It's a waiting game, innit? WHEN does OzGov attempt Mandated Vax Death vs how many die. When will the Booboeoise twig? In the queue? Or in the "showers"? Will They attempt to swoop up the UnVaXXed in one go? OR will it be Urban Warfare, street to street, as the State COPS try to fill the Concentration Camps? All Commentators here are ON THE LIST btw. When you hear that thunderous knocking, as your door is kicked down... are ya ready? Do ya feel it? I can hear a rifle range from my place. It sounds like... Freedom. Remember Bladerunner? Yeah? "Time to die" ☺️
A ton to get through but what i've drafted in response so far is ridiculous in size and I don't want to be so heavy when I should be writing this into it's own article. Bless!
1. I've read through your section on Cognitive Warfare and you're playing mah jam. I like to see efforts made at putting such terminology into a space existing in between Australian Gestalt and Aussie slang/vernacular.
A difficult task to do I think. Thinking that's because I'm not sure space is existing in between these things here; perhaps not yet, and perhaps not at all in the Australian context.
What do I mean? What is an example of such an *in-between* space?
Fence-sitting? Does that serve as an example of an in-between space?
Yes, Fence-Sitting is a well understood and commonly used term in the Australian vernacular. We know what a Fence-Sitter is and what kind of behavioural context precludes labeling someone as a Fence Sitter. It wasn't a label to wear with pride like a badge, or to display to others as a sign of loyalty. It was used disparagingly when heard during bouts of banter, so it wasn't much of an identity. And the prevailing perception of fence sitters was that they would prefer to choose no choice upon grounds of merit or morals or conviction, but rather on grounds of not recognizing identity as something made by choices. Or recognizing that formative aspects of identity for many others in the same Gestalt as you, are relying upon what choices they make to aid (or dictate) how they define themselves (and others).
Bearing this in mind, try explaining what a Fence Sitter is in our latest domain of conflict, the Cognitive Domain. I struggle at even attempting an angle on how I can approach what one would assume to be a simple task.. such is the degradation of my own cognitive faculties; dysfunctionality of my once tightly honed grasp of language and communication.
> "In order to navigate the cognitive warfare landscape, we can go to their plans which hide in plain sight."
A good starting point but the effects of combatants entering into unfamiliar domains of battle will be devastating. Cognitive Security is required teaching I think - a mandated and compulsory education for a range of dissimilar targets inside any group or population. Tailor-made engagement through deployment of bespoke Cognitive Security Solutions are recommended. Deploy at full throttle, strong in the confidence of the diverse needs from all selected target/s being met.
Our ability to customize every single aspect of every single target for every single maneuver made on this weird, ephemeral domain of Cognitive Warfare is what I believe will dictate the potential range of outcomes from customizable actions.
> "Our cognitive abilities may also be weakened by social media and smart devices."
Apropos of the above statement's author (NATO), is it's date of publication (2021). Both of which work against the formation of an accurate Cognitive Warfare & Cognitive Security ontology, or set of working definitions.
Our? No
May? No
Abilities? No
> "Cognitive ability IS weakened by social media and smart devices."
Rephrasing an opposing forces communication and language is a wonderful way to secure yourself from their attack, and potentially gain a tactical counterattacking advantage. If a counterattack is successful, then a strategic advantage is achieved through using far less resources more effectively than what the opposing force/originating force used initially.
So in other words, I cannot penetrate (much less break) the conditioning among the Australian normie that "the government is here to keep me safe." The 100+ years of propaganda to see nurses/doctors and police/military as heroes is so strong that even as they are being actively murdered, they will still parrot the government propaganda.
They do not understand that these people are following orders to kill them, and very, very rarely will disobey their commanding officer/line manager.
I was in the doctor's office a few months ago and watched nice old ladies get taken into a back room and injected with poison by pretty smiling nurses. The nurses were fussing over them, calling them 'so good for coming in and getting their jab.' The old people were glowing under the attention. Where were their families to protect them from this?
There was a young woman in her 20s also waiting for her jab. I looked at her and said 'don't do it' and she just looked at me in disgust.
This is why ASIO Mike is putting out his sermons about 'anti-vaxxers' etc.
This is what we are up against. Not elegant arguments. These people are gone.
I don't think it actually has to be this complicated.
Given that ASIO Mike has just delivered a disgusting sermon on the mount intended to terrify the sheeple into futher division (while saying division is the issue) we really are in the season of false flags. People cannot even see they are under attack. They just nod their head and see what they want to see in something like this:
It is literally the most disgusting document I have ever read.
Imagine being the head of ASIO and producing something like this - saying the "situation is degrading" while you are in charge, then saying at the end "The organisation I lead will continue to do what we have been successfully doing for 75 years: protecting Australia and Australians from threats to their security" while they are literally causing all the problems.
