I just checked the Ko-fi account and I am blown away by your generosity. Thank you. There is an option for a store which is exciting - I have been wanting to sell locally-made t-shirts with awesome thought-provoking slogans so we will see where this goes. Thanks again.
Bonus spooks: In 1977, Whitlam (then opposition leader) briefly acknowledged the Chile operations in Parliament. “It has been written – I cannot deny it – that when my Government took office Australian intelligence personnel were still working as proxies and nominees of the CIA in destabilizing the Government of Chile." Australian Spies Aided and Abetted CIA in Chile: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/chile/2021-09-10/australian-spies-aided-and-abetted-cia-chile
"I think a lot of this could be solved by the following: exit the UN, exit the WHO, declare the WEF a terrorist organisation, put arrest warrants out for Gates and Soros and their associates, remove ‘pandemic powers’ and forced vaccinations and quarantines as described in the West Australian Health Act and start acting in the interests of the citizens."
Congratulations on the size of your growing following, testament to the veracity and accuracy of your commentary.
Given it is established that the AustralianGOV has incomprehensibly and indefensibly provided substantial largesse in the form of tax payers dollars to the Clinton Foundation, with Downer involvement colluding with the US Deep State to compromise the 2016 election (along with Google ~ SEME (Epstein, Robertson et al. AIBRT 2017), and a litany of unelected players) while currently, Australian corporate-academic Prof Jane Halton sits as permanent Chair of the Board of CEPI (Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), formed in Davos in 2017 chiefly by the BMGF, WEF, & Wellcome, and noting that the Australian government has been funding CEPI since as early as Jan 2019, I vouch to say Australia is well and truly shackled to the WEF/WHO/US DOD endgame.
The bureaucratic institutions and GOV require urgent reinvention, both in Australia and New Zealand (and in the US, Canada and the UK). In all jurisdictions they have been thoroughly derailed by supranational WEF and UN Agendas, most of which the populace in both countries are unaware of, did not vote for and would ditch in an instant were they properly and fully cognisant.
"The bureaucratic institutions and GOV require urgent reinvention, ..."
Unless you mean the total elimination of all "representational democracy" administered and conducted by professional politicians, then all you're asking for is a re-arrangement of the deck chairs on the proverbial sinking ship.
What may be required is a mechanism and tribunal to hold politicians personally and profoundly responsible for the decisions they implement, a post hoc mechanism beyond election? It might be so severe that it would seriously inhibit those with nefarious or narcissistic intent.
Democracy is the established author of its demise. We have to find ways to preserve its intent, resilience and effectiveness, while safe guarding against tyranny from its multiple axes. Not easy. Never was, nor will be.
"What may be required is a mechanism and tribunal to hold politicians personally and profoundly responsible for the decisions they implement, a post hoc mechanism beyond election?"
Who would be appointed to the tribunals, by which criteria should they be evaluated, what shall be the credentials of the appointed, and under which conditions will they operate? The old and new money oligarchs are cunning enough to have both sides paid off, so it'd be quite a task weed out the infiltrators.
But your suggestion only deals with a small part of the aftermath, that is, to find guilt and punish accordingly. What I would like to see is this taken a step further and eliminating the politician element entirely, which would address the problem by resolving the issue of the execution of corruption (if we accept that politicians are agents acting on behalf of the oligarchs, and act in furtherance of the oligarch's interests).
"Democracy is the established author of its demise."
I submit that we have never known genuine Democracy. The scraps and skerricks of feigned regard for the opinion of the people were never democratic, and the elective representational dissimulation as practised, is a perversion of Democracy,
"Not easy. Never was, nor will be."
While we have "nations" superintending the lives of tens, hundreds of millions, even billions, the task of tending to a Democracy is an impossible one. Not merely an imperfect one. It is why our societies are necessarily structured as acutely vertical hierarchies, with all resources and power accelerating from bottom to top. The most practical and the most unfair manner to administer a nation of millions and billions is by dictatorship, even if however ludicrously ineptly it masquerades as democracy, which is why I reject such arrangements.
