(Editor’s note: June 19, 2023 - the transcript website does not appear to be working. This is an external site and unfortunately I do not know what is happening).

*Update on transcripts: Do not worry, the information is not lost. Luckily I downloaded all the transcripts and have them backed up. Unfortunately I am unable to upload the files with all the personal information removed. If anyone can find another source for the transcripts, please let me know.

**July 7, 2023 transcript update: wayback machine links in body of article. Sublinks (nodes) removed.

Dear Friends,

I am getting emails from people upset, freaking out, looking for answers, angry with me. The messenger is an easy target. Now, from all directions.

1. Please understand that I am heavily monitored by law enforcement.

2. My job is to bring you information, even the worst news that challenges everything.

3. Never underestimate God.

4. Remember your history.


“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

A special note to my beloved fellow Australians: When they arrest a quarter of your city, will you pale in your lairs? How much do you love freedom? Will your neighbours stand with you? Now, you have awareness of the real situation.

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Here in La Florida, there was a story on the TV, it was about how they got the churches on board with the covid Injections, and how they were using church halls as injection centers, and this was done particularly in the Black community because that community was "vax hesitant" . And the story had a woman who said she was leary of getting vaxxed; now in the US, the Black community has a good reason to be so, because of the of the "Tuskegee experiments".

Anywho the woman went to the church injection site, and she said that she all the "Smiling Faces" such as of her Pastor's wife, and the smiling church elders, and she decided to get injected because they wouldn't steer her wrong.

These church leaders were no better than Judas goats.

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I hope they repent and seek God's mercy (the real vaccine refund). Most won't. It has been foretold. They are a stiff-necked people - of course, saying that pointing at myself, ever on the lookout.

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For sure, i see many, many half cold and cold christians here in South Africa as well. When our ministers have fear, they think we all have fear. Fear is the enemy here, fear and contagion of it. The xhurchbis the last place where fear contagion should be.

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When people not of the Black community learn of the Tuskegee experiments, they usually agree that they can understand the vax hesitancy there. My question is, why do we think we are somehow protected from similar experimentation? As above so below, as within so without.

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History is a fine, but callous teacher. Wasn't it the Pope's Army that destroyed most of the trees in Europe during the 1500s I believe? They still hate God's creation to this day- Mother Nature.

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Jun 9, 2023
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Hi yes sorry I'm trying to find the event actually - will update you once I do. Thanks.

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Jun 12, 2023
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Hi NoAmsty - I will, was away this weekend

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Jun 9, 2023
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Wasn’t trying to be sorry at all. sorry if you took it that way

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Jun 9, 2023
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Demons are real. I have no doubts about this. Looks like a fascinating video, thank you.

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Another huge excellent article! I have just listened to Tape 1.Kept nodding my head as each piece of the plan was described.....✅️✅️✅️

Chrislam and LGBTQ BS are the new religions. Over my dead body.

Will keep going through all of this information......Thanks for the homework!

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Dear Anna x

Don't forget the new religion of 'welcome to country' :/

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Listen to this


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One of the best Australian speeches in modern times imo. Nearly as good as Rennick 'govern me harder daddy.' No one delivers and makes them seethe like Rennick.

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I have been a big fan of Bess Price since the Howard years. Would be good to get a source document on that.

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Could only find this for those who wish to look further. Repeated on other platforms also:

Indigenous politician blasts 'smoking ceremonies as empty symbolism http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5273063/Indigenous-politician-blasts-symbolic-smoking-ceremonies.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

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Also the reason for the sudden focus on Trans BS! Sterile people can’t reproduce👹

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And when if they did try and found out they couldn't because jabz? Yeah. Anger there lotta anger...

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Oh my. am reading this and even while knowing much of it, the evil is stunning.

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Chilling how it is all unfolding. Everything is in the open now. But by knowing, we can change the outcomes. Those who haven't bought in will not just give in. Their plans only work on those who do not resist. The rest of us will get through and create something far better.

