Dear Readers,

Someone in the comments is just getting acquainted with WA's 'Vaccine Commander.'

Please scroll to the bottom and see: VI. Epilogue: on Royal Commissions


Payment for services rendered.

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Thank you for posting this.

Relatedly-- a witness:


Message from a Registered Geriatric Nurse in Melbourne, Australia

"If you value your families and your children's lives Do. Not. Touch. This. Vaccine."

Source video:


posted August 28, 2021

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Thank you TB, and thank God for the people who did speak up.

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They are amazing people, I thank each and every one, this has been one way-out humdinger of a kerazy psyop.

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And from the USA:

CNA Nursing Home Worker Says Seniors Dying “Like Flies” After COVID Injections

Corona Virus News

Publius, January 29, 2021


see also


which has this same video from its rumble page:


and also (same video): HealthImpactNews, posted January 27, 2021



JAMES DESVALLONS: Hello friends. If you are joining in at this, at this moment I really want you to pay close attention to what we, what I'm going to talk to you about today. This is a matter that has been weighed on my heart literally for hours and I've been up almost almost all night thinking and praying and you know, you know, how can I say this? Somewhat I'm troubled by this. And as you'll see

in the in the question report, in the question that I propose below, is the covid 19 vaccine safe for the residents in the nursing home? It's a serious and solemn question.

So if you're joining at this moment I want to welcome you before we go into this discussion. I really want your input as well. I want to say, as you are watching this, I have nothing to gain. As a matter of fact I have everything to lose, nothing to gain. And I'm going to speak from the angle, I'm not here to preach, I'm here to speak from the angle of a, of a medical expert, from a from a CNA perspective, from a person who works in the medical field, OK? And, and what I'm going to talk about, I'm going to be honest with you, it is it is not being spoken about enough. It, it, there are some that are beginning to speak about it, but we need to speak about this. This is a serious issue. And that's why taking the time to do this video right now.

So if you are coming in I would highly, highly, I would highly encourage you to invite someone, share this video with them, and let's get the word out.

So for some of you who don't know who I am, my name is James Desvallons. I am, yeah, I am a certified nursing assistant. We know it as CNA. Part of my job is to care for residents, literally to provide care for them, to feed and to clean them and to wash them. You know, just the work of a CNA. We, we we give care. And the essential purpose is of my work and everyone who is along with me as far as

LDN, RNs and administrators, and therapy, and so on, our essential work is to save the life of those whom have been entrusted by family members to care for them.

So I want to repeat that, that statement again. The purpose of our job as as nurses, CNAs, is to save the life of those residents that family members have entrusted in our care to to to to take care of them because they are not able to take care for them, so they entrusted us with, with, with entrusted us with their [inaudible] and their loved ones so we could provide care for them in a way that will, that they can, they can be at peace as they're getting older before they passed away.

So that is the work that we do. And that's why we should never forget the work that we do as, either if you are CNA or RN or LDN or administrator, a therapy, whatever position you might have in the health field, the essential purpose of your work is to save lives, is to make sure, those that under your care, you are there to protect them.

Now with that being said, as some of you already know, we are in this covid 19 pandemic and things are just literally blowing up. Now I really want you guys to pay attention to this because what I'm going to talk about right here, I'm letting you know, there's a high possibility I might lose my job. My reputation could be totally destroyed.

And I must tell you, as a Christian I am so disturbed and my heart is heavy. And my conscious [conscience] is not at ease. And if I do speak I find that I am becoming part of the problem, not of the solution. And I want to say it again, the greatest problem we have in the world is not just that

there are evil in our world, issues in our world, I think one of the greatest problems we have is that that too many of us are quiet on the issues that should be spoken about, that should be brought in the front line.


Yes, there is a time to be quiet, but there's also a time to speak up. And I think as for me I am under a heavy conviction. I'm telling you, friends, I've been up 'til like 4 o'clock in the morning and I've been praying, and and and thinking and praying and reading my Bible and the Spirit of the Lord is, is, is pressing upon my heart and I'm realizing, I can't just keep quiet, I've got to speak up. And if I don't speak up, I'm going to blow up.


So I'm hoping as you are hearing this you will invite someone and and you will let this information out. And I'm literally going to go into a place where some people don't want to go. Some people are just afraid. Some people just don't know how to confront this issue. And I'm going to be very honest with you, we got to say something. We got to speak up. We can't just keep quiet. We can't.

Friends, I'm telling you as [long pause].

As a person who works in a nursing home [takes off his glasses, wipes tears from his eyes].

I am not the type who gets emotional front of the camera. I am not. I am not. I am not. And the reason I'm talking about this, friends, is because— [crying].

My heart is heavy. My heart is heavy. [wipes away tears].

I'm hoping the Lord can get me through this so that I can, I can express to you what is really going on. [crying]

Lord, give me strength.


Now listen friends. I am not the type who ever cries in front of the camera. That's not me, friends. I'm telling you, that's not me. But knowing what I know, and seeing what I see, if I don't speak, man, if I don't, if I don't express myself, it's like to me, I find myself becoming part of the problem. And to be quiet on this issue is deadly. Is deadly. [wipes away tears]

I will definitely get my composure. And I promise you, we're going to get through this. We're going to get through this and I'm going to get this message out by any means necessary.

