Not to mention that probably the majority of the jabbed don’t even think they made a mistake or did anything wrong. They will do exactly the same next time and feel justified doing it. It’s the doctors and nurses for me. The doctors who were too afraid to write people exemptions or speak out. The ones who swore to do no harm. I will never go to a doctor or hospital again if I can help it. Yes I have the rage. I fear it will never go away.
For me, it's the judges. There have been around 400 legal challenges to the mandates in Australia and I don't think any of them have been successful. Americans have the "four boxes of liberty:" soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge. That's why I wrote about the Trains in Queensland. If you look on the comments on the video, they are very illuminating. People aren't stupid.
I was moved by the original letter but I am even more moved by the second, very much more so. Midway through, I was shaking my head in disagreement but by the end, he had me completely. Now, as it happens, it's not so much pity that I feel for them but mainly contempt. I'm still waiting for any of them to offer that full and frank admission of fault and begging for forgiveness. It's not going to happen, is it?
Once you bought a Honda, you don’t go around hunting down bad reviews of Hondas. You just happily drive it looking out the front window. That is most of the jabbed driving happily to the next pandemic where they will do exactly the same thing. Except the jab injured. They fell out of the car and were left on the side of the road. We can pick them up along the way.
I don't know what will happen Joel. I was recently reflecting on the piece you wrote about being burned out by data. I understand this - I think I commented on your article. I'm honoured that you have found a little 'home' here to recharge and share. I write anonymously because I want it to be about the work rather than my background - if people knew they would be off to the races and it would be endless circular arguments.
In your bio you said that you are an 'accidental' political activist but here's another way to look at it: courage is a decision, even if made in a split second. There is nothing accidental about your courage. As Teddy Roosevelt said you are the 'man in the arena.' I'm glad you're here.
Rage, like everything, cannot stand still. It must move, evolve. I raged against those idiotic compliant masked proles who just queued up to get jabbed and by doing so led us all into hell. All they needed to do was stop and THINK, but they couldn't or wouldn't, so self-righteously convinced were they that what they did so blindly, ignorantly, and irresponsibly, was for their own good and for the 'greater good'. They were catastrophically wrong on both counts. We are still counting the cost in human lives, human health, a wrecked economy and a massive social divide. I rage now against the unrepentant and those still convinced that they were right and that they were 'following the science'. I rage against the cowards who cannot find it within their hearts to admit that they were wrong. Because those people will surely lead us deeper into hell the next time.
"A knowing, not of the mind…. something cleaner and more immediate, that needs no words at all
Is present
Christ consciousness
It doesn’t ride in the vowel or verb. It rests in the beginning before the beginning.
You know"
That is beautiful. I call this intuition. Instant knowing. So few people have the courage to listen to the low whispers of the intuitive mind. Had they done so, there would now be no need for rage.
What the media in Australia will never tell you is that the Australian government spent years analysing what happened during the Spanish flu Pandemic and also piloting programs for locking people in their houses. For example, when the vaccines were rolled out across the country and quarantining commenced in 1919, all the public servants took a stand AGAINST getting a mandatory vaccine. Yes, they refused, with the unions backing them. The complete opposite of what happened in 2020, where the human cattle complied with the shots and worse, condoned the segregation of the vaccinated and unvaccinated across public facilities and services. Shame on you and if the government, one day soon, changes your work contract so that you are forced to donate a healthy kidney or some other organ to the greater cause, perhaps you'll reflect on your cowardice.
Interesting how the union has changed from supporting the workers rights to supporting the government narrative. The CFMEU hierarchy being protected from their own members by the police. I never thought I’d see the day.
That was such a great day. Why? It totally blew away the narrative of "far right Nazi protestors." Look at the crowd. Maoris, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Europeans, all the people. We shut it down baby. Big masculine energy that day. Australia and Melbourne is not dead! I was screaming and woot wooting in my living room in Perth while Stairman Dan was whimpering and seething. Thanks for posting the link. Anyone overseas who wants more look up Rukshan Fernando's coverage.
Edit: I particularly enjoyed the guys doing their unjabbed 'smoko protest' in the middle of the street just tables and chairs stopping traffic. They weren't allowed in the break rooms unjabbed so just set up shop in the busiest roads in Melbourne :D
Love love Rukshan. Thanks for posting this. The international readers will appreciate it. I always laugh when I think about his reporting from the union protests when they shut down the bridge "I've never walked so far in my life! My legs are falling off!"
