
Dear new subscribers, ASIO agents, WA Labor staffers and lurkers,

This article is getting a huge amount of traffic - far more than any of my previous articles. However, I believe that this article is actually far more important: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

The Australian government, via the NHMRC and CSIRO is conducting dual-use gain-of-function research in Level 4 facilities in Australia. Vaccines are exempt from controls. You need to understand that this is the same type of research that Fauci said, in front of US Senate testimony that "he never did." Australia was conducting this research the whole time. Australia is making lethal viruses and bacteria even more transmissible and lethal. https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-04/NHMRC-Gain-of-Function-Research-Review-Report-March-2022.pdf

Western Australia just "lost" a radioactive particle - it bounced off the back of a mining vehicle onto a public road. You expect us to believe that accidents (or malicious intent) won't happen at these facilities?

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I have no doubt these clowns are attempting ‘gain of function’ or telling us they are attempting it but TBH it appears to be ‘gain of fiction’.

If you take away the fraudulent PCR test that sees paw paws and coca cola test positive, deaths from other things like diabetes, cancer, dementia etc and then add on the medically induced deaths from midazalam and remdesivir (SP) you are left with zero Covid deaths. Oh yes and apparently the old man’s friend the flu disappeared as well.

The year of the pandemic saw an average amount of deaths and despite pretty good proof from the UK that midazolam caused all these so called ‘Covid ‘ deaths people are only half seeing through this scam.

This has been the shittest released ‘virus’ ever after years and years of research and billions and billions of $.

It’s all lies.

The Rockefellas bought ‘medicine’ in the early 1900’s and have like everything they do lie, steal, maim, kill and run elaborate schemes - this particular one is based on a scary ‘virus’ and has accelerated since given non liability status by Reagan in 1985 or around then.

The poison is solely the vaccine or countermeasure.

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‘gain of fiction' is spot on.


The poison is strictly many things but vaccines good to start the big pharma gravy train.


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the absolute uselessness of vaccines is portrayed in a book by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk.


Using the Government’s own data, every vaccine has been produced when the disease was basically extinct but then claiming it was the vaccine that cured it.

The real reason disease was stopped was clean running water, child and adult labour laws, good sanitation and sewage and fresh food that could be refrigerated.

Polio for EX was directly related to DDT spraying - it was not a ‘virus’.

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Joel Smalley linked here btw :)

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Don't forget these lot in Melbourne:

Kanta Subbarao

WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza

Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory

The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection & Immunity

792 Elizabeth Street

Melbourne VIC 3000


Fax: +613-9342 9329

Email: whoflu@influenzacentre.org


Terms of Reference


These are also the one's who supplied the UK with the "covid samples" to test the PCRs and LFTs against.

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When our Nobel Laureate Peter Doherty said that "natural immunity doesn't exist" https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/top-australian-immunologist-prof-peter-doherty-claims-he-never-heard-of-natural-immunity-implies-it-is-made-up-after-using-it-himself/

and his institute has big grants from Pfizer for immunology and cancer therapy most recently in 2019 https://www.doherty.edu.au/news-events/news/new-agreement-with-pfizer-to-identify-novel-targets-for-cancer-therapy

I knew we were in extremely deep sh*t. Our midwit politicians and their CHOs would never question the Doherty Institute. They have cult-like devotion to it. When I confronted Prof Doherty about this on Twitter he immediately blocked me. Is that how scientific debate is conducted? I guess it is now. Block, censor, deflect and murder with impunity as the money rolls in.

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That was one of many for me. Natural immunity doesn't count or is inferior to the vaccine? WTF? Don't make me laugh. Any doctor saying that should have their title changed to "Mengele". So it would be "Mengele Doherty".

These doctors need to go back to med school and pay attention when early treatment and natural immunity are covered. Maybe get a refresher course in ETHICS while they're there. They seem to have forgotten a lot.

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Peter Doherty is a liar or an imbecile! Probably both!!!

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Here is a cafe locked out video

The bloke never died of covid but because of the medical incompetence by Canberra hospital staff who then attempted to cover it up - if you run the PCR test at a high enough rate you will find the DNA strand or whatever you are looking for.


