Why did so many Australians die in 2022?
Answer: approx. 60% excess deaths non-covid related.
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We are already starting with flawed data
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) records the number of deaths in Australia and cause of death. This is the official government records body at the federal level. The data are ‘provisional’ meaning that on any given day, numbers may go up or down depending on information the ABS receives from doctors, coroners or other officials.
In a pre-determined range of years an average number of people are expected to die (updated: historical average? baseline average? see below). If there are deaths above the nominal average, these are considered ‘excess deaths’ and this is normally considered very concerning and worthy of investigation.
2020 had 326 more deaths above the historical* average.
In 2021 the overall average annual excess death rate was BELOW the historical* average. Although towards the end of 2021 the data were trending upwards.
***Added table March 2024 click for source:
From the above table:
The following section provides a preliminary overview of mortality at the all-cause level for all deaths as well as by selected cause for doctor-certified deaths in 2022. There are some deaths that occurred in 2022 that have not yet been registered and received by the ABS. These deaths will be included in future reports. Causes of death are not presented for coroner-referred deaths (except for COVID-19) due to the time required to complete coronial investigations. More complete analysis on deaths and causes of death registered in 2022 will be published in Deaths, Australia and Causes of Death, Australia in late 2023.
There were 190,394 deaths that occurred in 2022 and were registered by 28 February 2023. All months had a higher number of deaths compared to the preceding 3 years.
In 2022, there were large numbers of excess deaths recorded every month starting in January.
Excess deaths by month
ABS: + 22.1% (+ 2,865 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 17.1% (+ 1,999 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 9.6 % (+ 1,254 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 12.2% (+ 1,580 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 13.5% (+ 1,922 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 16.8% (+ 2,410 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 16.2% (+ 2,503 people above historical* average).
ABS: + 12.4% (+ 1,926 people above historical* average).
September 2022
ABS: + 6.6% (+ 957 people above historical* average).
October ? ABS took January 2023 off and I can’t find the ‘historical average’ data.
ABS: + 11.0% (+ 1,432 people above the historical* average).
ABS: +15.1% (+ 2,017 people above the historical* average).
AVE 2022: + 15.3% (+ 24, 903 people) - ABS states + 25, 235 people in 2022
*Historical average = ABS methodology defines this as “similar time periods.” There is no definition of ‘historical average’ in the ABS glossary.
**Baseline average = A baseline is a fixed point of reference that can be used for comparison purposes. In (ABS mortality data) it is the arithmetic mean of the 4 years of deaths from 2017-2019 and 2021 based on year and week of occurrence. Baselines are compiled based on weekly counts of deaths from all causes and for specified causes of death. While baselines provide a point for comparison they do not provide an indication of the statistical significance of any deviation from that baseline. (from ABS glossary).

You’ll notice that the ABS states that “September was the first month that the death rate was below the baseline average…but deaths were above the historical average.” Historical average was the metric that has always been used when describing the excess deaths but now they have rather trotted out ‘baseline’ as it makes it look like ‘everything is fine.’
Indeed I had to scroll down to the middle of the page to find ‘historical’ excess deaths to ensure my reporting was temporally consistent, given that the ABS put the happier ‘baseline’ data up front. One may be fooled into thinking the excess deaths had stopped given the rather disingenuous reporting.
March 2023 update about “baseline averages” as they relate to excess mortality:
“While this publication can provide an indication of where counts of deaths are above or below expectations, it does not provide official estimates of excess mortality. Using the number of deaths from the previous years as the predictor for the expected number of deaths does not take into account changes in population size and age-structures of that population, as well as expected improvements in mortality rates over time.”
Then what the hell is the point of these data, or indeed, the ABS?
Most excess deaths were not covid-related
In this linked video, Dr. John Campbell looks at Australian mortality data from the ABS. He presents the following data:
2022 Australia
144, 650 total deaths occurred by 30 September, registered by 30 November
19, 986 excess deaths (16.0%) above historical* average (there it is again…historical…yet Dr. John quotes the definition of baseline as if they are interchangeable. We know this isn’t the case because the data in September 2022 were different when comparing ‘baseline’ and historical’).
Of the 19, 986 excess deaths, 8, 160 were “covid certified” by a doctor and 11, 826 were non-covid related.
60% of the excess deaths were non-covid deaths
Remember that the above doesn’t define a “covid case” or how many of the deaths even had autopsies. Essentially, the deck has been loaded to support the narrative particularly around testing and defining a “case” or a “vaccine” or indeed who is “vaccinated” (see if you can make sense of any of this information from ATAGI about who is ‘vaccinated’ or not - following from this, what is a “vaccinated’ or “unvaccinated” death?)
***Edit March 27, 2024. The above link has been removed from the ATAGI website. Here is the Wayback Machine link.
Here is the archive link: https://archive.li/JoNCc
The fact that so many non-covid related excess deaths occurred despite the magic deck of cards is chilling.
Updated thoughts on the excess deaths
Firstly, Dr. John’s journey over the past three years from a nurse-educator trusting the establishment to fully aware of how data is manipulated and ignored by the establishment has been remarkable. Pay attention to his backdrop: “follow the data…wherever it leads…”. Bravo Dr. John.
When I wrote the below paragraph I was trying to emphasise how the Australian government will spare no expense to investigate and recall harmful products:
Remember when someone was putting needles in strawberries and it was a national media frenzy to prevent any deaths? “A team of 100 police officers including 60 detectives” were searching for the culprit(s) in case someone got hurt. The federal and Queensland government made million-dollar pledges to help the strawberry industry and people were “urged by the Premier to ring CrimeStoppers…about the (strawberry) crime.”
Now that the ABS has updated their data to include lines about how the excess deaths may not ‘provide information about excess mortality’ (something I have never seen before) I am just chalking this up to yet another level of the banality of evil we are experiencing.
The institutional criminality involved in narrative clinging is breathtaking. Slow-walking data as people are dying in the tens of thousands is diabolical. But all I can do is tell you about it. I can’t take back the country on my own. It’s up to the vaccinated now to fight, and they are counting on them to die quietly and never admit that they were wrong and all of us to “be respectful of other’s grief.” So far, it seems like this plan is working. The courts have failed, our institutions have failed. I am at a tremendous loss in the face of so much evil. God, give me strength.
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Dear readers,
The substack platform won't let me send out an edited post, so I had to write a new post and send this to you. I migrated all the data from the old post here and added more data. I deleted the old post to avoid confusion but you aren't missing out on anything.
Bravo, well-written. It is appalling what they are doing. I, too, saw Dr John Campbell’s remarkable journey and he touched my heart with his compassion and honesty. I asked DoH&A what, if anything, they are doing to investigate all cause mortality in vaxxed versus unvaxxed due to the vax having to be a possible cause. I will see soon of they gave a useful answer or just more deflection