Jul 16, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023Pinned

Dear Readers,

Due to the content of the article, please refrain from threats or making statements about offensive violence. I shall consider you a police agitator and be forced to type FED FED FED before I delete and ban you.

Thanking you kindly.

Edit: also please note, this article is a repository for any information on Australian excess deaths and does not 'endorse' any one way of looking at the data...although I do not agree with the ABS reducing reporting schedule during democide or erasing non-covid excess deaths in 2022.

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"According to the government, there were few to no cases of covid in the population due to the closure of state borders. Therefore, injuries or deaths during this time could not have been as a result of ‘widespread community spread of the virus causing covid."

Few appear willing to acknowledge the immensity of the perversion that was willingly saddled upon society, at notional best the deification of error under the abject delusion of wisdom, at worst, the unmentionable sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thank you for the extremely well-researched and -written piece. A similar vile situation occurred in the United States; the mass censorship involved is now before Congressional committees. It’s a story 10 times bigger than Watergate, yet not a single captured mega media outlet will provide a word about it to the public. It’s deadly collusion.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

We must hold international tribunals. The media will be on trial alongside the others who've done this to humanity. There is no other path forward IMO. They practiced it with Event 201, then they implemented their plan. The people who call themselves "elite" are waging war on all of us. This ends when we determine we've had enough. I think we are getting close.

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Rather than 'elites' I call them the 'parasitic class.' They do not build or create anything useful or uplifting.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Yeh, I noticed how the media was so quiet about all the adverse events and still are. They also need to be tried for telling lies and promoting this genicide.

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As far as I am aware, Mr. Frank Chung is the only legacy media journalist in Australia who has reported vaccine injuries etc. from early in the piece.

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It's a massive conspiracy. Also, Nobody died in Watergate.

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I think a mix of convergent opportunism, blind optimism, and strongly reinforced groupthink setup this worst case scenario.

These exact same causes means those who realize what they have done have 2 options. Mea Culpa, or double down.

The double down seems to have been the preffered option. It is the path of least resistance compared to the hate and cancelling thrown at "ant-vaxxers".

I don't think true justice will be meted out, but that does not mean we should stop exposing them. Most people are afraid of consequences. Few will have the all or nothing mentality to stand up for justice.

In WA, I refused the injection, and was hounded on all sides - work, family, friends, to "just take the shot". Needless to say, the intent of everyone was make me compliant for the sake of compliance. Blind obedience to the man who protected WA from Covid was, and is, a strong motivator.

The question - how do we make those closest to us who joined the cult take responsibility? They are all complicit, but are they really the bad guys? Is my wife evil? or my son? Because they remain true believers of the Cult. How do we resolve with our family and friends? Here is the true dilemma for us all.

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You bring up two different groups.

Group 1 is composed of those who were in positions of authority who not only did not perform their due diligence by standing down while the evidence of mass slaughter poured in during 2021 but actively terrorised the public during the slaughter. It is indisputable at this point that these people are democidal actors. One does not argue with genocidaires but simply presents evidence of their crimes. Therefore, their motivations do not interest me.

Group 2 is composed of the 'Good Germans' and 'Good Soviets.' In my opinion this is a more difficult concept to resolve because they enabled the actions of group 1 either directly or indirectly and are the majority of society. Yes, even those who 'said nothing and went along with it.'

This is a condition of humanity and I do not have an answer for you.

"...the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 'The Gulag Archipelago'.

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Damn that's a poignant Solzhenitsyn quote

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I have vast amounts of evidence showing targeted biological and technological weapons directed at Indigenous Australian individuals, families, communities, clans and nations.





This is no doubt genocide, politicide, democide and ethnic cleansing of the remnant original inhabitants and their bloodlines, particularly due to Indigenous Australians now only representing three point eight percent (3.8%) of the entire population, or nine-hundred and eighty-four thousand (984,000).

Aunty June Mills Raises Genocide

Alarm from Larrakia Country:


Michael Gunnar, was given approval by Anthony Albanese to use the Australian Army to target and forcibly remove, force test/inoculate, thirty-eight individuals from Binjari community in the middle of nowhere and others.

Michael Gunnar targets Communities in Northern Territory then retires.





