Great article and my dog just followed you on Twitter! (I am no longer on Twitter)

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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Relatedly-- 2 brief videos

Posted on realnotrare.com home page

August 19, 2022

source: https://twitter.com/SaiKate108/status/1560475341734305794


TREMORING WOMAN SPEAKING TO CAMERA: If I could say one thing to Mark McGowan* it would be, pull your head out of your a*s and do something about the health system because people like me with these injuries, we need this acknowledged and we need help. I have to wait until December to get an implant put in for my heart and to see a cardiologist. I have to wait 10 months to see a neurologist. And this is on the public health system. It's only a few months shorter on the private health. But I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get these specialists. And this is just in Perth. No one wants to know about this. No doctors want to help. Tried the F L triple C protocols,** tried some detoxing stuff that I found online. I have been doing some research, but so far I'm getting worse. If anyone in the media, independent media sees this, please share it because politicians need to know, this is what people are suffering with. There are people out there that are worse than me.



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*Western Australia Premier.

**FLCC Protocols for Covid-19:


* * * * * * * *


August 19, 2022


TREMORING WOMAN SPEAKING TO CAMERA: I got these vaccines so that I could go to work, and basically what's happened since then is I've just gotten sicker and now I'm unable to work. So I've had nine hospitalizations now and every time I've gone to hospital they keep telling me that it's my anxiety and take my medication, or "you're just having a panic attack." I'm sorry sick of being gaslighted. My symptoms have been diagnosed with pericarditis. I've got heart palpitations which get really, really strong, and I've got valve problems where I have regurgitation in the valves. Now I never had a heart problem before this. And now it's like heart failure. It's not good. I've got to have a heart bug implanted soon. I'd heard no [inaudible], they've lost three referrals so far. I have like this constant pain that's always there, it's always sharp. It worsens when I get the palpitations. I've always got shortness of breath, like someone sitting on my chest. Now I haven't caught covid at all. So definitely not that.



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Feb 16, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Author

Oh my God. Edit: I am banned from social media but I just found it from another place. Thank you. Her name is Karri and she is from Perth.

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Maybe this could be of some use?


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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Author

Thanks for the link! The answers from the ABS are extremely confusing. I found a table from the ABS that showed %reporting statistics in 2021 and there was no obvious decline in 2021. For the life of me I cannot find it in the ABS website. Someone with a better grasp of the website should be able to find it again. Very frustrating that I cannot find it again!

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I suspect that if you, as a motivated and interested person, cannot find it, it is not meant to be found.

It is a feature, not a bug, of all reporting systems - "withhold the data and hope the issue goes away".

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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022Author

FOUND IT! I can't find the monthly reporting data (does it exist?) but it looks like nothing untoward happening in 2021. Looks like the woman who runs that great substack you linked is all over it. https://www.abs.gov.au/methodologies/births-australia-methodology/2021

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It's hard to know. These people have to live with themselves, and one day face God. I would be terrified if I were in their position. Even if reporting the data is contributing to what we are seeing (it probably is) why the lack of clarity and not 'being on the front foot'?

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covid relies on a fraudulent test or a test not fit for purpose, it can be dialed up to find more cases or alternatively dialed down to find less, the whole purpose of covid was to get the nanotech and whatever other poisons were in the shot into everyone's arm - numerous times.

i keep coming back to the basic fact that i don't think viruses exist

i received a great email this morning which i agree with

1. The work of Christine Massey and her colleagues demonstrates that more than 200 governments and institutions admit they do not have a sample of SARS-CoV-2 taken from a human host. People may claim this is based on a “language game,” though often, the top attorneys at the organizations are answering these Freedom of Information Law (FOIL/FOIA) requests.

The very institutions claiming there is a virus all say the same thing: they do not have a sample taken from a human host, and no record of anyone else obtaining a sample. This should end the discussion. You may listen to an in-depth interview with Ms. Massey on a recent edition of my program.

2. Because no SARS-CoV-2 virion particle has ever been isolated or sequenced, a false mode of ‘proof’ must be utilized. You can see from the methodology section of every single study in the scientific literature that metagenomics are used, which “builds” a theoretical notion of a “virus” using artificial intelligence with no original to match against. This model is constructed from sequences detected in random cellular debris containing material taken from monkeys. (The result is admitted to be an “in silico sequence,” a “contrived virus,” “synthetic nucleotide technology,” or a “mimicked clinical specimen,” among other names.)

Though claimed in the medical literature to be a “complete sequence,” no part of any theoretical metagenomic script has ever been shown to come from a virus, match a virus, or cause any disease.

