I am receiving desperately, desperately sad emails, particularly from readers who have lost children. One of the things that has helped me is to contemplate the sorrow and sacrifice of the immaculate heart of the Holy Mother, who birthed Christ to die on the Cross.
Please see this chant from Orthodox church in Ukraine "Into the Dark Night" - Monks of the Sviatohirsk Lavra. Their recent condition has not been good, but here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTSruhryIEA
Thank you for this beautiful post. It is so raw and real, so purely honest and has so much of the depth of your heart in it. Thank you for having the courage to share all that you’ve shared. You are a warrior of Jesus Christ.
I have come to believe/understand that in the all-knowingness of our Father who is all over the timeline and already knows who is staying in Him and *standing* until the bitter end, in His holy name, regardless of what the consequences - that He knows who is truly His and so He has been and is now breathing His strength and Holy Spirit power within us and giving us the ability to make it and to stay rooted firmly within Him. The decision is ours, as He has deisgned, but He already knows who is choosing Him over all else. He knows you are sold out to Him, and He loves you and He pulled you out of the pit to His glory. I loved reading both your dream and your vision and I was thinking maybe The Lord even sent you Aaron himself from Exodus!! Your imagery of the cloak and pomegranates was so beautiful.
I believe satan also knows who belongs to The Lord God Almighty and he has been going after us since childhood, but he will never prevail. What you suffered in childhood (and in recent years) hurt my heart to read, but through the strength of Jesus you’ve not only prevailed but come out stronger and wiser and with a depth of love and compassion that you couldn’t have had otherwise. You are wise to understand it from a holy and spiritual perspective.
I greatly admire your honesty and humility and your wisdom. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life with us here.
I continue to pray for you to have great joy!! The darkness has passed and as you continue to recover, it’s time for you to not only be “better” but to have a depth of joy that runs so deep within you that you’re floored and overwhelmed by it. And this is possible because it comes straight from our Savior. Nothing will touch the emotions of what you got a glimpse of in your dream; however I do believe The Lord wants us to have a huge taste of that here on earth. And as you stand firm in Him and in His will, resisting and fighting the evil and humbly doing the will of our Father, then you are just where you need to be to receive that joy.
EDAU, I have very (VERY) few friends who see what I see regarding all of this, but I wish I could grab one of them who also reads you and we could fly over for a quick visit to Australia (😂) to take you out to dinner and we would all have some fun laughing and encouraging each other! Hey, you never know what’s possible in The Lord, right? :)
I will stop back in a little later this weekend because I want to respond to some specific parts of what you wrote (there are so many gems within this post!) but first I wanted to write to say thank you. This is all so beautiful what you’ve written from your heart. Keep standing strong and know that The Lord is so pleased with you in your love for Him, and for your humility and for speaking His holy truth. I pray that His joy bursts through and shines bright in your heart, ExcessDeathsAU!!
Your comment about the timelines is so important. Gosh, imagine a visit from Aaron. That would be something.
Yet, the man who came to me I understood to be someone connected to my family in the church from a very long time ago. This has given me a lot to think about, most of it extremely painful considering the present condition of the church (as our comment brother Jerry has stated), as well as my own condition.
I wait patiently for the Lord, and His instructions.
Thanks for responding, ExcessDeathsAU! I wish that your comments section were able to be open to all because I’m sure so many people would like to comment to you on this beautiful post, but the evil world being what it is, I know that can’t be.
I took screenshots of so many parts of this post. You summed up with perfection what is happening and what we are dealing with.
When you said in regards to physically and spiritually controlling people via the injections, “For those who are spiritually or intellectually unprepared to entertain this possibility, there is no amount or type of evidence that will be convincing”….you are so right and this is why we feel to be banging our heads against a brick wall and that our words are not even being heard much less processed by those we are shouting this to.
I could not agree more with the words you posted from Jackie Stone and your saying that people don’t understand what we’re dealing with, we are dealing with satan. And thus nothing short of the spiritual warfare and weapons you mentioned will be of any use whatsoever. It’s our *only* option now. The useless spinning of wheels of those trying to fight without the spiritual understanding is maddening to watch.
I’m sorry about your bout with pneumonia and what they did to you.😡
My sister joined a homeopathy group a couple years ago and I have been floored with all the things she’s been able to fix for her family and me through natural homeopathic pellets. There are even homeopaths who can do a virtual consult with you and tell you what remedies to do. My sister uses a couple different professional homeopaths for some of their more persistent issues. One of them is a Christian who lives in Germany and does very inexpensive consults. Just a heads up as something to consider. I’ve learned so much from my sister about it.