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Miron Fagan's exposure of the NWO is well worth listeing to as are Harold Rosenthal's tapes easily available,both Jewish men exposing the jewish lead NWO facts are facts , then Benjamin Freedman's work as well , turn away from the truth , don't believe it but it's still the truth, and white people being the cancer of society and spoken of as animals must be genocided as they are the only ones smart enough (or were) to stop the NWO ..

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Relatedly, here is Dr Zelenko (in my opinion a very holy man - RIP) calling out the modern Sanhedrin on their murderous rampages of fellow Jews - see in the comments by Transcriber B "Dr. Zelenko Schools Israeli Rabbinic court" https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-banality-of-evil/comments

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Not so sure he really died but for the time being i agree with you and watched many of his videos , but time will tell, sure was outspoken , i wrote to him actually.

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Yes, there are points of light in unexpected places. Although Jewish and not believing in an after life, I think he might have been pleasantly surprised upon his death to rise upward and onward to the next phase of being that he didn't believe in... 'life after death' He worked to save many, even though he couldn't save himself.

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Well, full marks for portraying the 'hopelessness' of our situation. There appears a certain omission of unforeseen consequences and possibility?

The whole hopeless anti-human charade is done the moment one of two things (or both) happen: 1. People come to their senses; 2. MSM comes to its senses.

(1) Assuming the cognitive and intuitive sense of skepticism follows normal Gaussian distribution, one might speculate that those possessing 2 to 3 σ above the mean 'skepticism' (about 1/3 the population) would realise that they are being lined up to be culled, ie. >2B people would become increasingly 'resistant' or 'defiant'. They would certainly be unwilling to linger around waiting to be murdered. (2) Were a similar proportion of the MSM to betray their masters, the entire charade would implode quite rapidly, everything from orchestrated neo-Marxism to climate change to CBDC to government and bureaucracy SOP.

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(1) and (2) needs to have happened yesterday.

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I wish. It seems as though the murderous pressure of the Davos Directives will need to continue somewhat longer before the skeptically endowed stir from their slumber.

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The statistics on percentage of people above 2 standard deviations would be circa 2.5% and 3 circa 0.5%.

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Cumulative % area under the curve of distribution between 2 and 3σ and between 1 and 2σ is 15.85% (~1.27B people).

I take your point. A little too hopeful in the initial comment above, and less than precise, meaning those >1σ skepticism above the mean.

All a speculative and hopeful punt.

Thank you.

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Yes was not being negative just agreeing that only small percentage far enough away from average. Unfortunately I doubt now will be any mass awakening at least not relying on it. Good luck and God bless to all.

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Davos has taken care of most everything. We are utterly screwed.

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The delicate art of getting the bovine masses to herd themselves towards the slaughterhouse. And it’s working a treat.

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The chaos in our country facilitated by the left is a distraction to keep intelligent American people of faith from seeing what the elites are doing everyday👹

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Brilliant summary. I came across a couple of the tapes a few months ago and thought of summarizing them myself. You've saved me a lot of time. So chilling.

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Depressing start to the day but thanks again for another great article

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Thanks Jac. My hands were shaking and I felt quite ill at certain points. Glad you can share the burden with me.

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E.D. AU.

You've truly done some "exposing" here with all of this. I have yet to watch the series, because it's getting near bedtime now, but certainly intend to. Thanks for putting the axe to the barrel and letting at least some of the "spirits" gush out. May I nick-name you "Elliot Ness?"

As a brother whose faith in Jesus Christ is not likely to be shaken by the unfolding of events prophesied to come to fruition; on the contrary bolstered, I'm compelled to inject this: That there is a DEVIOUS deception stewing amidst all of the exposed implementations pointed to by Dr. Day. The REAL point of concern and focus is held apart from the public's eye, which Satan has concealed to his best ability through diversions. That's been and "ace" up his sleeve and widely used for his nefarious intent. The Battle, or War we seem to be engaged in is one of WORSHIP. The CREATOR, who has created all things (and NOT assembled and arranged themselves, after coming into being from NOTHING!), has the true RIGHT to claim our allegiance and worship as His subjects. But since He is LOVE, and perfectly Righteous, He shuns coercion, and has provided us with free choice to choose. That said, it is clearly factual and dependable to take the stand that in the Fourth Commandment (written in stone) includes His "title, name, and territory." This constitutes His "SEAL," which He has placed in the center of His Law, which is NOT done away with, but fully "binding" upon humanity. When we knowingly disrespect God's Laws (of Liberty) we essentially join the opposition, which has deadly consequences. Satan has in store for us what has been concocted and planned for millennia. It is to create conditions (diversions) in the world, in order to cause as many as possible to violate God's Law(s). Satan's focus is especially concerned with the Sabbath Day of the 4th Commandment, because it IDENTIFIES the Creator, and he HATES the Creator, and will do all he can to destroy His Creation and His creatures (that's us!)

