Comment from email reader:

"On target."

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Amazing collection of the hard facts of choreographed life & death in present times. My heart goes out to Australians who have already lost so much.

Thank you.

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Thank you Anna Marie for your kind comment and your support.

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What an awesome list, EDAU!!

Because you guys have been through it so horribly already, you’re in such a place to help the rest of us be able to resist with all our might.

Thank you.🙏🏻

I literally just told my sister a few weeks ago that if I ever had to go to the hospital, I would hire an aide to watch over me day and night and to wake me up every single time someone came into that room. But yes, avoid going at all costs for sure!

I love the one about not having to talk to people even if they’re screaming at you and to move away from them. There are so many things like this where people feel obligated to do something to respond without realizing there is always an option to calmly walk away and not even participate. (voting being a big example of that)

We all need to ponder this, prepare ourselves for this battle, gird ourselves with spiritual armor, and pray for holy protection and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us resist at all costs. Ultimately, I do not think any of us will survive without the Holy Spirit. That’s why it is absolutely *CRITICAL* that if someone is seeing truth but not at a spiritual level, they need to find Jesus and accept His gift of salvation, and ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit ASAP. The time is getting very very very short to get right.

Keep up the good fight and I hope this week is going well for you, ExcessDeathsAU! :)

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Thank you so much for your comment, and your support.

I am so glad people are seeing the list as it is intended...I definitely made some mistakes and saw a lot of people around me do the same.

By definition, a war of attrition is an attempt to grind down an enemy over time, and that is what they were trying to do to us - by eroding our resources, ratcheting up the violence, and turning the public into greater hysterics against us making conditions very dangerous.

I hope that what we learned can serve as a template to the world.

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Thank you for the explanation of the war of attrition EDAU. The enemy’s long game in the evil plan….😡

Yes thanks for sharing and I think one of the best things we can do for each other out of love is share our mistakes to help others avoid that same thing. God bless you! I don’t know what kind of residual damage you’re all dealing with, what kind of insanity remains there, and what kind of new evil plans they have for all of us, but no matter what we need to bind together as God’s holy people and pray for each other and strengthen each other in Him.

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I respect your piety & prayer 🙏

In better times I was a holier man.

So when the worse times come, let me do the hanging, let me bellow the bloodlust of a berserker as I'm beseiging the legions of unlawful liars needing me as much as I need them ended.

Let me Sully my soul, then allow me to seek forgiveness & salvation for these sins 🙏

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Hi aagabriel! Thank you. :) I always enjoy your comments… even when you aren’t giving me a nice compliment lol.😂

You should come back to being a holy man again now in the worst times. The Lord brings His people through the fire, through the flood, through the suffering like that of Job, through the lion’s den!! And through the tribulation. The fire is what turns us into gold if we go through that fire the way He wants us to.

I often say that we are living and breathing in the book of Revelation. We need you on fire for The Lord, aagabriel. We’re the heel of God’s army in the last fight against Satan and we’re the ones chosen to be here at this exact time on the timeline….at the end of the timeline. And we’re the ones who get to prove our true devotion to God Almighty in the midst of the most difficult time on this earth.

I so admire the mettle and tenacity of the Australians who have resisted and fought this. You have suffered much but you have inner strength to have withstood it like you have and are an example to all of us. I like to hear you, EDAU AND Thumbnail Green talk about it all and how you’ve dug your heels in and fought it like warriors, despite the trauma that’s ensued for you all. My righteous anger boils though at what they did to you.


Vengeance belongs to The Lord and it’s coming to these supremely evil people/demons and coming SOON.

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Psalm 145:3 KJVS - Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

Psalm 142:4-6 KJVS - 4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.

5 I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

6 Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.

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Great list! I would add "work out how to be healthy with nature and not the medical system" because we don't really have a choice now. Have a look at A Midwestern Doctor series on natural light, get your skin out in the sun and away from glass, glasses, screens and artificial light. Not too hard in Perth, plus free... why do you think we also have a war on sunlight?

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Ooh it's really insightful to go back and explore content oen made during peak plandemic. My nephew was born in 2020 and he had his first day at primary school this week. After I got sent his photo in school uniform, all beaming and proud, it hit me that I don't even remember him being a baby.

1. I cared about my rights and made sure all in earshot knew it, that it until January 2022 when I was fired and too Vaxx-state raped and traumatized to do anything except drink, abuse drugs and lash out at worried family.

2. Hmm. I'd rather keep the limits of my risk taking & impulsiveness unknown to all including myself.

Trusted I would go as far as a rare happenstance, or a sudden parting of the clouds could potentiate. The insane burning desire I once held for encountering extremity thru increasing the chances of happenstance has petered away though. It got me quite a shocked to learn how utterly effortless it was for the winter of my discontents to be located & within rage's reach.

3. I felt bad for WAPOL and was never approached or questioned or anything by them here. I fucking hated the big Commissioner Grand Master MASON Colin, he was a pig of a man and knew how to psycho-fuck cops into fear-driven piggy henchmen

4. I did commit as many as possible constantly because I believed in the direct action strategy https://youtu.be/KtExkP_SEr4

for personal protest and had a mask exemption.

Again, January 2022 it all changed.