Now I'm letting you know, friends, as I'm speaking to you right now, I have nothing to gain, everything to lose. OK? I, I, I've been in the health industry, in the health field, for over 10 years. I am a certified nursing assistant. I also serve as a lay assistant lay pastor. That is my volunteer work. But as my, my job, as far as I can take care of my residents and be paid doing it, I am a certified nursing assistant. That is what I do and the function of my work is to save the lives of those that are under my care, doing the best things I can do by applying the skills that I have learned in school.

So I'm hoping you understand where I'm coming from with this.

And we know, friends, as of 2020, 2020, we've had this covid 19 virus that is plaguing the world. We know that. But to a large degree, what most people don't realize, although they speak about it in the nursing home, but they are not, they are not blowing the trumpet as they should. Many in the, many in the the nursing homes, many, many of our residents, have not only suffered from this virus in 2020, that's just, that's just from the virus itself, not only they've suffered, many of them have lost their lives. We all know that, OK? We heard some of this on the news, we are familiar with this notion.

Now this is where I'm trying to get your attention. Now listen to me very carefully friends. Listen to me very carefully.


This covid 19 virus is something new. The experts will try to do everything they can to deal with it. Now the thing is, they have come up with with with with several vaccines, right? Several vaccines

that they want to administer primarily, listen to me very carefully, to those who are in a nursing home. The elderlies. The people such as myself, LPN and RN, people like myself, these are the first groups of people that they are targeting with the vaccines, which I totally understand because we are in the front line. And part of our job is is to deal with the vulnerable, those that are more prone to catching the virus. I totally get that.

But this is the thing that is going on right now that it troubles me that I'm not hearing enough people talking about this, it troubles me, it seems to me, am I the only one who's crazy? Or, what is going on? Because why? Because I'm not hearing people talking about this.

Now listen very carefully, friends. I'm not going to tell you where I work, but the place that I work is a nursing home. During the month of December 2020, I want you to follow carefully my line of reasoning here, and you're going to see the pattern. During the month of December 2020, just within the last two weeks of that month, OK? Within the last two weeks, about the 22nd and and and to the month of 2020, right? So in 2020, the whole entire year, we did not have a single death. Did you hear what I said? A single death from any of our resident who had covid 19. As a matter of fact, the the, we only had about 5 people, how many I said? Five people at the most was infected with covid 19. Zero death for the entire year of 2020.

I thank God for it, friends. That is awesome. I cannot say this about every other place, but this is what has happened where I work.


Now, get my line of reasoning, friends. Listen to this. Zero deaths 2020. Just about 5 cases at the most, all of them survived. A few of our staff got sick but not too many, like, one or two every month or so. Right? And that's nothing. And they came back to work, everything is good.


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JAMES DESVALLONS: December 2020, right around the time of the 22nd and so on, I can get you the exact date if you want that, the vaccine was administered to our patients and also to some of us staff members. Get this, friends. We are in January 18, 2021. Listen as I'm speaking to you right now. Literally, I just left work last night and I couldn't contain myself. Just two weeks or three weeks after the residents received the vaccine where I work, they have had such a negative reaction to the vaccine. Friends, listen, I am no medical expert. I am not the brainiac, I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor. I'm not speaking on this, on the, these issues, I'm not speaking from this angle, I'm not having this level of credibility.


Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. As a CNA who works with the residents, who touch them, who talks to, who prays with them, who cares for them, OK, like, I'm coming from this angle. I know my patients. I know when they are happy, I know when they are sad, I know when they are frustrated, I know when they are feeling good. I know these people. I am around them for 8 hours. And many people who are CNAs can testify on the same thing. We know the people that we care for.

So. Two weeks after these people receive the vaccine, particularly the the the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, two weeks after they received the vaccine, or or three weeks later, we, I am seeing this pattern, this pattern of not just side effects, to the point where we had people who were once walking, who are no longer walking. People who were once talking who can no longer talk. Hmmm? People who were once able to think, could no longer think properly. Delirium, confused.


The expert says that the vaccine, the vaccine do not have the covid 19 in it, I understand, OK. It's supposed to be a stimulus, right? A stimulus that that that that's supposed to help your immune system fight against the virus if you were to confront it. That's the purpose of this vaccine, right? I understand that. I'm not anti-vaccine, I understand the purpose of it, that's not the point of what I'm trying to say.

But this is what I'm saying, friends. Our residents are dying. Our residents are dying after they have taken this vaccine. And what troubles me, or troubles me, this not even being spoken about. What bothers my heart is that it's almost like, shsh, shsh, don't talk about this. Just keep quiet. Just let's go along with the notion. And I'm sitting here thinking, like, first of all, I'm a Christian, I can't live with my conscience, knowing this is what's happening in front of my eyes.

Now when you ask questions, right, when you ask those in authority, those in a position to give you answers, you know what their answers are? We had a super spreader.

A super spreader?

And the answer is, why are, why are so many of our residents all getting infected with this, with this covid 19 after they took the virus, took the vaccine? Why are they getting infected? Why are they dying? You know what the answer that I'm getting, friends? Do you know what the answer I'm getting? Oh, we had a super spreader. So there was a person who was sick or or a few people that were sick and they spread it.