There are devoted pastors and professors, who (lately, I have noticed) are coming out and proclaiming boldly this message to the people; using every media available. 3ABN, Amazing Facts.org, Amazing Disoveries.org) and others like Randy Skeet, (SDA pastor) and White Horse Ministries to name some, which can really give a hungry soul the light from heaven, regarding this subject of the Seventh Day Sabbath and the "Three Angels Messages" of Rev. 14: 6-10. There is simply too much to condense in this venue to do justice to the seriousness of it all.

May God be in charge of direction,


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Amen brother.

Sure you can call me Elliot Ness. Unfortunately I hit the barrel and clowns come out but your metaphor of spirits is much better.

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Robert STACK played Elliot Ness on the series "The Untouchables." Someone here on this forum, I think it was a gal, used the shortened term, "stack" in stead of substack. I feel there's a connection in all of this somewhere, but I just can't put the cuffs on it! lol


Not quite as Down-Under,


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May God bless your tireless efforts in this Battle of battles, for the souls of men! I'm looking forward to watching that line-up of things you posted. Thanks in advance, Mr. Ness!

I'll be keeping you in prayer.

Yours always,


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'....May God be in charge of direction,...'

With respect, God made the Law and we choose the direction. As you said ' ..and has provided us with free choice to choose...'

In my opinion, what we are witnessing is simply the result of previous actions, of 'thought, word & deed' on what appears to be a World-wide scale. That we find ourselves in this time, place & situation is not an accident of fate - there are no accidents in the Universe and we 'chose' to be here (that 'choice' concealed by the veil of death/loss of memory that separates each human existence )

It's appropriate to do what one can to alleviate or correct the suffering & ignorance - and some take a higher profile in speaking out, with the risk of consequent ridicule, suppression or worse. But essentially we are responsible for our own actions, not the actions of others and the fact that their actions may negatively affect us is - well, see above!

Perhaps humanity is to fail & fall then start again, as with Adam & Eve, in another great Age. Only God knows and God is beyond human mind, thought and speculation.

It's said (Hindu religion?) that a human birth is a great privilege and that there are many alternatives. So we are blessed.

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We are the end product of the technology we use if we're not careful.

From the article ' sex and reproduction would be separated. You would have sex without reproduction and then technology was reproduction without sex. This would be done in the laboratory. He indicated that already much, much research was underway about making babies in the laboratory.'

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Thank you, please note that the website that hosts the transcript is no longer working. As it is an external website I do not know what is happening.

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Essential listening for all. I’ve only listened to the first tape so far and it’s eye opening to say the least. So much that was said in 88 has come true.

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I learned about the existence of this extraordinary post from a comment on the Coffee and Covid Substack: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/bio-shocks-monday-june-5-2023-c-and/comments

Thank you for this. It pulls together so many threads... Here's what may bring you a much larger readership:

Boudicca-- Writes The Dead City Chronicles

After discovering the tapes of Dr Lawrence Dunegan (1988) recalling Dr Richard Day's (1969) admission of the plan to depopulate the world (much of which has come to pass) it all fits into place. They know. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the?

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Thank you so very much for your kind words. Alas, in that very long thread, I cannot find the comment to which you refer.

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I *did* copy the post by Boudicca in my post above, which is what led me here. Sorry I wasn't more clear when I wrote "Here's what may bring you a much larger readership." That's what I had meant.

I love reading Caitlin Johnstone every day. She's Aussie...

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Important article. Thank you for writing it.

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Thanks EDA/ The satanic, evil eugenicists playbook writ so clearly.

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