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I'm still blocked/banned from twatter for asking if the hepatitis outbreak in kids had any links to the covid vaccines plus ignored by quite a few TV "personalities "(or lackwits as that can be politely nicknamed) and Gov advisors for asking difficult questions so yes banning or blocking those who confront you is normal for today's officially approved scientists and their debating skills.

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They can only ignore the truth for so long. It's coming in like an avalanche now. If the government wasn't scared of the truth, they wouldn't be running their enquiry in the way they are. That's their tell. Unfortunately there are too many people sick and dying now, especially the Thai princess. That is not going to go away. At some point, the wrong person gets sick.

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Twitter sucks

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Keep in mind that these vaccines were allowing new variants to gain predominance the entire time. They brought 5 consecutive pandemics upon the world.

The vaccine deployment was a type of gain-of-function research in itself. A field study so to speak.

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There are no variants, just lots of poisons. Variants are made up to fool the gullible.


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Ah, thanks. Then to be specific & accurate, I asked this doc, a great guy, for a number of tests as I was in Sydney, totally anti the synthetic mRNA.

I'd been to another gp a few days earlier, I'd sliced my hand open, got stitches & a tetanus shot & then totally freaked out as I became CONVINCED that he'd slipped me the vax, he was scarily pro jab & kept pushing, pushing. He loaded the shot in the next room so my paranoia went ballistic.

In my defense; the entire Nation had turned against the Unjabbed, it was a psycho, paranoid time & if I had been jabbed, my revenge was going to be UGLY. I'm talking Medieval. Did I mention that the Fed has radicalised 5% of the population btw?

The point: the Fed Gov't is OWNED by Bigpharma, "They" do not want us armed with knowledge outside Their lieingfuck Narrative.

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Don’t want to alarm you but about that tetanus shot …..

The WHO and of course Bill Gates ran a neo natal tetanus campaign in Kenya for all women between 14 - 48 which comprised of 6 or so ‘safe and effective ‘ shots about 6 months apart - oh and BTW they FORGOT TO MENTION that they stuck a anti fertility vaccine that THEY THEMSELVES developed on the back of the tetanus shot.

Does that ‘safe and effective’ campaign comprising of multiple shots sound familiar!!!!

It’s a 15 minute movie/doco


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Evil deserves Evil. It is the mirror image of Live. Who will rid me of these troublesome Elite$?

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We are the heroes we have been looking for. Keep peacefully exposing them. They are mask off now and scared. Fewer people are falling for their BS.

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Eugenics at work. Billy Boy is a keen one.

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You don’t need a tetanus shot either…or any of the other so-called vaccines

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I agree 100%

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Yep if you get a scratch from a rusty nail just wash in dilute tea tree oil.

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May 26, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

WOW... I'm just delving into some of your articles. Can I assume your tetanus shot was not tainted? I would have freaked out as well. The last shot I had was tetanus, over 15 yrs ago I let my GP talk me into it and was just remembering it the other day ironically. I need to have some foot surgery and am too paranoid now so I've put it off. Glad you're OK.

Question: I don't know a whole lot about Australia and even less about WA. From your writings it appears things are worse there? Why is that? I'm curious to know if you have people that are working with you? What you're doing sounds monumental considering what you're up against. Kudos! The government is certainly bad enough and then the belligerent brainwashed morons to contend with. As you see, I make some very strong statements in comments and the trolls appear out of nowhere. Some are sincerely deranged. I really try to restrain myself but not always easy, I'm sure you get that too. I applaud you, I used to be better at forgiveness. I will have to look up WA to learn more about it. Btw, love your art work.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Author

Thank you that's very kind of you. I would probably start here if you want to know more about WA: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-genocide-in-progress

Then this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/genocide-denial-now-occurring-in

Next: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hypernormalisation-the-australian

Next: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/to-my-unjabbed-heroes

And for a big view: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/micro-donations-to-excessdeathsau

Edit: please share the articles far and wide with your friends overseas. We need the exposure here in WA.

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As Paul Della says "Don’t want to alarm you but about that tetanus shot..." but there's probably nothing in it. It could well be saline. Big pharma like selling nothing for quite a lot once they have scared people into taking shots.

