Aug 11·edited Aug 12Pinned

Comments open for clownworld documentation - give me your best articles of official covid madness. Can you top the lifeguards or the volcano?

Edit: thank you everyone. Comments now only for paid subs - I don't have time to keep up with the comments anymore.

I will re-post what I wrote below:

>Keeping comments open is actually a bit stressful for me due to legal stuff. People want to have their say, but never think about the effect this has on the one hosting the comments in jurisdictions that do not have free speech. There is nothing more they would like to do than to shut me down so that I cannot get information out to people.

Relatedly, please enjoy a song from my fellow Australian who lived through Dan's cauldron in Victoria: (warning, explicit langage) https://thumbnailgreen.substack.com/p/on-a-watch-list

On A Watch List - Shout out to the Spooks - Yay!

Thank you to everyone for understanding, and I hope to write for you soon.

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Yes, I remember an article documenting that vaccination was required in order to be euthanized. That was in Germany iirc.

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Yep. For the win. Fear makes blind. If people couldn’t see the madness they could only be shitting themselves on some level

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Original article on Wayback because German murder association has since deleted article: https://web.archive.org/web/20211120122435/https://www.sterbehilfe.de/sterbehilfe-nur-noch-fuer-geimpfte-und-genesene/

Yes, confirms 2G system required.

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What?! Wow. Just wow.

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Oof, I think that beats "volcano"!

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So much madness... but I call volcano for the win.

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Where to start. I'll just shake my head (the "in disbelief" part is long gone).

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I remember the man getting arrested trying to surf off the coast of Southern California, but I don't think it tops these two articles. No shortage of material though.

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Here he is:


>Despite repeated orders to exit the water, the man continued paddle boarding for at least 30 minutes.

Don't ever let them steal your good vibes!

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He was a arrested for surfing during the "lockdown."

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There's video of him: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-f1QS1nBm5/?img_index=1

Literally me.

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The level of absurdity knows no bounds. And most of the population put up with it. They didn't even think the authorities were just a wee bit over-the-top in their zeal to keep us "safe." Sadly, most would probably fall for it again. Such is the world today.

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There are going to have a chance to fall for it again immediately.

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hard to distinguish between madness and outright assaults / violations on individual autonomy.

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Well, I'm certain if we could have all just quit breathing...

it would have been a perfect world for thugs in charge.

Such evil! It served to wake up

some of us!

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Aug 15Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

ExcessDeathsAU, these covid insanities from your post and all the comments keep floating around in my head!!

I thought of one more, a personal one.

I work at a very big retirement community and I’m not in healthcare but a lot of employees are healthcare workers, and they administered the shots right there for our employees and residents. I was preparing myself to lose my job (my long-running job of a lot of years), but they never required the shots. But for employees, if we didn’t get the shot by a certain date in

November of 2021, then we lost our “Healthy Rewards discount” for our 2022 health insurance. So I got my discount taken away for every paycheck of 2022 while the people who took the experimental shot of unknown consequences received their healthy lifestyle discount….. because apparently they were less of a health risk than me and my unvaxxed coworkers. How ironic is that. At first they announced it would be the same for 2023 but then almost immediately changed it so the discount came back in 2023. I pushed back and wrote a letter about it to fight it at the end of 2021, but it went nowhere.

Also I wanted to comment to you on one more thing.

The article linked in the comments section about how the vax was required for people to be euthanized - on the surface that is absolutely absurd. But when I really thought about it, it dawned on me that the reasoning can be understood in light of their ultimate sinister goal with these shots, which I believe is to corrupt people’s DNA and take God’s name out of it. So with that in mind it makes perfect sense that they didn’t want someone to die without that unthinkably evil act being done. I don’t know of anything more diabolical than this.

Have you seen this? (at 3:54 of the short video in here)


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Yes, the spiritual crime of covid is, to me, the most important issue - the issue of all issues - and your comment is spot on. Thank you so much for this (and thank you for the sub...I could not do it without you).

