Please see this post by Meryl Nass (highlighting an Editorial in The Lancet) about how the WHO "One Health" ideology will be used for "ecological equity." "Decolonisation" and "reducing human pressure on the environment." Sounds like depopulaton to me.
Thank you! Also your stack is excellent. Thank you for the piece on "tin pot covid dictators" showing Australia's Dan Andrews and Michael Gunner. You will become acquainted with Mark McGowan Premier of Western Australia in my stack. Australia is full of convicts and prison guards...the Milgram experiment is very real.
Much appreciated and thanks for the reminder that the Milgram experiment is one of the best answers to give to people who cannot understand how authorities lower down on the totem pole would turn against them. I'm glad to have found your substack.
That would be based on the idea a reversion to the old status quo would be possible. And it is based on words NOT deeds.
After poisoning ~5B people with a delayed action lethal injection, and after assembling elements of the digital prison from the 4th IR, there is no indication they are slackening off on their efforts to enslave or kill us all. CBDCs are probably months away. The WHO takeover is imminent. The next pathogen is probably defrosting as we speak. Not from nature, but from GoF bioweapons development.
They are committed. The scale of their crimes compels them to continue, to double down again and again. Their alternative would be to swing once the sleeping masses wake to the crimes perpetrated against them.
Hence we see the FDA/CDC and Scottish health authorities explicitly state there is no possible issue with the bioweapon jabs, before they commence their 'investigations'. The limited hangout being exactly that, a pressure release valve to keep the music going as the poisoning rolls on.
We are at a dangerous point. Many are exhausted - with good reason as the buzzsaw has been brutal - and the narrative management complex is running at 100% capacity. We haven't so much as scratched the enemy infrastructure. Like the lore around SkyNet, they will take advantage of our better nature, they will exploit our humanity and our hope for better days. There are probably more psychologists and psychiatrists in the enemy orbat than in all of Alphabet/Meta/Twitter/etc. They will have plans and contingency moves mapped out.
That our PM is consorting with a known pedophile who wants to depopulate the planet is extremely concerning. I recommend all who can write to him to express our concerns.
Great post. My response? Bring it on. I'm not afraid of these losers and neither are the rest of the warriors. We aren't tired and we will never stop.
Edit: Also I agree with you that the next pathogen is defrosting as we speak. Like covid, however, if it is a deliberate release it will not be super deadly...unless perhaps one is covid vaccinated and has a very limited immune response spectrum. They will never risk themselves, and that is something we can bank on. These people want to be gods. Even from their underground bunkers they will need security staff to ensure their safety and keep their...air vents open... I could perhaps see more propaganda with a haemorragic fever scenario like the Chinese "falling over" videos but we'll wait and see.
Late last year they “modelled” a lethal respiratory virus called enterovirus aimed at children. In the modelling they included African and STH American entities and suggested it will break out somewhere like Brazil. I guess that’s why they needed kids to take the shots- weaken their immune systems. Although specialists around the world are predicting a hemorrhagic virus like Ebola or Marburg. Unknown to most Aussies Morrison govt budgetted. $1.3 billion for more “quarantine” centres- and they are being built in secret 🤫 n disused and contaminated land.
The quarantine centres are not secret at all, and people have been in them. They are part of the 'Centres for National Resilience' Some of them are on contaminated land (I think Bullsbrook in WA may be) but so what? Australia always builds on contaminated land to make a quick buck.
If what i read is true, Sth African kids are dropping dead in huge numbers from malnutrition. I have read that Africa is going through the worst food shortages in history! I wonder if the food shortages are due to npt complying with the WHO orders for "jabbing everyone" No doubt the massive death toll will be blamed on some type of virus that doesn't exist;
We NEED to know where all these new "resorts" are being built
Gates has been causing food shortages in Africa for years with GMO seeds and chickens etc. not to mention the numbers over the last 30-40 years doing drug trial on kids, like for AIDS .
Yes he has. The world needs to remember that the psycho known as Gates started all his drug pushing in Africa, injuring 10's of thousands and killing only God knows how many..........