Friends, let me tell you something. I'm not the smartest man in the world. And I'm also not the dumbest one, either. I'm not the wisest man in the world, but I'm not stupid. How you're going to expl— how you're going to tell me, how you going to tell family members, how you're going to tell us?

You go to the year 2020, zero death. And I can speak the same for many, many nursing homes. Zero death. You go the whole the entire year, not a single person passed away. We are 2021, we are in the middle of the month where I work right now, over 14 patients have already died. They are dropping like flies.


So when family members call to find out, what happened to my mother? What happened to my grandfather? Well, we had a super spreader and they caught the virus, and that's just what happened.

That is the narrative. That narrative is incomplete.


We owe it to family members some better explanations. We owe it to those residents whom we have accepted to say, it is my job to care for those whom God have entrusted within my care. It is my job as a CNA, as an administrator, as an RN as an LPN, it is our job to provide care for them, and part of our job is to make sure that they are safe. And if something is wrong, we need to speak up and speak out.

And what I am seeing is this overwhelming silence!

The silence of the lamb is killing us. And while this is happening lives of a hundred residents, elderly, somebody's grandmother, somebody's grandfather, somebody's mother, is dying in these nursing homes and it's almost to me, we are just like, oh, well. Too bad. Super spreader.

Listen to my line of reasoning, friends.


They are saying that that that the spread of this covid 19 in a nursing home does not have much to do with the vaccine. That's what they say. They say there is no DNA, it's an it's an mRNA, it it it's supposed to stimulate a boost give you a boost the immune system. OK. But my question is this, as a CNA, why are people dying?

Why are they dying in great numbers soon after they took the vaccine?


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JAMES DESVALLONS: And you might say, is this your facility where this is going through? Listen to me, friends. It's not just happening in our facility. It's not just happening where I work. Let me share some things with you. I'm going to turn, let me turn my screen to you. Look at this. [screen shows news article]* And here I'm reading from the Daily News. Nearly two dozen nursing within days of getting the covid vaccine.

Wait a minute! This is not an isolated event that's taking place only where I work here, or where you might work. It's happening all around the world!

And it seems to me there is this overwhelming silence, as if, well, this is normal.

Is it really?

Now let's go back again. [screen shows another news article]** 24 dead, 130 [he misspoke, it says 137] infected at NY City home after experimental covid 19 injections— Now, are you serious? After the injection, this is happening in New York!

Friends, what they are saying that's happening in New York right now is what I'm seeing on my work place.

Listen, this video's going to get me in trouble, I already know that and I couldn't care less. Because at the end of the day, friends, the life of these innocent residents, the life of these, these family members, these mothers and fathers, these grandparents, are more important than a paycheck. And the medical science must be challenged!

Are you listening to what I'm saying? And we need to stop being silence about this because the

the media is not going to talk about it. All they talk about is whether or not we need to worry about this inauguration, we need to, we need to make we protect the the elected president from whatever, another breakout. But wait a minute, we have hundreds of, hundreds of residents who are dying on, in our hands! After they took the vaccine! That gets no attention on the media! I don't get that!


So is it because their life was not, are not that important? Is it because their lives are not that important to us to the point where we can just live as though it's not— it's insignificant. It's insignificant. It's not an issue. This has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with us!

It has everything to do with us. Friends, I'm going to tell you something, I'm not anti-vaccine. I am not against it in any way. But this is what I'm trying to say. Whatever is in this vaccine, it is too much for the residents. Because they have other health issues. A person like me or a person like you who might have taken the vaccine, we, we might not have a serious complication, we might not have a serious reaction, but residents who are of a older age, who have high blood pressure, rheumatism, diabetes, and all these different health complications that they might have, when they take this vaccine, what I am seeing with my eyes is that they are dying right in front of us.


How do you tell me as a CNA, I just cared for a patient, left the room, come back, dead. Huh?! So how am I supposed to just sit here and say, I'm going to go back to work, as if nothing has happened? What kind of conscience am I supposed to live with? How, how could I, as a, as a health person— Really? How could we just sit there and not speak about these issues? We have to challenge the medical science. We have to challenge those who are, who are doing this vaccine. They need to retrack, and rethink, go back and reprocess this thing.


It's being said it takes about 10 something years to develop a good vaccine. Covid 19's been around for about a year and a half. We already have a vaccine for it. Are you crazy? And you want to convince people on television to go and get vaccinated.

But I'm telling you as a person who's a frontline, as a person who's caring and working with residents, they are dying in our hands! They are dying, friends! They are dying like flies!

When you walk, when you walk in the room and you watching one of your patients deteriorating, you said, no that's not how she was, this is a recent thing. You watching them dying in our hands, and you're going to tell me, a super spreader? A person spread it?

So we go throughout the whole entire year 2020 not a single person died from the virus. 2021, January, over 14 of them has passed away!

I just left work there were at least 5 or 6 that I looked and I said, I said, Lord, they're not going to make it, either. Taking their last breaths. I'm talking about people that were walking, you know, people that were active. People that knew right from wrong, they weren't crazy. These were healthy residents, friends! Healthy to a good degree. And then suddenly [clicks fingers], taking this virus, two weeks later, taking this vaccine, two weeks later! [claps several times] Dead.

