That poor man in such a difficult situation all around.
I’ve never heard so many peope talk about heart issues as in the last 3 years. It’s shocking, really. And it hurts to think “if only they hadn’t taken the shot”…..what would be different for them right now.
The fluoro lay down and the men’s rosary are such beautiful inspirations, the coming together of the strong and the faithful.
I’m so sorry for the isolation your country has felt, EDAU. Thank you for telling the story so all will know and will be strengthened by what you’ve endured and by the warriors who have fought against it at all costs.
I remember seeing a video of a young Australian woman who got shipped off to one of the internment camps for lying about being with her friend who tested positive. (I think they caught them together on a street camera.) They wouldn’t let her go outside for a walk and suggested instead that they’ll have the doctor send meds to medicate her since she was feeling upset.😡 I watched that in disbelief because at the time I didn’t know that Australia had gotten to that point.
Regarding those political tyrants and religious leaders, especially those who proclaim to come in the name of The Lord, who’ve bullied and deceived and led their flocks astray - it makes my righteous anger boil.
I read a verse this morning which I believe applies:
The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness. 2 Samuel 3:39
There will be MUCH evil to be paid for when these people/demons meet the Almighty face to face.
Keep fighting the good fight, ExcessDeathsAU!! I hope you’re having a good weekend and I’ll pray for you extra while I’m at mass tomorrow!
Thank you very much for your beautiful comment, support, and prayers.
Yes, the testimony of Rex is very important, as is highlighting powerful grassroots action like the fluoro lay-down and men's Rosary. The funny thing is, every time I write about these things, the initial response from readers is to lose lots of subscribers.
This pain is ongoing - just because people want to turn off and watch the tennis or the next political clown show, people like Rex are still in agony. I will keep speaking out until I am unable.
Thank you so much and God bless you too, EDAU. I hope your week has started off good and that you get some swimming in!
What you say is so true. I have recently been closely observing people being turned off and mindlessly watching sports, movies, TV, and being completely engulfed in the political farce. As my one friend (one of very very few who see the truth) recently said, it’s hard to have a “normal” conversation anymore even. She said even if the conversation is about the weather, she wants to say “Well yeah have you noticed the chemtrails and that they’re manipulating the weather??” It’s funny but so TRUE. I’m there at that point and have very few people I can talk to about what’s really going through my brain.
It’s disappointing when you realize even many on substack only want part of the truth. And if you are getting unsubscribes from posting the things you mentioned in your comment, well then it’s even worse than I thought. It’s bad, EDAU. I really think we are already living in the time when God sends a delusion because people did not love the truth. And that would certainly explain why people can’t even hear us shouting the truth and can’t see it despite the evidence laid clearly before them.
On the one hand, I have a desperate feeling of time running out for people to see and to come to Jesus and for the scales to come off their eyes, but on the other hand, I know we can
simply pray and do what you said - speak out until you’re unable - and place it in The Lord’s hands.
It will certainly be “interesting” to see what’s going to happen now with the new ‘president’ we have here in my country. I don’t know exactly who he is yet Biblically, but it seems clear he has a role in these end times…..and not a good one.
Let’s try and meet up at the Bondi Icebergs pool and discuss this in person next time!😂 Lol have a great week, ExcessDeathsAU!
I Worked for the Department of Education (DOE) in this timeframe and think the federal and state governments knew they could not force vaccination, so they tried to have your employer do their dirty work. I wrote several letters to the Director General (DG), Lisa Rodgers although their replies did not answer any of my specific questions. Maybe the following might help in legal proceedings, although the legal system can be ineffective.
My letter (May 2022, 21 pages in length & fully referenced) addressed the following, with a very brief summary of my reasoning:
1. School Education Act 1999 (SEA), not providing authority of a CEO Vaccination Instruction
2. Fair work Ombudsman & Code of Ethics. The employer may require an employee to be vaccinated, but the employee may have a legitimate reason for not being vaccinated, (medical or otherwise). At no stage has the DG or the DOE ever correctly publicised or followed FWO advice.
