***Update to article:

Please see new section on cognitive warfare. If you are an email reader you will have to refresh article in your browser.

***Update 2.

New section on 'myGovID' and link to website.

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***Any electricians in other states: let me know what you are seeing with your situation and I will update the article which is definitely not set in stone.

Is it just Skills Maintenance Assessment? Renewals? Apprentices? Everyone? These websites were extremely difficult to navigate and understand so let me know.

Send me links: vicparkpetition@protonmail.com

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The new Caged Air Act. 😠

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From Sydney to Perth, from Tassie to Brisbane ...a Digital Curtain has descended across the continent... iron slave bracelets will be replaced with Digital I.Ds. Carbon Credits, CBDCs, Thought Police glaring at your every keystroke, before it even leaves your device. "THINK TWICE! THINK RIGHT, BEFORE YOU SEND"!

We want us to be BETTER 😇😇😇😑

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And good luck to anyone trying to outrun the drones and firestorms outside the cities. They'll get to you eventually. The 'intentional communities' will be hit first.

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Mad Max in rural areas. RoboCop in urban " precincts" ... Mmm... Still reckon we best be sticking to higher ground... Literally and metaphorically.

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When the levee breaks is not a joke.

But when fire goes upmountain you get it both ways lol.


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Mathew 10:27

“Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in [a]hell."

It seems that some of us are one limbo pole shift from purgatory.. but most people are already there ( here)

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