There’s also something else I think all of us who are 100% not complying should keep in our back pockets regarding healthcare, which is urotherapy. It sounds disgusting but our urine instantly makes antibodies to all that is going on in our bodies and it makes those antibodies quickly. So quickly that if you’re bit by a snake it’s known that you put some urine on your tongue and on the site of the bite, and you’ll be ok. It’s free and always available and is supposed to be able to fix most anything except structural issues. I was intrigued as soon as I heard about it and have mentioned it to a handful of people….most look at me like I’m crazy, but if we’re sick and are refused treatment, then it could be life-saving. (and in general can be excellent for one’s health)
Regarding the current condition of the church, I asked my priest 2 years ago how he handles all of the corruption and he said to me that the church has both a divine and a human nature, and while the human nature has been corrupted, the divine nature will never be corrupted. And we stand in that divine nature.
I also wanted to tell you a little story that my priest told a couple times since you mentioned being a monk in another life. He tells about how St. Francis was asked, while hoeing his garden, what he would do if he knew the word would end tomorrow and St. Francis responded that he would keep on hoeing his garden. I’ve always loved that story and understood very much after hearing it that we need to be so much in God’s will that knowing the world is ending tomorrow would not need to change the course of our actions one bit. (This also reminds me of the violin player/players who kept on playing while the Titanic was sinking, doing their calling until the last moment.)
Thanks for reading all this and I have one final thing, which is a question for you (actually 2) - have you ever been in that Bondi Icebergs pool? And do you know if any sea creatures have ever dropped into that pool via a big wave?? I’d be scared of suddenly having a shark swimming next to me!!😂
People swim back and forth across the bay for ocean swimming so doing laps in the pool is not a big deal.
Also I need to put a disclaimer on your post for Australian legal purposes (which is why my comments section is closed to paid only - it has nothing to do with money):
Comments on EDAU not medical advice. EDAU not responsible for comments or the actions of those reading the comments.
ExcessDeathsAU, I’m obsessed with this pool now lol.
I saw how there’s even a whole documentary movie called The Pool about it.
Have you seen this footage of it from Cyclone Tiffany a couple years ago?😮
(The first link is the original but since it’s on Facebook and maybe you can’t see it through that, I also screen-recorded it and put it on my Google drive.)
ExcessDeathsAU, I have a comment for you that is not regarding Bondi Icebergs…. although I’m aware that by saying this I did actually still find a way to bring up that most fascinating pool!😂
I just want to say Merry Christmas to you! It’s Christmas Eve for you now, if my calculations are correct. :)
So I want to wish you a beautiful and wonderful Christmas in the love and joy of our Savior, who loves us beyond our imagination, and who holds you in the palm of His hand.
Thank you for sharing your life with us recently. Your post and your honesty truly touched me.
You are in my prayers and I’m grateful to be connected with you via substack. (I love seeing how The Lord uses the technology for His good and is bringing the true followers of Jesus together, no matter where we may live.)
Here are some beautiful songs for you…. (maybe you’ve seen/heard these already) :)
An early Merry Christmas to you. I am so glad, and the Saints, too, that you did not follow the path of Jackie Stone.
Our Lord "said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home." (St. John 19:27). How is it a Rosary popped into your life?
The young visionary, St. Jacinta, saw the future. (p. 33): Jacinta suddenly got up, her eyes filled with tears, “Lucia,” she sobbed, “don’t you see all those roads and lanes and fields covered with people crying from hunger, without anything to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And all those praying with him?” Was this about the Soviet Union? Was it part of the prediction of WWII? Or is it yet to come?
I live a comfortable life in the USA. Will I suffer well? I worry about my children.
Little Jacinta suffered well. I suspect there's a lot to come. Don't lose your Rosary.
Many people are saying similar (or the same) as you.
We have never seen billions injected at the same time with something that can change their DNA. To me, this is something new and different in our hard-to-explain times.
When I first explored this subject a while back, the reception was hostility, shock, and disbelief. Now it has become almost a mainstream subject in many quarters.
People are now understanding that the blood supply is tainted, and I wrote earlier this year about how the Australian government has already indemnified the relevant bodies.
When I say Satan is running the show, I am quite serious. People are going to have to come to grips with what is happening or they will remain in a perpetual state of shock and confusion.
In any case, prophecy is above my 'pay grade' and I am just grateful for remaining under the wings of Christ.