From Operation Covid Shield aiming to have eighty percent (80%) of Indigenous individuals, infected with an experimental mRNA product, to vaccine on-the-ground programs/exercises/operations known as 'Operation Covid Assist.'

These Operations derived from the United States Department of Defence and from their Executive Orders, such as 'Project Bioshield', 'Operation Garden Plot', Conplan 8888, EO 9066 etc...









I am concerned why nobody has been reporting on Indigenous Covid-19 related injuries, Hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths.

Each time I call or email Departments, organisations and Ministers, I am told there is no data or statistics on Indigenous Covid-19 related injuries, Hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths.

If this key information is missing or being withheld, then how can we genuinely assess, analyse, compare, make projections or write reports on our findings as Indigenous

independent investigative researchers?

My key questions to Aboriginal health services has been, "Why are there no control groups throughout these eugenics programs aka medical experiments/trials?", and "Where can all the statistics and data be accessed by the public?".

No response todate from Linda Burney, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs SNAICC, NACCHO, Galambirla, Rekindling the Spirit or Jullums AMS (Aboriginal Medical Service), Pat O'Shea or any other Indigenous Senator or Minister.

They are being paid, more like bribed with alot of money in government grants, funds and incentives, to follow the narrative and obey the mainstream media and corrupt politicians, while using their services to cause harm, injury permanent disabilities and even death, while at the same time saying these services are "culturally appropriate."

Culturally appropriate according to Who/W.H.O., (World Health Organisation)?!?!

I humbly ask in good will and good faith, and without malice or deceit, that someone volunteer their time and work alongside me to put in order all the evidence of Genocide against the Original inhabitants, also known as 'Indigenous Australians.'

Email me:


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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

You have answered your own questions, and I mean that respectfully. There is enough evidence in plain sight now of the corruption, that without the backing of 'Musk' weighted support, any attempts to apply justice for the state sponsored atrocities, will be fruitless, and at great personal cost. I don't say these things as a defeatist, I am acclimatised to the fact that there must be a rethink on how to have these criminals held to account. Our corporate, legal, justice, police and political system have all been corrupted, any hope of using them to bring justice is futile.

No, I don't have the answer, but we need to be thinking outside of the killbox.

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I have an 👁 🦌.

How about a Public Court of Opinion?

The 'Court of Public Opinion', is a concept which refers to the collective judgment and evaluation of the general public regarding a certain issue, event, or individual.

Although it will not be an official legal institution, it will be a metaphorical way to describe how public sentiment and perception can influence public figures, reputations, and societal attitudes.

The role of the Court of Public Opinion will be to provide a platform for public discourse, where individuals, clans and nations can express their opinions, concerns, and judgments about various matters. It will involve independent media coverage, social media discussions, public debates, and other means of communication.

The Public Court of Opinion will allow all Australians people to voice their thoughts, beliefs, and judgments, ultimately shaping public opinion and influencing the social, cultural, and even political landscapes.

While the Court of Public Opinion will not hold legal authority, its impact will be significant.

Public opinion can and will affect reputations, careers, and even influence policy decisions. It serves as a mechanism for accountability, as public figures are often held to certain standards and expectations determined by the collective judgment of the public.


“It is not the function of the government to stop the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.” – Justice Robert Jackson, judge at the Nuremberg trials.

 “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson.

“To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured (and) commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.” – Pierre Joseph Prouhon.

“The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” – Voltaire.

 “Governments constantly choose between telling lies and fighting wars, with the end result always being the same. One will always lead to the other.” – Thomas Jefferson.

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” – Tacitus.

 “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” – Edward R Murrow.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Like the one in Canada. Fantastic evidence in their citizens inquiry https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/ all testified under oath. What next?

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We need to consider the following;


1. Increased transparency:

National citizenship inquiries can help shed light on governmental processes and decision-making related to citizenship matters. This transparency can foster trust and accountability.

2. Fairness and equity:

These inquiries aim to ensure that citizenship processes are fair, consistent, and equitable for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.

3. Identifying systemic issues:

By conducting national inquiries, any systemic issues or flaws within the citizenship system can be identified and rectified, leading to improvements in the overall process.

4. Public participation:

Inquiries often involve public participation, allowing individuals and organizations to provide input, share experiences, and contribute to shaping policies and procedures related to citizenship.