But it may be what they say it is and hence contains some poisons.

All vaccines utterly, utterly pointless. I used to think they were of some use, now I don't.


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I am in the same boat.

It’s turning into a ship

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Having researched vaccinations since 2003, and published the results in 2010, I was shocked to discover that the last to be erased from my list of "effective" vaccines, the tetanus shot, is utterly faux. It does nothing. It seems that tetanus (aka lockjaw) is actually quite rare. There were cases a century ago but these were primarily diabetics who had lost sensation in their feet and not noticed puncture wounds and so did not treat these. I contacted experts, who told me that as the tenanus bacterium is aenerobic, and blood contains oxyhaemoglobin, this kills the bacteria. Thus, if you make the puncture wound bleed, you are safe from tetanus. If it refuses to bleed, douse it in hydrogenperoxide. Simples.

My conclusion, generally, is that not one vaccination has ever contributed to reductions in transmissible disease. Such reductions were generated by sewerage schemes, clean water, slum eradication, improved nutrition, penicillin and antibiotics; to mention a few improvements.

Vaccines are designed to injure and kill. The so-called mRNA shot is only the most lethal. Finally, doctors have agreed that the mRNA can be trick-jabbed into people using other injections as a vehicle. I may have copped this myself on an infected toe and, having this doctor;s name in my possession, if this proves to be the case, he will die painfully.

back to the tetanus jab, it is almost impossible to get on. There is only a combo... tenanus, diptheria and (as i recall) purtussus shot. They don't tell you that.

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I had a similar sitrep 2 years ago. Thought I needed a tetanus shot. My GP was a VaxFanatic & when he gave me my tetshot, I realised that I hadn't seen the label... was it the DeathJab??? I found another doctor but had to convince him to do a discouraged d-dimer test, to see if I'd been jabbed OR had Convid. I was CLEAR... but if I'd been jabbed on the sly? That doc was a dead'un... Doctors are FEAR. THEY ARE SOLD OUT.

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I bet you slept well that night. But I agree, any sly jabbing deserves the death penalty, and slow as.

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MMmm DeFence. Yes, I'm 4th Gen Australian, born W.A. back in the 50's, & survived the Christ Bros Regime. THE govt., has always been at odds & Forceful with the 'locals'. Recent Full page Ad in local 'Rag' (Hopefully the West Australian WILL make this item out of some 'Useable' material NOT reactive on lower anatomical orifices - Soon), ad for 'Recognition'- returned Vietnam Vets - 50 YEARS on, & NOT forgetting the 'Voluntary CONscription', under threat of Imprisonment - Or NON optionally Conscientious Objection@ your ACTual peril= Physical/ Psychological/Financial Reaming by THE System! Armed with this knowledge, it should be about 2060/70 to give feedback to The Allies of the Willing Systemmic Persian genocide Vets. Back to THE W.A. Govt Minstrels, Current W.A. Minstrel of Police, in league with Obviously 'Outside Influences' ('WHO' [ref, Not the Dodgy U.N. Gangstar Cabal] are 'They')& Usual Media Circus, Banned a raft of High powered - Previously O.K. & SAFE, Calibres, for 'Fear of' --- NON sensical Scenario'' - NO CONferencing with 'Stakeholders' Nor Atmosphere of CoOperations. - Must be that HE was 'Interested in Saving Lives!'- Good on Him!! After Buy back of said 'Threatening Weapons', with/ Via the Public purse, these same Weapons of Fear, were Óffered' by the Same Minstrel, to be sent to The Ukrainian Comedy Theatre of SWINDLE & Strategic DePopulation, I assume to be used to Kill Russians (Or maybe the Right Sector/ AZOV Battalions to Kill Their own Male military aged Citizens!). What a Kindly gesture, by a Western Australian Police Minstrel, 'Worried' about the 'Loss of Life'- Anywhere!

If Folks would like to study 'Historic observations', love Him or Hate him, study a few quotes by A Mr Adolph Hitler - just 1"of ; Ït is the press above All, that wages a positively Fanatical & slanderous struggle, tearing down everything that can be regarded as a support of National Independence, cultural elevation & the Economic Independence of the Nation." & Not forgetting, without FOOL Cooperation of THE Media, NOTHING get's passed the Get Go!