Edit: Also how he is "just a wedding photographer." Absolutely dead with laughter my word
In 'Plagued' which chronicles Australia pandemic response, authors Benson and Chambers (pp. 16, 17) cite records from the National Archives of Australia which reveal communications between government departments about public servants across Australia refusing the vaccines in 1919, "on the grounds that they do not believe it has any efficacy..." and the problems with enforcing mandates.
In 2018 (pp. 45 - 48), public servant Michael Pezzullo who was the secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, brought together agencies from Border Force, Federal Police, Health, Agriculture etc to co-ordinate exercises in crisis control for a 'pandemic outbreak of a zoonotic influenza virus'. And which government minister headed up that department? Peter Dutton.
The authors do a good job of supplying the receipts but it would be a good idea to verify all the data - as we all know, interpretation's the thing.
I don't feel angry at the jabbed, for the ones I know all believed (and many still believe) that covid was really-truly-OMG-super-dangerous and the "vaccines" "safe and effective." They were just duped, and that they were being lied to was (and for many still is) a hippopotamus beyond impossible for them to wrap their minds around.
I wasn't duped-- early on, I figured out that I was being lied to by the governments and the mainstream media, and goodie for me, but am I perfect? I'm human, and I don't think there's a human being on this planet a day out of kindergarten who hasn't been fooled by someone about something.
That said, I feel a burning determination that our rights be restored-- free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and so on, most importantly our medical rights, medical privacy, and bodily autonomy. What has happened with this covid catastrophe, the lockdowns, the censorship, the masking, and the jabs is 1,000,000% UNACCEPTABLE.
So my personal focus isn't on who took the covid jabs and precisely why (guessing around down there in the murky labyrinths of other peoples' consciousnesses), but rather, here and now and going forward: What can be done to restore and defend our rights?
As I see it, first and foremost, those who violated the rights of others need to be held accountable before the law.
And on this practical level, I was tremendously heartened to see the litigation conference held recently in Atlanta, Georgia:
Many more people are bringing lawsuits, and also have had success with lawsuits, than anyone reading the mainstream media and social media would guess. Same story with legislators and officials waking up and trying to do something about it. Take heart.
My own family's history with Iron Curtain Communists propensity to murder dissenters gave me a profound understanding of:
Die on your feet, don't live on your knees.
I tried my bit to pass on the "It's OK to say no" attitude. Employees, friends, family, I said it is only a mandate, and covid only kills the old and already dying.
But everyone of them did submit, they felt they had to comply. I saw them get side effects, I saw the men in my office all having sudden flare ups of "possible melanoma's" needing to be cut out of their bodies. Many of them refused to believe to it was the injection, and became quite hostile as the suggestion of it.
I think it comes back to adversity. Many people complain about snowflakes and the nanny state. But you are right, those who stood their ground and said NO, most of us seem to have faced an existential crisis or were close to someone who had.
Frankly, i have experienced and feel that alot of the jabbed are not sorry, or expressing real regret over their behaviour, they are simply too scared of confrontation, so they "go along to get along". They are trying to "smooth things over", because god forbid, anybody starts yelling!!!
Society has vilified righteous disobedience and justified cowardice.
We have people too afraid to stand up for themselves or others, because they cannot handle getting "yelled" at on social media!🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Also, people seem to have lost the ability to apologise properly.
To take a situation and justify your response for behaving badly, is what 8 year olds do! Adults take responsibility for their decisions. Good or bad, right or wrong. They suck it up, look the person in the eye and say, "I did that. I am sorry. I understand if you cannot ever forgive me. I will learn to live with knowing you can't, remembering what I did and learn from it, and hopefully, never do it again."
That's what real, fully grounded adults do. It's what our ancestors knew and acted from.
As far as I can tell, there's not too many around today that even understand the concepts of truth, honour, respect, forgiveness and love. I hope I am wrong.
You bring up an important point that goes to leadership, which I hint about in the piece. If people are too afraid to be yelled at or of confrontation, they are unfit to be servant-leaders. If they need 'counselling' when people disagree with them, they are unfit to lead. If everything is 'hate speech' they are unfit to lead. Enough!