You'll receive no disagreement here from yours truly. But I would like to remind you and your readers alike that "diversion" is practically the ONLY alternative the opposition has in their useful arsenal in this "war" we find ourselves in. Their defenses of their misdeeds are hollow, frail, and disingenuous. We see through them. But a REAL diversion generally supports their intention of securing relief. Wasn't it V.P. Dick Cheney among others, who remarked, "Never let let a serious crisis go to waste?" It's become so effective for them that they now PRODUCE their own "crisis!" It's a diversion from the truth which they fear the public will get wind of and revolt.
That said, once these hyenas smell blood, they become relentless in their pursuit. Tactics which have worked in their past, they duplicate, though with more potent means and skill. "Satanic" forces and influences guide their trajectory. Where to? For what reason?
For the answer, we must look beyond that which is presented to us. I sense that any notion of religion or supernatural injection here will be repulsive to many, but "be ye not deceived." This was (Christ's) the True KING'S warning regarding "end times" perceptions. And yours truly trusts that it is holding strong in the "theatre" we now find ourselves in. Thanks be to the work of ExcessDeathsAU, and like citizens who are exposing the evil. May God bless your efforts toward the enlightenment of many!
Thanks for the data on your growing Substack. N = 1,600 total subscribers is a nice/encouraging accomplishment as are your readership numbers around the world. Most Substack authors need to boost our "paid" subscribers if we are going to be able to keep cranking out stories and doing some taboo research. That micro-payment option might be the key to our survival. I need to look into that.
I recently ran some back-of-the-envelope projections. My bottom-line was that I need to grow my N number (total subscribers) to 20,000 and cross my fingers that 5 percent of those would be "paid." That would be enough income to allow me to keep doing this into the future (if my wife keeps her school-teaching job).
I broke this number down by Substack readers world-wide and concluded that only 1-in-200 adults in the world need to support Substack with a paid Subscription. So it's the "silent minority" (a very tiny minority) that can keep Substack and its contrarian authors viable.
This is more important than many might think as Substack is really the only platform where the world is going to get important journalism and commentary. And to change some false or dubious narratives, we are going to have to reach a lot of people. It just won't be through the NY Times, The AP, Gannett, etc.
Thanks for what you are doing. I'll hit you up with a paid sub when I can!
Those are really interesting numbers, thanks Bill. Gives me something to work with. At this point though in order to get to 20k subs I will probably have to catch Stairman Dan actually falling down the stairs in order to hit it that big!
We are such a rich country in resources there should be no need for this. The idiotic, morally bankrupt clows running the show have totally cocked it up. It infuriates me.
You can make it to 20,000 subscribers. Keep doing what you are doing and promoting your writing everywhere you can. It just takes one big "viral" story. Plus, you and a couple of other Substackers have all of Australia to yourselves! Theres's got to be 20,000 sane citizens in the Land Down Under. And you can get 40 percent of your readers .... in America!
I'll check out the Elon Musk crying video.
My goal of 20,000 also seems very ambitious ... but there's 5 million people in just my one state. And I've got 49 other states to draw from ... and about 200 countries!
Thanks. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that some variation of a "micro payment" system could transform journalism ... and allow writers who can write high-interest stories to make enough money to make a living.
Just as an aside, the "National Cabinet" has no constitutional foundation as part of our government. It was completely Scomo's invention. Or at least, it was brought in by him - I doubt that he is smart enough to have come up with the idea on his own. Of course, it is good that the state leaders and federal leader are consulting & (ostensibly) working together - but as somebody pointed out, it completely undermined the actual (elected) federal cabinet during the covid years.
Now it looks set to become an institution - with no backing from our Constitution.
And thanks for bringing up the Whitlam overthrow - I wasn't old enough to vote him in, but I got the vote in his time in office, and at that age, you are aware of all these happenings. Well, back in those days we were.
So yes, getting out of the WEF and the WHO would be a good start - but keeping in mind what happened to Gough Whitlam when he tried to take an independent path, and what happened to Craig Kelly in NSW, and what happened to those country leaders who stood up to the WHO during the scamdemic, I think we can all guess what might happen to any Aussie leader who dared to try...
But maybe the zeitgeist is changing, and it is time to change all this. We can only try - because if we don't, we are doomed for sure.
