We have been crying the battle cry "NEVER AGAIN" and rallying the troops since the mandates 1.0 version. The time has come to live up to that. LET'S ROLL!! 💪


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Smiling through tears right now. Thank God.

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Dear Readers,

For those of you who do not understand why I am forced to close my comments to paid subscribers only, please see this article by exceptional Perth Substacker aagabriel, who documents mindwar https://aagabriel.substack.com/p/tools-and-techniques-for-cognitive

Comments are now closed to paid subs only.

Thank you to those who commented previously.

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Merianne Jensen: “If masks work, then why don’t they work?” - Prince William County School Board Mtg [February 2, 2022]

Jim Jeffreis, Feb 3, 2022


Hat tip: https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/throttled-adversarial-logic-silences



[applause and cheering]

MERIANNE JENSEN: My name is Merianne Jensen and my address is on file. I know there are many educators who want to protect children. This goal is not different from my own. Our implementation preferences may differ, but we want the same thing, to get through covid without harm. Unfortunately, politics leads us to believe there is only one solution, masks.

Yet thousands of schools around the country have been open during the entire pandemic without masks, and no corresponding rise in serious illness. There were not child coffins lined up as some educators in this county suggested would be the case.

In fact things have been going pretty much as normal. Kids are getting sick despite wearing masks. We are forcing healthy children home for [makes air-quotes with fingers] exposure, despite them wearing masks. And we are segregating children by vaccination status and religious exemption status—

WOMAN'S VOICE: [unintelligible]

MERIANNE JENSEN: — despite the wearing of masks. So I ask you, if masks work, why don't they?

[applause and cheering]

I'd now like to cover the facts, not policy as determined by the White House, not CDC recommendations, which I remind you is still policy, policy I might add that changes by the day without any basis in science at all.

So here are the facts that are available to any one of you.

Over the course of the pandemic 49,000 children have died of all causes, 331 of those were covid-related, yet we have turned kids lives upside down at school for what is essentially a non-risk.

Let's put that risk into context. Last year fewer kids died of covid-19 than have heart disease, cancerous tumors, suicide, homicide, and drownings. Have the protocols, have the schools stopped serving hamburgers and french fries? Have we put up tin foil on the ceilings to block power lines? Do we even address the growing incidences of suicide during the pandemic? No! We play politics with kids faces by placing restrictive fabric over their noses and mouths that the CDC itself has said don't do anything and it's for their safety.

This is asinine. This is blatant political theater and it needs to end.

[applause and cheering]

Finally, regarding that, and I need to point something out that has been bothering me. On November 15th of last year I had the privilege of speaking with Dr McDade* for 10 minutes following the CRT town hall meeting. During that discussion which was friendly and cordial, I asked what she, as superintendent could do to get the kids out of masks. Dr. McDade told me that she would if she could, but that her hands were tied by then Governor Northam's executive order mandating face coverings.

[loud groaning from audience]

And if it weren't for that, things would be different. Well, tonight things are different.

[applause and cheering]

But I'd like to ask you Dr McDade tonight, what has changed? And what do you plan on doing now that your hands are untied? I'm in fact, I'm asking all of you to step up the way other leaders who have, and are ending covid restrictions by the day. What [hits podium with fist], when [hits podium with fist], will you, what [hits podium with fist], will it take?

You are on the losing side of history and it's time to make that right before these children now.

[applause and cheering]



#   #   #

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: After it immediately racked up nearly a million views, this video was removed by YouTube, and then subsequently reinstated. Merianne Jensen gave an interview about this to Clay Travis and Buck Sexton about this censorship and related issues on February 9, 2022, see:


* LaTanya D. McDade, Ed.D.

Superintendant of Schools, Prince William County, Virginia


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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Author

Wow that was an amazing video. I knew someone who force-masked their toddler and didn't let them outside for years. The child was terrified of other people and face-blind.

To all the WA Health minders reading this: the psychological damage you did to the people because of your personal and political fetishes cost people their lives. Fuck you and fuck your masks.

Edit: (overturns table)

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Thank God for you.