1. Time-consuming:

National citizenship inquiries can be lengthy processes, requiring significant time and resources to complete. This may result in delays for individuals seeking citizenship or resolution for their cases.

2. Emotional and financial burden:

Participating in inquiries or sharing personal experiences related to citizenship issues can be emotionally and financially challenging for individuals involved.

3. Potential political influence: Inquiries may be subject to political influence, which can affect the impartiality and objectivity of their findings and recommendations.

4. Limited scope:

National inquiries may focus on specific aspects of citizenship or address only a subset of issues, potentially leaving other pertinent matters unexplored.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I was trying to explain to my sister in the UK, what it was like to live through this period. I dont think she could comprehend the depth of the trauma, and neither could I even put it into words that could. Your article captures this moment in history. I do hope that their comes a time where those guilty are bought to justice, whatever that may look like in the eyes of God, and your neighbour has the self awareness to apologise to you x

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Thanks. He has not apologised, but to be fair I actively avoid people who want me dead.

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Great pinned comment, you know the game well my friend.

Met some unvaxxed on the weekend, an unvaxxed long distance runner was telling me some info on running events, not uncommon for multiple heart attacks, Event last week over east saw 3 heart attacks during an event.

Met an unvaxxed small aircraft piolet, same thing many of the vaxxed piolets are sick, some have already died.

No one is shilling for "Vaccines" on FaceBook anymore. The tide is turning, it just needs to get out there anyway possible.

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I smiled at your first line - thanks. Not smiling at the rest of your post, though. All these people having heart attacks don't have much time left.

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Unfortunately it may accelerate with all the 4 and 5 G, plus the 4Ghz HARRP frequencies being pumped into the atmosphere all over the world.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

I’m Australian. And thank you for your relentless chase for proof.

I remember when the majority of Aussies disliked and disbelieved politicians. Proof was just before the pandemic with the 2018/2019 bush fires. Where was the PM? He was hated by many.

I find it difficult to put my head around how so many were coned into believing what they were told. Yes, early on people were scared believing and trusting that a deadly virus was on the move, but how did so many not wake up soon afterwards? Too many in a hurry to get back to ‘normal’ perhaps. Or became more fearful as they were coerced and bullied.

But I am being told by others (many of whom have been jabbed) of more unexpected deaths and cancer and sickness occurring. I think more are beginning to wake up and question. Let’s pray it’s enough here and globally, and we all push back.

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How were they conned? How has it lasted so long?

The fear. The pervasive 24/7/365 psyops that reached in and took hold of the amygdala. They overdosed our brains on the stuff, much like we do with excitotoxins in food and drink.

And per some Soviet defectors and such, all it takes is a few months of brainwashing for people to be reprogrammed*. In other words, the damage won't reverse itself. It won't 'wear off'.

That is born out by what we see daily. To my mind, people seem unable to assimilate new data and reassess their judgements. Their brains are frozen in March 2020. 'Anti-Vaxxers' are still a fringe element with no runs on the board. Much like 'conspiracy theorists,' most of whom have no conspiracies left since we're living them in this dystopian nightmare. And Doctors are still worthy of trust despite the millions they have killed.

Minds have been broken. How much of that is Prion (& all the other blood-brain-barrier penetrating trash in the jabs) and how much is Psyop, who knows?

Returning to 'normal' does seem to be the overriding priority, even for those who are aware of some issues. To do that, they will roll up their sleeves again when so ordered. Driver there is that most people in developed nations are debt slaves. By design, most are tapped out just treading water trying to 'get ahead'.

Some are waking up. Many of them have been poisoned. We need to find a way to save them from the bioweapon before the damage is too great, before they are lost.


*-For the sake of brevity. We are talking about key beliefs being changed or reinforced, not everything about them being changed Manchurian Candidate style.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

COVID was a military grade psyop. If Sasha Latypova is correct and the US Department of Defense is behind the mRNA technology and vaccine rollout, then much makes sense.

Someone very powerful was behind the entire Covid coup.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

People just can't comprehend that this was done. Its all so unbelievable. Their faith in governments having their welfare in mind is too strong. Thanks for this powerful post, which I am sharing like crazy. Important historical record.

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Thank you Excessdeathsau. You're a national treasure.

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(See that ASIO...a national treasure!)

