Article updates: Data from Joel Smalley and colleagues, Western Australia data - jab roll out in a covid zero population, Chinese white paper protests.

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Each cloth displayed will represent 100 laying in darkness in a drawer, for those injured, yet cheated of knowledge of the cause.

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Equally, every cloth displayed will cause amazement. Don't give up.

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Sadly, you are right. I think it is a beautiful idea and I personally have two severely injured in the immediate family. (My son with heart injury, and his girlfriend (27), healthy young woman so far, was just diagnosed with lymphoma cancer and started chemo). Thus cancer just increased massively since vax roll-out. The nephew of my friend died aged 31, two little kids after sudden onset of cancer within 2 months. Friends just reported three of their middle aged healthy friends have died suddenly within a months. They were in shock, yet were hugely sceptical it is the vaccines because " there is no clear evidence." I can not even talk to my wife about it. She is a health worker, anti-vax, was mandated for first two shots but refused tne third. Yet she argues: You don't have absolute proof, you are biased. It is not 100% certain it was caused by the vax and so on". I reply...

"It is based on official stats and a huge correlation. Why can't we talk about it?" She gets upset. She says it's like with the tobacco cancer history.....it will take decades to be acknowledged." I say: "Because no-one talks about it. Why the hush hush and denial even in some victims and in the victims families? Why cant we talk about ir?.They still dish them out in Australia. People will die because we dont talk about it openly." She storms off. Can anyone explain it to me? I will.put out some white flags. Regarding hiding our non-vax status. Not possible in Australia. Every Covid vaxed is registered. I might be overly paranoid but the tax office didn't pay me my $500 super contribution last year. I have spent hours on the phone. Everyone I talk to at the ATO says I am entitled and they don't understand why not. They escalate it. No-one comes back ever. Nothing you can do about it. They simply don't pay it. I wonder why they stopped obviously. Vax status maybe? I know it sounds crazy but Australia tied tax family benefit for low income with vaccination status of the child. We only got a part of it because our daughter is unvaccinated.Billions are at stake if the vax narrative crumbles. These criminals do everything necessary, of that I am convinced.

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It's not vax status, it is end of financial year although it's more than that. I'm noticing a lifelessness or intentionally robotic manner appearing in jabbed through my work interactions. A lot of these people are so weighed down by the blindingly obvious, they are forgetting how to function or miss a step when doing a task.

I had a similar "Storms off" moment with my eldest sibling today. Wasn't about the jab but moreso about me expressing ambivalence and doubts over Vladimir Putin & Russia being so evil and nazi-like. He blew up and threw out a 'conspiracy theory!!!!' phrase like a slap to which I calmly replied.

"What's wrong with discussing our apparently opposing views like adults? I'm certain that between the two of us we are more than capable of coming to some kind of understanding or progress. I don't believe the mainstream media by default these days and you've blown up over me standing firm on that. I don't know why you would believe a narrative of Putin = Nazi but if we talk about it, you can explain it to me.

He stewed and simmered for a bit. Couldn't really storm off at the time - still it's obvious. The mainstream media has belligerently & abusively lied to populations around the world for years now, yet you can't abandon a lifelong reliance (or compliance) to mainstream media NOT representing garbage junk propositions: you can't but not believe that "news" which exists today can only exist through having to retain at least 1% vailidity!

The real clincher for me is when I point out to unvaxxed people that beseeching mainstream media to finally tell the truth about jabs causing mass injuries and deaths, is a continual deferring to them as an authority. Why would anyone (let alone the jab injured) believe the mainstream media after 3 years of vicious psychological operations pushing and coercing iatrogenic injections onto us when they suddenly change their tune? Suddenly admit that yeah, we lied to you for three years while you jabbed up more and more poisions... But hey. Please believe us now!

No one has the courage to decide what risks they can take as an individual and what truths they must face as a result of their decision.

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I love your Substack by the way. People, please sub to aagabriel. His articles about returning to work after the mandates are something else. (Thanks for your sub btw xxx). Can't wait to read more about this.