And some of us, friends, it's a shame, some of us who are— some of our nurses and CNAs, LPN, listen, we can't just keep quiet. Really? We can't just sit back and say, oh, hmm, none of my business.

What if this was your mother? I'm speaking for the elderlies here, friends. What if this was your father? Hmm? What if this was your grandparents, huh?


How would you feel? How would you like it if you find out they were dead after they took the covid 19 vaccine and why did they die? Well, we had, we had, we had a spreader in the building.


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JAMES DESVALLONS: How would you feel? How would you like it if you find out they were dead after they took the covid 19 vaccine and why did they die? Well, we had, we had, we had a spreader in the building.

That is a big fat lie. That is a theory that has no legs. And I'm speaking as a person who is touching and handling and coming face to face with our patients and I'm watching this as Christian I'm watching this with my mind clear, I'm watching this with my two eyes. I say there is no way in the world a super spreader can literally infect floor number one, floor number two, floor number three. Huh? Just like that.

Here is another thing. Not only these floors, all of the floors are being infected, right? What's crazy is this. There were some patients who did not, listen to me very carefully, who actually refused the vaccine. Guess what? None of them got sick.

Majority, friends, I'm telling you over 60 or 70 percent, majority of those who actually took the vaccine are sick. Sick to the point of death. And the the the the, what I'm hearing over and over again is this spirit of quietness, as if this is not a real issue.

Why not? Why not? We got to speak about this, friends. And I'm not trying to be a whistleblower, friends, what I'm trying to say is that, friends, you are not being told everything. As a person who's working in the health industry, I am in the frontline, I'm touching these people, I'm caring for them, I'm feeding them, I'm working with them, I'm telling you, you're not being told everything.

And these people— and the media ain't talking about this. No, they're going to talk about Donald Trump, they're going to talk about Joe Biden, all day, they're going to talk about inauguration all day, but guess what, there's somebody's grandparent, somebody's grandfather, somebody's mother, somebody's sister or siblings, right now, who is going to die. Why? Because they took the vaccine. And everybody's just [shrugs] quiet.


Am I supposed to stay quiet? With a free conscience? Secondly, as a Christian? I'm supposed to stay neutral? I'm supposed to just be quiet and just go ahead and make my money, friends? I couldn't care less about this job, I couldn't care less about this paycheck. The life of people are precious to God! The life of these people should be precious to us! You know, I don't care whether they're sick, I don't care how, what condition they are, these are human beings, friends!

And if somebody don't say something, who is going to say something? If we don't speak about it, who's going to speak? Are we supposed to just watch this thing get worse? I'm supposed to just sit back and watch our residents, our patients, die in our hands after they took the vaccine, and don't speak up about it?

We're not going to challenge the system? We're not going to challenge the medical science? We're not going to have them go back to drawing board and reexamine what they've done?

How in the world could you come up with a vaccine in a matter of a few months when we still don't have had a vaccine for HIV? Hepatitis B? All these other issues in the world, no vaccine for them, they've been around for years, but you got a vaccine for covid 19 in a year? It takes 10 years on average to create one. How in the world did you come up with one so fast? And if you did, what makes you so sure that it's going to work?

And I'm telling you, as a person in the health industry, I'm watching it, friends, I'm watching it every day, in front of me on the beds, I am watching them, they are dying, friends. They are depleting, they are losing weight, they are not eating, they are falling apart. You leave the room, you come back, they dead!

So I'm supposed to stay quiet. Stay quiet. Don't talk about it. Don't, don't ruffle anybody's feathers.

What I'm trying to say, friends, I'm not here to say— what I'm trying to say, listen, the arguments doesn't add up. The reasoning behind the so-called reason why these people are dying is not adding up.


And the other thing is, why is this happening not just the place where I work? It's happening in so many different nursing homes. Now listen to this, look at this, friends, look at this, please check this out. [screen shows the same article previously shown]** This is New York City. 24 patients dead! A hundred [he misspoke, it says 137] infected at nursing home! Now listen to the testimony of this person [his article quoted in the article]. Now you got to, listen to this, friends, this is James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at syracuse.com December 27, there have been so covid 19 deaths at the Commons. Listen, same exact testimony that I have. Zero death. Right? I get that, that's the same thing with with my case. [reading from the article] 29. When death of residents with covid 19 occurring at the Commons it's also, Mulder article discloses, 7 days after the nursing home begin giving covid 19 vaccination to residents with 80% of residents so far having been vaccinated.

Wait a minute here!

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29th, Mulder writes, 24 covid 19 infected residents at 300 bed nursing homes have died.

What they are talking about here in New York City right now, I'm experiencing at my work place. And there are many, listen, I spoke to other CNAs, I'm not speaking rationally on issues that I don't know, friends, if I don't know I'll keep quiet, but let me tell you something, I'm speaking about a matter, I'm, I'm in it. I am in the water. I'm seeing this thing.


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JAMES DESVALLONS: Now listen, this is happening. And when I speak to other CNAs, other nurses who work in different places, guess what they're saying? The same exact thing!

