
Dear readers,

The substack platform won't let me send out an edited post, so I had to write a new post and send this to you. I migrated all the data from the old post here and added more data. I deleted the old post to avoid confusion but you aren't missing out on anything.

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Bravo, well-written. It is appalling what they are doing. I, too, saw Dr John Campbell’s remarkable journey and he touched my heart with his compassion and honesty. I asked DoH&A what, if anything, they are doing to investigate all cause mortality in vaxxed versus unvaxxed due to the vax having to be a possible cause. I will see soon of they gave a useful answer or just more deflection

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Thank you Alison. Sen Rennick asked the same question in senate estimates and the response was "yes, it's possible." For the life of me I cannot remember who he asked or what video it was. I would check his YouTube channel - it will be there.

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thanks for that, i appreciate it because earlier this week DoH&A told me they'd no longer respond to my questions as I'm not a "recognised news outlet"

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023Author

Oh boy. Australia is in deep, deep shit. Try Frank Chung - he is the only MSM reporter doing anything at the moment. https://www.news.com.au/the-team/frank-chung

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Ask them to answer you as a concerned citizen. That’s absolute bullshit. How about getting your local member to ask them through the parliament, that’s his/her job. This “Piss off! I ain’t answering your questions because you’re a nobody” is bullshit. They could at least just fob you off with a “thank you for your concern” style letter.

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My local MP still thinks the injections are "safe and effective" and is pro-forced injection. Yes, FORCED injection as per the WA Health Act 2016.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

That’s very interesting. Just read section 158. I wonder if it’s the same or similar elsewhere in Australia. That’s some scary shit. State approved medical rape.

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I'm not sure about other states. What's even worse is that we are completely politically captured.

Our current Governor (In Australia, the Crown's representative - not the Premier) was the former police commissioner and his roles included covid State Emergency Coordinator and covid Vaccine Commander. Yes, we had a man in pseudo-military fancy dress called the VACCINE COMMANDER threatening us on TV to get the shots "or else" while building giant fuck-off quarantine camps. The public fear campaign was incredible. Too bad: still not taking your jab, commander!

If you want to know more, there is a group that has been peacefully protesting outside his palatial tax-funded mansion every morning called the "Umbrella Group." They are mainly older people (veterans, Christians, retirees) that get together and chat and pray. They have been photographed by police goons, subject to lawfare and recently arrested. For peacefully standing. There are lots of videos about them on Freedom Media WA etc.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Yes, I hear you. So many of us in Oz were traumatised, one way or another. Even living in the bush, it was hard to stay sane watching almost everyone in my life poison themselves in the jab madness of 2021. Cannot imagine what it must have been like for those in urban situations with illegal mandates to keep their jobs and kids or elders to deal with and protect.

I'll keep praying and sharing, mate. You take good care and god bless.

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I would rather be homeless and totally destitute than take the jab. Knew at the beginning that I was going all the way. I'm still going all the way. The PTSD from police action and society lingers but I sleep well. There aren't many of us, but we will never, ever back down or cave into this no matter what.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

'Ken oath mate. That's why I learnt to forage, in case the gubment decided to go full gas chambers on us unvaxxed.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I'm an expat Yank. This is the hill....

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As a Christian, yeah it is. They're not changing my DNA.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

You guys are great....so few around - so glad I can come across comments like on this Substack - thanks.

My neice is in Melbourne and called me Q when I questioned the vaccines. She's newly married and has a 3 month old. She and her husband have been vaccinated multiple times. This is the most lovely and happy new family with their precious newborn, but.....it's so hard to project in the future for more than one reason.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU


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What am I doing? Good question to us all. Without a doubt the "old" system is crumbling, and it can go as far as I'm concerned. At a certain point you can't help people that don't want to be helped. I'm a wellness practitioner so I know this firsthand. Personally I'm shifting my business practise to life affirming not disease management. To taking control back of your wellness according to nature, not the co dependency model that has infiltrated every part of our lives. I'm removing the idea of authority and teaching people how to think for themselves and become leaders and peers. Sometimes the worst of us can become the best of us. I see great opportunity in these times.

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Saul had his conversion on the road to Damascus which is why I still pray for Noah Yuval Harari. Someone with such brilliant insights into the human condition could become our greatest champion rather than a weapon used by demonic entities to destroy us.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Indeed, great insight.. My favourite part of this “game” is no one can control the moment consciousness and grace hits us. It can all change in a moment of clarity. Until then we all sharpen our own to rise up to the occasion. Damn long treadmill though….phew. Thanks for connecting us.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

AU pensioner in the NSW Southern Tablelands here. Just found you via's Sage's SS.

Impressive body of work. Much to digest between farm chores.

Thank you. Wish I could send you fresh produce in exchange!