Nice comment about cabinet - if you haven't seen my previous article, click the link below the main photo and there is an interesting summary about COAG-cabinet and how it changed under the pandemic powers. Also notice who appears in the photo. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil
Somehow I missed that one previously. Not something to read just before bedtime, but I read it anyway. It's all rather depressing, really. But better to know where we stand.
"I personally have no interest in my country being owned by China."
We will never move forward as a species... no, it's far worse than that: we're headed straight for extinction while we sustain this kind of manipulated, thinking tightly-constrained within these imposed paradigms. The idea of "my country" and "China" are deceptions. They are constructs devised by the old and new money oligarchs and they are deployed to keep the people firmly under control and to keep us moving along tight furrows. "Our Australian" government and China's are the respective "countries'" chapters of the same global criminal government cartel. "Our Australian" government is just as much against us as the Chinese government is - it's just that the Australian government is closer. They're carrying our their part of the programme, and that is to kill most of us off and then to completely subjugate those who remain. We'll start moving forward when we disabuse ourselves of this long-standing delusion of government, when we denounce, reject and abolish them.
(edited to correct some typos and the muddling of their/they're)
"Countries existed long before any global cartel existed, criminal or otherwise."
This betrays limitations in understanding as to how long the global cartel existed, and what names it has gone by. Before we called them "global cartel," we knew them as aristocracy, and that includes especially the Chancellor of the Exchequer, including its analogues in other "nations."
"We've moved forward plenty as a species the entire time those countries have existed and been recognised by us as a species. "
Progress in technology and science is real. Progress in human values is chimaera. You may want to consider how much of that progress was funded and driven by the powers who have always oppressed, and who created the programming which has determined the values of we the people.
Progress in human values is chimaera. Progress, as implied, is not accretive. Lessons learnt in one generation are not retained, can be easily forgotten and must be relearnt in subsequent generations.
Perhaps you could describe what "moving forward as a species" means, then, as it appears something that you desire that (according to you) cannot happen while "countries and/or governments exist".
If "moving forward as a species" is not something you desire, I am curious why you would mention it at all.
Thanks and spot on. Mass murders and spineless bureaucrats WHO corrupt the truth for their own selfish gain. THEY ARE NOT and have NEVER BEEN public servants.
I should have added that when Gates visited Albo it was to talk about the next five pandemics and to name Australia as the world centre for pandemic response.
HA! (I laughed...yes, the cellulitis that was definitely NOT jab-related). Thanks friend I will link in the main article. I knew my readers would find this.
Oh wow thank you mate. Hope your time back at work isn't so rough after that start. Substack takes a 10% gross revenue fee, but Ko-fi doesn't take anything. I don't mind that Substack takes a cut because it is a really good platform and I am banned everywhere else. They don't interfere in my work and that is really valuable.
Great article - well done and keep up the attacks on the Davos globalists, and their puppets down under. I burst out laughing when I read your comment about the New York Times and Wikepedia "these two sources which are the most dishonest sources of information in modern history."
But let me also suggest you reassess your thoughts about Wikepedia - yes it is full of disinformation that leads humanity astray, and vile attacks on those who oppose the Davos fascist - and this is because they run Wikepedia. And it is actually a very valuable resource on their projects, what they are focused on and their history. I just spent all day doing a deeper dive into the Bilderberg group - and Wikepedia has a List of Bilderberg Participants! It's all the same people who've given us censorship, climate change madness, the global institutions, the World Economic Forum, Covid-terrorism, and endless wars. Wikepedia also lists out all the systemically important banking institutions in the world which is essentially the International Banking and Finance Cartel's top group of institutions - which is the top industry for the Davos globalists and the richest investors in the world, especially the monarchies. Look at the industries pushing all of the woke-fascism. And you come back to the same groups, all organized nicely under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum.
-international banking finance e.g. JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC
-central banking e.g. Federal Reserve, Bank of England etc.
-international investments e.g. BlackRock
-multinationals of every stripe -
-oil & gas industry - booming due to Biden's war on energy
-mining - which as you said we do in Australia so well
-big pharma
-big food
-big everything.
It's breathtaking how much they've taken and consolidated since WW2 ended and they formed their international neo-monarchies with the Bretton Woods agreement and created their Trojan horses for global fascism - UN, WHO, WTO, IMF and the World Bank. They've been expanding ever since.
