Well said and applicable all over the world. The first wave of politicians to become brave instead of cowardly, to speak the truth and take risks instead of being useful fools and pawns of evil, just might save the world, and themselves. Prospects for the rest of them look very bleak indeed.
I was hoping for a comment like this. We need to break this social logjam somehow. For those of us who have been wise from the beginning (and before), it has been a very long three years. We have to remember that many of the people who did this to us are just now seeing the horror that we have been experiencing. This will be incredibly painful for those of us who want to see justice, but we may have to rethink our definition of 'justice' and put away the fantasies. However, as you say, as time goes on, the ones that stay silent have the bleakest prospects. Best to speak up now.
Absolutely. As far as the biggest cons of all time go, virology is right up there with fiat currencies and man-made global warming. All of the above are ruses used by the world's most powerful people to instil fear, exercise ever more control, and extract ever more wealth from We the People. They are strategies and tools of totalitarians.
I'm happy to send this article to my politicians. However I will not be surprised when it is either ignored, or I receive some generic reply which doesn't address the issue, as I have on previous occasions.
I am concerned that you and your government have wilfully ignored all evidence and have therefore intentionally participated in the murder of Australian citizens.
Hope we can find a solution moving forward.'
I believe that most politicians didn't receive the jab.
They are too far down the road to come clean. If they do ,it will be when they are facing their own demise, or that of a family member.
However we all have to keep speaking out. Never comply.
Thanks for your substack and your efforts, they are much appreciated.
"My greatest fear is that the anger of the vaccine-injured will collapse the system"
Why do you fear that? From your writing I got the impression that the system hasn't treated you kindly in the last few years. Anyway, more important than the past is the future. What will happen in the future if the system stays in place? It's only a matter of time until another infectious disease shows up. Won't this system react the same way and again force an experimental vaccine on anyone?
If so, wouldn't collapse of the system be preferable?
Q. "Why do you fear that (collapse of the system)?"
A. In a grid-down scenario 90% of the country is dead in a year due to starvation, disease and violence. I don't want to live in that hellscape. Clarified in text - thanks.
Q. "more important than the past is the future."
A. Totally disagree. Otherwise we wouldn't care about the vaccines.
Q. "Wouldn't system collapse be preferable?"
A. System collapse is a fantasy. Collapse into what? The WEF coming in and posing as the saviours? When it happens, it will happen quickly. None of this will lead to a utopia for anyone.
Q. "What will happen in the future if the system stays in place? It's only a matter of time until another infectious disease shows up. Won't this system react the same way and again force an experimental vaccine on anyone?"
A. Yep. That's why we have to look to the past and make them see what they have done. That's why the past is important. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but collapsing civilisation in violent anarchy doesn't seem like a good option. That's what these people are heading us towards by ignoring what is happening and we need to stop this.
Some will call me a fantacist but I don't care. It is being made to look like anarchy is our only option : this is I believe deliberate to wake the droves of WA (global) sheep up even if just a little. There is immense work going on behind the scenes (for decades) to overturn this evil. I believe the next few weeks / months will reveal this out into the open. There are certainly growing signs change is occurring (most visible overseas at present). Stay vigilant, stay hopeful, keep the hammer down in any way you can (this has many facets), don't win any stupid prizes.
Most of them probably see what they have done, but are denying it. Maybe we can make them come clean and say "we regret that we pushed a harmful vaccine on the population. We understand that this harmful vaccine killed a lot of people and crippled even more. We are very sorry".
I assume such a statement would be "coming clean", but it wouldn't do any good. When the next disease shows up, they'll say "take this vaccine. It is totally safe, efficient and beneficial.
Everyone can agree that it was wrong to push a very harmful vaccine on people. People disagree whether it would be wrong to push a totally safe and efficient vaccine.
I agree that there isn't. My point is that many people believe that there is and that they are therefore not against compulsory vaccination. Listing harmful effects of any specific vaccine won't make them change their minds.
Apologies? From the arch criminals that committed GENOCIDE.
No apology will cure the INJURED for life. No apology will resurrect the DEAD.
Yes I do know what democide means. But to the average person that doesn't it's use just looks like a watered down version of GENOCIDE. Thanks for your post.
Most people are just too plain stupid, that’s the problem.
This is a leisurely walk in the park for them. They’re making ground on us each and every single day!
It’s just a simple matter of time ‘til they’ve got us EXACTLY where they want us! Even then, the slow moving—slow thinking masses won’t have a single solitary clue they’ve been had like fools!
For f*ck sake! The bulk of them can’t even see what’s happening right there in front of their faces!
You just know we’re in trouble when an MP gets up in parliament and speaks about all this and everyone in the house gathers their papers, gets up and walks out—leaving him there alone with the speaker.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: How come this report is in the public domain, first of all, Senator?