Thankyou for this article. So grateful for this kind of intelligence coming out of Australia. So far I have largely had to reference American freedom writers. They have been bright lights in the dark, highly motivating and educational, but there something about Terre firma Australia and the relevance it holds. It is home
I guess my experience is that the gaslighting narcissistic violence of the plandemic was another example of a long list of lived experience. I’m going to really throw this open at the risk of being misunderstood... the ego is narcissistic... and it is in everyone of us
When I consider this false self, this construct of identity, it was groomed all the way by a narcissistic society.
It is the spirit, that abides in as the heart that has a frequency of simplicity inclusivity gentleness and freedom. Because it is not invested in the fictitious identity anymore. It doesn’t need to defend it
This spirit is one being, and so when this perception is revealed as true self, the word enemy seems somewhat fruitless. It’s impossible. Because ultimately, it’s all us
I feel like spiritual awakening is primary to this situation we are in. And it really is the fallen, the evil identified trying to take over the world.
I have no faith in legal or political viability because these are all infiltrated by the Illuminati. In the time of the genocide of the Jews, the system was still required and so perhaps a facade of justice was performed
But the powers that be are collapsing the system now. They are in the final stages of an 80 year plan (at least)
I think it’s humbling for the ‘pure blood’ advocates to note that all blood, vaccinated and unvaccinated is poisoned by nanotechnology. It’s in our food, water, skies.
This kind of division (vax and unvaccinated) is perpetuating what the government has started. Don’t buy it.
I was oppressed and discriminated against during the pandemic. But as a single mother who choose to raise her children at from home, I have been oppressed and discriminated against the whole way. My sense is that we need each other. We need each other. We need each other. But waking up sleeping people is a spiritual matter too.
My best friends are vaccinated to the hilt. They Shame me subtly when I approach them on this.
The best I have been able to do is connect with awake folk and in my sphere that equals one person
All I can say is I am here to love. Love is the teacher and the student. Prayer and meditation are vital. Informed action like yours is God send. It is a privilege to be awake and however God uses me... I pray to serve. Anyone who wakes up and sincerely apologises, it is done. Hold my hand. We are together. But the fallen is so dark, the mentality has to break open. Not just one brick, the vaccination idea, shifted. It’s bigger than that. My heart knows the difference
Having said that I was definitely sucked in by Jacinda Ardern. Barack Obama. It’s been such a shock. I see the planted opposition and it freaks me out. So maybe careful discernment is very necessary at these times. So much is not what it seems.
Thankyou soooooooo much for your substack. You are a gift in my days.
I read the grandmother’s thank you and in the manner she wrote it I truly appreciate her writings, this even so Jim Brandt seems not to do so in that somehow he seems to hold she didn’t apologise or whatever.
More than 50 years ago I was living in Germany to try to find out what really happened during WWII when many of my Jewish family died in Auschwitz. For over a year I lived there and later as a soldier in the Dutch army served in NATO at the then IRON CURTAIN. I learned that what eventuated then much was now eventuating in the Commonwealth of Australia. My 90 year old wife lived during WWII and knows too well how 3 bombs were dropped on the family farm destroying all 3 bunkers her father had built for the family and workers in Czechoslovakia. Luckily, that day her father ordered everyone to be in the main house on a guts feeling as ordinary they all would hide in bunkers. Actually not until recently she held that the 3 bombs were simply dropped because a bomber needed to get rid of them. I explained that when there are three bombs targeting 3 different underground bunkers that is not coincidental but were targeted. Yes, there were Germans who openly bragged to me about what they did during WWII but there were also many whom made clear that trying to survive the tyranny was important. I carefully read the grandmothers story and recognise that she like many Germans at the time were left no choice. However she did not seek to push others to be jabbed if anything she shows to oppose this. I gained respect for her. Because my wife suffers from heart failure and other comorbidities I held it was my obligation to protect her and research from onset this covid scam and had no doubt it was a scam. My wife’s life was at risk and her specialist even pushing for her to be having the jab. I confronted him there and then as to the risk to my wife and he admitted he didn’t know. I as a constitutionalist and retired Professional Advocate realised that I needed to build a legal case against the evil doers. Because my wife and I are well into retirement we had mandates but not any risk of losing a job and so monies to pay bills, etc. Admittedly my wife often scorned me over the decades for always buying