Also, I watched the phenomenal video you posted of the US man who worked in the nursing home who described the vaccine deaths after the rollout. He was so compassionate, so intelligent, you could literally see him wrestling with evil. It was chilling and terrifying - his bravery was incredible.

For anyone who wants to see it:

CNA Nursing Home Worker Says Seniors Dying “Like Flies” After COVID Injections

Corona Virus News

Publius, January 29, 2021


see also


which has this same video from its rumble page:


and also (same video): HealthImpactNews, posted January 27, 2021


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Thanks for your kind words, ExcessDeathsAU, and as we say in my neck of the woods, backatcha.

PS For anyone who doesn't do video, here's the transcript:


James, Certified Nursing Assistant in a Nursing Home: "Listen to what I'm trying to tell you"

PULL-QUOTE: "when they take this vaccine, what I am seeing with my eyes is that they are dying right in front of us.... Hundred more CNAs, hundred more nurses, who are exactly thinking what I'm talking to you about right now. They know it. They just don't want to speak. They are afraid. They're confused. They just don't know how to confront this issue. I don't either. One thing I do know, we must say something."

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Also relatedly:

Chris Sky's COVID SURVIVAL GUIDE FALL/WINTER 2022 EDITION! Share *note* I forgot SADS.... aka cardiac arrest from the jab!

posted Sept 22, 2022



CHRIS SKY [walking on treadmill throughout]: OK, I'm doing my morning cardio here and everybody should do morning cardio by the way, just getting it out of the way, help your immune system, burn some fat, pump your energy for the day, etcetera, etcetera. Anyways. I'm going to call this video Chris Sky's Covid Survival Guide for Fall/Winter 2022. Why and what does that mean? Well the why is because they're going to bombard you with so much bullsh*t about viruses and diseases and literally just keep your head spinning so you have no fu*king clue what's going on and you're so confused that they're hoping you get back to that terrified state of mind where you either sit there and do absolutely nothing, or do exactly what they tell you to do. And that was the why.

And so what we're going to do is, we're going to talk about all the things they're going to bring up and we're going to talk about the real reason that those things are happening.

So we'll start with tomorrow Thursday the 23rd World Health Organization is going to declare monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern. Just like covid 19 and just like polio [inaudible] which we'll get to later. So tomorrow monkeypox is going to be considered the same global health emergency level as covid. What does that mean? That means that the World Health Organization gets to set an international coordinated response, aka restrictions, and all the global populations countries are obligated by law to participate.

Next, they just said that they got polio again in the UK and they admit it's vaccine-induced polio which means that somebody they gave the oral polio vaccine to, same one that Bill Gates used to paralyze 500,000 children in India, this person got the vaccine and they shed the live virus most likely in their feces, [inaudible] got into the London sewage system so it can infect others.

Polio is the third public health emergency of international concern and to my knowledge, this is the first time in human history, please correct me if I'm wrong, that we have three concurrent public health emergencies of international concern. And this unprecedented situation, remember I said those exact words, it's called programming, this unprecedented situation is the first of its kind and it's going to require a robust global response using every tool available to keep you safe. Translation, more restrictions! To be blamed on those three viruses.

But that's not enough to scare you! Because we're already with lockdowns, vaccinations, restrictions, covid, seen the videos of the Chinese people falling down, that's how this all started. People just collapsing in the street, March 2020 or earlier actually. So they need to ramp up the fear. So now you're going to be hearing about all these convenient new diseases, remember this is the decade of pandemics.

Diseases including viruses, bacterial infections. And what am I talking about? Well we've already seen hepatitis, especially in children. And what is hepatitis? Liver inflammation from an infected liver. What is the real cause of this hepatitis epidemic? Surprise! It's the covid jab especially when the spike proteins like to lodge themselves in internal organs like the heart, kidney, liver, and in females in the ovaries. So there's that.