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Enough evidence to sink a ship. Great Work. Thank you for putting it all together so succinctly. It’s comforting to know others have their eyes open too. The risk of electronic evidence being lost and ‘amended’ is very high. There’s a lot at stake for the contributors to this crime and a lot of criminals.

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Thank you. Yes, things are disappearing rapidly. Hard copies are essential.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Great work.

The discussion should be broadened to include any reduction in birth rates from 2021 onwards. If the policies of State and Federal Governments have destroyed the fertility of, or caused miscarriage during pregnancy, this should be added to the direct deaths from 'vaccines' - increased ACM.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

This situation that we have had the last 3 years has been absolutely disgusting in my view. In fact looking back, it is unbelievable that it could ever happen in a democratic society. It worries me deeply about this bill that they passed in WA in October 2022. How long does that go for? It seems that although things seem quiet for now, they could blow up in a second as soon as the WHO announce another fake emergency to crack down on the citizens of the world. In my view all the premiers in Oz and the health officials who pushed this agenda - lockdowns, contact tracing vaccine passports and worst of all gene altering and deadly medical interventions, should be put before an international court and tried for murder and treason. There have been many people working hard to get through to their local parliamentarians about this devastation with little effect. They are totally ignoring the data presented and obviously do not care a wit about the individuals who are now suffering from horrendous complications from said gene therapy or even worse have died and left their family fatherless, motherless or childless. This is happening all over the world with little headway in beating this evil. One of the problems is that the Judiciary is corrupt to the core so fighting legally is still a monumental task. I just hope that as time goes by more and more people will see the light before it is too late and just say, 'NO'.


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For what it's worth, I'm not afraid. I shall continue to live my life as normal, calmly and with situational awareness, exactly as I did over the past three years.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Another outstanding well researched article.

I second your nomination as a national treasure!

We know they're lying, but the lies, doubling down and cover up continue. Total censorship is their answer to stopping us from discovering the true numbers of democide victims.

Praying for your safety and many thanks for your commitment to keeping us informed.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Author

Thank you Anna. Imagine sitting there, seeing the jab data during covid zero coming in every month in 2021 and having to stop elective surgeries because hospitals are collapsing under the weight of thousands of jab injuries.

Then, instead of stopping the jab roll out, even perhaps to the world, you choose to terrorise the public through press conferences, the judiciary, the police and the media in an attempt to cover up your crimes.

Relatedly, never forget the sheer terror displayed by Gunner here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hIKhtCB8PA

Did they honestly think we wouldn't find out, or understand what was happening?

Thank you for your prayers. Gratefully received and needed.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Thank you so much for the work you do

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This piece is not on "excess deaths after vaccination" but instead on how Fauci and his team of prevaricators created a false narrative about the origins of this virus.

However, that false narrative led to the roll-out of new mRNA vaccines. Or: If the real truth of "early spread" had been revealed to the public there would have been no lockdowns and no big clamor for any "vaccines" ... as everyone would have known this virus wasn't lethal to 99 percent of the public.

In short, evidence of early spread HAD to be concealed to protect lockdowns and the roll-out of the mRNA “vaccines.”


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Some nice thoughts here Bill.

This was my progression. I heard of a virus in late 2019 and associated ccp fuckery - I won't write about it here, but I thought 'something is happening' given the ash plumes over Wuhan as they were burning bodies/something - NOAA picked this up which was interesting. Not that they were necessarily burning virus victims, but perhaps disappearing and burning dissidents. The satellite imagery from that area is also very interesting. I'm still not quite sure what that was but coincidentally a lot of people seemed to have disappeared around that time.

One of the things that I thought in early 2020 was that Fauci's "armageddon virus" had leaked from Wuhan. He and his colleagues had spoken of it in the past in those exact words. If you are to find articles about this, your internet-fu will have to be very strong because it has been pretty much scrubbed. Initially, given how insane the governments and media went, OF COURSE they all knew it came from a lab in early 2020.

Then, when the CFR data came out from S Korea and the Diamond Princess that it was not the armageddon virus, I thought - happy days, they will stop. Also the BLAST paper from the Indians showing it was a SARS-type virus. But they kept going, because of course it was ze plan, and the tinpot dictators in places like Australia were making hay.

And here we are - ze acceleration phase.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

So many of my favourite Australian writers mentioned in this article, shout out to you all -you are amazing warriors

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