
I want everyone to look at this new article carefully (October 31, 2022) about the WA state of emergency. We will break it down in terms of Stanton's Ten Stages as well as Stanton's Signs of Denial (in article). Please add to the analysis - something I have missed, what you see.


"Premier Mark McGowan has announced WA’s COVID state of emergency will end on November 4."

-How can the SOE 'end' when the Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Act 2022 is still in place? This is double speak. The effect on the liberty of the citizens is the same.

"Mr McGowan saying the Government was confident the virus could now be safely managed in the community."

-Where is the "science" for this statement? This is what the "dangerous conspiracy theorists" who were thrown out of society have been saying for the past two years.

-Have the hospitals shown an improvement to allow for this?

"Legislation allowing the Police Commissioner to make a temporary COVID-19 declaration — and enact practically all of the same powers available to him under the state of emergency, besides the ability to shut State borders — was gazetted on Friday."

-Correct. So is the SOE over?

"However, Mr McGowan said current health advice suggested there was no need for a temporary COVID-19 declaration and that the measure would only be used if “absolutely necessary”."

-What health advice? What are the metrics for this decision? What modelling? What trigger?

“We are essentially going back to normal,” Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said.

-This is gaslighting. Nothing about the Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Act 2022 is "normal." Especially when you still have to show a vaccine passport to visit a hospital (below).

"However, proof of vaccination will also remain mandatory for entry to hospitals and aged care facilities."

-There it is. Also, the vaccine was never tested to stop transmission, does not reduce viral load, and does not stop viral transmission. Why the passport?

"Ms Sanderson revealed the East Metropolitan Health Service had opened a clinic for people experiencing long COVID."

-Wasn't the vaccine meant to prevent serious illness and death? Long covid sounds like a serious illness. If the vaccines work, why aren't they working? Are all these covid long haulers vaccinated? Someone should look into that.

"Mr McGowan also announced WA would commission an “independent review” into the State’s COVID management...findings would support any future Commonwealth-led review into the pandemic..."

-What is "independent?" Will the unvaccinated or victims of state violence be allowed to have a seat at the table?

“Western Australia’s management of the COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in very strong health and economic outcomes and our world-leading response sets us apart from the rest of the country and the world,” he said. "he expected it would take “three or four months” to complete."

-And there it is. The parameters of the investigation will ensure that the government:

1. Is not to blame

2. "Did the best they could"

3. Investigates themselves

4. Curated to produce the desired result

5. Already using the media to prime the narrative

6. Thin veneer of "transparency" though is anything but

7. Sets the timeframe and parameters themselves (three or four months - if independent, how does he know how long it will take?)

8. Provides minor superficial corrections to further the show of "transparency" while not acknowledging what they have perpetrated.

" (McGowan) acknowledged it would likely also examine controversial aspects of the government’s pandemic management, including border closures that for long periods of time prevented even West Australians from returning to their home state."

-As horrible as that particular situation was, that's the tip of the iceberg for what West Australians endured and continue to endure at the hands of the state include lawfare, police violence, jab injuries, jab deaths, exclusion from society, shuttered businesses, children damaged from mask wearing, people dying alone, the list goes on.

Unless someone like me is allowed on this enquiry with all your stories, this "investigation" is a show trial.

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If anyone wants to share their stories in the comments here that's great too. Please let me know if you are from Western Australia so I can capture it. Love you!

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

There are two types of people...

...those who trust government,

...and those who know history

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Well done sensational piece

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

If you allow the tyrants to exist. It will only get worse. Will jacinda be allowed to exist, or slither away?

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"And to the neighbour who told me I should be murdered in a camp: I forgive you."

You are a better person than me.

I won't forget nor will I forgive for what has been done to me in the past 3 years.

I want revenge and retribution.

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The Victorian quarantine facility north of Melbourne: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-20/victoria-mickleham-quarantine-facility-open/100845058 and https://www.finance.gov.au/government/property-and-construction/centres-national-resilience Centres for National Resilience?? I hear there are also quarantine facilities in Qld and SA (and NT?)

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I know several people who were likely harmed by these injections because they took a few. They are probably unaware because the doctors treating them would not suggest it even if they suspected it. I have a nurse friend who was harmed but she knows it. She was coerced to take the booster or not get back in the building. She didn't want to and paid the price. Luckily seems to have beaten it but won't take more. What happens if they insist. Out of a job is likely!