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Ma Mu, I am so sorry for you. To read your story is very saddening. I know people too, who have been injured. It is shocking what has transpired in the last 3 years and and is continuing on. I feel like I am in a nightmare.


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Quite astounding how people required zero evidence to prove 'safe and effective' - in the midst of ample circumstantial evidence to suggest otherwise. Eg insufficient time to have done safety testing - but, now require 100% proof the dubious claim of 'safe and effective' is false.

My 23yo nephew held off against university pressure to get Novavax. Found himself in ER 24 hours after second shot with heart problems - pericarditis. Reported it to university when they were pressing him to get booster. They couldn't have cared less.

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Thank you for sharing. Horrific to hear of parents whose young children have been grievously harmed for believing they were doing the right thing.

All the best to you and your family.

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❤️eloquent. memorial. inspirational. motivational. powerful. hopeful.❤️

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It's you!

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What a splendid idea.

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The claims lodged, declined & finalised figures for Australia's vaccine injury compensation scheme disgust me. It's one thing to have corporations delay, deny and defend (https://delaydenydefend.com/) but for the Australian government to treat potential claimants worse than lepers at a time when these Australian's suffering has evolved into a new horror leaves me scowling in anger.

I like the sentiment you shared - a simple act which one can take up or not without too much fanfare or hassles. A symbol in solidarity, bit sad that the jabbed and suffering are a majority now but there's a continued silence about a shared elephant in their vaccination clinic's waiting room.

Here's a photo of my 'cloth'


This cloth saw a few rallies and was hung upside down from my balcony for a few months during 2021. Since then, it's not seen any action, forgot that I had it behind my couch until I read your post.

I take on board your advice regarding openly identifying as unjabbed too. Although I don't think my unpatriotic cloth does that. Looking at it now, I don't know what this cloth does anymore.

I love the old photos you shared as all of them are reminiscent of an era where men & women felt a palpable connection to their nation, and were ready to fight for it. Better times.

I appeal up towards heaven, pleading that temperance, peace & a stoic solemnity is bestowed upon a poor, shadowy vestige of the man I was. I pray for deliverance and a return to my former inspired, poetic and engaging self. I pray that through my love of God or loathing of man's abandonment of God, I can return to myself to celebrate and share joy with all others who lost so much and still, patiently await divine deliverance.


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We are a nation in distress, and thus flying your 'cloth' upside down shows a considerable patriotism. I have seen that many Americans have done this since January 20, 2021 (although turn it right side up for Memorial Day) Recently I met a lady who had a very nice Australian flag and flag pole in her front yard and we were chatting about it. I asked her if she had considered flying it upside down. She said 'every day.'

You could always fly an Appeal to Heaven flag. Mabye next to your upside down Australian flag.

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I have put this post up on Twitter so anyone who is on there can choose to retweet it to help spread this amazing (yet potentially risky) idea.... https://twitter.com/FollowingCVSci/status/1672616919709679616 And I have asked a vax injured Telegram group how they feel about it. Will let you know! An upcoming post here: https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com will soon feature the voice of a vaccine injured Canadian woman. PLUS if you have not yet heard of the National Citizen's Inquiry that just heard from Canadians over 24 days of testimony, please scroll down in this directory of topics to V - where you have links to the testimonies of the brave vaccine injured Canadians who chose to tell their stories in public! https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/more-mind-blowing-testimonies-better

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The Canadians are showing remarkable resilience in the face of so much evil. I believe the truckers inspired the massive Convoy to Canberra. Are you Canadian?

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Yes, and I was appalled at how the mainstream depicted those brave truckers who gave up weeks of potential income and took on the fuel costs to go that distance (like from Berlin to Bagdad more or less) in an effort to stop the madness of the mandates. A new initiative coming from Canada that other countries might like to emulate... the National Citizens' Inquiry into the government's handling of the Covid Crisis - run by an independent, citizen run, citizen funded commission that is due to release its findings in a few weeks. See the advertisement for it here: https://rumble.com/v2lutaa-nci-promotional-video.html Here is the home page: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca. And here is a directory of many of the testimony given before the commission over TWENTY FOUR 10-12 hour days covering EIGHT CITIES from Coast to Coast: https://followingthecovidscience.substack.com/p/more-mind-blowing-testimonies-better

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This is a great idea and cause. Well done.