5. Utilising the above-mentioned strategy was extremely effective at dismantling the imposed fictions of fear. Being a happy carefree example of a nice man going about his daily business with a smile and compliment for all was wonderful at disarming internal doom monologues injected via the painstream media mafias. Again, January 2022 tho..

6. I went to hospital after my earlobe got suddenly infected with freakish speed. Was the only person not wearing a mask. No issues at all and the ER Doctor who saw me was a delightful guy my age who injected a purposefully large & enjoyable dose of Novocaine into me.

Then I started talking about doctors whistleblowing online about mRNA stuff, and he drew the curtain around us, sliced my ear up with a surgical scalpel to lance the infected membranous cyst and whispered to me, asking where online?

I said Substack and Telegram. He was totes cool and I sent a glowing review to RPHs automated SMS 'ratw our service' survey.

7. Yep. Guess I understood always l, but was able to work within its parametres somewhat agreeably until fucking plandemic public health debasement & rape.

8. Disagree personally. I pushed them so hard emotionally and practically demanded them too at many points. None of them did because the power they might threaten me with is literally the power that threatened them 100x more.

9. I did, I think. A ton of money, a heap of care, a desire for love and the carefree company of others. Aspects of these things might never come back.

10. Amen, I did. In particular father Jerzy Popieluszko, Poland's priest of Solidarnosc.

11. I didn't. Still don't 😢

12. Nah I wanted to immolate. No exit no victims and no survivors

13. Yeah.. I trolled them but strongly opposed any communication with them.

14. Facebook banned me for 30 days in August 2020 after I implored my friend in Sydney to not take AZ or any clot shot.

Deleted Facebook shortly afterwardS. No soc med bears my name online since then.

15. Didnt even do dat any good at the time. No one cracked jokes, appears to have carried though to today.

16. It's probably the most effective & likely to succeed way, hence why it's never happened to a meaningful degree. Or if it did happen, the knowledge of that successful example is buried and kept out of history.

17. Conversely, those who caved into living a life amongst others which had degraded their social contracts happily, caved into their own inner weaknesses (or ingrained desire to not be conspicuous amongst others)

18. Delusional thinking is a wildcard. Just make sure you allow enough headspace for wonderfully creative and imaginatively unique delusions to sprout up

20. I dropped all vaxxed people in my life for quite a while. I harboured delusions of knowing that pretending to communicate with them was now a total waste of time, because they'd be Died Suddenly.

21. I threw away my TVs sometime during 2020.

22. Agree, but who is "They?' https://youtu.be/qSLvcJ4I1mw

23. Good faith ded nao

24. Who is "They?"

25. Nah. ManifestNO! It will end when I fulful my penultimate destiny and transcend to end it. Or I will be ended from allowing it to happen again.

No compromise.

26. 100% true. We suffered it hardest first, now the hoodwinked jabbies & schizo stakeholders await tortures worse than our earlier endured ones.

27. Oh man I got so fucking ducked. It was far easier to get hard drugs delivered to your door anytime than it was to enjoy a cold bitter beer or a leisurely spliff in the garden.

28. Good advice, but our reptile brain seeks more risk to stimulate and override our present distresses.

29. There was no one around outside and if there was, they were far more fearful of spooky sniffles than I could be of them.

30. If there was only one shot to resist, then I'm sorry to say that we failed as much as anyone who took one shot to comply.

That was fun!

Good night!

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Thank you for sharing your experiences x

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Oh my gosh “painstream media”, that’s the best!!💥

What you opened with about your nephew….that’s so wrong and makes me so angry when I think about the same in my life, that I feel so much like I missed a chunk of my sister’s kids’ younger childhoods. They’ve gotten “almost grown up” so fast, and I want that time back where I ‘had to stay away’ so I didn’t end up next to someone who sneezed and then get sent home from work for who knows how long.😡

I’m with you on the TV and unplugging that thing for good was one of the best and most freeing decisions I’ve ever made in my whole life. It took a couple years for me to gradually get there, but I knew it was coming and one day I was like “I absolutely hate that thing and it’s all lies and I can’t stand even looking at it on the room.” And I never looked back. And now going into other houses and seeing people constantly have it on, it’s such a different perspective on how mind-controlling and detrimentally consuming it is.

For 22 and 24, “they” can only be satan and his fallen angel globalist elites who pull all the very long deep strings from wherever evil place it is that they lurk and reside.

Re-reading EDAU’s 24 to see what you were responding to reminded me of the verse Revelation 12:11:

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

If we know Whose we are, and we know this earth is not our true home, then “THEY” in fact have zero control over us!!!! If we get to the point where we love Jesus so much that we’ll die for Him, then no threat at all can make us waver, not even the tiniest bit.

For the record, I do hope that EDAU repsonds to all 30 of your points back, and you then you respond back again and so on and so forth. It’s ok, I will happily clear my schedule and make the time to keep scrolling back and forth to see what’s being responded to on both ends!🤣🤣

Have a great day, aagabriel!!😄

P.S. I love the doctor story and that must have been awful with your earlobe!!!

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Good list EDAU! Missed this post the other day!

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Thank you mate, and thank you for your articles. Very good!

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