Absolute demon-clown show. They are really mask off now.
Just had a gander over Mikey's miserly missive. He's more intelligent and well-spoken than whoever wrote that garbage. The complete lack of fact or evidence, and heavy reliance upon baby-tier language skills (repeats "more, more, more" as if repeating it makes it seem like its more).
I might give the National Security Hotline a call and ask a few practical questions. The picture painted is rather a cause of concern and one of my passionate causes is online activism to protect those most vulnerable. What can I personally do to help in this and can I please be advised what are some of the signs of emergent XRW "dark path" scariness to look out for in men? (particularly white men?), (particularly young, white men?)
heh, i'll copypaste what I wrote to some ausfriends after they shared similar dismay.
> It's been higher than that a few years ago. It's kinda meaningless for us.
What isn't meaningless is noticing that the same raising of threat levels in anticipation of the same type of homegrown extremism was repeated by many countries worldwide.
all Western societies with extremely lax immigration policies.
UK, USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and their Intelligence Orgs have all raised the spectre of XRW (Extreme Right Wing) terrorism since at least 2016.
which means that policies supporting mass immigration were weaponized in these countries with full foreknowledge of what negative consequences would arise from them.
It's kinda a desperate bid to entice whitey to stand up for things like safety, security, personal wealth, family
after almost a decade of implementing national policies that caused regressions in standard of living. Specifically the native folk's standards of living.
over a span of at least 10 years, both sides have enacted such policies onto us. It's absolutely appalling to recognize their scope and reach across nations for the purpose of disenfranchising, and actually harming native populations.
whenever anyone tells you RED or BLUE party is the one that is gonna fix the problem this time around, y'all got a duty to tell them to STFU
because BOTH red and blue consistently lied for a decade to fuck the taxpayers and backstab their supporters.
I wonder how our little dance with the dystopian digital demon federal Eye of Horus down under will unfold in comparison to the UK's?
But you do make a very salient point. This is a far more obvious, blatant, long time seen coming Federal Government imposition upon it's citizenry than the plandemic was.
Don't get too mad. It's what they want, and i'm still fucking mad about the plandemic!!!!
I am no longer angry, but I think a lot of people are going to get hurt and people like me, exposing the clownshow, calling for peace and a cohesive nation will be blamed. It's quite amazing the way they invert and project.
They smashed the sh*t out of us physically and psychologically for years, poisoned us, terrorised us, murdered our families, took everything we owned and then clutch pearls about people being a wee bit angry.
It's ok, I'm kinda relieved in a way as I find the Simon Says signalling from FIVEYES Federal governments happening in a co-ordinated fashion like this to mean something isn't going according to the usual Fabian drip-drip-drip pace of change.
Yes, they're panicking and making mistakes. It will be a shitshow like covid and a substantial proportion of the population will see through it (not enough though).
I'm going to remain optimistic about this latest Fed Gov Threat. My rating remains at Potential Political Purposes because Albo's upgrade to 'Probable' doesn't match up to what I've noticed online since the UK racial riot instigation.
There's usually a very active contigent of actors trying to goad and stoke implied racial and ethnic greivances amongst such places online and it didn't seem too hard to spot who was a troll, a dumb naive kid, a manipulated and potentially dangerous miscreant and a totally bad faith actor.
ASIO may have substantial justification for making such a statement, but gee whiz i wish it wasn't so light on details and worded conspicuously in a manner that elicits unease to most, and goads others into further distrusting government, etc etc.
I hope no young blokes go haywire and this all gets conflated into something that makes it worse. They are actually a very vulnerable, sensitive and harmed section of the population already. I used to worry about them a lot and saw firsthand how readily they sought role models, brotherly and fatherly support etc when they had none in their life. :-(
This is interesting. New words are appearing again...
> "Mis/disinformation and conspiracies (misbeliefs) are encountered by people, who vary in their cognitive capacity to resist false or misleading information. Misbeliefs are also easy to share online and become forces for social and political change precisely when they are taken up by entire communities, providing a basis for ideologically extreme, reactionary or illiberal movements."
eh, NATO are pansies at this stuff. Wannabe militarized police force like the U.N. Peacekeepers, but with added spicy memes and oh-so academically legitimized CogWar definitions.