Very true. I rarely use Wikipedia and it became obvious that this spooky site was indeen written by spooks. Relatedly, I have a hunch that most media personalities (including alt. media) are CIA/ASIO/MI6. Anderson Cooper is most likely CIA. He doesn't need to work and is completely over the top. Suggest that most Australian 'breakfast show' presenters are ASIO.
You're right about the CIA and media personalities.
Since the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act created the American global media disinformation complex, which mimicked the 1927 BBC World Service charter act in the UK-which is their global disinformation media, the intelligence agencies have used the media and journalists as spies all around the world.
And Obama bought it all home to America with an amendment to the original 1948 Act, which now allows American media to promote propaganda domestically, which the 1946 act had prohibited - Obama passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.
It appears almost certain that the CIA created Facebook, and probably Twitter.
I read an article recently that showed the idea of Facebook was created by DARPA under the name LifeLog, which was to track a persons whole life digitally - the very day that it was closed down is the day Facebook was registered.
I have always felt that there was something off about Zuckerberg. And he controls the company with a 60% voting shares block. So Facebook is Zuck! Everything evil that it has done in the last few years is all on him.
Just with your first sentence, Smith-Mundt came in under Obama in 2012. It was an alteration/enhancement of a previous act. I think the 1946 was a typo as you correct it later. We need our disinformation to be correct sir!
The Smith-Mundt Act was signed into law in 1948, the 2012 was an amendment. Here's a Wikepedia link following. It was stuck in my memory as being 1946, which is incorrect, it was 1948. And it was amended by Obama in 2012 as I stated above.
Wikepedia states regarding the 1948 Act and its amendment:
"The Act was developed to regulate broadcasting of programs for foreign audiences produced under the guidance by the State Department, and it prohibited domestic dissemination of materials produced by such programs as one of its provisions.[1] The original version of the Act was amended by the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which allowed for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be disseminated (widely spread) within the United States.[2][3]"
I will amend my comment above so it reads a little easier and the date is corrected.
I never heard it called that until after Obama. Was it called Smith-Mundt in the 40s? I'm still a bit confused on that, but it would make sense as it was introduced by Mundt. Oh well. Good trivia nonetheless! My pub trivia game will be smoking!
It's a bit of ancient history - and I only know about it as I found it in an obscure academics article about the disinformation industry of our governments - "Smith-Mundt" is what it is popularly called after the authors - Here's the real name from Wiki
"The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly called the Smith–Mundt Act, was first introduced by Congressman Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) in January 1945 in the 79th Congress. It was subsequently passed by the 80th Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948."
Dear friends,
I just checked the Ko-fi account and I am blown away by your generosity. Thank you. There is an option for a store which is exciting - I have been wanting to sell locally-made t-shirts with awesome thought-provoking slogans so we will see where this goes. Thanks again.
Bonus spooks: In 1977, Whitlam (then opposition leader) briefly acknowledged the Chile operations in Parliament. “It has been written – I cannot deny it – that when my Government took office Australian intelligence personnel were still working as proxies and nominees of the CIA in destabilizing the Government of Chile." Australian Spies Aided and Abetted CIA in Chile: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/chile/2021-09-10/australian-spies-aided-and-abetted-cia-chile
"I think a lot of this could be solved by the following: exit the UN, exit the WHO, declare the WEF a terrorist organisation, put arrest warrants out for Gates and Soros and their associates, remove ‘pandemic powers’ and forced vaccinations and quarantines as described in the West Australian Health Act and start acting in the interests of the citizens."
Absolutely !
Congratulations on the size of your growing following, testament to the veracity and accuracy of your commentary.
Given it is established that the AustralianGOV has incomprehensibly and indefensibly provided substantial largesse in the form of tax payers dollars to the Clinton Foundation, with Downer involvement colluding with the US Deep State to compromise the 2016 election (along with Google ~ SEME (Epstein, Robertson et al. AIBRT 2017), and a litany of unelected players) while currently, Australian corporate-academic Prof Jane Halton sits as permanent Chair of the Board of CEPI (Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), formed in Davos in 2017 chiefly by the BMGF, WEF, & Wellcome, and noting that the Australian government has been funding CEPI since as early as Jan 2019, I vouch to say Australia is well and truly shackled to the WEF/WHO/US DOD endgame.