Now just today they're talking about super gonorrhea. This is a bacterial infection, not even a virus, and the same antibiotic which is for bacterias not viruses in general, that they've used to treat gonorrhea, one of the last two that actually works on it, was the same one they were widespread giving out for covid-induced bacterial infections in lung patients. So they created this resistance to the antibiotic in the pandemic by prescribing this to millions and millions of people around the world, and now, and I want to make this known, all these so-called bacterial infections and extra virulent diseases that they're going to talk about, easier to transmit, more virulent, da da da da da, the reason that's happening is not because bacterial infections have evolved that fast or not because the viruses are evolving that fast, there's no real antibiotic resistance. You know what it is? It's the suppressed immune function of the people who took three jabs who haven't been living healthy the last two years, drinking, smoking, eating like crap, not working out, thinking the injections going to keep them healthy

and wearing a mask every day. You guys with your super bad immune systems that could barely work are the reason all these diseases are popping up and they seem to be more virulent.

They next one we have is HIV and its huge because they're already talking about a super HIV that they discovered in the Netherlands, really it was in Uganda but they don't want to say that because it's racist and bring stigmatization to Africa. But that's reality. But what is a super HIV strain? It is, they say easily more transmittable and the HIV induces AIDS much faster in this strain of the virus.

So let's say that again. Way easier to transmit and it progresses to AIDS and kills you faster. And once again, what is the real cause behind this new strain of HIV? It's called vaccine-induced immuno-erosion, as the Israelis called it. What is HIV? It is the low white blood cell count, your white blood cell is your immune system. It's high it means you're fighting off an infection, if it's low it means it's because it's suppressed by something. If it gets really low they consider you an HIV patient because now your immune system can't fight stuff off. As you're going to see, triple, quadruple, fifth jab people are going to have the lowest immune system function and a lot of them are going to have vaccine-induced HIV. People call it VAIDS. And they're going to blame the new HIV strain for this.

So this is all the stuff that's coming up. And this is all the stuff they're going to hit you with and I'm talking in the next couple months, so they can reintroduce restrictions, reintroduce fear into your hearts. Popup vaccination clinics for everything, you're going to see monkeypox vaccination clinics, polio vaccination clinics, covid vaccination clinics, flu shot vaccination clinics. And everything else they can get out there. They want to bombard you with so many shots that you just believe that there's nowhere else to go but take all these shots and take all these pandemics so seriously that you're willing to give up your rights and freedoms once again.

They're already calling for the seventh wave, ladies and gentlemen. Seventh wave. There's a movie called The Fifth Wave. And if you haven't figured it out by now, a 7th wave is going to lead to an 8th, 9th, 10th and then they'll transfer it to another disease or another thing called climate change. There's that old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven times, what the hell is wrong with me? So guys, this is your Chris Sky Covid / Monkeypox / Polio / every other epidemic they're going to throw at you Survival Guide and Explanation for 2020 [2022] fall and winter. And all you got to do to make this nightmare stop is simply just say no. And if enough of us do that so there's something called united noncompliance and we win. This is going to be banned like crazy so have some balls and share it all over the fu*king place.



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I remember watching Chris Sky talking about CBDCs and lockdowns and being amazed. He was showing all the websites in the UK of the farming and carbon credits.

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Thank you and God bless you n yours.

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Transcriber B, thank you so much for this. I live two counties over from Prince William, and I have to read an Australian substack to get this?? Granted I am negligent about keeping up, but you have given me something to follow up on. Our current Republican governor in Virginia spent the 25 years before he got into politics working for the WEFFIE Carlyle Group.

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If the Australian government has its way, soon you will no longer be able to get information in comment sections: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/year-zero-australias-digital-censorship

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

i believe the Mis/Dis information bill has been delayed until next year some time; i'm also led to believe there were over 53,000 negative public submissions made to the ACMA website; None of the submissions were tabled in Parliament;

it does seem however that for once in its sorry WEF/WHO/UN arse-licking-existence AusGovCO actually recognised the stats coming from a Public Petition and backed down....for now;

we should all be aware that 'the bill' was and is naught but a distraction away from the fact that our online presence is being monitored and censored anyway...it has been since Scummo introduced the 'identify and disrupt' legislation in 2020; this legislation 'allowed' AusGovCO to not only censor what we share with our fellow beings, but also gave them the 'power' to alter, yes ALTER. anything we might have posted on a forum such as this..and could/can even ALTER or DELETE private emails we send or receive;

so basically, the Mis/Dis info bill was only strengthening and possibly making 'Law' that of which AusGovCO already has in place....and not a single 'good' senator has said anything about repealing Scummo's legislation;

Parliament....where the good cop/bad cop TV reality show gets played on a constant loop, day in, day out.