I have had a guest article on this and written about covid (and the vaccines) as a spiritual crime which is fundamentally why I did not take the covid vaccine and will not take any more injections going forward - no matter what happens. It conflicts with my religious views and I believe the vaccine was designed to separate people from God.

I don't talk about it a lot because I tire of the vicious comments, trolling and hate emails. At this point, people either believe this or they do not. I believe the vaccinated can repent, but most will not (as it has been Written). Yet, all Christians (vaccinated or not) must always be in a state of repentance.


It's not just mRNA either. Adenovirus vaccines and the flu vaccine is genotoxic: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-flu-vaccine-2024-no-genotoxic

And more on the spiritual crimes of covid from a non-Christian perspective (energy healers, body workers, etc.): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/covid-democide-a-primer

I do not pretend to have all the answers, but after what I experienced in my life, the spiritual worldview makes much more sense than whatever is happening now: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/we-were-fearfully-and-wonderfully

Thank you again for your comment. Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Aug 16Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thank you so much, ExcessDeathsAU. I am so thankful to be a part of your substack.

There are so very few who see this supreme evil for what it truly is. I thank God He’s allowing me to see it and I know whatever ability I have to see and understand it is all from Him. I am so blessed when I find others who see and believe and love the truth, and can see it through the Holy Spirit. As my former priest said, it’s as if the entire world is under a blanket of demonic deception and we are seeing that at every turn now. And from what I can so far understand of your situation, you are feeling that on an everyday basis, and I believe that’s because satan comes hardest against those who are speaking God’s holy truth and won’t back down.

I am 100% with you and won’t take any shots nor anything else no matter what the cost. And it’s precisely that which makes us unable to be coerced and manipulated by any earthly force.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Revelation 12:11

When you know Who holds your life in His hands and where you’ll eventually be with Him, then no threat here could ever make us comply. We know nothing here could ever be worth it when compared with our eternal salvation.

Thank you for standing strong and I will pray for you to be encouraged and even to have great joy amidst the trials you’re dealing with. You know you’re in excellent company because Jesus was treated with disdain before you.

It’s getting very thick down here and I think of the situation we are in and how people are bopping along with their lives going along as normal, not knowing one bit that we are living and breathing inside of Revelation. The deception and the layers to the deceptions go so so deep.

I did not know right away what these shots truly were but when I look back, it all makes perfect sense how I felt inside….the feeling of complete desperation as I watched people line up literally outside of my office to get the shots. I felt sick to my stomach as people were blinded and hardened to even hearing that maybe they should pause and think about it.

My friend sent me this video which is what opened my eyes to understand the spiritual crime and devastation (desolation) of the shots. It’s long but incredibly captivating and he begins by laying out how satan devised the entire deception of covid in his long game on the “chessboard of deception”, as he calls it. Right around the 2 hour mark he gets deep into the DNA, what CRISPR technology does to DNA, how God’s name is in our DNA, and how it has been long-known that our DNA is right-handed. That is a critical piece and will nullify a lot of people’s arguments that it doesn’t line up with the scripture regarding the right hand.


I so appreciate you writing back to me. I thought you felt this way because one of my friends told me about your guest post from a while ago. I was really busy at the time and didn’t read it all but now I look forward to reading all of these that you linked to me and will do that soon.

You’re very welcome for the sub and it’s a pleasure to support you! I look forward to talking to you again soon and to reading your posts. God bless you, ExcessDeathsAU! P.S. My name is Laurie.

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Thank you Laurie. I am overwhelmed by your generous post. God is gathering His people together in fellowship.

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Aug 17Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

You’re very welcome ExcessDeathsAU and I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m going to paste a link below for you to a prophecy by Pastor David Wilkerson from 1973, 51 years ago. It moved me so much when I heard it a couple of months ago that I decided to transcribe the whole thing. (It’s 52 minutes.) The link to the entire audio is also in the link below if you want to hear it - it’s very powerful to hear him say the words because it has Holy Spirt fire - but scroll down to where I noted the 15:35 timestamp to read that part. He talks about a supernatural invisible church, a union of deeply spiritual followers of Jesus Christ, bound together by the Holy Spirit and pulled together through the [then] coming persecution, people from all over and of all denominations. I see that and feel it happening.