The bureaucratic institutions and GOV require urgent reinvention, both in Australia and New Zealand (and in the US, Canada and the UK). In all jurisdictions they have been thoroughly derailed by supranational WEF and UN Agendas, most of which the populace in both countries are unaware of, did not vote for and would ditch in an instant were they properly and fully cognisant.
"The bureaucratic institutions and GOV require urgent reinvention, ..."
Unless you mean the total elimination of all "representational democracy" administered and conducted by professional politicians, then all you're asking for is a re-arrangement of the deck chairs on the proverbial sinking ship.
What may be required is a mechanism and tribunal to hold politicians personally and profoundly responsible for the decisions they implement, a post hoc mechanism beyond election? It might be so severe that it would seriously inhibit those with nefarious or narcissistic intent.
Democracy is the established author of its demise. We have to find ways to preserve its intent, resilience and effectiveness, while safe guarding against tyranny from its multiple axes. Not easy. Never was, nor will be.
"What may be required is a mechanism and tribunal to hold politicians personally and profoundly responsible for the decisions they implement, a post hoc mechanism beyond election?"
Who would be appointed to the tribunals, by which criteria should they be evaluated, what shall be the credentials of the appointed, and under which conditions will they operate? The old and new money oligarchs are cunning enough to have both sides paid off, so it'd be quite a task weed out the infiltrators.
But your suggestion only deals with a small part of the aftermath, that is, to find guilt and punish accordingly. What I would like to see is this taken a step further and eliminating the politician element entirely, which would address the problem by resolving the issue of the execution of corruption (if we accept that politicians are agents acting on behalf of the oligarchs, and act in furtherance of the oligarch's interests).
"Democracy is the established author of its demise."
I submit that we have never known genuine Democracy. The scraps and skerricks of feigned regard for the opinion of the people were never democratic, and the elective representational dissimulation as practised, is a perversion of Democracy,
"Not easy. Never was, nor will be."
While we have "nations" superintending the lives of tens, hundreds of millions, even billions, the task of tending to a Democracy is an impossible one. Not merely an imperfect one. It is why our societies are necessarily structured as acutely vertical hierarchies, with all resources and power accelerating from bottom to top. The most practical and the most unfair manner to administer a nation of millions and billions is by dictatorship, even if however ludicrously ineptly it masquerades as democracy, which is why I reject such arrangements.
You'll receive no disagreement here from yours truly. But I would like to remind you and your readers alike that "diversion" is practically the ONLY alternative the opposition has in their useful arsenal in this "war" we find ourselves in. Their defenses of their misdeeds are hollow, frail, and disingenuous. We see through them. But a REAL diversion generally supports their intention of securing relief. Wasn't it V.P. Dick Cheney among others, who remarked, "Never let let a serious crisis go to waste?" It's become so effective for them that they now PRODUCE their own "crisis!" It's a diversion from the truth which they fear the public will get wind of and revolt.
That said, once these hyenas smell blood, they become relentless in their pursuit. Tactics which have worked in their past, they duplicate, though with more potent means and skill. "Satanic" forces and influences guide their trajectory. Where to? For what reason?
For the answer, we must look beyond that which is presented to us. I sense that any notion of religion or supernatural injection here will be repulsive to many, but "be ye not deceived." This was (Christ's) the True KING'S warning regarding "end times" perceptions. And yours truly trusts that it is holding strong in the "theatre" we now find ourselves in. Thanks be to the work of ExcessDeathsAU, and like citizens who are exposing the evil. May God bless your efforts toward the enlightenment of many!
Thanks for the data on your growing Substack. N = 1,600 total subscribers is a nice/encouraging accomplishment as are your readership numbers around the world. Most Substack authors need to boost our "paid" subscribers if we are going to be able to keep cranking out stories and doing some taboo research. That micro-payment option might be the key to our survival. I need to look into that.
I recently ran some back-of-the-envelope projections. My bottom-line was that I need to grow my N number (total subscribers) to 20,000 and cross my fingers that 5 percent of those would be "paid." That would be enough income to allow me to keep doing this into the future (if my wife keeps her school-teaching job).
