It ain't over. WE do not consent. There's a shit ton of us who will never bend. Any gummint official who attempts to inject me, dies. Anyone who attempts to put me in Quarantine, a Concentration camp, dies. Or I do. Simple really.

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People: this comment by AussieManDust is critical.

Remember when Premier Mark McGowan said "short of holding people down and jabbing them there is nothing more I can do."

The authority's fear of defensive violence is the only thing that stood between us and injection at gunpoint (WA Health Act 2016). McGowan could have easily done it. Premier McGowan knew forced injections would be a bloodbath even though he had the legal ability to do so - police and his parliament including the military would happily do his bidding as a compliant and fearful citizenry turned their backs on us while the media ran interference. He would also be legally exonerated for his actions under the state of emergency.

But he stopped short. Why? They know a critical mass of us are still out here and we will go all the way in defence of our genetic and spiritual integrity. People have to understand this. The only thing we want is peace and to be left alone. We do not want this. We do not want ANY of this. We want a government that promotes peace and most of all individual liberty. To the power structure: do not force our hands.

McGowan may have resigned for any number of reasons - he infuriated Russia (with the mint scandal), China and the US which are dangerous enemies to have, but he stepped down just as he was announcing new firearm legislation and farming restrictions. None of this is an accident and we will probably never know the real reason.

Read the comment again and decide. God Bless you my readers.

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The list of tough ruthless leaders heading for the hills, is growing. Berejeklian, Gunner, McGowen, the Tassie dude, and in UK Boris Johnston. It looks like Macron also has taken fright. And now Biden has tanks and APCs cruising US streets. Half of Davos did not turn up, losing their $23,000. Somebody has brought them bad news, which means we must have done something right. Over the next year, the traitor's thugs will begin falling over. The US military will collapse, along with the US dollar. That, boys, is when we strike. But not like an army. Like a thief in the night. A cable tie around the neck while they are asleep, a hammered bicycle spoke in the vertebrae (the dreaded Soweto stiletto), the disappearing act. No list of targets and no big army. Just cells of guerillas striking at random. Nobody will know who is next. Hey, I'm writng a film script here folks. What did you think I was talking about? Sedition? Heavens to betsy.

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I was born in the middle of WWII and it looks like I will die in the middle of WWIII. Kinda poetic, really. But I will take a shitload of them down with me; starting at the top.

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Oooops, Aussie Man Dust... Sorry. I hit your comment accidentally, preoccupied as I was with the sudden notion that true Aussie Patriots should be able to link up to exchange notes as we ponder the need to restore lawful government, democracy, and that long lost world, freedom.

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Ahahahaha "the powers that be (fucked)" are afraid of "conspiracy"... I'm not hiding my hatred nor my distrust, WHAT hidden conspiracy? It won't be an organised rebellion, get over that thought! There are16,000 armed pigs in NSW, ALONE. There is no reasoning with cretins with guns. They WILL PUT US IN CAMPS unless we spaz. We Will✊️ but as side effect only.

Our VERY SOCIETY is dissolving. The BELIEF in fairness, justice, equality has been drowned under Globocap Surveillance, ESG, Trans , Paedo etc, the Elite$ crazy agender (sic). Take away our food, electricity and gas and society collapes. 😜 it will happen. The SCO, BRICS, Silk Road, Dedollarisation, CBDCs... the Amerikan Empire is shaky AF. We are it's Satrapy... here it comes.... BOOOOM...

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They cannot land on us if we are in disguise, and if we live off-grid. Which reminds me, do not use bright colours tarps. Pilots report the locations.

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Yeah, I hear that. But, having hidden, having no effect on the Troubles To Come, is nihil. Would you come back to ashes? Or a victorious, vicious winner, intent on helping you Think The Right Thoughts? What would you do when they hunt The Remnants down?

Or, like me, will you simply NOT COMPLY? I shall remain unarmed. If they come I shall die on my stoop. They shall rule only my dead body. NOVAX✊️NOVAX✊️NOVAX✊️💣

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Meh. You are catastrophising. Take a breath 😉 Que sera sera. Like in the old movie, The Last Beach. This IS The End of The World as we know it. Let's race cars down the beach!!! ⛱️ 😎 A.I, nano, 3d, gene altering biotek, cbdc's, 5g; 🤷 no rules... 👊 ball's in play ▶️

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The PTSD is real and WA was a nightmare. So many job ads still asking for the jab. I understand the anger. The sadness too. Sometimes I feel on the edge of tears and I can’t quite put my finger on the reason. The world is not the same and the evil of humanity has been laid bare. Look after yourself and take care.