Seems he got away with it there so decided to do the same thing to earths entire population.... including the animals
Hey Julie, nearly all those bugs you mentioned are killed by the horsey-paste. I can't find where to attach the document but i do have a copy of it which I'm happy to share :-) Actually the Sydney Uni published their fear propaganda a while ago and listed a whole heap of future "next pandemics" --- and all of them were extinguished with the horsey-paste. :-)
Earlier this year Gates came to Aust and met with PM Albanese to discuss the next five years of pandemics and name Australia as the world centre for future pandemics.
"The tide has turned," you say. I can believe that when I'm reading substack, but when I am out in the AU community - people are still taking the thamn dings, eagerly, because you know "die of covid" and all that. I meet children who are jabbed, and I want to cry, because they had no choice. Additionally, all the rising sickness and sfx is ***never*** considered a result of the shots. "I'm getting old," or "these things happen," with no awareness that the statistics of "these things" are becoming outrageous and rampant. If Desmet is correct, we need 30% non-compliance with the mass formation to have any hope of survival. I don't think we have it.
Last time I looked into it, I was told, by a number of folks, that only about 20% of the folks in Australia are awake to what has been happening, I certainly hope that number is significantly larger now.
I have no idea honestly. While people may not fully understand why "this" is happening, they are rejecting it in greater numbers. Here's some good news in terms of Western Australia:
1. Booster uptake is extremely low.
2. Our tin pot dictator Premier Mark McGowan cannot freely walk the streets or turn up to public events without huge amounts of abuse and threats. Even at carefully curated private events he will show up before hand, take photos to "show that he was there" and leave before the event starts. You cannot blame this on a "fringe minority." It's hugely damaging to his image. He's scared.
3. McGowan's lockstep MPs are so hated that people do not speak to them in the street and they are claiming 'victim status' in order to hide from the public and scale back events. They are essentially MIA now.
4. Doctors are speaking out in greater numbers about the censorship and vaccine injuries they have experienced.
5. Newspapers have headlines like "Jabs are creating more covid variants."
None of the dictators should EVER be able to walk the streets again....see how fun they have with their ill gotten "fun tickets" when they can't leave their home
That is good news, we really need folks to wake up. Though, even after all this time, it is quite difficult to see that things are as bad as they are, they are indeed as bad as they look.
There is no one left to wake up. They will either do it themselves or it will happen when starvation sets in. Or not at all. Even as the party believers had their backs against the wall in the gulags they still sang the praises of the party. Either way, not my circus, not my monkeys.
When the opportunity arises, though indeed much less frequently, I will still give it a go. It may well be that 2023 will be "a year of regret" and by the end of it ... ?
Another one of those time will tell things, maybe one with a good ending, we very much need one of those.
I've noticed over the past few years a catastrophic breakdown in the social compact. I have a suspicion that this is partially because the perpetrators are going unpunished, so everyone is basically thinking "well, I can act like a demon as well." So many fights, crazy behaviour, crazy driving. Also we were encouraged to turn on each other and people tend to just go feral. Things are not good.
Thank YOU for reading. Please share on social media if you can. I am rather banned from everywhere. My Twitter accounts have been locked multiple times, so fair warning if you do!
"(N.b., if someone comes at us with an injection, we will consider this an attempt on our lives and act accordingly)."
There are all sorts of barrels. A needled barrel is only but one example.
As across the ditch, by then they will have bribed and fined you, then eventually have denied you access to medical treatment, and to groceries. When there is nothing left to lose they will reap what they sowed.
Mother Nature has plenty of self defense mechanisms; As do sheds, garages, farms, hardware, supermarkets........Aussies are well known for Our Ingenuity in the face of adversity
Dr Yeadon, when they come for us, which they will eventually, they will do it at work or the doctor's office and our boss and doctor will be in on it. We will be picked up at our child's school or out shopping. Perhaps they will lure us with a reminder that our car is due for servicing and do it there. Remember Michael Hastings and Harrison Deal (the young political staffer from Georgia). Hide in plain sight with dead man's switches on your computer. Head on a swivel, sir.
We are in a time when gentle scientists are in fear for their lives and the future of humanity. Where is our Unternehmen Walküre?
You’re right. There will come a time when the balance of risks & advantages to the perpetrators of deleting us vs censoring us moves to the former. There are massive scale internment camps within ten miles of my home. I stumbled on one under construction around a year ago. Set in a dip in the ground just below the top of a rise, you could only see it if you drove down an access road used by lorries delivering materials. We were turned around by an agitated guard at the gate to the site. It looks like a very long, low rise prison, which is what it is.