I broke this number down by Substack readers world-wide and concluded that only 1-in-200 adults in the world need to support Substack with a paid Subscription. So it's the "silent minority" (a very tiny minority) that can keep Substack and its contrarian authors viable.
This is more important than many might think as Substack is really the only platform where the world is going to get important journalism and commentary. And to change some false or dubious narratives, we are going to have to reach a lot of people. It just won't be through the NY Times, The AP, Gannett, etc.
Thanks for what you are doing. I'll hit you up with a paid sub when I can!
Those are really interesting numbers, thanks Bill. Gives me something to work with. At this point though in order to get to 20k subs I will probably have to catch Stairman Dan actually falling down the stairs in order to hit it that big!
Relatedly, Australia is such a satanic clown show that we even made Elon Musk cry (go to 10 minutes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7BMaG3zyVo&t=649s
We are such a rich country in resources there should be no need for this. The idiotic, morally bankrupt clows running the show have totally cocked it up. It infuriates me.
You can make it to 20,000 subscribers. Keep doing what you are doing and promoting your writing everywhere you can. It just takes one big "viral" story. Plus, you and a couple of other Substackers have all of Australia to yourselves! Theres's got to be 20,000 sane citizens in the Land Down Under. And you can get 40 percent of your readers .... in America!
I'll check out the Elon Musk crying video.
My goal of 20,000 also seems very ambitious ... but there's 5 million people in just my one state. And I've got 49 other states to draw from ... and about 200 countries!
Thanks Bill that's so nice of you. Also, setting up Ko-fi was very easy. It links to your Stripe account and it took me 10 minutes to set up.
Edit: and to my paid subscriber in Illinois of all places...thank you. Keep your chin up.
Thanks. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that some variation of a "micro payment" system could transform journalism ... and allow writers who can write high-interest stories to make enough money to make a living.
My idea is a "nickel a click."
Thanks for sharing the Aussie perspective!
Just as an aside, the "National Cabinet" has no constitutional foundation as part of our government. It was completely Scomo's invention. Or at least, it was brought in by him - I doubt that he is smart enough to have come up with the idea on his own. Of course, it is good that the state leaders and federal leader are consulting & (ostensibly) working together - but as somebody pointed out, it completely undermined the actual (elected) federal cabinet during the covid years.
Now it looks set to become an institution - with no backing from our Constitution.
And thanks for bringing up the Whitlam overthrow - I wasn't old enough to vote him in, but I got the vote in his time in office, and at that age, you are aware of all these happenings. Well, back in those days we were.
So yes, getting out of the WEF and the WHO would be a good start - but keeping in mind what happened to Gough Whitlam when he tried to take an independent path, and what happened to Craig Kelly in NSW, and what happened to those country leaders who stood up to the WHO during the scamdemic, I think we can all guess what might happen to any Aussie leader who dared to try...
But maybe the zeitgeist is changing, and it is time to change all this. We can only try - because if we don't, we are doomed for sure.
Nice comment about cabinet - if you haven't seen my previous article, click the link below the main photo and there is an interesting summary about COAG-cabinet and how it changed under the pandemic powers. Also notice who appears in the photo. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil
Somehow I missed that one previously. Not something to read just before bedtime, but I read it anyway. It's all rather depressing, really. But better to know where we stand.
Thank you for putting all this together.
One of Melbourne's council big wigs recently made a trip to China too. Apparently it's really important for Melbourne to "sell itself'" to China...
I personally have no interest in my country being owned by China.
Mayors and council always travelling overseas rather than picking up our green waste. I'm real tired of these grifting idiots.
"I personally have no interest in my country being owned by China."
We will never move forward as a species... no, it's far worse than that: we're headed straight for extinction while we sustain this kind of manipulated, thinking tightly-constrained within these imposed paradigms. The idea of "my country" and "China" are deceptions. They are constructs devised by the old and new money oligarchs and they are deployed to keep the people firmly under control and to keep us moving along tight furrows. "Our Australian" government and China's are the respective "countries'" chapters of the same global criminal government cartel. "Our Australian" government is just as much against us as the Chinese government is - it's just that the Australian government is closer. They're carrying our their part of the programme, and that is to kill most of us off and then to completely subjugate those who remain. We'll start moving forward when we disabuse ourselves of this long-standing delusion of government, when we denounce, reject and abolish them.