What I'm saying is that I don't know what is going on with this vaccine, but it is not working for the residents, friends. It's not working for the elderlies, friends. We need to realize that something is wrong and we need to speak up and speak out. And we need to stop telling family members, it was just they got infected with the virus. That is not good enough.

If you listen to what I'm trying to tell you right now, pay close attention. Here's the thing I'm trying to say to you. If you have a family member in a nursing home and they might have called you and say they're going to give your family member the vaccine, listen to me, by any means, reject it. Say no. Do not let your grandmother, your grandfather, whoever you have in this nursing home, do not let them take this vaccine because there is a high possibility they're going to die.

And the things you're going to hear is that, well, there was a covid 19 you know, breakout. That's what they always say. A breakout?


Now, listen, listen. [screen shows news article]***Louisiana, Louisiana woman convulses uncontrollably after being infected with the experimental Pfizer covid shot. I can't understand to see, I can't stand to see my my mother, now this is the daughter speaking now, I can't stand to see my mother this way, it makes me want to cry, knowing that I can't do anything to help her.



Here is another one for you. Here is another one for you. [reading from news article shown on screen]**** Doctors around the world issue dire warning, do not get the covid 19.

Here's the thing, these doctors, you know what they do to them? Censorship. They don't want them to speak up. Why not? Why not? Why are we through letting them speak?


Here is another thing. Now here we are. [screen shows article]* Now this one was trouble me because somebody that I work with shared this with me and she knows the actual wife of this man. Now this is this, this is this very healthy 56 year old Miami obstetrician dies after being infected [he misspoke, article says injected] with the experimental Pfizer covid vaccine. Now this was a person who trusted that the vaccine will do good. Like many others do today. We are told, very healthy man, the man was healthy, he was fine. And this is the testimony of his wife. The love of my life, my husband, Gregory Michael. Now she is testifying, friends, you can, you can look this up, I don't have time to read the whole thing, but what she is saying is this. [reading from article] I believe people should be aware that side effects can happen, that it is not good for everyone, and in this case destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community. Do not let his death be in vain, please, save lives by making this information news.

Friends, that's what I'm trying to do here. I'm just trying to speak out against this. I've been making phone calls, I've been praying, I've been talking to people, trying to figure out, yo, friends, are we going to just sit back and keep watching our residents deteriorating in the palms of our hands? We going to sit back and watch_ There is no issue with this vaccine? Oh, it's great, oh, it's safe. Listen. Not for everyone. Definitely not for the elderlies who have other health issues. Not good for them. Friends, and this is, I'm just trying to sound the alarm and my my my my perception is simply this, my appeal to you is this. Speak up and speak out for your loved ones.


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JAMES DESVALLONS: Even if you don't have anyone in a nursing home, you need to trouble them because when I speak to those in authority, I speak to those in authority, I question them, friends, I question them, friends

and when I asking question, who know what, you know what they say? Oh, the family members don't give us a hard time. They understand the situation.

So because the family members are not talking, they just, they just shrug their shoulders and say, hmm, no big deal.

And you got to remember, a mother has just passed away. A grandmother has just passed away. A father is dying, she's trying to take her last breath. Are you kidding me right now? This is the attitude we're going to have while there are lives of individuals in the palms of our hands dying in front of us? And we're just going to sit back and just [shrugs] hmm, hmm.



So I want to encourage you, friends, to speak up and speak out. Ask for people to reeaxamine this.

Don't let your loved ones take this vaccine. Call the Health Department, make some claims and reports, friends. Don't just go along with the narrative, oh, we had a, a covid outbreak. No, friends, I'm telling you, and I do not have all the facts, I don't know everything, I'm reasoning from cause to effect, I'm just connecting the dots, OK? And I can tell you there are a hundred more CNAs, hundred more nurses, who are exactly thinking what I'm talking to you right now. They know it. They just don't want to speak. They are afraid. They're confused. They, they just don't know how to confront this issue. I don't either. But one thing I do know, we must say something. We must raise our voice. We must question the system. We must be critical, we must be skeptical, we must be willing to challenge them, because we have to understand, they don't know everything, those medical science they don't know everything. They're still trying to figure things out, and to allow these, these residents to become the scapegoat, to become, to become the guinea pigs of their experiments is not right. It's not right. It is a evil that must be challenged. It must be confronted. It must be spoken about.


I'm doing my part. That's why I'm asking you, do your part. Do your research. Dig in. Questions. Call these health places, call the nursing the home, call the hospitals, call the health industry, call the Health Departments in your state. Ask questions, friends! Don't just sit there and say, it's none of my problem. It is our problem! And we need to confront it. The life of these people are precious to God as well. If this was your mother and your father you would say something. How could you sit down and not say anything? Let's say something. Speak up and speak out. Yes, do it in love, but do it with zeal. Yes, do it in love, but do it.

Quietness is going to destroy the lives of hundreds and thousands of residents and we're just going to sit back and watch it happen? How many more lives need to be lost before we say something? Before they pull back this vaccine and reexamine everything.

And what's even more troubling, friends, what's even more troubling, after I I spoke to the person in authority today, you know what the person told me? Oh, yeah, we're in the process and they're signing paper for Part B.

Part B?! Part A is destroying the lives of so many already. Now we are signing paper and we're pushing for Part B? And I asked, what's in Part B? Is it different? Is it going to fix some of the issues that's in Part A?