Satan has brought the advanced technology to earth to get inside people’s bodies and to work mass evil and destruction on God’s creations, but God always turns it to our good, and it’s because of the technology that you and I can be talking right now and can be brought together in Him to support each other. I am so blessed to have had this chat with you and look forward to talking to you more very soon. And you are most definitely in my prayers!!!

P.S. Thank you for not holding it against me that I currently have a President who thinks that you can get covid from an actual bus.😂

Have a great weekend :) and here’s the link:


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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Stolen from a great meme: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE YEARS OF 2020?


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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

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It was like everyone was washing their hands not seeing that their brains were washed

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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Well they did stop people getting life saving organ transplants if they hadn’t had the jab, and so they died….I mean can you really get lower than that?

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Dazelle Peters in Australia.

Sheila Annette Lewis in Canada.

Garnet Harper in Canada.

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That’s the lowest. Truly. I read somewhere that possibly hospitals generated protocols using AI. Sounds about right. Dolts.

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The hospital protocols are indeed shocking.

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Did you see this. Corporations mandating the vaccines such as Wal-Mart and Coca Cola, are then taking out Dead Peasants Insurance on every employee to get paid out when their workers die from the jabs: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/walmart-killing-fields-getting-rich.

It's a cynical evil corporate system top to bottom. What about jobs? Quit your job. Own your own tools and bill for your own time. Reorganize under consultancy. Stop paying your enemies to kill you.

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I wonder if they told the vacinnated that jumping into centre the volcano with a mask and floaties on was the only safe and effective way of escaping the volcano?.... Trust the science!

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I'll wager the people in the Caribbean are much smarter than those of us in the Five Eyes countries.

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I don't know... it seems Puerto Rico went pretty nuts-a-palooza for the covid show.

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Oh man I forgot that so much of the Caribbean IS actually Five Eyes territory.

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Between a rock and a hot place.

Humans can be absolute turds.

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ME TOO: "If you are a reader from the Caribbean please let me know. I would love to hear from you."

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Here’s another of my absolute favorites : Our U.S. President Biden warning to not get Covid from a school bus. Keep your kids distanced from those buses y’all!!🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂

I videoed my TV to get this. (It’s only 23 seconds.)


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Holy sh*t.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thanks for preserving this. Euw. LOL.

PS EDAU, I am really getting the LOLs with this post!

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I am glad you like it TB. Keeping comments open is actually a bit stressful for me due to legal stuff. People want to have their say, but never think about the effect this has on the one hosting the comments in jurisdictions that do not have free speech. There is nothing more they would like to do than to shut me down so that I cannot get information out to people.

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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

This comment is so eye-opening to how bad things are, and how very wrong. Thank you for persevering, ExcessDeathsAU.

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Thanks for understanding.

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Transcriber B, you’ve gotta see this one! It’s my all-time favorite.

Fauci said that if you attack him then you’re attacking science. Senator John Kennedy responded with some great advice for Fauci since he’d gotten his feelings hurt.😂 It’s the best! (It’s 1 minute, 16 seconds.)


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(This is from June 2021.)

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Here you go:


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is a clip from Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle". It shows President Biden seated at his desk and addressing the camera.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: And for parents with kids [coughs into his hand] too young to be vaccinated, surround your kids with people who are vaccinated.


We know that our kids can be safe when in school by the way.


Social distancing class rooms, even larger classrooms. On buses and I mean even bus drivers to buses, to, to the actual bus.


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Aug 15Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Transcriber B, the memes post you did is so great!! Thanks for that and it was such a fun change-up to mix in with all of your transcriptions!

The unvaccinated Noah’s ark one was my favorite especially as I truly believe these shots are all about taking God’s signature out of our DNA. I believe it’s all about the DNA.

Thanks again and I hope you have a great rest of the week!

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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Appreciate your work immensely Transcriber B

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Let's go!