(edited to correct some typos and the muddling of their/they're)
Countries existed long before any global cartel existed, criminal or otherwise.
We've moved forward plenty as a species the entire time those countries have existed and been recognised by us as a species.
You have an interesting take on things, but it's not one I share.
"Countries existed long before any global cartel existed, criminal or otherwise."
This betrays limitations in understanding as to how long the global cartel existed, and what names it has gone by. Before we called them "global cartel," we knew them as aristocracy, and that includes especially the Chancellor of the Exchequer, including its analogues in other "nations."
"We've moved forward plenty as a species the entire time those countries have existed and been recognised by us as a species. "
Progress in technology and science is real. Progress in human values is chimaera. You may want to consider how much of that progress was funded and driven by the powers who have always oppressed, and who created the programming which has determined the values of we the people.
Can you name a human value that can "progress" that has not progressed because "countries are recognised".
"Can you name a human value that can "progress" that has not progressed because "countries are recognised"."
These are not necessarily exclusive properties, but values are formed at the community level. "National values" is absurd.
""National values" is absurd."
And yet
* Australians are / were known as being laid back and easy going, as one example.
* Americans, in my experience, are entrepreneurial, and their country's founding underpins that.
These are clearly generalisations, but I disagree entirely that these "values" are imposed from above, or that they do not exist.
I can't quite put my finger on nor describe our disagreement here yet, but it's stark.
Progress in human values is chimaera. Progress, as implied, is not accretive. Lessons learnt in one generation are not retained, can be easily forgotten and must be relearnt in subsequent generations.
"We will never move forward as a species.."
"Progress in technology and science is real."
Perhaps you could describe what "moving forward as a species" means, then, as it appears something that you desire that (according to you) cannot happen while "countries and/or governments exist".
If "moving forward as a species" is not something you desire, I am curious why you would mention it at all.
Thanks and spot on. Mass murders and spineless bureaucrats WHO corrupt the truth for their own selfish gain. THEY ARE NOT and have NEVER BEEN public servants.
No, they were and are public serpents. Crush their 'heads'.
LOL. So, so, true.
I should have added that when Gates visited Albo it was to talk about the next five pandemics and to name Australia as the world centre for pandemic response.
Do you have an article about "five pandemics"? I don't remember seeing that gem, although I did write about it at the time - what I now know to be planks in our kill box (thanks @Katherine Watt). https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/gates-meets-with-australian-pm-to
Are you you sure it wasn't 5 damn-panics? :)
Probably, now they have so many psychologicall primed
The Hunt video. On the bright side, it looks like his skin has cleared up.
HA! (I laughed...yes, the cellulitis that was definitely NOT jab-related). Thanks friend I will link in the main article. I knew my readers would find this.
Another great article, thank you
Five eyes has spied on each other’s citizens since WW2 or before.
Tavistock Institute.
How much does substack take as a cut from any subscriptions? Already sent a ko-fi ❤️❤️
Oh wow thank you mate. Hope your time back at work isn't so rough after that start. Substack takes a 10% gross revenue fee, but Ko-fi doesn't take anything. I don't mind that Substack takes a cut because it is a really good platform and I am banned everywhere else. They don't interfere in my work and that is really valuable.
True day.
Work's been OK but what is OK? Thanks for asking :-)
Great article - well done and keep up the attacks on the Davos globalists, and their puppets down under. I burst out laughing when I read your comment about the New York Times and Wikepedia "these two sources which are the most dishonest sources of information in modern history."
But let me also suggest you reassess your thoughts about Wikepedia - yes it is full of disinformation that leads humanity astray, and vile attacks on those who oppose the Davos fascist - and this is because they run Wikepedia. And it is actually a very valuable resource on their projects, what they are focused on and their history. I just spent all day doing a deeper dive into the Bilderberg group - and Wikepedia has a List of Bilderberg Participants! It's all the same people who've given us censorship, climate change madness, the global institutions, the World Economic Forum, Covid-terrorism, and endless wars. Wikepedia also lists out all the systemically important banking institutions in the world which is essentially the International Banking and Finance Cartel's top group of institutions - which is the top industry for the Davos globalists and the richest investors in the world, especially the monarchies. Look at the industries pushing all of the woke-fascism. And you come back to the same groups, all organized nicely under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum.