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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." MLK

Stand tall; you have measured higher than most of your countrymen, indeed most of the world.

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Somewhere in your bloodline is a warrior. Embrace him. We all need to face the future without fear, whatever that might hold. Enjoy your downtime and may you find the peace within to feed your strength. I'm unjabbed too and was aware of the dangers of the experimental gene transfection shite early on. There were times when I felt hunted and even imagined creating false walls in my house to hide in. My greatest fear was for my children and when they started coming for them I almost flipped. I've managed to save 3 of 5. For now. I'm wobbling on! Sorry. I understand your horror and stand beside you.

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I understand where you are at. I am in much the same position and have retired on my small farm.

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Peace and love friend. It's timely, and completely understandable. The struggle is real and it takes an enormous toll that is hard to account for. I've 'ejected' from this life myself, sold up and hitting the road indefinitely. If the government taught me one thing (ex MIL), it is to be light and agile. Now debt free and able to move quickly, on my little island, not able to be controlled by any of their systems. I want to fall back in love with my country, that will only happen when I am out there enjoying the bush and the people who love the minimalist life out there.

Best wishes to you, thank you for your contributions.

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Me too.

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So glad to see that you are putting self care at the top for now, and making your process public so that others can check in with their own needs and swap resources. There are so many nourishing comments in response that they are like a shower of lovely warm water to bless and renew your spirit, our spirits in this tribe of warriors who carry the curse-gift of knowing. I'm hearing a strong voice singing: "I'm gonna wash that Plan right outa my head...and send it on its way!" ;)

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Beautifully said Rosemary.

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Praying for you from the US. Troubled times we're living in & far too many folks ready to go along, thinking just to get along. Of course, all the truth-tellers know that appeasement doesn't dissuade the monsters who want to depopulate earth.

Thank you for standing up to share the truth & I pray you continue with renewed courage.

If God is for you, who can be against you! Be encouraged in the name of Jesus Christ.

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I’ve read your comments on Sage Hana’s stack but today was the first time I read your stack.

I’ve been dealing with healing from severe PTSD for over 30 years and wanted to share one of the things that’s helped me the most. It’s called TRE or trauma releasing exercise and consists of activating a natural shaking mechanism that all mammals possess. I think you’re already doing another thing which I feel is fundamental for healing which is finding a purpose in life. I’m going to share two links, the first is to a short video of a traumatized polar bear shaking it off, the second to the TRE official website. Thanks for this blog and forstanding for freedom. Thanks to people like you We Will Win.



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Ah, thanks for reminding me that I need to get back to work on my course, and get off of reading sub stack for a bit! I am studying body work for horses, and the shaking thing is one of the things they do to release new or old tensions. It is so easy for quadrupeds to do it, they do it all the time. EDA I hope you find peace and maybe love from a quadruped.

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Thank you for the sub x

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The bear reminded me of the neo-Reichian Bioenergetic exercises that Alexander Lowen compiled to help people release embodied trauma. Thanks for sharing this resource.

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The answer comes from within, and when without is too loud, and too frightening - it is imperative to reconnect. You are one of the voices that is shining through the mire. There are many, many of us who have been working through the realisation that evil exists, and this realisation alone required deep work - the entire grieving process is necessary, plus some new ones - I'm sure!! Then add in the unethical and violently criminal treatment of anyone who questioned or stood up - this stuff is HARD......Pull on your extensive knowledge and lead yourself gently through whatever processes you need to, to come out the other side. You aren't alone, you are thought of, you are appreciated, you are supported. Close your eyes and see if you can feel it. If you can't yet, you will.

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Have a good rest.

Recharge and look for ways to calm as you go.

I would say you sound less doing a Harold Holt, and more "going walkabout for awhile".

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Dear EDAU,

I cried when I read this. I hear you. I can feel your pain.

Your work has been incredible and I thank you. May God bless you, and heal and strengthen your spirit.