It’s a good point about where that tap on the shoulder might come.
"Remember this: “NO” is a complete sentence. So is silence. You do not have to explain yourself. Set an example of peaceful non-compliance for the fearful observers."
We live our lives, ever deepening in our resolve, that 'they' are on the losing side, nature does not support tyranny; this is our planet and we are free. Simply live accordingly.
Thank you! It was amazing...throughout the years of chaos, I simply ignored people. Cops walked right by me. Did I get lucky? Maybe. I never complied, never locked down, never "got exemptions" didn't play into any of it. Just carried on as normal ignoring the nonsense. No one cared. Masker yelling at me? Wow this orange sure is interesting! Maybe I'll wander over to get some cheese... 5km ring around my house? Nah, my dog likes that park on the end of town lets walk there. And I didn't care enough to give them my attention (eyes in the back of my head, though).
It was a very brief clip, I think it was from n a Maria Zeee ( three e’s) broadcast. Maria can be found here on or on Telegram. She posts her Australian stuff to her home page. She has lots of information about Australian legislation having legislative changes in QLD that will affect every state along with various state legislation that essentially takes away our rights. The various government are being very devious.
Unfortunately I’m IT challenged, I’m starting back in geriatric computer literacy today 😊. Hopefully I’ll learn how to save and insert articles. I may be 70 but the govt hasn’t succeeded at in offing me yet.
“I think that these true believers are in a terminal ego spiral: their identities are built on being ‘smartest person in the room’ and they cannot bear to accept the fact that they have been conned.” Spot on: the more evidence they confront, the harder they cling to their egos.
Just had a run in this morning with the cfmeu delogate and I can tell you that there are ardent supporters still, believers of his lordships bullshit. In reality as ALL union delogates were given an exemption from the experiment he is more than like just lying through his teeth because he understands which side his bread in buttered on.
Although kept very quiet the "reasoning" if they got caught was because they had Federal right of entry and federally vaxx cannot be mandated.
Great article! Nice work! Going to check out a lot more of your stuff… but of course it’ll take some time. So much information out there to plow through and absorb. A veritable mountain of information covering every conceivable aspect of this diabolical situation. Thank god we’ve got so much intelligence out there! Awake, aware and working on the case!
Totally agree that it's overwhelming. My rules are simple: never take the jab, never go to the camp, never take the chip, never comply, made in the image of God. It's served me well.
Agree with Louise. With Bill Gates and CSIRO working on inserting vaccines - lipid nanoparticle mRNA bundles - in food (been used in pork in USA since 2018, Chinese are using milk as the way to spread the vaccine) we may not be able to choose at some point, unless we stop eating.
When the COVID police were about here in Queensland, I was carefully compliant. I have health problems and would not do well in their camps. But the thing is - if they *had* chosen me for the camps - how would I refuse armed cops (the footage of AU police brutality at the protests comes to mind, but there are others, like "medical compliance" - this clip is for a "med check" for "mental health" - nothing to do with COVID, dated 2020 - the man got his head stomped, and was still in a coma when I found this link:
I put on the armour of God knowing full well that I may not make it. I'm at peace. Ultimately people will have to transcend the fear associated with their bodies. And fear in general. That is what they use to control you.
The vaccines are not vaccines - they are what they call ‘countermeasures’ , the US DOD has used legislation that bypasses any regulatory checks such as safety, efficacy, vaccine ingredient oversight etc, this is why the shots are not stopping - they don’t need to adhere to any normal concerns.
Countermeasures are used in a bio attack and that is why they used this specific legislation, they claim covid 19 was a bio attack.
Pfizer, Moderna etc did not even make one vaccine, the DOD paid them billions to use their brand, they used over 200 smaller manufacturers to make these countermeasures ( which were already in place) and they moved around these ‘vaccines’ between manufacturers adding ingredients here there and everywhere - no one but possibly a handful of people know what’s in them.
All the trials etc were not needed under this legislation but were faked and lied about for the public.
The Government is big pharma.
Big pharma is the Government
This is why I thought it was weird the military in OZ was involved - know I now why.