Yes, Satan is running the show. It's Communism, straight from the pit of Hell. It's had the Church disoriented for 60 years now. Consequently, Communism has no substantial opposition in the world.
For those who haven't read about Fatima, Our Lady came in 1917 to warn about Communism, the "errors of Russia," and to promise the conversion of Russia. There would need to be catastrophic conditions, Satan running the show. How would it be if She cured every child of the bioweapon? In any case, there is hope that Heaven isn't far from our current despair. We might see the end of it in our lifetime.
I miss that old Australia too. But those of us who remember and value it will keep it alive, like your lifeguard friend.
I've come to see the others as simply those who lacked a survival instinct. They are the Jim Jones followers who drank the poison knowingly because everyone else was. We, on the other hand, could not even consider taking it, our survival instinct overrode all else. I believe their anger towards us is due to our wilful refusal to slot into the "everyone else" category, causing insurmountable cognitive dissonance for them.
I note that adversity and a learned lack of trust in authority from childhood seems to be a common part of the picture for survivalistas.
I think we will build parallel systems though, because we will have no choice. Take the medical system as an example. Many more people no longer trust doctors, they certainly don't trust hospitals. Deep in their hearts many medical staff know they poisoned themselves and now they are capable of less as demands on the system increase dramatically. Slowly, the system disintegrates beneath the surface until it is no longer functional.
A parallel system here involves making available information on how to actually be healthy, while retaining the positive characteristics of the current system, eg emergency medicine. It might seem improbable, but it's already happening. I have never seen such an outpouring of information on real health as has taken place in the last few years. So many enormously knowledgeable people have put out such amazing stuff for no or little money. This is more powerful than the evil. I can't help but think this is the kind of thing we chose to be here for at this time.
Yeah, so many of them even the so-called 'freedom fighters' are still 'baffled about how this could have happened in Australia.'
They are still appealing to the system, trying to get the system to save them and validate their suffering. At this point, it is just pathetic, and I say that in the most compassionate way possible.
The government is building massive mRNA jab manufacturing facilities and these people are begging the same government to save them from...the jabs...
Thank you Jan - for reading and your support. Strangely, I have hope for 2025. It seemed like time stopped for many years beginning in 2020 and I am really trying to get my life back on track now (with humble expectations). I will take it one day at a time.
Thank you for such a genuine and eloquently put synopsis of your personal battle in the last few years. It struck a deep chord within me. My tears often seem to sit sneakily, every-ready, waiting to flow as my thoughts shift between people I love and care for, the relationships I've lost, random people I come across, (and the anger that still simmers away in me at the injustice of it all). What a blessing The Rosary is. Amongst my prayers, it continues to hold my sanity together.
I would like to mention the deeply insightful and controversial research by (Catholic) US Revisionist Historian, and independent scholar (and man of great faith), Michael Hoffman https://www.revisionisthistory.org. His writing has greatly helped me make sense of the diabolical mechanics behind the history of this pernicious battle with evil we’re in, particularly in his book; The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (not to be confused with the Roman Catholic Church). I hope you may find some time to investigate it yourself......... You know someone is ‘on-the-money’, when just about everyone wants to ban them. A blessed Christmas to you, ExcessDeathsAU.
For the young'uns:
Morning has Broken by Cat Stevens/Yusuf (piano by Rick Wakeman): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwI1j2DyRJc
I am receiving desperately, desperately sad emails, particularly from readers who have lost children. One of the things that has helped me is to contemplate the sorrow and sacrifice of the immaculate heart of the Holy Mother, who birthed Christ to die on the Cross.
Please see this chant from Orthodox church in Ukraine "Into the Dark Night" - Monks of the Sviatohirsk Lavra. Their recent condition has not been good, but here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTSruhryIEA
Beautiful email from a reader in South Africa:
Your anger pit of life despair put me in mind of Psalm 31.
Tu es ma tour at ma forteresse,
Entre tous ceux-la qui me haient.
Mes voisins j'apercois
Avoir honte de moi:
Il semble que mes amis aient
Horreur de me rencontre,
Quand dehors je me montre.
Je suis hors de leur souvenance,
Ainsi qu'un trespasse,
Je suis un pot casse.
Thank you for your writings of profound spiritual experiences.
Love and joy,
For the boy,
Who was born
On Christmas morn,
Love and joy.
Dear ExcessDeathsAU,
Thank you for this beautiful post. It is so raw and real, so purely honest and has so much of the depth of your heart in it. Thank you for having the courage to share all that you’ve shared. You are a warrior of Jesus Christ.