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May 24, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Hey Excess! (not sure how to contact you directly) - I sent you a cuppa via Kofi - was it in US$ or AU$?

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Learned a lot of new stuff about genocide from this post, so sad and heartbreaking that such things continue. Thanks for the education, that I wish was unnecessary.

The snipped info below points to evidence that such evils are planned and orchestrated by TPTB, who are intentionally hidden above decoy TPTB, like WA premier McGowan. So, when cleaning up this mess, it is vital that we also identify and punish those in this "hidden" TPTB group of criminals, along with all of the rest.


#1 = Although it is clear that only peaceful methods will succeed, such efforts must not count on the branches of govt and their regulators to function properly by themselves. That is, strong, clear, and timely public opinion pressure is vital for encouraging the honest people in these entities to stand up to the evil ones, mostly in leadership roles, who are being controlled by those behind the curtain.

{ That is, never forget that, for good to win over evil, effort must also be aimed at the hidden target, located above all the distractions, because it too must also be taken out, along with all the other targets. }

Rationale = Clearly, America (and world) is facing an existential threat and our efforts to fix America are being undermined by powerful forces that remain hidden from view by design.

* It is thus important to understand, not only what needs to be fixed in America, but also what led to these issues and enables them to continue.

___* Awakening the masses to this has eluded many so far, but think Jeff Childers just broke the code for doing this in this article ( https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/a-great-big-new-year-saturday-december ).

___* He notes in, “CHAPTER TWO — THE ROAD WE’RE ON … The evidence appears obvious in hindsight. Basically, over about a three-week period in March, 2020, every single government in the entire world implemented the exact same draconian, totally anti-constitutional lockdowns and rabidly unpopular mitigation measures — without a peep of meaningful protest, debate, or question from their elected officials. In other words, it looks a lot like somebody just made a phone call. …”

* Figuring out how best to fix America must therefore be done in light of such evidence, which some have shown likely has ancient links to the British East India Company.

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Thank you for your courage of bringing this to our attention. May God bless you.

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'Health' Minister Amber 'Jaded' Sanderson. Oxymoronic at least By Name & probably Nature! & is 'Amber', our 'State of affairs @ Illness. Gov. Wa. PLANdemic.'

Observers from History; Quote;

"It is the Press above all, which wages a positively Fanatical and Slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of National independence, Cultural elevation and the Economic Independence of the Nation!" Thank You - Adolph Hitler.

The Tyrants, & their 'Backers', ALWAYS come to a 'Sticky End'! - ALWAYS!

Wellness - John D.

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These injections are AI nano technology.

Seen this from Karen Kingston ? Still wrapping my brains around it.


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Have these criminal bastards and mass murderers found the virus in the meantime? NO! Because there is none. This MONSTER CRIME is only possible, because nearly whole world is as stupid as shit and not able to see the fundamental fraud: NO VIRUS! So what pandemic are they talking about?

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Just read this one, today , Monday 17th July, 2023 ...

Hey ,

It’s a bit sobering to read this from way back in October 22 ‘ ....

Then , think ....

The premier of WA bails out , virtually forced , in the space of one day , I reckon it was May , 2023....

Now , July 23 , the WA Covid / entire shambles in terms of the state of the mess - is out , as

So very well explained by Dr John Campbell , on his recent post ....

Join the dots , if US Judge Mark Pittman needs any impetus , ( and I don’t know full details of his intentions ) or more details on his

NURENBERG Trial application - re the lifting of the 75;year restriction - and Informed Consent , etc etc ...

Western Australia May have been in neglect not putting up the RAT Guards soon enough

I mean , AUSTRALIA s now infamous original Health Minister , ( Greg Hunt ) , a DAVOS devotee also, ; flew the coop , over 18 months ago .... perhaps he saw it early , no wonder , he was the signatory on our now also infamous -

‘ CV vaccine supply contract ‘ .... the one we are NOT permitted , even under parliamentary - senate request by elected politicians and senators .....

“ What a wicked web we weave - when at first we try to deceive “

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I don't see that happening. While trump still has a large following, but has lost many because of his ego still touting the deadly jabs. The repub party is completely feckless as well as compromised. They have targeted him since before he was elected and 99.9% of it was to harrass him and be the tyrannical, partisan party the democrats are. Nothing has stuck, and frankly EVERYTHING has turned out to be false. It's just to discourage him, and anyone that votes for him.

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