3. Occupational Safety & Health Act & Regulations & Reason for being unvaccinated. Under my obligations for the Occupational Safety & Health & Regulations to “take reasonable care for own safety and health” I have undertaken an assessment of the risk and benefit of taking the Covid19 Vaccination for my DOE work. As an employee, I also have the safety obligation under the DOE ‘statement of intent and commitment to occupational safety & health’
4. Therapeutic Goods Administration –Vaccine Adverse Events. The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) own Vaccine event data shows an average yearly rate for the period 1971 to 2020 of 2.4 deaths and 3,500 adverse reactions. For the year 2021 it is 755 deaths and 105,000 adverse reactions.
5. Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). I note that ATAGI states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. While it may be so that ATAGI has stated that, the relevant duty for the DOE under the Occupational Safety & Health Act regulations S3.1
6. Fraud by Pfizer. In Pfizer’s recent quarter 4 earnings information release, they made a disclosure that shows some bad news regarding COVID-19 vaccines is possible. The bad news includes unfavourable safety data, concerns about clinical data integrity and (lack of) vaccine effectiveness discovered by audit or inspection.
7. Department of Education – Occupational Health & Safety Analysis. Please provide me with the DOE’s own Occupational Safety and Health safety analysis for the order of Mandatory Vaccinations to enable me to assess your assumptions against my specific health circumstances. Please also provide a list of the quantity of all ingredients in the approved Covid-19 Vaccines in Australia to enable me to make an informed decision
8. Unlawful under International Conventions. The COVID-19 vaccines used in Australia have only emergency use approval (EUA) by the (American) Federal Drug Authority (FDA) and only provisional approval by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), therefore participation is considered research.
9. No informed Consent. The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides that any consent to receive vaccines must be given “voluntarily and in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”.
10. Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSMA94). Under section 8(e) of the PSMA94, employees are to be provided with safe and healthy working conditions. As outlined in points above (OS&H and TGA adverse events reports) there is significant evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine does not meet these requirements.
11. Department of Education (School Support Officers) CSA Agreement 2019. The terms of my employment is also governed by the CSA Agreement, which in relation to this matter:
a. Does not allow for my employment to be suspended without pay or for my employer to force me to take leave without pay without consent.
b. Does not allow for the imposition of compulsory medical treatment such as Vaccines.
c. Provided a dispute resolution procedure which has not been followed. Section 9
d. Specifically provided for preventing discrimination (which is not defined) but would clearly cover discrimination based on medical choice of treatment. Section 8
12. Privacy Act 1988, 2014 Guidelines issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The COVID-19 vaccines have only provisional registrations by the TGA in Australia, participation should be considered medical research. In accordance with Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988, consent must either be obtained or waived and therefore a mandatory vaccination is not in compliance with this act and cannot be lawful.
13. My Health Records Act 2012. Your demand for personal medical information breaches the My Health Records Act 2012 & the Privacy Act, as my vaccination status can only be disclosed to my registered treating healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists across Australia. This does not include the DG or DOE therefore I have no need to comply.
14. Negligence & Civil Liability. I refer to the DOE statement of intent and commitment to occupational safety & health. In this statement the DOE accepts its obligation to provide for the safety & health at work of all its employees. The DG and the DOE have a duty of care to its employees. I contend that your failure to investigate these safety issues may be considered negligent in your duty of care to your employees. This negligence would arise from foreseeable risk of continuing to enforce a vaccine mandate when you are made aware of safety & health issues of the vaccines and alternative treatment protocols.
15. No Public Health Emergency. The vaccination order is based on the supposition of a state of public health emergency. Our state government that has used State of Emergency declarations on a continuous basis for over 2 years. The act specifies a 14-day duration and I suggest the use of these powers for a continuous 100+ weeks was never the intention of the act. In over 2 years, the government has not even justified the emergency that the laws say it should.
16. In Pfizer’s own words. We may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of our COVID-19 vaccine and/or variant-specific formulations to obtain permanent regulatory approval in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, or other countries where it has been authorized for emergency use or granted conditional marketing approval. The durability of immune response generated by our COVID-19 vaccine, which has not yet been demonstrated in clinical trials.
17. Summary of requests & information required. Despite my request for information, you have not provided any evidence that substantiates the legal validity of the CEO Instruction or compliance with OH&S procedures. This letter identifies several factors that make it impossible for the DG or the DOE to make an assessment as to the safety of the mandatory vaccines. If the DG or DOE cannot make this assessment, it is not possible for a lawful order.
I remember watching that Rosary prayer @ Parliament house and showing it to my Roman Catholic family members..
That poor man in such a difficult situation all around.