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Well that's thanks to the work of a lady in Melbourne actually, who put in a Freedom of Information request, and clearly must have known what she was talking about, that actually asked for the actual nonclinical evaluation report. And so it was finally released after months of hassling, you know, and they wanted to charge thousands originally to get this data released, and this particular lady was like a bulldog and just fought the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration] to get the data released. So it was finally released, the first draft on the 15th of July 2021, with a number of other documents, and it's known as the 2389 series. And if you get on the, yeah, Google TGI FOI log,* you will see it if you scroll back down to the 15th of July. And this particular document we're looking at today is 2389-6.
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Yeah. And there is a bit of an addendment so that, is that the lady who initially lodged the FOI [Freedom of Information request], there's a large part of that document was initially redacted, and she kept fighting them, and she's finally got more of it unredacted in December 2022, 18 months later. And there's some very interesting data in there that was actually redacted the first time, which I think was negligent of the TGA not to actually release so that people could make a fully informed choice as to what they were taking.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: So I think it's clear to emphasize that the Therapeutics Goods Administration in Australia had all this information prior to authorizing the vaccines. The covid vaccines. This was known about. Now the first point, you've made raised quite a few points. Shall we, can we can we go through these?
Yes Spiro, the artwork itself, what I presents and then there is Caravaggio himself and his life, if one wants to contemplate that in our contemporary setting. :-))
Thanks for trying Spiro. If it is/was technical incompetence in the field, we must be be awash with it. I've given up trying to understand all this, maybe I'm just not smart enough. Best to you, I like coming across your comments 😊
Well said and applicable all over the world. The first wave of politicians to become brave instead of cowardly, to speak the truth and take risks instead of being useful fools and pawns of evil, just might save the world, and themselves. Prospects for the rest of them look very bleak indeed.
I was hoping for a comment like this. We need to break this social logjam somehow. For those of us who have been wise from the beginning (and before), it has been a very long three years. We have to remember that many of the people who did this to us are just now seeing the horror that we have been experiencing. This will be incredibly painful for those of us who want to see justice, but we may have to rethink our definition of 'justice' and put away the fantasies. However, as you say, as time goes on, the ones that stay silent have the bleakest prospects. Best to speak up now.
Ditto. New Zealand.
Time I think to also to rid oneself of the delusion of virology; a big step to freedom from fear.
Our dear NZ brothers and sisters, who suffered so much along side us. Kia kaha!
Absolutely. As far as the biggest cons of all time go, virology is right up there with fiat currencies and man-made global warming. All of the above are ruses used by the world's most powerful people to instil fear, exercise ever more control, and extract ever more wealth from We the People. They are strategies and tools of totalitarians.
I'm happy to send this article to my politicians. However I will not be surprised when it is either ignored, or I receive some generic reply which doesn't address the issue, as I have on previous occasions.
'Dear Mr Hitler( insert appropriate name. Goebbels. Stalin....)
I am concerned that you and your government have wilfully ignored all evidence and have therefore intentionally participated in the murder of Australian citizens.
Hope we can find a solution moving forward.'
I believe that most politicians didn't receive the jab.
They are too far down the road to come clean. If they do ,it will be when they are facing their own demise, or that of a family member.
However we all have to keep speaking out. Never comply.
Thanks for your substack and your efforts, they are much appreciated.
Extra points for the Ceausescu reference.
All suggestions welcomed!😁
"My greatest fear is that the anger of the vaccine-injured will collapse the system"
Why do you fear that? From your writing I got the impression that the system hasn't treated you kindly in the last few years. Anyway, more important than the past is the future. What will happen in the future if the system stays in place? It's only a matter of time until another infectious disease shows up. Won't this system react the same way and again force an experimental vaccine on anyone?
If so, wouldn't collapse of the system be preferable?
Q. "Why do you fear that (collapse of the system)?"
A. In a grid-down scenario 90% of the country is dead in a year due to starvation, disease and violence. I don't want to live in that hellscape. Clarified in text - thanks.
Q. "more important than the past is the future."
A. Totally disagree. Otherwise we wouldn't care about the vaccines.
Q. "Wouldn't system collapse be preferable?"
A. System collapse is a fantasy. Collapse into what? The WEF coming in and posing as the saviours? When it happens, it will happen quickly. None of this will lead to a utopia for anyone.
Q. "What will happen in the future if the system stays in place? It's only a matter of time until another infectious disease shows up. Won't this system react the same way and again force an experimental vaccine on anyone?"
A. Yep. That's why we have to look to the past and make them see what they have done. That's why the past is important. I don't pretend to have all the answers, but collapsing civilisation in violent anarchy doesn't seem like a good option. That's what these people are heading us towards by ignoring what is happening and we need to stop this.