I DO NOT wonder anymore, about Who's\ 'Playbook', the Current System is 'Using'!

Wellness John D.

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Amen, brother patriot.

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My best mate. Murray. We were Youth Exchange students to Mexico 1979 for a year. A long time. I was best man at his wedding in 1998. We had an awful falling out at the very beginning if the Plandemic. Muz had 4 kids, shared custody of typical execs. I warned him & warned him about synthetic mRNA, about an untested, Emergency Authorisation Use Only Gene Altering "therapy", about the "re-definition" (ferfuksake) of the very words Vaccine, Immunity and INFORMED CONSENT.

He called me a tin foil hat guy, refused debate & ignored facts. A 40 year friendship imploded.

Then his youngest son, 17, ended up in ICU with myocarditis & a massive heart attack...after the second clotshot. "I told you so's" too painful for us to speak of. 6 months later, that son notices the shower is still running upstairs. Murray lay dead of a massive cardiac, been in the shower, dead for hours....

My 90 y.o. Dad, 3 clotshots (nobody listens) & ends in hospital WITH the bioweapon infection. 65 years of premium MBF & Dad hears the doc & nurse "send him home, he's old". He recovers, then a lightning fast Pancreatic C, dead in 8 weeks.


Excess Mortality UP. Births DOWN. Sterility will curse the next gen. I curse Them All. To Death.

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They are reading every word on this Substack. Trust me. Help me to stay up and publishing. Don't give up.

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Yes, a coincidence of 'bafflement'.

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I know an PhD FRCP, a very experienced doctor and administrator in WA, who was once a dear friend, but who alighted on the shots as soon as possible, suspending all experience and intelligence in coerced fear and stupidity. I don't know whether he escaped unscathed and frankly, am less interested. The surprising irrationality he demonstrated seems beyond words.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I could have written your post word for word. Makes me wonder if it’s the same person. I bumped into ‘mine’ this February while shopping as we were both entering Coles, I had 4 kids in tow so a good excuse to cut and run but his masking situation and slavish application of hand sanitiser as we were walking in told me all I needed to know about how informed they have remained. Even my kids picked up the undercurrent of fear and apprehension (might have been the several pumps onto the hands and laborious working in to the skin). Of note was the alarming jaundiced appearance, most apparent in his sclera and palms. This person was on no medications or suffering any chronic health conditions pre pandemic, so......

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I neglected to include something I commented on to someone earlier today. The individual I wrote of had a profound sense of ethics and knowledge of history. In retrospect, it seems as incomprehensible as it was irrational that all of a sudden, all of that simply evaporated. One may conclude that the fear and psy-ops were very effective intellectual immobilisers for so many.

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Dr. Peter Breggin opined (based on his decades of research on the mind and brain) that due to microclotting in the prefrontal cortex the vaccinated may now be effectively lobotomised. He said that when someone is lobotomised, the first thing to go is love. It was in an interview with Dr Naomi Wolf and she started crying.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Absolutely yes to the profound sense of ethics, phenomenal ability to analyse, synthesize and argue a point and explain a position. He had also conquered that biggie-self ego. Polite and respectful always. Never called me an anti-vaxxer but developed the strangest most astonished lop sided smirk (when I divulged I wouldn't be taking an experimental injection) facial expression that told me all I needed to know. He had a blind spot. We now know that this blind spot will have lead others over a cliff. If you are making policy for a health campus psy-ops can be a deadly foe and as you mention intellectual immobiliser.

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I now consider this whole murderous charade a social experiment with a constellation of blunt instruments and needled barrels. I was astonished to read the hugely funded (unknown source!) Yale study (James et al. 2021) 'Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions', a study of some 4000 people. The authors had the temerity (or was it a veiled caution?) to write in their limitations: "The experiments presented here are not without limitations. First, we measured intentions to vaccinate at a time when a vaccine was not currently available and the effectiveness and side effects of potential vaccines were not known. This also meant that we could not observe actual vaccination behavior, which is ulti- mately the outcome of interest."