No, no, the answer was, it's the second boost.

A second boost? The first boost is doing this much damage! And we are signing on for Part B! But what is Part B going to do? If Part A is having this much trouble, come on, what do you think Part B's going to do? What are we trying to do, eradicate their lives? How many more residents need to pass away before we sit back and reexamine, before this medical science become— You to need to question them, friends. We need to challenge them. We need to protest against this.

Because these residents, they don't have a voice. No family members' allowed in the nursing home. So they don't know what's going on. If I don't tell you, if somebody from the nursing place don't speak up about this, you're not going to know. You're not going to know.

So if we don't speak for them, who is? Who is, friends?

So my appeal to you, friends, is to challenge the system. My appeal to you is to question those in authority. My appeal to you is to disturb the system. Find out, ask questions, friends. Call in the health experts. Call in departments. Challenge these people! People don't know everything. People make mistake. The health industry is not infallible. They used to say that, you know, it was OK to drink bleach. They used to think smoking cigarette was a good thing. They use to say blood-letting was OK. So we think today, because 2021, we just can't make mistake. Is that so? Is that so?

I am seeing the adverse reaction. I am seeing lives of residents dying and this is happening all around the world and people need to start speaking about this. And I'm hoping this video will cause you to think, will cause you to challenge, will cause you to reason. Don't sit back and think it's none of my problem.

It is your problem because soon, and very soon, this vaccine is coming your way. And if we don't challenge it where we're having issues such as we have now, what are you going to do when your loved ones within the boundaries of your home begin to die? When the side effects that they having from this vaccine is as deadly? What are you going to do? You're going to scratch your head and say, I didn't know?

Friends, we are accountable. We are responsible for the lives of those who are around us and we have a responsibility to speak up and speak out against anything, if it doesn't make sense, it's nonsense. It needs to be challenged. And that is all I'm trying to say here, friends. I don't have time to get into all the nitty-gritty of it, friends. Share this video, speak up and speak out.

And here's the thing I'm telling you. This covid 19 vaccine that is being administered to many residents is killing them. Is killing them. I'm watching them dying in front of my eyes, friends. How do you leave a person room and you walk out and you come back, they're dead. And you're going to tell me, a super spreader? When you have zero case, zero case for the whole entire 360 day, last year, the whole entire year, no death? January 1st, January 18th, over 12 deaths? They are dying like flies, friends, and the number is increasing, and people needs to know about this, and the medical science must be challenged. We need to reexamine what is going on, we need to confront the issues. Let us not— don't stick your head in the sand and say it's none of my problem. It is our problem! And we need to speak up as people!

And they don't want you to know this, friends! They don't want you to know this. CNN is not going to talk about this. NBC, Fox News, they ain't going talk about this. They're talking about Joe Biden, they're talking about all these different issues that have no bearing whatsoever. But where lives of hundreds and thousands of residents are now depleting and dying in nursing home, they're not getting any attention, friends. Zero attention.

Why is that? Why not? Is it because they aren't important enough? Well we have to remember, this is somebody's mother, somebody's father, somebody's grandmother, somebody's grandparent. We can't just be quiet and say it's none of my problems. We need to say something. So I would encourage you, encourage you, call the nursing homes that you know. Call any places where you have family members in these homes, begin to question them. Do not let them give the vaccine to your family.


There are so many things that we don't know yet, there are so many things that are not yet clear. Don't just take their words for it. We need more, we need, we need to ask more questions. People don't just come up with a vaccine out of the blue just like that. It takes years of studying and learning to understand how to create one. It doesn't just happen. And what I'm telling you, as a person who is in the field, what I'm seeing, this vaccine is not working for the residents. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, it might not impact those who are younger, who are [inaudible] in life, it might not have a negative effect on them, I understand that, that's a different degree of health. But a person who is in, in her 70s, in their 80s, listen, somebody who is 70 and has other health complication, that vaccine is killing them, friends, and I'm seeing that happening in front of my eyes and I can't keep quiet anymore. I feel like if I don't speak up, I'm going to blow up.

And many of our nurses, and if you are a nurse, if you are a home health aide, a CNA, an RN, a doctor, you need to say something, friends. It is your duty to say something. If you don't speak what's going—

You see, I think all the time about the situation that took place in the Holocaust. You know, Adolph Hitler. You know what the trouble was? The trouble wasn't Adolph Hitler and all these issues. Yeah, that was part of the problem, but the ultimate problem, when you really study this thing out, is the people who should have talked, who should have spoken about this, it was the silence of those who knew better.


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... or any other vaccine - there are no viruses!

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I think I’m coming to believe there are no viruses, just “bad” environmental conditions, and emfs that can bring on flu-like symptoms. (As well as a lot of other disease symptoms.)

I’ve read a few articles about experiments, trying to create a flu or similar by putting nasal secretions from one who is sick, into the nose or under the skin of one who is healthy, but the healthy person/people never get sick. I don’t know how to reconcile schoolkids getting sick at the same time, bar some, and so called flu epidemics, etc.

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I don't think anyone fully understands illness, only that it's been shown well beyond reasonable doubt that it's not viruses or 'germs'. It's like the phenomenon of women living or working together whose menstrual cycles become synchronised, or deciduous trees that lose their leaves around the same time. What's the trigger?