You have an army of support behind you, bigger than you think and we are here to carry you when you stumble. We are all here to help each other, and I personally find comfort in reading others' comments and knowing that I am not alone in what I am feeling and experiencing.

We keep resisting. We do not comply. There is no other way.

Take care of yourself ❤️🙏

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All warriors, especially passionate and erudite ones like yourself need some peace and a place in the sun. And why do we fight? For the love of country and humanity. Recharge and come back soon, matey!

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This transcript comes with my prayers for you and for your well-being. Thank you for standing for freedom.

WorldWide Rally 1.0 - Sydney (Highlights) 20.03.21 - Rallying in the Pouring Rain

Spring Water Greg

Posted Nov 30, 2021




BRADY GUNN: In the rain! We were here! People power is the only thing that's going to make a difference in this war. We are in a spiritual war.



BRADY GUNN: And to be a spiritual being in a spiritual war, we have be whole people, full people, stepping out of fear and into love. Stepping out of our minds into what we know is right. We stand in peace but we stand in solidarity.


BRADY GUNN: And we're all as important to each other here and if people power is the only thing that's going to win this war, then you, and you, and you, and you, and everybody here is just as important as anybody else here.


BRADY GUNN: And we need to show numbers here. We have stood today, one of the very first countries to stand because of the time line, and one thing, we've set a great example of what Australia's all about!

[cheering and clapping]

And what we stand for and we're not going to put up with.


Look at what we did, look at what we created. And you guys did it. We thank you, we thank you, we thank you. We step into our power.


BRADY GUNN: We step away, away from tyranny, away from what's wrong. The only thing that's made this possibility is technology. They could not try to pull a stunt like this without technology, but that's going to be their downfall. And it's so transparent right now, we can see through it. And that comes with great responsibility. You cannot, you can only, you can only bury your head in the sand or take responsibility for what's going on in in this.


BRADY GUNN: And we can see everything, we can see everything, so it comes with great responsibility personally to take a leadership role. Next year there will be thousands of people in this park, in the pissing rain, if it's not pissing rain, there'll be millions standing in this park because we are waking up and this is the great awakening!

[cheers, clapping]

Right here!

[cheers, clapping]

Thank you for being part of this!

[cheers, clapping]

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!



# # #


Brady Gunn is the founder of the Stand In the Park Movement which started in Sydney, Australia, then spread to the UK. See "Finding Brady. An interview with the Stand In The Park Founder" Cafe Locked Out, June 2, 2023. https://cafelockeddown.substack.com/p/finding-brady-an-interview-with-the#details

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Thank you Mrs B. I remember the first tiny protests at Parliament in WA. There were about 6 of us. Once I was the only one there. It was during lockdowns. I held a sign to empty roads and buildings that had the covid CFRs thinking 'what am I doing' and laughing XD

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It means a very great deal to me and to so many, many other people that you made those efforts, including and most very especially the time you stood there alone. Please don't ever forget that.

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I sympathise with you greatly. It is no small task to go against the grain. There are many of us, but not enough. Yesterday in the chemist, while I waited for a script, I saw one of my neighbours, sitting on a chair waiting. I said, "what are you waiting for", he said "the flu injection". I didn't say anything to that and then asked him about the covid jabs. He has had five or was going to have his fifth jab. I would have liked to say something to that but thought it was pretty useless at this stage. Some people are still caught up in the belief that it all works. People that have been jabbed that I know have all had covid. I am free of jabs and have not had covid. I am sick from others things that Pharma has done to me, saying that it is all safe, but not the jabs. I am struggling to manage with this. I can sympathise with those who have been damaged but now see the light.


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We have a term used in the wellness arena called “holding space” (for others) and yes it can be draining but I need to say to you that it shouldn’t be. I had to evaluate this at the beginning when i felt myself getting swallowed up and miserable - some were thriving as a warrior and others were subsumed. As much as we need fighters we also need creators for the new world. We need both and perhaps you are better placed in the second (as myself). We cannot have such an immense soul as yourself feeling like this. It’s possibly out of line to stay this but i hope you consider your alignment. Perhaps it’s time to move on in a different capacity with the same agenda. As a reader, your health is more important to me than keeping this substack alive. Blessings to you.

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