They developed Covid 19 ( we may disagree on whether it exists) and then already had the countermeasure standing by - it’s a deliberate world poisoning and they have covered their arse through legislation
So when Pfizer, Politicians, Doctors etc say it’s safe and effective ( in USA) they are completely covered by the US DOD who has covered them all for liability.
The TGA is in on it and no doubt National cabinet was as well - it was a military not health scenario - they just lied to us.
Pointing out never ending safety and efficacy studies is pointless as they don’t need to acknowledge them via the legislation the countermeasures are made under, neither does the TGA.
It’s been one never ending lie and still no one really knows what is in these shots.
My guess is a variety of poisons, nanotechnology for 5G, placebos, parasites and whatever else these 240 manufactures decided - a bit like sawdust of the floor of the butchers shop to fill up the snags when running low.
Please see this post by Meryl Nass (highlighting an Editorial in The Lancet) about how the WHO "One Health" ideology will be used for "ecological equity." "Decolonisation" and "reducing human pressure on the environment." Sounds like depopulaton to me.
Keen insights. Excellent work. Thank you.
Thank you! Also your stack is excellent. Thank you for the piece on "tin pot covid dictators" showing Australia's Dan Andrews and Michael Gunner. You will become acquainted with Mark McGowan Premier of Western Australia in my stack. Australia is full of convicts and prison guards...the Milgram experiment is very real.
Much appreciated and thanks for the reminder that the Milgram experiment is one of the best answers to give to people who cannot understand how authorities lower down on the totem pole would turn against them. I'm glad to have found your substack.
There are some who think the tide has turned.
That would be based on the idea a reversion to the old status quo would be possible. And it is based on words NOT deeds.
After poisoning ~5B people with a delayed action lethal injection, and after assembling elements of the digital prison from the 4th IR, there is no indication they are slackening off on their efforts to enslave or kill us all. CBDCs are probably months away. The WHO takeover is imminent. The next pathogen is probably defrosting as we speak. Not from nature, but from GoF bioweapons development.
They are committed. The scale of their crimes compels them to continue, to double down again and again. Their alternative would be to swing once the sleeping masses wake to the crimes perpetrated against them.
Hence we see the FDA/CDC and Scottish health authorities explicitly state there is no possible issue with the bioweapon jabs, before they commence their 'investigations'. The limited hangout being exactly that, a pressure release valve to keep the music going as the poisoning rolls on.
We are at a dangerous point. Many are exhausted - with good reason as the buzzsaw has been brutal - and the narrative management complex is running at 100% capacity. We haven't so much as scratched the enemy infrastructure. Like the lore around SkyNet, they will take advantage of our better nature, they will exploit our humanity and our hope for better days. There are probably more psychologists and psychiatrists in the enemy orbat than in all of Alphabet/Meta/Twitter/etc. They will have plans and contingency moves mapped out.
That our PM is consorting with a known pedophile who wants to depopulate the planet is extremely concerning. I recommend all who can write to him to express our concerns.
Great post. My response? Bring it on. I'm not afraid of these losers and neither are the rest of the warriors. We aren't tired and we will never stop.
Edit: Also I agree with you that the next pathogen is defrosting as we speak. Like covid, however, if it is a deliberate release it will not be super deadly...unless perhaps one is covid vaccinated and has a very limited immune response spectrum. They will never risk themselves, and that is something we can bank on. These people want to be gods. Even from their underground bunkers they will need security staff to ensure their safety and keep their...air vents open... I could perhaps see more propaganda with a haemorragic fever scenario like the Chinese "falling over" videos but we'll wait and see.
I'm with you shoulder to shoulder; I have no fear of any man, gun or no gun
Late last year they “modelled” a lethal respiratory virus called enterovirus aimed at children. In the modelling they included African and STH American entities and suggested it will break out somewhere like Brazil. I guess that’s why they needed kids to take the shots- weaken their immune systems. Although specialists around the world are predicting a hemorrhagic virus like Ebola or Marburg. Unknown to most Aussies Morrison govt budgetted. $1.3 billion for more “quarantine” centres- and they are being built in secret 🤫 n disused and contaminated land.
The quarantine centres are not secret at all, and people have been in them. They are part of the 'Centres for National Resilience' Some of them are on contaminated land (I think Bullsbrook in WA may be) but so what? Australia always builds on contaminated land to make a quick buck.