I have come to believe/understand that in the all-knowingness of our Father who is all over the timeline and already knows who is staying in Him and *standing* until the bitter end, in His holy name, regardless of what the consequences - that He knows who is truly His and so He has been and is now breathing His strength and Holy Spirit power within us and giving us the ability to make it and to stay rooted firmly within Him. The decision is ours, as He has deisgned, but He already knows who is choosing Him over all else. He knows you are sold out to Him, and He loves you and He pulled you out of the pit to His glory. I loved reading both your dream and your vision and I was thinking maybe The Lord even sent you Aaron himself from Exodus!! Your imagery of the cloak and pomegranates was so beautiful.
I believe satan also knows who belongs to The Lord God Almighty and he has been going after us since childhood, but he will never prevail. What you suffered in childhood (and in recent years) hurt my heart to read, but through the strength of Jesus you’ve not only prevailed but come out stronger and wiser and with a depth of love and compassion that you couldn’t have had otherwise. You are wise to understand it from a holy and spiritual perspective.
I greatly admire your honesty and humility and your wisdom. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life with us here.
I continue to pray for you to have great joy!! The darkness has passed and as you continue to recover, it’s time for you to not only be “better” but to have a depth of joy that runs so deep within you that you’re floored and overwhelmed by it. And this is possible because it comes straight from our Savior. Nothing will touch the emotions of what you got a glimpse of in your dream; however I do believe The Lord wants us to have a huge taste of that here on earth. And as you stand firm in Him and in His will, resisting and fighting the evil and humbly doing the will of our Father, then you are just where you need to be to receive that joy.
EDAU, I have very (VERY) few friends who see what I see regarding all of this, but I wish I could grab one of them who also reads you and we could fly over for a quick visit to Australia (😂) to take you out to dinner and we would all have some fun laughing and encouraging each other! Hey, you never know what’s possible in The Lord, right? :)
I will stop back in a little later this weekend because I want to respond to some specific parts of what you wrote (there are so many gems within this post!) but first I wanted to write to say thank you. This is all so beautiful what you’ve written from your heart. Keep standing strong and know that The Lord is so pleased with you in your love for Him, and for your humility and for speaking His holy truth. I pray that His joy bursts through and shines bright in your heart, ExcessDeathsAU!!
Thank you Laurie.
Your comment about the timelines is so important. Gosh, imagine a visit from Aaron. That would be something.
Yet, the man who came to me I understood to be someone connected to my family in the church from a very long time ago. This has given me a lot to think about, most of it extremely painful considering the present condition of the church (as our comment brother Jerry has stated), as well as my own condition.
I wait patiently for the Lord, and His instructions.
Thanks for responding, ExcessDeathsAU! I wish that your comments section were able to be open to all because I’m sure so many people would like to comment to you on this beautiful post, but the evil world being what it is, I know that can’t be.
I took screenshots of so many parts of this post. You summed up with perfection what is happening and what we are dealing with.
When you said in regards to physically and spiritually controlling people via the injections, “For those who are spiritually or intellectually unprepared to entertain this possibility, there is no amount or type of evidence that will be convincing”….you are so right and this is why we feel to be banging our heads against a brick wall and that our words are not even being heard much less processed by those we are shouting this to.
I could not agree more with the words you posted from Jackie Stone and your saying that people don’t understand what we’re dealing with, we are dealing with satan. And thus nothing short of the spiritual warfare and weapons you mentioned will be of any use whatsoever. It’s our *only* option now. The useless spinning of wheels of those trying to fight without the spiritual understanding is maddening to watch.
I’m sorry about your bout with pneumonia and what they did to you.😡
My sister joined a homeopathy group a couple years ago and I have been floored with all the things she’s been able to fix for her family and me through natural homeopathic pellets. There are even homeopaths who can do a virtual consult with you and tell you what remedies to do. My sister uses a couple different professional homeopaths for some of their more persistent issues. One of them is a Christian who lives in Germany and does very inexpensive consults. Just a heads up as something to consider. I’ve learned so much from my sister about it.