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“The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round…” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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Not on that bus, LOL

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Aug 12Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Transcriber B!!! Thank you, this is awesome to see it in transcription! As always, I love your work. :)

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And thank you for filming that bodaciously peculiar moment!

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Thanks for your kind words.

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Good grief, he was demented even then!

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No shale, LOL

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Unbelievable ExcessDeathsAU!! Thanks for this.

This one is truly a saver!

Here’s my other favorite one before I saw this one, linked below.

Alex Berenson did an article in 2022 on how Kyrie Irving couldn’t play with the Brooklyn Nets because he was unvaccinated. At a certain point, visiting players didn’t have to be vaxxed, people in the stands didn’t have to be vaxxed, only the team and staff itself did. (They were even starting to let him play away games because his vaxxed teammates were all getting the omicron strain, but he could not play home games.)

So Kyrie bought himself a courtside ticket for a home game and came to watch his buddies play! He even visited them in the locker room as a fan. This was my favorite sentence from this article:

“Irving even wound up going into the locker room with his teammates - but as a spectator (safe!) and not a player (dangerous!).”

What idiocy!!!

On a personal note, reading in that article that Kyrie Irving was a flat-earther - this was the first I ever heard that and wondered if that was just a term to call people who think outside the box. Then after again hearing the term flat-earthers in another article I was reading, I had to investigate it because it was the absolute stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and I thought that couldn’t possibly be a real thing. Well….I came out of that rabbit hole with my mind completely blown. This is a topic that even major truthers get upset over, but I’m telling ya anyone who looks into it with an open mind is going to at the very least come out going “Hmmm.” And when you go to the scriptures, you are not going to find evidence of a spinning globe, but quite the opposite.

Just an aside here because this is the article that started that whole thing for me. And it’s a truly beautiful thing to see what I believe is the truth on that.

Here’s the article:


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Great article - thanks for the link. Wow, talk about a compliance test.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Dear ExcessDeathsAu... and readers

I am an inmate of the formerly free place called Victoria;

There was much 'covid' induced insanity here and whilst I do not have any links to share, I do have vivid memories of some of the 'man-dates' placed onto us VicDanistanians...

State 'locked down' but brothels were 'allowed' to remain in operation even when 'curfews' were in place;

The 'judiciary' were exempted from having to be 'vaccinated' by Victoria's Chief Magistrate "in the interest of Public and Judiciary safety"; Anyone who had to 'attend court' needed to wear a mask to enter the building but had to take the mask off to speak to 'the magistrate'...

Mum and Dad corner shops were forcibly closed...small 'fast food' shops, clothing, baby-wear, everyday essentials, hair dressers, furniture etc stringently closed down by Vic Stasi but McDonalds, KFC, Bunnings, Harvey Normans, Coles and Woolworths all remained open;

Sitting on cliff tops to watch a sunset got people arrested; Kids playgrounds cordoned off; Schools closed; Beaches closed; Public parks became arrest zones...

'man-dated' to wear a mask to stand in any shop still open but mask could come off when seated; Could not enter shops without scanning 'QR Code' yet greeted by staff who were 'mask exempt' even while handling food; the 'QR Code' stopped 'the virus' from entering the shop apparently;

Then 'man-dated' to wear a mask while seated in an eatery but could stand around without mask...lift mask to place drink or food in mouth, mask down to chew food... repeat; some bright spark 'invented' masks with zippers to make it easier to eat...

Had (relatively small) Perspex screens at receptions, doctors desks, supermarket cashiers and even in front of individual fast food registers but the rest of the 'shop' was wide open;

Had to wear a mask in a dentist office while waiting for someone to do a deep dive into the wide open mouth of someone who left 'the virus' outdoors when they scanned the 'QR Code' prior to entry...

And the best 'rule' of them all, Armed Thugs in Uniforms were allowed to bash people, handcuff people, detain people and throw them in a small confined space with other people in the interests of 'public safety'...

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Victorian here I remember it all with disgust. But then again it WAS a military op

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

We must never forget and never surrender

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

And Do Not Comply!