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Watching the tragedy unfold is actually excruciating. I just read yesterday that Florida, Texas, and South Dakota had the least jab uptake and the least lockdown and mask lunacy. Thank goodness I live in Texas. We had very little of any of it where I live. Still praying for Australia to wake up. Thanks for documenting it.

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I have spoken to many people who said they suffered some nasty to severe side effects from their reluctant uptake of the jab. They all thought they had to take it, compliance being compliance.

When they inevitably asked me how bad did I suffer, I always start by saying I never took it. They say I had to, I say it was a choice, I chose not to.

They then express regret and say they should have made that choice too.

These interactions show that many who were silent, were made so by forces of compliance. I understand why they remained silent, but I do not agree with them for their doing so.

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Amazing work - keep talking to them. We need everyone to re-frame their thinking with regards to 'compliance.'

Look at the bravery of the people who decided to live in tents in the bush outside of Rockingham Hospital rather than take the jab: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/to-my-unjabbed-heroes

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Yeah I met a young chap out hiking who said he regrets taking it. He didn’t suffer any ill effects but of course he doesn’t know what the future holds. He said when he expressed this opinion to another hiker he got a severe talking to. Some still believe.

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I see that they are talking masking again here in WA. It’s not compulsory... yet. I’m packing my bags in anticipation of being evicted again due to my non compliance. Ahhh ... I’m an expert now. I’m almost looking forward to it.

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The government workers I've been talking to seem to be of the DO NOT COMPLY mind set now.

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(please be ADF please be ADF)

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This is good news!

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Western Australia’s situation is the perfect example of the Globalists being able to to control a population when they have control of the leader. The Globalists have mastered the art of creating Patsies from individuals, groups, companies, organisations to complete governments and all their agencies. Western Australia was taken down without a fight. The most decorated Battalion in WW1 came from this mob. Diggers they called them. I think we need Diggers to dig our way out of the excrement they keep pouring on us.

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We fought. Here are your diggers. Maybe in 100 years there will be a statue, if people are still around: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hidden-protest-the-day-a-group-of

This is why I do this Substack by the way - to help people remember (also it annoys the government).

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I have no doubt you are a Digger Sir. Your actions have defined you as such. I sincerely thank you for those actions.. And through those actions you are inspiring The Spirit of the Digger to rise again..That Spirit began evolving while chained together in the bowls of the ships that took them far from their families. Don’t forget some Diggers always have their sleeves rolled up, head down and always ready to help. Don’t condemn them for lack of knowledge. Shouldn’t we who knew better, have done better to help them understand.

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WA has the highest population of Scots in Australia.

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Victoria was pretty bad also-NEVER forget dictator/chairman Dan Andrews. He’s with the WEF now, for those who may not know-ambassador for Australia to the WEF or some rubbish-but dangerous rubbish.

I know now, there were protests/rallies etc in Melbourne in 2020, but I didn’t realise this whole thing was a psyop until they announced the “vaccine”. I was a bit slow, but I’m here now-proof that people can see, after not seeing for a while.

Let’s hope the “blind” will continue to “see”, like me.

I’m interested to know where Mark McGowan is now.

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I had my eyes opened in 1979. I fully understand the illusion they have created. In the past our elected leaders would go to London to receive their reward eg Charles Court for changing Western Australia’s mining Laws to benefit Rio Tinto( who the Queen was a major shareholder). Mark McGowan was in Beijing receiving reward when he made the statement we should have Parliament in Beijing. I haven’t heard much since then and don’t really want to unless he confesses his crimes and incriminates his masters.

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They are still going to London to receive their awards.

Scroll down to the end of this article and see the reward to WA's Vaccine Commander for services rendered: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-senate-rejects-and-obfuscates

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My thoughts are with so many young healthy people who were led into this experiment by individuals they trusted. It could have been government, public health, doctors or teachers, anyone who encouraged them is guilty. No one should have been given the injections but it is unforgivable and criminal for the young and healthy to have this harmful substance put into their bodies.

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Covid democide is, deliberately, a whole-of-society crime. Everyone is co-opted into the killing unless they make the choice to speak out and remove themselves from the killing. That is how the Architects of democide protect themselves. They depend on our compliance and silence.

The people I admire most are parents like Ernesto Ramirez sr in the US - he took his beautiful son to be injected thinking it was helping others - doing his duty as a patriotic American. The jab killed his son (Ernesto Jr), but Mr Ramirez knows it was the injection, and he has dedicated his life to warning others, all while working as a blue-collar man, counselling others, and working for God.

Most parents just post Go Fund Me links and never talk about it again which terrifies me and keeps me up at night. I actually wake up in a cold sweat about this.

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I use every opportunity I can to inform and encourage people who have suspicions about what happened.. it’s a numbers game they played well.. they got over 50-60% jabbed with the travel restrictions and that meant they wouldn’t object.. and so the mandate were brought in when they already had the majority scared or willingly jabbed.. no workplace could win..

there are though at least 40to50% who had suspicion, or objected strongly and informing them now of the extent of damage (if they are willing to hear) will help next time round ..