In the US they authorised children to take the shots so that there would be no government liability "Once the COVID jab is on the childhood vaccination schedule, the vaccine makers are permanently shielded from liability for injuries and deaths that occur in any age group, including adults."
Epidemiologists always model, and Australia is doing GOF research with Marburg. Who knows what they have next in the pipeline.
Anyway, things are usually simpler (and stupider) than we think. Occam's Razor first.
If what i read is true, Sth African kids are dropping dead in huge numbers from malnutrition. I have read that Africa is going through the worst food shortages in history! I wonder if the food shortages are due to npt complying with the WHO orders for "jabbing everyone" No doubt the massive death toll will be blamed on some type of virus that doesn't exist;
We NEED to know where all these new "resorts" are being built
Start here. It's not a secret!
Gates has been causing food shortages in Africa for years with GMO seeds and chickens etc. not to mention the numbers over the last 30-40 years doing drug trial on kids, like for AIDS .
Yes he has. The world needs to remember that the psycho known as Gates started all his drug pushing in Africa, injuring 10's of thousands and killing only God knows how many..........
Seems he got away with it there so decided to do the same thing to earths entire population.... including the animals
Hey Julie, nearly all those bugs you mentioned are killed by the horsey-paste. I can't find where to attach the document but i do have a copy of it which I'm happy to share :-) Actually the Sydney Uni published their fear propaganda a while ago and listed a whole heap of future "next pandemics" --- and all of them were extinguished with the horsey-paste. :-)
Earlier this year Gates came to Aust and met with PM Albanese to discuss the next five years of pandemics and name Australia as the world centre for future pandemics.
Is gates a pedophile, or did he use epstein for money lobbying donations for his killer programs?
"The tide has turned," you say. I can believe that when I'm reading substack, but when I am out in the AU community - people are still taking the thamn dings, eagerly, because you know "die of covid" and all that. I meet children who are jabbed, and I want to cry, because they had no choice. Additionally, all the rising sickness and sfx is ***never*** considered a result of the shots. "I'm getting old," or "these things happen," with no awareness that the statistics of "these things" are becoming outrageous and rampant. If Desmet is correct, we need 30% non-compliance with the mass formation to have any hope of survival. I don't think we have it.
Hi JC.
My full line was; "There are some who think the tide has turned."
That was the context.
I agree with your comments.
Nothing has turned.
The evil is spreading on many fronts. And too many are still taking up the bioweapon shots like Pavlovian lemmings.
Those who were poisoned without a choice, they are the real victims. And daily, their number grows.
We're in for a bumpy ride.
Damn Skippy we wont.
I laughed out loud at this. Thank you for reading.
Last time I looked into it, I was told, by a number of folks, that only about 20% of the folks in Australia are awake to what has been happening, I certainly hope that number is significantly larger now.
I have no idea honestly. While people may not fully understand why "this" is happening, they are rejecting it in greater numbers. Here's some good news in terms of Western Australia:
1. Booster uptake is extremely low.
2. Our tin pot dictator Premier Mark McGowan cannot freely walk the streets or turn up to public events without huge amounts of abuse and threats. Even at carefully curated private events he will show up before hand, take photos to "show that he was there" and leave before the event starts. You cannot blame this on a "fringe minority." It's hugely damaging to his image. He's scared.
3. McGowan's lockstep MPs are so hated that people do not speak to them in the street and they are claiming 'victim status' in order to hide from the public and scale back events. They are essentially MIA now.
4. Doctors are speaking out in greater numbers about the censorship and vaccine injuries they have experienced.
5. Newspapers have headlines like "Jabs are creating more covid variants."
None of the dictators should EVER be able to walk the streets again....see how fun they have with their ill gotten "fun tickets" when they can't leave their home
That is good news, we really need folks to wake up. Though, even after all this time, it is quite difficult to see that things are as bad as they are, they are indeed as bad as they look.
There is no one left to wake up. They will either do it themselves or it will happen when starvation sets in. Or not at all. Even as the party believers had their backs against the wall in the gulags they still sang the praises of the party. Either way, not my circus, not my monkeys.
It could indeed be as you say.
When the opportunity arises, though indeed much less frequently, I will still give it a go. It may well be that 2023 will be "a year of regret" and by the end of it ... ?
Another one of those time will tell things, maybe one with a good ending, we very much need one of those.