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South Africa had its own especially cretinous regulations. In the large supermarkets in early 2020 - no hot food could be cooked and served; coloured pencils, glue sticks, paper etc... were cordoned off and verboten for purchase; you could not buy baby clothes for several months; only certain styles of trousers, shorts etc... - I kid you not. And poorer township schools, where children would get a meal at school, were closed - and no provision made to provide that food elsewhere. Starvation is much safer you understand... than ... that ... virus...

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Do you...have an article about the certain styles of trousers? That may be on of the the most absurd covid things I have ever heard.

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I don't, but will ask others if they remember more specifically and see if we can track down that Olympic medal worthy edict.

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Thank you so much that would be amazing.

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That just might top the German vax requirement to get euthenized.... But, oh, nah.

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

One of the worst for me was:

"Covid 19 coronavirus: NSW council shoots shelter dogs over infection fears"

That most people went along with this inhumane, cowardly madness might explain the cognitive dissonance we see everywhere today. Nobody who accepted the madness wants to remember how ugly they became.

It's still so hard for me to believe that so many people are cowardly idiots.

Shooting shelter puppies.

I'm so angry. I've been so for 4 yrs now. I doubt I can recover my pre-2020 self.

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I really hate it when my family describe me as angry these days. I describe them as banal. Punching bags have had the sense knocked out of them

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Yes. I stopped being angry this year because it was affecting my health. It was physically breaking me. The people who should be really angry are the jabbed but funerals keep happening and everyone is silent so why should I be angry? They know where I stand.

I will drop the link here for anyone overseas who wants to see it but please do not open it if it traumatises you. I'm also archiving the links as people post them.


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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thanks. It's impressive that you were able to stop being angry. I haven't made it there yet.

I'm in the US, but followed AUS and NZ very closely during the last 4 yrs. Very hard to watch what was happening there. It happened everywhere, but for some reason, what was going on down under really got to me. It seemed especially diabolical.

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Music writing helped me. And therapy sessions like this. Transcriber B you’re right about PTSD.

But still I can only trust the spirit in people now. The “people” are completely outside my trust horizon

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Author

We desperately need artists like you to push back. Never underestimate how important your art is. There was a guy who would rap/sing at the protests in Perth - a guy who worked up at the mines who lost his job during the mandates. He was lit and I always looked forward to seeing him. I forget his name.

When you wrote that song 'on a watchlist' I felt so seen (pun intended).

Edit: I just played your song for my family and it got a round of applause.

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Thanks brother. It’s been a journey. I was writing screaming about Drosten’s lies (PCR tests) and compliance etc in 2020 but just couldn’t release from social fear.

I’m done with that now.

As Majid Nawaaz said of his covidian mates “you missed the fucking boat”!

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Yep. I was just having this conversation with someone over on another stack who is trying to 'understand the other side.' It will be a fruitless endeavour.

What is there to understand? The fearful people parroting the MSM literally wanted me dead and applauded for the jackboots. I forgive and love them out of pity, but I am not stupid. I will 'socially distance' from these dangerous people because they have learned nothing and will do it again.

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I'm still pretty far from OK.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I've got my sense of humor, and a better one every day. But this will never be OK.

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I know. We have to hang in there.

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That's 99.99% of it.

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Thank you for thinking of us here that is very kind of you.

I haven't written about this, but to the issue of anger, God broke me and threw me into the pit and I had to climb my way out. It was so bad that I would not wish it on anyone. After that, the anger dissipated.

I usually write something personal for the Christmas message so may do that again this year.

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I will look forward to your Christmas message. After the pit, you must be made of sterner stuff. Mithril perhaps.

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I am like that meme:

Guy with blackened face: Give me harder battles!

Jesus: wtf

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

You made me laugh! Thanks for that.

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Aug 11Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

ME TOO: "If you are a reader from the Caribbean please let me know. I would love to hear from you."

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That is absolute madness. I can’t believe a bigger deal wasn’t made of this at the time it happened. Thanks for digging this up!

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You are welcome ma'am. I have collected thousands of articles and documents over the past four years and this one certainly stood out.

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