3. The PCR technique used to “find the virus” in a patient is searching for fragments of the theoretical, in silico sequence (existing as computer code only), not “actual virus” taken directly from a human host. The PCR device as used for SARS-CoV-2 declares a “positive” at 37 to 45 amplification cycles in all jurisdictions I have seen. This is way past the absolute detection limit of one molecule fragment at cycle 35. The technique has been admitted by the CDC to repeatedly get 100% false positives and to have created multiple, nonexistent epidemics (see below).

4. The CDC, FDA, and the test’s manufacturers admit openly that the presence of claimed “viral specific RNA” allegedly detected by the PCR does not prove infection. What they don’t say is that the claimed RNA is not specific to anything, much less a virus. The origin of the RNA they are testing for is unknown and has never been shown to have any relationship to a virus. Yet PCR-positive is falsely called a “confirmed case” of infection. The claim is less logical than saying someone is confirmed to be a bank robber because they have a nickel in their pocket. At least there are nickels in banks.

The facts above are what we have learned in the three years since SARS-CoV-2 was claimed to exist by the Chinese government and the World Health Organization.


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"i keep coming back to the basic fact that i don't think viruses exist"

So what do you think all those people in the Australian level 4 facilities are doing? They are publishing their research, with isolated SARS-Cov2 viruses in Australia and you can read about it.

"Here, we outline our efforts early in the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak to propagate and characterize an Australian isolate of the virus in vitro and in an ex vivo model of human airway epithelium, as well as to demonstrate the susceptibility of domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) to SARS-CoV-2 infection following intranasal challenge...SARS-CoV-2 hCoV-19/Australia/VIC01/2020 (VIC01) Passage 1 was obtained from the Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL; Melbourne, VIC, Australia; Caly et al., 2020)."

Marsh, G. A., McAuley, A. J., Brown, S., Pharo, E. A., Crameri, S., Au, G. G., ... & Vasan, S. S. (2022). In vitro characterisation of SARS‐CoV‐2 and susceptibility of domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo). Transboundary and emerging diseases, 69(2), 297-307. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/tbed.13978

Just because the testing has been hijacked doesn't mean that 'viruses don't exist.'

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Not purified or isolated.

You are starting at a point where they are already accepted using circular reasoning - please look at the paper claiming how they found it - it’s utterly ridiculous.


Or alternatively a podcast showing how vaccines were marketed way after the so called ‘virus’ was disappearing.


Virology is a scam and now even Mike Yeadon thinks so.

Respiratory viruses do not exist - 2 minute video


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Ok so now it's just respiratory viruses that do not exist? Whereas non-respiratory viruses like rabies do exist?

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That’s what Mike Yeadon claims - I don’t think they asked him his views on Rabies.

Maybe you should ask yourself why do kids who are sicker than ever get 30 plus vaccines compared to when I was a kid who got probably less than half a dozen and then compare autism rates and auto immune disease etc

Big pharma knows it’s a scam and still runs it - they also know no viruses exist - here is another podcast - the anti bodies we develop from vaccines are not anti bodies to the disease but anti bodies produced by us to heavy metals like aluminium or mercury etc https://conversationswithdrcowanandfriends.buzzsprout.com/1280480/11913116-conversations-with-dr-cowan-friends-ep-58-stefano-scoglio


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Why don't you email the director of the level 4 facility with your questions? I won't state his/her name for legal reasons but they are publicly listed.

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“There is no virus “- Mike Yeadon ex VP of Pfizer.

How they ‘find’ viruses is laughable - virology is a scam. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ol8n3XM23vnP/

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deletedNov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by ExcessDeathsAU
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The ABS stopped releasing the data after December 2021. I'm not sure if this is their usual release schedule.

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deletedNov 10, 2022Liked by ExcessDeathsAU
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Good idea. I must admit I'm falling over from exhaustion so need all hands on deck. Would be great if you could do that and report back. A list of page updates and corresponding dates would be good, and you could dig around on the ABS website or email them to see if their reporting parameters are up there.

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You might be surprised at the things that have been disappeared from the waybackmachine.

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Nothing, and I mean nothing surprises me anymore...although the recent post from Unacceptable Jessica took me aback...Pfizer coding for antibiotic resistance was not on my 2023 bingo card.

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deletedFeb 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU
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I don't have the link, alas, but I recall reading an lengthy article about that connection.

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I would just send them an email first and ask. They are actually pretty responsive. If they don't deliver then you can get out the FOI. Thanks and keep me posted digital soldier!

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