It's a waiting game, innit? WHEN does OzGov attempt Mandated Vax Death vs how many die. When will the Booboeoise twig? In the queue? Or in the "showers"? Will They attempt to swoop up the UnVaXXed in one go? OR will it be Urban Warfare, street to street, as the State COPS try to fill the Concentration Camps? All Commentators here are ON THE LIST btw. When you hear that thunderous knocking, as your door is kicked down... are ya ready? Do ya feel it? I can hear a rifle range from my place. It sounds like... Freedom. Remember Bladerunner? Yeah? "Time to die" ☺️
PS Beware 🍑🚫 bumsex or get the mpox! 🤣
A ton to get through but what i've drafted in response so far is ridiculous in size and I don't want to be so heavy when I should be writing this into it's own article. Bless!
1. I've read through your section on Cognitive Warfare and you're playing mah jam. I like to see efforts made at putting such terminology into a space existing in between Australian Gestalt and Aussie slang/vernacular.
A difficult task to do I think. Thinking that's because I'm not sure space is existing in between these things here; perhaps not yet, and perhaps not at all in the Australian context.
What do I mean? What is an example of such an *in-between* space?
Fence-sitting? Does that serve as an example of an in-between space?
Yes, Fence-Sitting is a well understood and commonly used term in the Australian vernacular. We know what a Fence-Sitter is and what kind of behavioural context precludes labeling someone as a Fence Sitter. It wasn't a label to wear with pride like a badge, or to display to others as a sign of loyalty. It was used disparagingly when heard during bouts of banter, so it wasn't much of an identity. And the prevailing perception of fence sitters was that they would prefer to choose no choice upon grounds of merit or morals or conviction, but rather on grounds of not recognizing identity as something made by choices. Or recognizing that formative aspects of identity for many others in the same Gestalt as you, are relying upon what choices they make to aid (or dictate) how they define themselves (and others).
Bearing this in mind, try explaining what a Fence Sitter is in our latest domain of conflict, the Cognitive Domain. I struggle at even attempting an angle on how I can approach what one would assume to be a simple task.. such is the degradation of my own cognitive faculties; dysfunctionality of my once tightly honed grasp of language and communication.
> "In order to navigate the cognitive warfare landscape, we can go to their plans which hide in plain sight."
A good starting point but the effects of combatants entering into unfamiliar domains of battle will be devastating. Cognitive Security is required teaching I think - a mandated and compulsory education for a range of dissimilar targets inside any group or population. Tailor-made engagement through deployment of bespoke Cognitive Security Solutions are recommended. Deploy at full throttle, strong in the confidence of the diverse needs from all selected target/s being met.
Our ability to customize every single aspect of every single target for every single maneuver made on this weird, ephemeral domain of Cognitive Warfare is what I believe will dictate the potential range of outcomes from customizable actions.
> "Our cognitive abilities may also be weakened by social media and smart devices."
Apropos of the above statement's author (NATO), is it's date of publication (2021). Both of which work against the formation of an accurate Cognitive Warfare & Cognitive Security ontology, or set of working definitions.
Our? No
May? No
Abilities? No
> "Cognitive ability IS weakened by social media and smart devices."
Rephrasing an opposing forces communication and language is a wonderful way to secure yourself from their attack, and potentially gain a tactical counterattacking advantage. If a counterattack is successful, then a strategic advantage is achieved through using far less resources more effectively than what the opposing force/originating force used initially.
So in other words, I cannot penetrate (much less break) the conditioning among the Australian normie that "the government is here to keep me safe." The 100+ years of propaganda to see nurses/doctors and police/military as heroes is so strong that even as they are being actively murdered, they will still parrot the government propaganda.
They do not understand that these people are following orders to kill them, and very, very rarely will disobey their commanding officer/line manager.
I was in the doctor's office a few months ago and watched nice old ladies get taken into a back room and injected with poison by pretty smiling nurses. The nurses were fussing over them, calling them 'so good for coming in and getting their jab.' The old people were glowing under the attention. Where were their families to protect them from this?
There was a young woman in her 20s also waiting for her jab. I looked at her and said 'don't do it' and she just looked at me in disgust.
This is why ASIO Mike is putting out his sermons about 'anti-vaxxers' etc.
This is what we are up against. Not elegant arguments. These people are gone.
I don't think it actually has to be this complicated.
Given that ASIO Mike has just delivered a disgusting sermon on the mount intended to terrify the sheeple into futher division (while saying division is the issue) we really are in the season of false flags. People cannot even see they are under attack. They just nod their head and see what they want to see in something like this:
It is literally the most disgusting document I have ever read.
Imagine being the head of ASIO and producing something like this - saying the "situation is degrading" while you are in charge, then saying at the end "The organisation I lead will continue to do what we have been successfully doing for 75 years: protecting Australia and Australians from threats to their security" while they are literally causing all the problems.
Absolute demon-clown show. They are really mask off now.