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Good point on the Digital Disruption Bill.

'AusGovCo' does not give a flying F about 'petitions.' They are re-writing it because their masters are demanding it for spying, warmongering, and/or financial purposes.

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i did say it Seems like they listened.....most here are aware that AusGovCo is nothing but a smoke n mirrors show.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Hello Phar Percheron, Thankyou for your comment. I hear you, wow, this is how heavy the censorship has been. Substack is where it's at right now. Mainstream media all took the government silver. With counted exceptions (there are a few) "professional" journalists rank on my list of respectables now just below Slobbering Toads. Click on "the Judas List" in this article and you'll probably find your local paper:

"ON JOURNALISM: I know why the caged birds don't sing"

by Doc Pruyne, April 8, 2023.


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That is an excellent article!!

A shorter list would be reliable news sources :-)

Slobbering toads might be our last resort, once substack commenters are throttled :-(

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May I suggest Lindsay at Freedom Media WA? :)

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Thanks! on FB? any other way ?

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He's on Rumble which is where I can find him. Here is the linked channel in the article: https://rumble.com/c/c-1133903

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Your Rino Governor is a jerk.

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But he has great hair. Unfortunately.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Given the direction any "SOE" could go, I really wish people would just get old skool on this and "Just say NO to drugs!".🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤨😉

Goo work on drawing attention to this. Don't think it's just a WA thing, SA seems to be making similar noises.

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised #mistakeswereNOTmade

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Yeah, QLD is about to start this non-sense again as well; the MSM had something like "do Queenslanders want to risk Christmas or wear a mask to stop the spread"?

sadly, from what i saw, there were more 'wear a mask' responses than 'risk Christmas' responses...such is the way of the Devil we know as 'the media'.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Author

Most of the MSM comments are bots and paid shills. The comment sections are designed to strengthen the narrative of the article.

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deletedNov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU
Comment deleted
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Do not despair.

When we argue, we argue not with the 'target' but for the benefit of those watching.

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beware the pickled tongue that has been observed changing the 'station' and orchestrating division on SS for the last 2-3 years.

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I just banned a concern troll. Yet, many issues are at play. I have it well in hand.

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i will now delete this comment so as to free up this space; i know you are well onto the infiltrators...never hurst to have more eyes though...

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Author

This is why I often close comments to paid subscribers only. I do not have time to keep on top of everything.

I'll often keep comments open for a few days on new articles because engaged free subscribers like to comment, but when it gets more traction in the community, infiltrators show up and derail things.

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Sending you good vibes and hoping you guys are successful in your protest. Our governor just signed a bill making it illegal for private businesses in Texas to require vaccines for employees. Progress. It was already illegal for state offices to require them....

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Thank you HB. This depends on the 'under-vaccinated' now: all 1.9M of them in the state, because the 44,600 unjabbed are rather outnumbered.

I do not know if these numbers are real but that is what the government is going with for the purposes of demoralisation and servicing their masters.

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It's shocking to me that Australia fell for this nonsense. I used to hang out with a lot of Aussies and thought they were the rebellious sort. (thus, my friends) Guess I was massively wrong.

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The children do not deserve what is happening, which is why I keep going.

Australia is infected with greed and pride. People are finding out, and if they are not yet, they soon will be.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

They are trying it on again. We already know that masks don't work. People got sick despite wearing a face nappy and despite having 4 or 5 jabs. So, why are people supposedly getting covid again? I think it is that they have been jabbed and now have no immunity to anything, plus the toxins in these jabs is enough to make them get sick continuously. Looking at live blood samples of people, you can see the contaminants in the blood from this toxic rubbish. This is now happening to unvaccinated people too, because of shedding.


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My friend theory. The Cold Play concert will be deemed a super spreader event, they only playing in Perth, so whole bunch of easterners have flown over for it...