I’ve never heard so many peope talk about heart issues as in the last 3 years. It’s shocking, really. And it hurts to think “if only they hadn’t taken the shot”…..what would be different for them right now.
The fluoro lay down and the men’s rosary are such beautiful inspirations, the coming together of the strong and the faithful.
I’m so sorry for the isolation your country has felt, EDAU. Thank you for telling the story so all will know and will be strengthened by what you’ve endured and by the warriors who have fought against it at all costs.
I remember seeing a video of a young Australian woman who got shipped off to one of the internment camps for lying about being with her friend who tested positive. (I think they caught them together on a street camera.) They wouldn’t let her go outside for a walk and suggested instead that they’ll have the doctor send meds to medicate her since she was feeling upset.😡 I watched that in disbelief because at the time I didn’t know that Australia had gotten to that point.
Regarding those political tyrants and religious leaders, especially those who proclaim to come in the name of The Lord, who’ve bullied and deceived and led their flocks astray - it makes my righteous anger boil.
I read a verse this morning which I believe applies:
The Lord shall repay the evildoer according to his wickedness. 2 Samuel 3:39
There will be MUCH evil to be paid for when these people/demons meet the Almighty face to face.
Keep fighting the good fight, ExcessDeathsAU!! I hope you’re having a good weekend and I’ll pray for you extra while I’m at mass tomorrow!
Thank you very much for your beautiful comment, support, and prayers.
Yes, the testimony of Rex is very important, as is highlighting powerful grassroots action like the fluoro lay-down and men's Rosary. The funny thing is, every time I write about these things, the initial response from readers is to lose lots of subscribers.
This pain is ongoing - just because people want to turn off and watch the tennis or the next political clown show, people like Rex are still in agony. I will keep speaking out until I am unable.
God bless you my friend.
Thank you so much and God bless you too, EDAU. I hope your week has started off good and that you get some swimming in!
What you say is so true. I have recently been closely observing people being turned off and mindlessly watching sports, movies, TV, and being completely engulfed in the political farce. As my one friend (one of very very few who see the truth) recently said, it’s hard to have a “normal” conversation anymore even. She said even if the conversation is about the weather, she wants to say “Well yeah have you noticed the chemtrails and that they’re manipulating the weather??” It’s funny but so TRUE. I’m there at that point and have very few people I can talk to about what’s really going through my brain.
It’s disappointing when you realize even many on substack only want part of the truth. And if you are getting unsubscribes from posting the things you mentioned in your comment, well then it’s even worse than I thought. It’s bad, EDAU. I really think we are already living in the time when God sends a delusion because people did not love the truth. And that would certainly explain why people can’t even hear us shouting the truth and can’t see it despite the evidence laid clearly before them.
On the one hand, I have a desperate feeling of time running out for people to see and to come to Jesus and for the scales to come off their eyes, but on the other hand, I know we can
simply pray and do what you said - speak out until you’re unable - and place it in The Lord’s hands.
It will certainly be “interesting” to see what’s going to happen now with the new ‘president’ we have here in my country. I don’t know exactly who he is yet Biblically, but it seems clear he has a role in these end times…..and not a good one.
Let’s try and meet up at the Bondi Icebergs pool and discuss this in person next time!😂 Lol have a great week, ExcessDeathsAU!
I Worked for the Department of Education (DOE) in this timeframe and think the federal and state governments knew they could not force vaccination, so they tried to have your employer do their dirty work. I wrote several letters to the Director General (DG), Lisa Rodgers although their replies did not answer any of my specific questions. Maybe the following might help in legal proceedings, although the legal system can be ineffective.
My letter (May 2022, 21 pages in length & fully referenced) addressed the following, with a very brief summary of my reasoning:
1. School Education Act 1999 (SEA), not providing authority of a CEO Vaccination Instruction
2. Fair work Ombudsman & Code of Ethics. The employer may require an employee to be vaccinated, but the employee may have a legitimate reason for not being vaccinated, (medical or otherwise). At no stage has the DG or the DOE ever correctly publicised or followed FWO advice.