Edit: archive
Just had a gander over Mikey's miserly missive. He's more intelligent and well-spoken than whoever wrote that garbage. The complete lack of fact or evidence, and heavy reliance upon baby-tier language skills (repeats "more, more, more" as if repeating it makes it seem like its more).
I might give the National Security Hotline a call and ask a few practical questions. The picture painted is rather a cause of concern and one of my passionate causes is online activism to protect those most vulnerable. What can I personally do to help in this and can I please be advised what are some of the signs of emergent XRW "dark path" scariness to look out for in men? (particularly white men?), (particularly young, white men?)
>heavy reliance upon baby-tier language skills
ikr? I was actually in stitches reading it.
You should ring the NSH and express concern for Mike's wellbeing. He seems vax injured x
heh, i'll copypaste what I wrote to some ausfriends after they shared similar dismay.
> It's been higher than that a few years ago. It's kinda meaningless for us.
What isn't meaningless is noticing that the same raising of threat levels in anticipation of the same type of homegrown extremism was repeated by many countries worldwide.
all Western societies with extremely lax immigration policies.
UK, USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND and their Intelligence Orgs have all raised the spectre of XRW (Extreme Right Wing) terrorism since at least 2016.
which means that policies supporting mass immigration were weaponized in these countries with full foreknowledge of what negative consequences would arise from them.
It's kinda a desperate bid to entice whitey to stand up for things like safety, security, personal wealth, family
after almost a decade of implementing national policies that caused regressions in standard of living. Specifically the native folk's standards of living.
over a span of at least 10 years, both sides have enacted such policies onto us. It's absolutely appalling to recognize their scope and reach across nations for the purpose of disenfranchising, and actually harming native populations.
whenever anyone tells you RED or BLUE party is the one that is gonna fix the problem this time around, y'all got a duty to tell them to STFU
because BOTH red and blue consistently lied for a decade to fuck the taxpayers and backstab their supporters.
I wonder how our little dance with the dystopian digital demon federal Eye of Horus down under will unfold in comparison to the UK's?
But you do make a very salient point. This is a far more obvious, blatant, long time seen coming Federal Government imposition upon it's citizenry than the plandemic was.
Don't get too mad. It's what they want, and i'm still fucking mad about the plandemic!!!!
I am no longer angry, but I think a lot of people are going to get hurt and people like me, exposing the clownshow, calling for peace and a cohesive nation will be blamed. It's quite amazing the way they invert and project.
They smashed the sh*t out of us physically and psychologically for years, poisoned us, terrorised us, murdered our families, took everything we owned and then clutch pearls about people being a wee bit angry.
I have to hand it to them. They're balls out now.
them being the governments, yeah?
It's ok, I'm kinda relieved in a way as I find the Simon Says signalling from FIVEYES Federal governments happening in a co-ordinated fashion like this to mean something isn't going according to the usual Fabian drip-drip-drip pace of change.
Yes, they're panicking and making mistakes. It will be a shitshow like covid and a substantial proportion of the population will see through it (not enough though).
I'm going to remain optimistic about this latest Fed Gov Threat. My rating remains at Potential Political Purposes because Albo's upgrade to 'Probable' doesn't match up to what I've noticed online since the UK racial riot instigation.
There's usually a very active contigent of actors trying to goad and stoke implied racial and ethnic greivances amongst such places online and it didn't seem too hard to spot who was a troll, a dumb naive kid, a manipulated and potentially dangerous miscreant and a totally bad faith actor.
ASIO may have substantial justification for making such a statement, but gee whiz i wish it wasn't so light on details and worded conspicuously in a manner that elicits unease to most, and goads others into further distrusting government, etc etc.
I hope no young blokes go haywire and this all gets conflated into something that makes it worse. They are actually a very vulnerable, sensitive and harmed section of the population already. I used to worry about them a lot and saw firsthand how readily they sought role models, brotherly and fatherly support etc when they had none in their life. :-(
This is interesting. New words are appearing again...
> "Mis/disinformation and conspiracies (misbeliefs) are encountered by people, who vary in their cognitive capacity to resist false or misleading information. Misbeliefs are also easy to share online and become forces for social and political change precisely when they are taken up by entire communities, providing a basis for ideologically extreme, reactionary or illiberal movements."
🙏 a light start to Sunday 😊 hope you are in a good space
Morning to your followers
Thanks Jac, and for always remembering to greet my .gov minders. Cracks me up!
eh, NATO are pansies at this stuff. Wannabe militarized police force like the U.N. Peacekeepers, but with added spicy memes and oh-so academically legitimized CogWar definitions.
>Not funny that COUNTERING cognitive warfare is the same thing as COGNITIVE WARFARE!
That NATO article is a total mind f. These people. Honestly.
Thanks for dropping by mate, and your support.