I've noticed over the past few years a catastrophic breakdown in the social compact. I have a suspicion that this is partially because the perpetrators are going unpunished, so everyone is basically thinking "well, I can act like a demon as well." So many fights, crazy behaviour, crazy driving. Also we were encouraged to turn on each other and people tend to just go feral. Things are not good.
The lack of accountability and consequences. Indeed. Plus all the false narratives. The Bible even talks about this.
"Unless justice is swiftly executed, the hearts of men are set in them to do evil"
"Because iniquity will abound, the hearts of many will grow cold"
Unless folks get into trouble for this mess (and I don't mean fines, and there are a lot in that "folks"), they will just keep doing this stuff. :(.
Hard to tell, most deliberately DONT want to know.
You can’t wake them up with facts - they need to get there in their own time if at all.
See my post above about why I don't think we will get the 30% non-compliance needed to overthrow this problem.
Great work. Thanks.
Thank YOU for reading. Please share on social media if you can. I am rather banned from everywhere. My Twitter accounts have been locked multiple times, so fair warning if you do!
"(N.b., if someone comes at us with an injection, we will consider this an attempt on our lives and act accordingly)."
There are all sorts of barrels. A needled barrel is only but one example.
As across the ditch, by then they will have bribed and fined you, then eventually have denied you access to medical treatment, and to groceries. When there is nothing left to lose they will reap what they sowed.
Mother Nature has plenty of self defense mechanisms; As do sheds, garages, farms, hardware, supermarkets........Aussies are well known for Our Ingenuity in the face of adversity
Thanks mate now they will ban sheds...
I highly recommend roofing hammers. Designed to make nail holes in slates & shape slates to fit, the ends are interesting.
One end is like a birds bill, long and pointed. I’m not sure even a motorcycle helmet would stop it.
I don’t plan to be arrested from my home.
Dr Yeadon, when they come for us, which they will eventually, they will do it at work or the doctor's office and our boss and doctor will be in on it. We will be picked up at our child's school or out shopping. Perhaps they will lure us with a reminder that our car is due for servicing and do it there. Remember Michael Hastings and Harrison Deal (the young political staffer from Georgia). Hide in plain sight with dead man's switches on your computer. Head on a swivel, sir.
We are in a time when gentle scientists are in fear for their lives and the future of humanity. Where is our Unternehmen Walküre?
You’re right. There will come a time when the balance of risks & advantages to the perpetrators of deleting us vs censoring us moves to the former. There are massive scale internment camps within ten miles of my home. I stumbled on one under construction around a year ago. Set in a dip in the ground just below the top of a rise, you could only see it if you drove down an access road used by lorries delivering materials. We were turned around by an agitated guard at the gate to the site. It looks like a very long, low rise prison, which is what it is.
It’s a good point about where that tap on the shoulder might come.
No doubt there's already some dropkick in parliament looking at ways to ban the use of tools
Kiwis used to be able to work magic with no. 8 wire.
Now NZzzzz.
Nonetheless, a few do remain awake.
You are completely on target.
"Remember this: “NO” is a complete sentence. So is silence. You do not have to explain yourself. Set an example of peaceful non-compliance for the fearful observers."
We live our lives, ever deepening in our resolve, that 'they' are on the losing side, nature does not support tyranny; this is our planet and we are free. Simply live accordingly.
Thank you! New to your stack and glad to find it.
Thank you! It was amazing...throughout the years of chaos, I simply ignored people. Cops walked right by me. Did I get lucky? Maybe. I never complied, never locked down, never "got exemptions" didn't play into any of it. Just carried on as normal ignoring the nonsense. No one cared. Masker yelling at me? Wow this orange sure is interesting! Maybe I'll wander over to get some cheese... 5km ring around my house? Nah, my dog likes that park on the end of town lets walk there. And I didn't care enough to give them my attention (eyes in the back of my head, though).
I did the same. Sometimes lost my cool and yelled back at taunters, but never complied.
It's the right idea. And those who do that - ignore them - grow stronger (the universe has got your back) while those who comply grow weaker.
I liked the taunters they were fun. I would film them and laugh...clown world started around March 2020 for me.
Wish I had the presence of mind to have done the same!