-international banking finance e.g. JP Morgan, Citibank, HSBC
-central banking e.g. Federal Reserve, Bank of England etc.
-international investments e.g. BlackRock
-multinationals of every stripe -
-oil & gas industry - booming due to Biden's war on energy
-mining - which as you said we do in Australia so well
-big pharma
-big food
-big everything.
It's breathtaking how much they've taken and consolidated since WW2 ended and they formed their international neo-monarchies with the Bretton Woods agreement and created their Trojan horses for global fascism - UN, WHO, WTO, IMF and the World Bank. They've been expanding ever since.
Keep up the good work
Very true. I rarely use Wikipedia and it became obvious that this spooky site was indeen written by spooks. Relatedly, I have a hunch that most media personalities (including alt. media) are CIA/ASIO/MI6. Anderson Cooper is most likely CIA. He doesn't need to work and is completely over the top. Suggest that most Australian 'breakfast show' presenters are ASIO.
I found this article amusing: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/politics/federal/asio-agents-embedded-in-defence-to-protect-aukus-secrets-from-foreign-spies-20230523-p5danc.html
As if. They are there to spy on Australians who are federal employees. How stupid do they think we are (very).
This was funny though: https://www.techspot.com/news/61680-australian-whistleblower-leaks-top-secret-report-4chan-users.html
Thanks for those links.
You're right about the CIA and media personalities.
Since the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act created the American global media disinformation complex, which mimicked the 1927 BBC World Service charter act in the UK-which is their global disinformation media, the intelligence agencies have used the media and journalists as spies all around the world.
And Obama bought it all home to America with an amendment to the original 1948 Act, which now allows American media to promote propaganda domestically, which the 1946 act had prohibited - Obama passed the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.
It appears almost certain that the CIA created Facebook, and probably Twitter.
I read an article recently that showed the idea of Facebook was created by DARPA under the name LifeLog, which was to track a persons whole life digitally - the very day that it was closed down is the day Facebook was registered.
I have always felt that there was something off about Zuckerberg. And he controls the company with a 60% voting shares block. So Facebook is Zuck! Everything evil that it has done in the last few years is all on him.
Just with your first sentence, Smith-Mundt came in under Obama in 2012. It was an alteration/enhancement of a previous act. I think the 1946 was a typo as you correct it later. We need our disinformation to be correct sir!
The Smith-Mundt Act was signed into law in 1948, the 2012 was an amendment. Here's a Wikepedia link following. It was stuck in my memory as being 1946, which is incorrect, it was 1948. And it was amended by Obama in 2012 as I stated above.
Wikepedia states regarding the 1948 Act and its amendment:
"The Act was developed to regulate broadcasting of programs for foreign audiences produced under the guidance by the State Department, and it prohibited domestic dissemination of materials produced by such programs as one of its provisions.[1] The original version of the Act was amended by the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which allowed for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be disseminated (widely spread) within the United States.[2][3]"
I will amend my comment above so it reads a little easier and the date is corrected.
I never heard it called that until after Obama. Was it called Smith-Mundt in the 40s? I'm still a bit confused on that, but it would make sense as it was introduced by Mundt. Oh well. Good trivia nonetheless! My pub trivia game will be smoking!
It's a bit of ancient history - and I only know about it as I found it in an obscure academics article about the disinformation industry of our governments - "Smith-Mundt" is what it is popularly called after the authors - Here's the real name from Wiki
"The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly called the Smith–Mundt Act, was first introduced by Congressman Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) in January 1945 in the 79th Congress. It was subsequently passed by the 80th Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948."
I find Wikipedia useful and good for a laugh sometimes, especially on vaccines and the transgender loonies.
Another excellent article, perfectly summed up in your epilogue.
Hope that the Kofi donation option is successful for you. I personally prefer this option, and will happily donate whenever possible.
Thanks Anna, and thank you again for sharing my poem with Abi Roberts. That was amazing.