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“Hugely funded” always demands greater oversight and accountability. Yes I agree a murderous charade. Our very own Australian NCIRS were party and privy to manipulating our pop/n. https://www.ncirs.org.au/sites/default/files/2020-12/WorkingPaper_AdultCOVID19%20vaccination.pdf

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Thank you for the .pdf link. Gosh, COSSI was (presciently) established in 2016, the year before CEPI. The 6 point plan fails to mention bringing in the military (army and navy) to run the show. I will look at it more closely ... it's just chilling.

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People are just plain dumb I think

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...he was completely insane? Doctors in UK are rather similar. The wear or did wear masks in the GP practice I can go to. I don't fancy going when they are so stupid. They misdiagnosed me over my facial palsy anyway, at least the oncologists did and the GP's just plain ignorant. This was my real issue.


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Feb 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Watching the McGowan horror show during the lockdowns and jab roll-out was terrifying. Now the show continues with this 'review'. The results have already been decided no doubt. Will be following this with interest across the border here in South Australia.

' at least you can let them know how you feel as their ship sinks' . Bring it on!

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It is so interesting to hear your perspective from SA. From WA, the Gunner horror show in the NT and the Stairman Dan show in Vic was also terrifying. We were pretty captured in these three states.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

McGowan was hated even in other states. He is/was one of the worst dictators

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Author

His total control over the voting, legal and police systems has Labor sewn up here for generations. He quietly changed the laws so that the votes of rural people didn't matter as much as they had in the past. WA is a big state and we rely on the producers to feed us with their quality produce. He forgets that, doesn't care. Only power matters. He has inflicted his police force on the people with FPOs destroying the lives of people with no criminal records.

But what I see in him is not a leader, but someone scared of his own shadow. I believe we suffered so much under covid because he was genuinely terrified of it. When he contracted it and saw it was a mild cold, the mandates dropped in two days. His vaccinated child had to go to the hospital "with covid" and due to his own rules, he and his wife couldn't be with him in hospital. Only when it affected him did he understand what was happening, why people were so angry.

I believe he is deeply confused, stupid, and has no internal moral compass. He is entirely motivated by fear, unable to look at simple facts like how survivable covid is even in March 2020, and it shows with the way he abuses the people he is meant to serve. He then inflicts his own beta male weaknesses on the rest of us. He is incredibly hated among the people. That's why he doesn't go out in public anymore.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

That is sad. To be so hated. He has made such a mess for WA but so much has been done to Victoria too and even Queensland and NSW

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Don't forget the brutality of Gunner in the NT especially towards Aboriginal people. He has been rather handsomely rewarded by Twiggy Forrest for his actions. https://www.miningweekly.com/article/nts-gunner-joins-ffi-team-2022-10-11

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Yes that was so shocking how they treat the Indigenous people, they locked them down in their own communities for no reason but to coerce(force) them to get vaxed.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Yes cruel

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Also motivated by money and control powers.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Author

Definitely. McGowan's latest moves on councils and universities shows how much of a control freak he is. They didn't stand against the mandates and complied with tyranny, even by being silent and saying nothing. Now they reap the whirlwind. Wonder if any of them see what they have done, what they have ushered in by complying.

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Yep, they look like leading questions to me. It is a pro "gov did the right thing" message all the way through.

Pro covideans will give them their desired feedback.

Anti's, like us, will be earmarked as cranks, and the responses thrown in the dust bin.

Remember, this mob approved sections in the Health Act that allowed arrest, restraint and forced injection of a vaccine. Never forget that.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thanks excess 🙏

I was strongly thinking of making a submission until I saw the terms of reference which are curated towards a managed outcome.

So now I’m gonna think on it a bit more.

Too many 🐍🐍🐍involved 🙂

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Your comment inspired me to make an edit above. Maybe there is a way forward.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

My list of PERSONAL family friends that’ve died/been seriously injured by the jab.