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Why is this not being tested in court? For the same reasons that there are no political solutions, there are no legal ones either. We are at the point where we need to step away from all the systems which we are used to relying on. We are subject to a complete global coup and must respond accordingly.

We do not have to carry others who wish to not see what is happening, but we cannot, in my view, say the system is broken but we will rely on it to fix things. We need to consider the best way of moving forward to allow us to survive and thrive. So, although it is vital that we understand what happened (especially the deliberate nature of it, as so clearly described by you) in order to formulate ideas about the future, I wonder whether at some point we must simply say "never forgive, never forget" or similar, and then not look back.

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Great comment - there will come a point when we cannot save the drowning because they will climb on top of us. I do not think that point has yet come.

My free subscriber list is exploding - people are still interested in learning the truth, so there is hope yet (unless it's all my ASIO minders, in which case - buy a subscription at least f***wits I have group discounts).

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My old man was a Copper for 37 years. He reckons every single black robe in this state is a pedo. so...

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Attention Frogs: The Hot Tub is ready.

It will definitely not boil you alive and if it did, we would tell you.

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Great post that also shines the prism on to the "backroom" perpetrators of this mass genocide. Thank you.

"The people in the WA [QLD, NSW, VIC, TAS, SA, NT, ACT] Health Department are specialists in health statistics and data. They knew exactly what they were looking at when those numbers popped up on the screen, and when it kept happening month after month, they would have known that it was not an accident."


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Reading the history of the Salem Witch trials again shows that people will just go along with whatever they perceive to be the majority thinking. When people slowly started to awaken to the truth after that event majority thinking then turned that way too.

When I talk of the Salem Trials to some of the covid converts they say, oh but we are so different to them, we have mobile phones and TV. They self explain the whole problem.

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>oh but we are so different to them, we have mobile phones and TV


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The perpetrators are all of those mentioned above. The instigators on the other hand are the central bankers who seem to be mostly of a certain religious persuasion and who own the vast majority of the world's central banks. Their goal is to destroy the current world financial system (very soon) to create this CBDC nightmare (Australia is one of 130+ countries planning this - see https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/cbdctracker/) With their immense wealth they have successfully bought off, threatened, bribed, blackmailed (Epstein Island anyone?) or killed (a few African leaders for example) politicians and institutions likely to push back. The covid scam was only part of the plan. Follow the money.

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Incredible website, thanks.

Australians are going to have to get used to poverty. That is what fuelled the jab compliance.

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Yes, given the choice of either working or getting free government money for not working, most people will choose the latter (in exchange for compliance).

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Some thoughts:

On Twitter today...in regards to my interactions dealing with the vaccine with a molecular biologist and another person, someone posted a "Birds Aren't Real" TED video. The insinuation is that those of us who are mRNA vaccine skeptics are akin to those that absurdly would believe birds are being killed by the government and being replaced with robot surveillance drones. What I find fascinating is that throughout this, these people pre accuse us of spreading misinformation, of being victims of the Dunning Kruger Syndrome. This one woman even asked if I were not going to believe them about the mRNA vaccines...what is to stop me from getting misled. As if they are the arbiters of the truth. But it does snap into focus why they thought I had the hubris and temerity to assert with confidence misinformation (I asserted I did not know the long term effects of the vaccine back in 2021).

When confronted with the appeal to experts and bandwagon logical fallacies, they shrug them off as irrelevent and also use to the Tu quoque fallacy "well you fall for logical fallacies too." My response was "yes, I know I do, which is why I am careful not to."

They tried to continually go around the whole "vaccine being experimental" thing. They misinterpreted my assertion of the experimental tech used in the vaccine as "natural good/ artificial bad" when it was "tested over years good" "untested less than a year bad."

In Australia, what does peaceful noncompliance look like?

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"In Australia, what does peaceful noncompliance look like?"

From what I've seen, it looks like a very, very small group of people doing the 'good' thing mate. Emphasis on very, very small.

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I have watched what has gone on in Australia with amazement. And yes, you guys have the benefit of very low to zero Covid so none of these Adverse events can be laid down at the feet of "Long Covid." Here in the states, the narrative is starting to sound like everything is "Long Covid."

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From a recent Senate Estimates, it doesn't look like the CHO and his colleagues are going to admit anything any time soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY3g_1fPly8

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Nice to see Rennick nail the correct perpetrators - he has a phenomenal memory. The last two minutes of that video are absolutely INCREDIBLE. "Yes, we know, but we will not talk about it."

This is why I am hammering the jab roll-out in covid zero. It is their weakest point - we have them dead-to-rights.

Thanks Bryan.

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I wish that surprised me

It didn't.

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It becomes even more troubling when you discover the jabs were developed by the US DoD from 2017 onwards and Pfizer, moderna etc were merely rebranded the product and distributed to countries for state sponsored democide

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Keep going backwards. The platform was being developed in the 00's, and that is just what is in the published literature. Military tech is unpublished (of course).

This review paper was published in 2018, but the references are old, demonstrating the technological build-up. https://www.nature.com/articles/nrd.2017.243

Also don't forget the gain-of-function work Australia does, particularly in regards to the HPV vaccine. Open up the linked NHMRC report in the article and look at those references, and their references. You can used Google Scholar or Scopus to find them https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

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