There’s also something else I think all of us who are 100% not complying should keep in our back pockets regarding healthcare, which is urotherapy. It sounds disgusting but our urine instantly makes antibodies to all that is going on in our bodies and it makes those antibodies quickly. So quickly that if you’re bit by a snake it’s known that you put some urine on your tongue and on the site of the bite, and you’ll be ok. It’s free and always available and is supposed to be able to fix most anything except structural issues. I was intrigued as soon as I heard about it and have mentioned it to a handful of people….most look at me like I’m crazy, but if we’re sick and are refused treatment, then it could be life-saving. (and in general can be excellent for one’s health)
Regarding the current condition of the church, I asked my priest 2 years ago how he handles all of the corruption and he said to me that the church has both a divine and a human nature, and while the human nature has been corrupted, the divine nature will never be corrupted. And we stand in that divine nature.
I also wanted to tell you a little story that my priest told a couple times since you mentioned being a monk in another life. He tells about how St. Francis was asked, while hoeing his garden, what he would do if he knew the word would end tomorrow and St. Francis responded that he would keep on hoeing his garden. I’ve always loved that story and understood very much after hearing it that we need to be so much in God’s will that knowing the world is ending tomorrow would not need to change the course of our actions one bit. (This also reminds me of the violin player/players who kept on playing while the Titanic was sinking, doing their calling until the last moment.)
Thanks for reading all this and I have one final thing, which is a question for you (actually 2) - have you ever been in that Bondi Icebergs pool? And do you know if any sea creatures have ever dropped into that pool via a big wave?? I’d be scared of suddenly having a shark swimming next to me!!😂
Blessings to you, ExcessDeathsAU!!!🙏🏻😄
Yes, I have been to Bondi Icebergs pool but never gone swimming in it - that is on my bucket list.
LOL - yes, sea creatures get in all the time. It is a salt water pool. Here is what it looks like 'in action' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LycwxQq-Dlw
People swim back and forth across the bay for ocean swimming so doing laps in the pool is not a big deal.
Also I need to put a disclaimer on your post for Australian legal purposes (which is why my comments section is closed to paid only - it has nothing to do with money):
Comments on EDAU not medical advice. EDAU not responsible for comments or the actions of those reading the comments.
ExcessDeathsAU, I’m obsessed with this pool now lol.
I saw how there’s even a whole documentary movie called The Pool about it.
Have you seen this footage of it from Cyclone Tiffany a couple years ago?😮
(The first link is the original but since it’s on Facebook and maybe you can’t see it through that, I also screen-recorded it and put it on my Google drive.)
For some reason I find this so funny.
Here's a bunch more: https://bedthreads.com.au/blogs/journal/best-ocean-pools-australia
ExcessDeathsAU, I have a comment for you that is not regarding Bondi Icebergs…. although I’m aware that by saying this I did actually still find a way to bring up that most fascinating pool!😂
I just want to say Merry Christmas to you! It’s Christmas Eve for you now, if my calculations are correct. :)
So I want to wish you a beautiful and wonderful Christmas in the love and joy of our Savior, who loves us beyond our imagination, and who holds you in the palm of His hand.
Thank you for sharing your life with us recently. Your post and your honesty truly touched me.
You are in my prayers and I’m grateful to be connected with you via substack. (I love seeing how The Lord uses the technology for His good and is bringing the true followers of Jesus together, no matter where we may live.)
Here are some beautiful songs for you…. (maybe you’ve seen/heard these already) :)
Blessings to you, dear ExcessDeathsAU!!🙏🏻🙏🏻
Wow! Thanks for the pool tour around Australia, EDAU :) - these are so beautiful! Keep ‘em coming lol.
Oh my gosh that video was amazing - thank you!👏👏 That’s a great bucket list item.
I hope you have a very good week, ExcessDeathsAU and thanks for writing back to me!
An early Merry Christmas to you. I am so glad, and the Saints, too, that you did not follow the path of Jackie Stone.
Our Lord "said to the disciple, 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home." (St. John 19:27). How is it a Rosary popped into your life?
I'm convinced we're living through what was predicted at Fatima: https://fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/The-True-Story-of-Fatima.pdf I had the honor of meeting the author, Fr. John de Marchi, 34 years ago.
The young visionary, St. Jacinta, saw the future. (p. 33): Jacinta suddenly got up, her eyes filled with tears, “Lucia,” she sobbed, “don’t you see all those roads and lanes and fields covered with people crying from hunger, without anything to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And all those praying with him?” Was this about the Soviet Union? Was it part of the prediction of WWII? Or is it yet to come?
I live a comfortable life in the USA. Will I suffer well? I worry about my children.
Little Jacinta suffered well. I suspect there's a lot to come. Don't lose your Rosary.
Thanks for your support Jerry.
Many people are saying similar (or the same) as you.