Then all the states will crank it up for Xmas.

This will be our last stand, our hill to die on so to speak.

Plus if they bring in another lock down it will make such emergency powers permanent, as the current ones run out in August next year. It's why McGowan pushed through some legislation...before he left...

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I would say the following: a key intelligence point here is to watch who elevates this story as a point of awareness, and who tells you 'go back to sleep everything is fine' or ignores it completely in favour of personal 'brand enhancement' and nitpicking/backbiting

If we get everyone ready for non-compliance and nothing happens: happy days.

If we get everyone ready for non-compliance and it happens: we got everyone ready.

Glad you are on our team, that's for sure.

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yes, i recall someone a few months back called out that there would be a 'boogy-man' return in WA just in time for the scheduled Cold Play concert...and then a 'super-spreader' declaration would be announced;

it seems that some people have incredible insight to the future....or are they 'in-the-know'?.

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Some must be in the know, most of this info leaked out through local news, and local alt thought leaders. My friend keeps eye on local stuff, she told me this theory weeks ago, she heard and thought about it months ago.

Makes sense, then the happenings just keep lining up with it... So called piroli out break.... Increasing covid cases and so forth.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

The following is quote which if I remember rightly came from Robert Malone. It refers to the situation in the US but it is nevertheless relevant to what is proposed in WA. The last sentence is the most telling:

"As businesses, medical facilities, schools and public spaces are beginning to insist on masks again, it is important that this time, we all just say no as much as possible. Whether or not masks work is actually not the point. Personally, I found the Cochrane meta analysis that showed no obvious benefit to mask wearing to prevent infectious respiratory diseases, including COVID-19, to be compelling. More to the the point is that it is our right to chose. Weaponizing public health to control people is a clear sign that our government has moved into dangerous territory."

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Shared on FB btw...

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Thank you Samantha. Best of luck - I am heavily censored and banned so do not be surprised if your account or post is as well. Hopefully you will just experience shadowbanning. If you do, share Lindsey's original video - he is allowed to have social media


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Nov 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

No probs. I get shadow banned and outright restricted etc... regularly. I like to make sure they're on their toes at all times!!

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That's the spirit!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Round 2. We are empowered with the glaring failures of the last attempt. They're just digging their own plots.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

Who brought the original WA 2016 tryrannical Public Health Act / laws to the floor... obviously drafted by the globalists and set the stage for all this bullshit. Who was it and where did it come from?? These corrupt globalists have had their day time to drag them into the light.

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Wow that is such a great question. We know that Colin Barnett was Premier of WA at the time so it was his government, but as for the nuts and bolts of the Act I have no idea. I have previously opined that it was not so much 'setting the stage for covid' but rather a hold over from 'muh terrorism.'

Some forensic research is needed here, but I do not have the resources to do it - I have to work, and I already work pretty much around the clock.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by ExcessDeathsAU

That does seem a bit worrisome...

We are seeing some of this in Queensland too, but at least our current CHO has stated that mandatory masking would be a disproportionate response.

Nevertheless, medical & health centres in Qld have been given the option to make masks mandatory, and there has been a general ramping up of hysteria in the media. And I have been seeing more masks around lately... didn't realise why until I checked the news! (But I live in an area with a lot of Asian people, and they are a bit more ready to do weird stuff like walking along a sunny suburban street with no other people, wearing a mask.)

It's heartening to see that most people seem to be over it, and it's mostly only the frail and the fearful who have resorted to wearing masks.

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Thanks Mara.

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Removed (Banned)Nov 18, 2023
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Account: Seeds

Banned for concern trolling, insulting those who understand the principles of non-compliance, sowing fear and division around non-compliance despite previous explanation from other commenters, expecting the world to bend to your complaints and whining without doing any hard work yourself.

Inspiration of the ultimate act of non-compliance. Read these articles and think about it while you whine. If everyone engaged in non-compliance, they would still be alive:



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I was sent a 5 PAGE consent form for my Dad in a nursing home to have the next booster. They are starting to cover their arses.

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It's likely because there is no longer a State of Emergency/EUA to cover the liability.

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