This is interesting, and much that I agree with. But it's a dark view of the world, nevertheless.

...If our DNA was altered way back in the days of the Nephilim, how does the current DNA altering compare with that?

...If everyone is either going to be altered (injected) or killed for non-compliance, does it matter about DNA altering? Since no-one will be having babies anymore, and the human race as we know it will be wiped out no matter what we do...

Yes, the body is our temple. But we are divine souls inhabiting the body. Destroying the temple will destroy our vehicle on this Earth - but it will not destroy the essential divine, spiritual self.

Unless I am missing something here?

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I was born in 1955, 2nd last of family of 6. Dad protestant, mum catholic, excommunicated when she married dad. Neither of them particularly religious but we had Christian upbring all the same - Sunday school, church at Easter, Christmas etc, older sisters/brothers married in church. I started school at age 6. I remember we started day with Lord's Prayer, also before assemblies. Religious studies were divided into groups of Church of England and Catholics who we thought were weird due to cult of VM. Things changed 3rd year high school - so mid 60s. No more religious studies, nor history/geography, just "social studies". Everything changed mid-60s - mainly but not entirely for the worse. Studied Bible at university - just a couple of units, Ovid & the Bible, Gospel of St Luke ... . Have since re-read KJV carefully several times. Whenever I have prayed it's always been for myself or my animals when I was little, later for my son when he got sick. I always felt like a hypocrite. Now I can tell you I am almost hoping certain people drop dead, incl. amongst my older boomer siblings whose sheepish compliance led to current mess we're in and that's killing our kids and grandkids. No way can I forgive them. Bloody idiots all of them. That is not the attitude we Christians are taught to have. We are supposed to forgive these bastards? I need to re-read Revelations. Never took end times seriously before. Sorry EDAU, just raving on.

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Hey I love a good rant. No one is perfect least of all me. May God Bless you and your animals on your journey. Forgiveness is the hardest journey of all, believe you me.

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I understand Christ's message as promoting forgiveness of those who "know not what they do", notably the ignorant, feeble-minded, incompetent, not those who knowingly persecute others and also that forgiveness is not possible without repentance. Clearly we are nowhere near that for time being. Apart from that, I'm sorry you copped so much flak over this but personally I would have left the comments up and let readers argue it out amongst themselves and maybe do follow-up article to set things straight. ... But that's just me. Bonne continuation!

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Do non-judeochristo religions possess apocalyptic and/or catastrophic prophesies? Or is it just our decayed Western Civ?

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Good question. I know many religions/cultures have had a 'great flood' past narrative but I am not up on comparative prophetic religions. Maybe you could find out and report back!

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T'was rhetorical, m'dear😚. I am not a Borg, not a Materialist, there is a unifying "thing" in this massive universe, unknowable to mere biota, but 2 hundred million stars per galaxy & 2 hundred million galaxies lead me to believe that t'will REMAIN unknowable to us. I cast doubt, not aspersion, onto Christian prophecy, on ANY fortune telling.

I do note that a fellow traveller, non Christian Jewess, Dr Naomi Wolfe has also turned to the spiritual to comprehend this Great Betrayal. Maybe it's Quantum 🤗

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Dear Readers (again),

The Two Witnesses Ministry has written a post on their blog about ExcessDeathsAU including the letter I wrote to their readers. You can read it here: https://twowitnessesofrevelation.com/blog/f/excessdeathsau-article-the-vaccine-is-the-mark-of-the-beast

They remind us of the following:

"If you can openly profess your beliefs to millions of people in these end times without any fear of backlash or persecution, you are not saying much truth - if any at all...I can't think of any topic more controversial than saying the vaccine is the mark of the beast. Try bringing that up to friends and family and see what happens. If it wasn't true, though, it wouldn't bother anyone."

Job 6:25-27

The truth is always painful,

but your arguments

prove nothing.

Here I am desperate,

and you consider my words

as worthless as wind.

Why, you would sell an orphan

or your own neighbor!

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Well that certainly made me glad I didn't get the shot! I feel that these people have done some serious work and deserve serious consideration. But now it's bedtime, and I need to take care of the Temple

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Thanks PP. Yes, everything they write is very carefully referenced and backed by scripture. I was recently emailing Witness 2 about the article and the abuse I was receiving (I do not think she will mind if I say this) and she said (para.) that 'out of all the thousands of emails they have received, only one has seriously tried to debunk them in terms of scripture.' I was hoping that the comments would provide a platform for people to do this, but they didn't even read the article or the 'misconceptions' section, they just simply launched into attack/defence mode.

I am also glad I didn't get the shot, but I have a lot of rage in my heart for what we experienced, and how innocent people were injected and murdered and tortured, and how these ghouls are out living their best lives on our money. I find it difficult to forgive, so I know I need to work on that in order to be forgiven.

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Sorry to hear there are bat sh*t crazy people out there who feel the need to threaten people just because they don't agree with an article. The article isn't something I'm on board with, but hey, people are entitled to put forward a POV without being abused for it.

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Thanks Bryan, I like your comment very much.

You may be surprised to know this, but unfortunately a big part of writing this Substack is copping a fair amount of abuse, not just in terms of government censorship and restrictions, but from the public. It's difficult because I cannot be responsible for what people write in the comments, yet the government (and Substack/Stripe) will use it as an excuse to shut me down. People really do not like me writing about these topics, which means that I must write about them (or source experts who can).

Thanks for reading, and your support.

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I am looking forward to reading this article. Thank you for recruiting a different source of knowledge for us. I am sorry to read that your commenters have been unkind. Totally uncalled for.

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Thank you PP, and thank you for being so open-minded. I know it is a confronting subject. Most of the people did not even read the article before commenting, they simply jumped into defence/attack mode. This is a subject that no one is discussing, but many 'feel', so it is interesting to see words around it.

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