Some will call me a fantacist but I don't care. It is being made to look like anarchy is our only option : this is I believe deliberate to wake the droves of WA (global) sheep up even if just a little. There is immense work going on behind the scenes (for decades) to overturn this evil. I believe the next few weeks / months will reveal this out into the open. There are certainly growing signs change is occurring (most visible overseas at present). Stay vigilant, stay hopeful, keep the hammer down in any way you can (this has many facets), don't win any stupid prizes.
Most of them probably see what they have done, but are denying it. Maybe we can make them come clean and say "we regret that we pushed a harmful vaccine on the population. We understand that this harmful vaccine killed a lot of people and crippled even more. We are very sorry".
I assume such a statement would be "coming clean", but it wouldn't do any good. When the next disease shows up, they'll say "take this vaccine. It is totally safe, efficient and beneficial.
Everyone can agree that it was wrong to push a very harmful vaccine on people. People disagree whether it would be wrong to push a totally safe and efficient vaccine.
There is no such thing. The cv fiasco should make you want to research this subject.
RSV for kids : 4 days of human trials.
Measles & smallpox vx : introduced AFTER sanitation and clean water had almost eradicated them.
Tetanus vx : fertility issues https://t.me/TomNumbers1776/3157
Autism prevalence skyrocketing in the USA with their CDC 72 shots by 18 regimen...
I agree that there isn't. My point is that many people believe that there is and that they are therefore not against compulsory vaccination. Listing harmful effects of any specific vaccine won't make them change their minds.
I am rather in the business of solutions. What do you propose?
Apologies? From the arch criminals that committed GENOCIDE.
No apology will cure the INJURED for life. No apology will resurrect the DEAD.
Yes I do know what democide means. But to the average person that doesn't it's use just looks like a watered down version of GENOCIDE. Thanks for your post.
Twitter seems a bit safer to anti-idiocy posts these days, you tried to increase your circulation on that?
I'm still banned and they seem to want increasing amounts of personal data to come back. Can you share it for me?
I shared it on twitter and Facebook
sorry no. I'm not on Twitter, just been paying attention to changes after Elon took over.
Maybe some other readers can?
Cheers, good content and analysis (you and dystopian)
Most people are just too plain stupid, that’s the problem.
This is a leisurely walk in the park for them. They’re making ground on us each and every single day!
It’s just a simple matter of time ‘til they’ve got us EXACTLY where they want us! Even then, the slow moving—slow thinking masses won’t have a single solitary clue they’ve been had like fools!
For f*ck sake! The bulk of them can’t even see what’s happening right there in front of their faces!
You just know we’re in trouble when an MP gets up in parliament and speaks about all this and everyone in the house gathers their papers, gets up and walks out—leaving him there alone with the speaker.
It’s CLOWN WORLD I tell ya! 🤡
I'd love to know, who is Nancy of Melbourne who got the freedom of information request for document 2389? Because wow.
Senator Rennick on What the Australian Government Knew, January 2021
Dr. John Campbell, March 24, 2023
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: How come this report is in the public domain, first of all, Senator?
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Well that's thanks to the work of a lady in Melbourne actually, who put in a Freedom of Information request, and clearly must have known what she was talking about, that actually asked for the actual nonclinical evaluation report. And so it was finally released after months of hassling, you know, and they wanted to charge thousands originally to get this data released, and this particular lady was like a bulldog and just fought the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration] to get the data released. So it was finally released, the first draft on the 15th of July 2021, with a number of other documents, and it's known as the 2389 series. And if you get on the, yeah, Google TGI FOI log,* you will see it if you scroll back down to the 15th of July. And this particular document we're looking at today is 2389-6.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: And and we will put a link you can download this full document. It runs to 58 Pages.*
*[https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-2389-06.pdf ]
SENATOR GERARD RENNICK: Yeah. And there is a bit of an addendment so that, is that the lady who initially lodged the FOI [Freedom of Information request], there's a large part of that document was initially redacted, and she kept fighting them, and she's finally got more of it unredacted in December 2022, 18 months later. And there's some very interesting data in there that was actually redacted the first time, which I think was negligent of the TGA not to actually release so that people could make a fully informed choice as to what they were taking.
DR. JOHN CAMPBELL: So I think it's clear to emphasize that the Therapeutics Goods Administration in Australia had all this information prior to authorizing the vaccines. The covid vaccines. This was known about. Now the first point, you've made raised quite a few points. Shall we, can we can we go through these?
Finally someone noticed! I spend a long time choosing the artwork that goes along with each article.
Yes Spiro, the artwork itself, what I presents and then there is Caravaggio himself and his life, if one wants to contemplate that in our contemporary setting. :-))
Hooray! Another Caravaggio enjoyer!
Thanks for trying Spiro. If it is/was technical incompetence in the field, we must be be awash with it. I've given up trying to understand all this, maybe I'm just not smart enough. Best to you, I like coming across your comments 😊
What's 'MFM'?