However; I don't hold back telling people I'm unjabbed, I encourage their wrath and disdain, while just smiling back and wishing them well. Looking them deep in their eyes, you can see the fear welling inside. It must truly trouble them late at night as they slowly awake to what has been done to them.

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Good on you, you're showing human emotions in responding as such.

Sometimes my meekness when facing a potential 95% of my fellow Westrayan's refusing to do anything to protect their health. Childishly storming off to sulk instead of standing up against governmental abuses suffered during the past few plandemic years...

Sometimes my meeknesss makes me feel like i'm mentally vaxxed: given up. It's probably just winter though.. come summer and I'll be dancing and smiling once again!

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You have done more than most of our fellow countrymen in standing up. They have no idea how much moral courage really costs. You are my fellow unvaccinated Australian, and you have gone all the way and there is still more to come. In my opinion, that is the message of the Sermon on the Mount: the cost of moral courage in the face of tyranny. The Jews were facing Roman tyranny and they wanted a military saviour in Christ, but instead he preached the Good News of the Kingdom of Heaven and showed love and strength in the face of tyranny without backing down. He fulfilled his duty. (Matthew 5).

Let us remember His words and deeds together:

Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek,

for they will inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful,

for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart,

for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,

for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

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This is a great idea because the jab injured are being ignored by doctors, the medical system and the government bodies who are supposed to be regulating these jabs and recognising harm when it is reported. Great work by the way.

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Our dumbo neighbours probably can't differentiate between the unjabbed and the jab-injured - they're all "antivaxxers" LOL

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Mine’s up. ❤️‍🩹🏳️

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I see you. Now, tell others.

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Welcome back EDAU! Thank you for another informative article- I learn something new with each of your posts.

I saw the original comment by Kool-Aid, so was waiting for this from you.We can't stop trying to bring this to everyone's attention. Sadly there are too many in denial. The last couple of marches I attended incorporating Forest of the Fallen were very powerful. We marched through the centre of Adelaide. Some people laughed and thought it was a joke-it made me feel ill to see this reaction.However if at least a few went away thinking about it, we have achieved something.

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Laughter is also a simian fear-reponse when you have cognitive dissonance. They were not laughing at you. They were afraid for themselves.

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This made me think of possible SV40 jab contamination manifesting itself ......

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For some reason Ginger Breggin has banned me from her substack despite multiple appeals, but anyway, Peter Breggin said that many of the jabbed may be essentially lobotomised due to microclotting in the prefrontal cortex. I really wish I was not banned because I wanted to do an article about this and other issues drawing on Peter's work.

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Some things, I would like to testify, are so caustic, so acrid to the human mental taste-center, that they are automatically repulsed as a form of protection. It's not a favorable reaction, but I think it can be understood from that point of view.

Off subject, EDAU, and for your eyes only: My reaction to the "white flag" idea, is first and foremost positive and supportive. But is there any possibility of it portraying our "surrender"? White is good, though, because it's very visible.

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For the benefit of the ASIO and WApol monitors I will give you two facts:

The Appeal to Heaven flag is white.

Washington's continental army crossed the Delaware on Christmas during an ice storm to slit the throats of the British.

(Does that sound like a surrender?)

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NOT in the slightest! I've contemplated TWO persons, who I'm no longer in contact with, but recently did an obituary search, and found them, yes, dead. Both were in their 70's and I cannot be CERTAIN, but their world-view, when I knew them, was one which parallels the narrative. I think the "death merchants" got them both.

"Guilty until proven innocent" is the new catchphrase!

Thank you for ALL you do, and your new idea is superb! I'm in.


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Yes I saw that interview. Dr Peter Breggin is a remarkable man imo, surprised you have been banned.

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Great post, thank you.

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Good to have you back, EDAU.

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Thank you. I feel much better.

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Thanks EDA. Greta initiative.

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(I laughed) - Thank you Andy, although unlike Greta, I can assure you there is no Soros money here!

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