It was a very brief clip, I think it was from n a Maria Zeee ( three e’s) broadcast. Maria can be found here on or on Telegram. She posts her Australian stuff to her home page. She has lots of information about Australian legislation having legislative changes in QLD that will affect every state along with various state legislation that essentially takes away our rights. The various government are being very devious.
She is really good - I just learned about her a few months ago. She was the one who gave me the idea for the piece on gain of function.
Unfortunately I’m IT challenged, I’m starting back in geriatric computer literacy today 😊. Hopefully I’ll learn how to save and insert articles. I may be 70 but the govt hasn’t succeeded at in offing me yet.
Absolute betrayal by Albanese. He should go down as a traitor as should many others in our Parliaments
My friend you are doing some really good thinking work.
Thinking is the toughest work there is.
Well done - and keep it up.
“I think that these true believers are in a terminal ego spiral: their identities are built on being ‘smartest person in the room’ and they cannot bear to accept the fact that they have been conned.” Spot on: the more evidence they confront, the harder they cling to their egos.
Well said on every level.
Just had a run in this morning with the cfmeu delogate and I can tell you that there are ardent supporters still, believers of his lordships bullshit. In reality as ALL union delogates were given an exemption from the experiment he is more than like just lying through his teeth because he understands which side his bread in buttered on.
Although kept very quiet the "reasoning" if they got caught was because they had Federal right of entry and federally vaxx cannot be mandated.
I can confirm that federal employees were not mandated, including military (unless deployed).
Great article! Nice work! Going to check out a lot more of your stuff… but of course it’ll take some time. So much information out there to plow through and absorb. A veritable mountain of information covering every conceivable aspect of this diabolical situation. Thank god we’ve got so much intelligence out there! Awake, aware and working on the case!
Totally agree that it's overwhelming. My rules are simple: never take the jab, never go to the camp, never take the chip, never comply, made in the image of God. It's served me well.
Agree with Louise. With Bill Gates and CSIRO working on inserting vaccines - lipid nanoparticle mRNA bundles - in food (been used in pork in USA since 2018, Chinese are using milk as the way to spread the vaccine) we may not be able to choose at some point, unless we stop eating.
When the COVID police were about here in Queensland, I was carefully compliant. I have health problems and would not do well in their camps. But the thing is - if they *had* chosen me for the camps - how would I refuse armed cops (the footage of AU police brutality at the protests comes to mind, but there are others, like "medical compliance" - this clip is for a "med check" for "mental health" - nothing to do with COVID, dated 2020 - the man got his head stomped, and was still in a coma when I found this link:
I put on the armour of God knowing full well that I may not make it. I'm at peace. Ultimately people will have to transcend the fear associated with their bodies. And fear in general. That is what they use to control you.
The vaccines are not vaccines - they are what they call ‘countermeasures’ , the US DOD has used legislation that bypasses any regulatory checks such as safety, efficacy, vaccine ingredient oversight etc, this is why the shots are not stopping - they don’t need to adhere to any normal concerns.
Countermeasures are used in a bio attack and that is why they used this specific legislation, they claim covid 19 was a bio attack.
Pfizer, Moderna etc did not even make one vaccine, the DOD paid them billions to use their brand, they used over 200 smaller manufacturers to make these countermeasures ( which were already in place) and they moved around these ‘vaccines’ between manufacturers adding ingredients here there and everywhere - no one but possibly a handful of people know what’s in them.
All the trials etc were not needed under this legislation but were faked and lied about for the public.
The Government is big pharma.
Big pharma is the Government
This is why I thought it was weird the military in OZ was involved - know I now why.
They developed Covid 19 ( we may disagree on whether it exists) and then already had the countermeasure standing by - it’s a deliberate world poisoning and they have covered their arse through legislation
So when Pfizer, Politicians, Doctors etc say it’s safe and effective ( in USA) they are completely covered by the US DOD who has covered them all for liability.
The TGA is in on it and no doubt National cabinet was as well - it was a military not health scenario - they just lied to us.
Pointing out never ending safety and efficacy studies is pointless as they don’t need to acknowledge them via the legislation the countermeasures are made under, neither does the TGA.
It’s been one never ending lie and still no one really knows what is in these shots.
My guess is a variety of poisons, nanotechnology for 5G, placebos, parasites and whatever else these 240 manufactures decided - a bit like sawdust of the floor of the butchers shop to fill up the snags when running low.