We have never seen billions injected at the same time with something that can change their DNA. To me, this is something new and different in our hard-to-explain times.
When I first explored this subject a while back, the reception was hostility, shock, and disbelief. Now it has become almost a mainstream subject in many quarters.
People are now understanding that the blood supply is tainted, and I wrote earlier this year about how the Australian government has already indemnified the relevant bodies.
When I say Satan is running the show, I am quite serious. People are going to have to come to grips with what is happening or they will remain in a perpetual state of shock and confusion.
In any case, prophecy is above my 'pay grade' and I am just grateful for remaining under the wings of Christ.
Merry Christmas, and hope you are keeping well.
Yes, Satan is running the show. It's Communism, straight from the pit of Hell. It's had the Church disoriented for 60 years now. Consequently, Communism has no substantial opposition in the world.
For those who haven't read about Fatima, Our Lady came in 1917 to warn about Communism, the "errors of Russia," and to promise the conversion of Russia. There would need to be catastrophic conditions, Satan running the show. How would it be if She cured every child of the bioweapon? In any case, there is hope that Heaven isn't far from our current despair. We might see the end of it in our lifetime.
God bless you.
I miss that old Australia too. But those of us who remember and value it will keep it alive, like your lifeguard friend.
I've come to see the others as simply those who lacked a survival instinct. They are the Jim Jones followers who drank the poison knowingly because everyone else was. We, on the other hand, could not even consider taking it, our survival instinct overrode all else. I believe their anger towards us is due to our wilful refusal to slot into the "everyone else" category, causing insurmountable cognitive dissonance for them.
I note that adversity and a learned lack of trust in authority from childhood seems to be a common part of the picture for survivalistas.
I think we will build parallel systems though, because we will have no choice. Take the medical system as an example. Many more people no longer trust doctors, they certainly don't trust hospitals. Deep in their hearts many medical staff know they poisoned themselves and now they are capable of less as demands on the system increase dramatically. Slowly, the system disintegrates beneath the surface until it is no longer functional.
A parallel system here involves making available information on how to actually be healthy, while retaining the positive characteristics of the current system, eg emergency medicine. It might seem improbable, but it's already happening. I have never seen such an outpouring of information on real health as has taken place in the last few years. So many enormously knowledgeable people have put out such amazing stuff for no or little money. This is more powerful than the evil. I can't help but think this is the kind of thing we chose to be here for at this time.
Yeah, so many of them even the so-called 'freedom fighters' are still 'baffled about how this could have happened in Australia.'
They are still appealing to the system, trying to get the system to save them and validate their suffering. At this point, it is just pathetic, and I say that in the most compassionate way possible.
The government is building massive mRNA jab manufacturing facilities and these people are begging the same government to save them from...the jabs...
They are still asleep about what is happening.
I have just read your Christmas message 2024, it was a very moving and emotional read. Morning has Broken is so beautiful and a joy to sing.
You have endured so much in your life culminating in the horrendous years from 2020 when it was easy to lose faith in humanity and oneself.
I pray that 2025 will see you in a better place, swimming and enjoying the sunlight. Yes, a few kind words from someone can mean so much.
God bless you xx
Thank you Jan - for reading and your support. Strangely, I have hope for 2025. It seemed like time stopped for many years beginning in 2020 and I am really trying to get my life back on track now (with humble expectations). I will take it one day at a time.
God Bless you.
Thank you for such a genuine and eloquently put synopsis of your personal battle in the last few years. It struck a deep chord within me. My tears often seem to sit sneakily, every-ready, waiting to flow as my thoughts shift between people I love and care for, the relationships I've lost, random people I come across, (and the anger that still simmers away in me at the injustice of it all). What a blessing The Rosary is. Amongst my prayers, it continues to hold my sanity together.
I would like to mention the deeply insightful and controversial research by (Catholic) US Revisionist Historian, and independent scholar (and man of great faith), Michael Hoffman https://www.revisionisthistory.org. His writing has greatly helped me make sense of the diabolical mechanics behind the history of this pernicious battle with evil we’re in, particularly in his book; The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome (not to be confused with the Roman Catholic Church). I hope you may find some time to investigate it yourself......... You know someone is ‘on-the-money’, when just about everyone wants to ban them. A blessed Christmas to you, ExcessDeathsAU.
Thank you Anne, for your support and the beautiful comment.
I am always interested in banned information (and people) and will definitely look at your link. Our comment brother here Jerry prays Rosary as well.
May God bless you and keep you.