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

Thank you so much. All I request are your prayers and to share the links far and wide so we get the word out. I am anonymous because like many people in Australia my life has been rather ruined from speaking out. People have asked me about contributing financially but I can't link a bank account because I believe we will soon see the government freeze bank accounts in Australia like they have done in Canada. Hopefully substack will have crypto soon. Thanks again and I hope to keep delivering quality content for you. If you have any questions I will do my best to answer.

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

There is liability which applies to a living man or a living woman, regardless of ANY office, position OR supposed immunity from legal process. Those who do harm will account for it, and those who deliberately or knowingly cause harm or allow harm to occur, will be called to account. It is happening NOW. Watch those who fear accountability start running now, some already have. Game over folks, just the final scene needs to play out then its curtains.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

And if those "covid" deaths are not actually "covid" deaths. And there is quite the likelihood they are not.

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Absolutely. Like I said, even with the gamed system, the signal of non-covid deaths is chilling.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Indeed and happening all over the world ever since the start. Never in my life would I have thought we would witness such a thing. And on a related note, based on some recent reports it seems that Brazil may indeed be lost.

I think at this point only something yet unseen will turn this mess around.

Thanks for all your doing.

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Your comment really touched me. While I don't do this for recognition and thanks, your acknowledgement really means a lot. The research and writing involved in this substack has taken a big toll on me in every aspect but knowing that there are people like you out there who appreciate it makes all the difference.

Regarding Brazil, I was listening to a journalist in exile describe what is happening to the protestors there: rounded up, placed in camps, force vaccinated, subject to restrictions. All these things can happen in Western Australia (WA) under the Health Act. The difference is that WA has not yet fully used these powers, but they are sitting there ready to go, and the camps are built. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-genocide-in-progress

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Thanks, and I can relate. 2.5 years or so now looking at all this stuff never missing a single day of at least some study. It does take a toll. Kind of like having the world on ones shoulders. Recently God has been helping me to take a step back a bit for some peace of mind rest.

Thanks for that link, I will look at it tomorrow as it is pretty late here, just got off a fairly long phone conversation. Thanks again. ttyl. Hang in there.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Hi. Well done and thank you for writing this substack.

It is also very interesting to view Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory and their fabulous interviews as Dr Drew has been slowly red pilled.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Similar to needles in strawberries - a Dr. suggested phenibut for me as I was tapering off of psych drugs. It was effective, and only small amounts were needed. Then, some year 10 kids went into a muscle shop and bought a few bottles and took them all - yeah, they got sick, some of them went to hospital. The next day, Phenibut banned, Australia-wide. (I had to taper off it) 'Straya comes down on what They don't like - but this reaction is baffling.

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Congrats on tapering! NAC is good too.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Yes, was on NAC for tapering long before COVID hit - just left it in. Good stuff! ESSENTIAL is magnesium (for all the tension) and fish oil (lubricate the nervous system & brain).

I used www.survivingantidepressants.org for tapering protocols. I recommend them.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Hi. Well done and thank you for writing this substack.

It is also very interesting to view Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory and their fabulous interviews as Dr Drew has been slowly red pilled.

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Lies lies and damn statistics. All data health or otherwise is all confected. Try working out how many on elective waiting lists - there are two one list to get in bro the “official “ waiting lists st. Inflation same- gerried figures. But back to deaths and disabilities- these are slow kill shots- excess deaths will escalate in ver time

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The literature absolutely shows this, and has showed this since the early 2000s. God help us. God help the people who censored early treatments and killed with remdesivir and ventilators. God help the doctors of Western Australia giving 4-week old babies remdesivir https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/Corp/Documents/Health-for/Infectious-disease/COVID19/Treatment/Guidelines-for-use-of-Remdesivir.pdf

"Remdesivir has been granted provisional Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval on

the basis of preliminary clinic data only, as a treatment option for:

• adults and paediatric patients (at least 4 weeks of age and weighing at least 3 kg) who have

pneumonia due to SARS-CoV-2, who require supplemental oxygen"

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

Look at the last 3 years as an opening to asking deeper questions. Is the history of vaccinations & virology & infectious disease not what we thought it was? Have we been misled? And then broaden out; the role of industry, industrial processes & their byproducts in the incidence of illness. Has the true effect been suppressed by various means including the manipulation of statistics & science? Quick answer; yes it has, & people would be shocked if they knew. What about the field of physics & other sciences; have there been advances or different ways of approaching a general unified field theory that actually explain a lot of the puzzles modern physics simply brush off or cannot answer? Quick answer; yes there are, but the mainstream deliberately ignores it. What about cures for diseases like cancer? Quick answer; yes there are, not just one but many. What is the nature of the relationship between the people & governments? What are we really? Is it all bound by contracts? Have we been misled & deceived into a beast system? Quick answer; probably......

There's so much more......

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