2 dead (42 & 50, ❤️attacks)

1 ❤️ attack survivor (26)

1 spent 2wks in hospital with ❤️issues right after jab (was told she would be fired if she didn’t have next shot! 29)

1 dead teacher, confirmed AZ death

1 pericarditis (59)

1 lymphoma cancer, brain aneurysm (55)

1 clots in lung (24)

1 tachycardia (50)

1 mini stroke (49)

1 extreme psoriasis (meds $10,000 yr)

My new neighbour told she’s unable to drive due to a brain haemorrhage diagnosed as due to AZ jab.

Another neighbour said his “wife is in bed with awful shingles down her face, in terrible pain.”

Link to the wanneroo special council meeting on you tube where many people speak about their lives being ruined by mandates and jab injuries.


Special electors meeting 16 March 2022 (can be searched if link doesn’t work)

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Author

Maybe you could ask them to make a submission? Or perhaps you could submit on their behalf. Yeah, a lot of people in WA approached their councils to ask for advocacy to the state government. For the most part they were ignored, scoffed at or had scorn heaped upon them. The good thing is that this is now a matter of public record. Further, the WA Minister for Local Government passed a new law that when citizens are speaking at council, they are only allowed to speak on agenda items. This means that if there is an important community issue that citizens want to raise, they are not allowed to just show up and speak. It has to pass through multiple layers of paperwork and administration and is likely to be denied if not "in the purview of Council" which appears to be whatever is most politically beneficial. The reason given for this law was the "mental health of the councillors and administration staff." Essentially, hearing the concerns of the people "upset them too much."

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Well that’s just shabby. For goodness sake these elected representatives would rather play ostrich policy.

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I am only on telegram but follow Edward Dowd, there are an extra 3 million people out of the workforce on disabilities after this jab roll out in the US - I wonder what the rate is here


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So terribly sad, at the start of the plandemic we did not know anyone who was even sick from covid during lockdowns etc and now we all no someone who has died or been maimed.

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Surprised by the denial setting in? NOT. World over. Just starting.

NZ, Ahern bailed out. Scotland, Sturgeon bailed out.

Don't worry. I'm sure the "Speed of Science" will soon have an injection for that denial symptom!

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Also Greg Hunt who was Australia's Minister for Health and many more.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Author

Greg Hunt signed off on Australia's gain of function program edit: I'll have some information about him coming out soon.

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It's called "antipsychotics." (though those of us in the know call them "neuroleptics," as the only thing they are anti- is brain)

Coming soon to tinfoil hat people near you.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I'll be making a submission that the deliberate withholding of the Chief Health Officer's written advice until after the vaccine mandates were revoked demonstrate the the Covid response and its public information were deliberately deceptive. We'll see how it goes.

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What I find hilarious is that they expect us to be totally transparent under FOIA but still haven't produced ANY of the "health advice" behind any of their decisions. If they were so confident of their examination process, they would let a third party handle this, not a weaponised survey released directly from the Premier's office.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

What, like this health advice?


How any people have seen this, you reckon? Well, nobody until the mandates were revoked!

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Author

Look at the one about the bottleshop restrictions for unvaccinated: an email from Andy Robertson that is the "best health advice" https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2022-02/CHO-HA-22022022_0.pdf

"While there is evidence that this has assisted in encouraging people to be vaccinated, particularly in regional and remote areas...this (removing requirements) will improve the safety of staff and other clients from dissatisfied unvaccinated customers."

This was never about health and only about weaponising liquor to get regional and remote people vaccinated. Holy sh*t.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Holy dooly. We still had bottleshops, groceries, chemists available to us here in Queensland.

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It was real, real, bad in WA.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023Author

But this is not backed up with any studies. Nothing. This "advice" is "trust me bro." Edit: throughout, the CHO says his advice is backed up with "facts, data, science and the literature" but does not cite it. What literature? This is truly insane and so much worse than I thought. The links are broken and he pretty much just cites the federal government. Oh my God.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

All broken links can be recovered with the Wayback Machine - https://archive.org/ Copy & paste the broken link into the Wayback search bar, then select your "snapshot" for recovery. Cheers.

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Did you see that the owner of the Wayback Machine is compromised and removing links? I don't know the full story but someone shared this information on one of my previous articles. ps your stack is great.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I didn't know that, but it is still a useful tool most of the time. With full 1984 underway, it does not surprise me that history is being memory-holed.