3. Occupational Safety & Health Act & Regulations & Reason for being unvaccinated. Under my obligations for the Occupational Safety & Health & Regulations to “take reasonable care for own safety and health” I have undertaken an assessment of the risk and benefit of taking the Covid19 Vaccination for my DOE work. As an employee, I also have the safety obligation under the DOE ‘statement of intent and commitment to occupational safety & health’
4. Therapeutic Goods Administration –Vaccine Adverse Events. The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) own Vaccine event data shows an average yearly rate for the period 1971 to 2020 of 2.4 deaths and 3,500 adverse reactions. For the year 2021 it is 755 deaths and 105,000 adverse reactions.
5. Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI). I note that ATAGI states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. While it may be so that ATAGI has stated that, the relevant duty for the DOE under the Occupational Safety & Health Act regulations S3.1
6. Fraud by Pfizer. In Pfizer’s recent quarter 4 earnings information release, they made a disclosure that shows some bad news regarding COVID-19 vaccines is possible. The bad news includes unfavourable safety data, concerns about clinical data integrity and (lack of) vaccine effectiveness discovered by audit or inspection.
7. Department of Education – Occupational Health & Safety Analysis. Please provide me with the DOE’s own Occupational Safety and Health safety analysis for the order of Mandatory Vaccinations to enable me to assess your assumptions against my specific health circumstances. Please also provide a list of the quantity of all ingredients in the approved Covid-19 Vaccines in Australia to enable me to make an informed decision
8. Unlawful under International Conventions. The COVID-19 vaccines used in Australia have only emergency use approval (EUA) by the (American) Federal Drug Authority (FDA) and only provisional approval by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), therefore participation is considered research.
9. No informed Consent. The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides that any consent to receive vaccines must be given “voluntarily and in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation”.
10. Public Sector Management Act 1994 (PSMA94). Under section 8(e) of the PSMA94, employees are to be provided with safe and healthy working conditions. As outlined in points above (OS&H and TGA adverse events reports) there is significant evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine does not meet these requirements.
11. Department of Education (School Support Officers) CSA Agreement 2019. The terms of my employment is also governed by the CSA Agreement, which in relation to this matter:
a. Does not allow for my employment to be suspended without pay or for my employer to force me to take leave without pay without consent.
b. Does not allow for the imposition of compulsory medical treatment such as Vaccines.
c. Provided a dispute resolution procedure which has not been followed. Section 9
d. Specifically provided for preventing discrimination (which is not defined) but would clearly cover discrimination based on medical choice of treatment. Section 8
12. Privacy Act 1988, 2014 Guidelines issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The COVID-19 vaccines have only provisional registrations by the TGA in Australia, participation should be considered medical research. In accordance with Section 95 of the Privacy Act 1988, consent must either be obtained or waived and therefore a mandatory vaccination is not in compliance with this act and cannot be lawful.
13. My Health Records Act 2012. Your demand for personal medical information breaches the My Health Records Act 2012 & the Privacy Act, as my vaccination status can only be disclosed to my registered treating healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists across Australia. This does not include the DG or DOE therefore I have no need to comply.
14. Negligence & Civil Liability. I refer to the DOE statement of intent and commitment to occupational safety & health. In this statement the DOE accepts its obligation to provide for the safety & health at work of all its employees. The DG and the DOE have a duty of care to its employees. I contend that your failure to investigate these safety issues may be considered negligent in your duty of care to your employees. This negligence would arise from foreseeable risk of continuing to enforce a vaccine mandate when you are made aware of safety & health issues of the vaccines and alternative treatment protocols.
15. No Public Health Emergency. The vaccination order is based on the supposition of a state of public health emergency. Our state government that has used State of Emergency declarations on a continuous basis for over 2 years. The act specifies a 14-day duration and I suggest the use of these powers for a continuous 100+ weeks was never the intention of the act. In over 2 years, the government has not even justified the emergency that the laws say it should.
16. In Pfizer’s own words. We may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of our COVID-19 vaccine and/or variant-specific formulations to obtain permanent regulatory approval in the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, or other countries where it has been authorized for emergency use or granted conditional marketing approval. The durability of immune response generated by our COVID-19 vaccine, which has not yet been demonstrated in clinical trials.
17. Summary of requests & information required. Despite my request for information, you have not provided any evidence that substantiates the legal validity of the CEO Instruction or compliance with OH&S procedures. This letter identifies several factors that make it impossible for the DG or the DOE to make an assessment as to the safety of the mandatory vaccines. If the DG or DOE cannot make this assessment, it is not possible for a lawful order.
I’m happy to provide my full letter.