Will be visiting Perth on 27th Feb for a 6 day unvaxxed holiday with wifey. Looking forward to foraging out west (first time I've been further west than Kata Tjuta), albeit with the ominous stench of McClown hovering in the air still.

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I've often wondered when Wayback would be "full," there's only so much they can archive. It would be great if someone could document what is falling off an why - whether it is age, page visits, or what.

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It’s circular reasoning - just like the whole virus theory.

Drs and virologists etc start with the belief viruses are real and have been isolated, vaccines work.

They haven’t and don’t.

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I'm American and have been following Australia. It is truely horrifying how it all went down. All I can maybe see is that the way the government is set up there allowed them to get a tight grip on the populations. There might be a social dynamic and fewer media outlets that helped convince people to buy into the fear and at the same time enjoy trashing people who wouldn't take the jabs. In contrast, the interesting thing about America is that our regional socioeconomic diversity made the difference. Highly educated populations loved taking the kill shots like zombies and shunned the unvax too sometimes. In some statistically lower educated states like Mississippi, last time I checked, under 60% had a jab. There was no amount of government or media fear that could turn the people there against one another on large scale. I was also easily able to leave very restrictive California during the plandemic and happily drive myself and my son all the way across the country and get an excellent job in Mississippi that had no jab or testing mandates. Australia needed to have more basic freedoms and enough people saying "no" to prevent the government manipulation and abuse and you just didn't have that apparently.

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If I recall correctly, Mississippi has very high compliance with childhood vaccines because it is tied to welfare programs - at least that was the case in the 80s and 90s. I believe they were actually highest in the nation. I wonder if that was the case now. Regarding education, I have seen a few papers that the highest covid jab refusers were either 'high school or less' or 'PhD educated.' It was an inverted bell curve with the greatest refusers at the margins.

Yes, what is most important about the US is the diffuse legal system. A judge sitting in Texas or Idaho can move the needle substantially. We need you.

Thank you so, so much for following what is happening in Australia from the US. I remember Sen. Rand Paul making some remarks about what was happening in Australia as well as a Latvian (?) MEP saying he stands with us and it really does make all the difference when there are eyes on what is happening here. We are the proving ground of the WEF and whatever happens here first they will try on you next. God Bless you, thank you for reading. Please share the links.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

As much as I would love to shout from the treetops that I am unvaccinated, I chose to remain silent in every conversation I have, and I certainly won't be telling the Government my status but they may already know by the simple fact I was not recorded as being vaxed. I also believe there were many more people unvaxed then what has been quoted, they pushed the figures up simply to say "look how many have already been vaxed, why are you not getting yours, do you won't to be the odd one out", now we can't have people thinking for themselves can we?

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I have some good evidence that the number is actually around 30% unvaccinated in a suburb of Perth metro. Hopefully I will be able to publish it in time.

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In the middle of the restrictions, I went with someone to a major hospital in Perth. While waiting to see them in emergency, I heard a guy at the counter say "It happened after the shot." (Not sure if he said first or second)

Later, while my friend was on a bed in the treatment room, there was a guy in there that the staff all had to wear full PPE to treat. I was sitting in a chair right next to his "cubicle" with just a curtain separating us. The bin outside his cubicle kept filling up with disposable PPE.

Eventually he was released and told he was positive and had to stay at home for two weeks. Before he left, I spoke to him briefly and left him with an information booklet I was giving out to interested people about all of this. I think that he was the guy I heard in the waiting room talking about having a shot!

Interesting that in the height of a "pandemic" in a major public hospital, with all the restrictions and precautions forced on us, that a "COVID positive" patient is allowed to actually mingle with others and not kept in an isolation room .

It really didn't bother me or my friend, as we honestly don't believe in fairy tales! 😂😂😂

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That is really interesting - valuable information.

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The government only advertised this inquiry 4 days before end of submissions (16th March) in the Worst Australian newspaper (page 16!). They also put out 1 tweet on the 9th, and of course hid the notice on their webpage. 😡

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Wow I had no idea. Thanks for the message.

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Great article!

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