bulk and in November 2019 I again refilled our toilet paper supply to at least 200 rolls, much to her criticism then but then when the toilet paper rush commenced I was even giving away for free toilet paper rolls to friends who got caught out. Apart from a few issues we were prepared as to the onslaught of (unconstitutional) mandates. I recognise however that others as this grandmother had little choice and do not hold it against her she had to subject herself to the jab. My wife even asked me when I was violently attacked by a man 1/3 my age for not wearing a mask if I was not afraid to go out. I made clear nothing was to have me caving in. My official complaint went to nowhere, even so I provided an image of the person and the store had video recording, as after all to them I was the lawbreaker, regardless I was not. My blog sets out that what we need to do is to hold the evil doers, including their collaborators, legally accountable and if convicted award them with the death penalty as a deterrent for others to do similarly. This is why I have been carefully working on getting details and publish them for others to use also. Our real problem is with the courts, as they will seek to prevent politicians to be held legally accountable. They are in it together and so the Australian Federal Police. However, I have no doubt that eventually they will be held legally accountable! Those who know how I represented myself in both appeals in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 are well aware I persisted and the Commonwealth and all 9 Attorney-Generals caved in. This because I so to say did my homework. We do not desire to turn away people like the grandmother as we need their views and the information they provide also and then use this against the evil doers and their collaborators and also pursue appropriate compensation for the victims! My wife made clear that during WWII she had bullets flying around her but she never was in fear, however the (unconstitutional) mandates and the way politicians were hissing on citizens she felt fear, even at times making known she might be better off dead. However I was able to calm her down that we will get through it and just the best was to relax. Regretfully many who had no supportive partner may have caved in, and let us not ignore their tremendous suffering!
I'm glad you are with me, and like me, will never bow even when faced with the threat of death. We are the 'stopping condition' everyone asks about. Please say hello to your wife for me, and let her know that I am not afraid either.
The jabbed are in a dream. They do not want to be woken. Don't even try. Let circumstances and their own lived experience be the thing that wakens them; it's the only way it will work.
I do think we need to be there when they do wake up; not separated or estranged, however. Someone to let them know that they can make it without the experts or Daddy Big Government.
I'm not sure how to do that. After one is told one should be 'liquidated in a camp' it's difficult to 'be there when they wake up.' I would prefer to be far away from them. I don't think I'm the right person for that job. That's when I plan on #stayinghomeandsavinglines (mine).
Not everyone had that attitude ("liquidated in a camp"), but if that's your entire experience then I completely understand.
I know fully jabbed & boosted people who still believe it's (should have been) our choice. I share a house with one, right now, and am scared af they will get cancer or some other neurological issue from the injections. Or friends of theirs will.
It's taken a long time but we can nearly talk about it, although it devolves into "I can't believe you're a conspiracy theorist, Stoichastic, I know you're intelligent".
In Christian terms it can be communicated as "A little leaven leavens the lump".
I realise I am fortunate in having a friend who is jabbed but also reasonable to a degree, not everyone can say the same. Even being open to the possibility that such people exist is enough, is a start.
If jabbed people know us, see us get infected and come through the infection in the same time with the same level (or less) of malady (as I did unjabbed right after my jabbed housemate), it's one more piece of evidence that even if "effective and safe," (mostly untrue) the jab didn't actually provide a provable benefit.
I know jabbed people who went on the freedom marches, and people who I love very much are jabbed. Yet, like the title of the article, there is a fault line, even if it's a hairline fracture. For those who were vicious, still asleep, or were in positions of power and did not listen to the cries of the people, I want nothing to do with. That particular fault line is the size of a canyon and it's not up to me to provide them with a parachute.
I hoover up anything about Germans or Russians, or any historical lesson that will help me understand. I still don't know how to deal with even apologetic friends who had no energy to spare for learning, listening, thinking, resisting, moralising. But i do know where my (our?) energy belongs. It should be directed at those who deserve it. As i post the 12th comment, the previous 11 include a who's who of authors who are consistently being thoughtful, honest, informed, insightful. They deserve my attention. I care what they think first. After which i find it easier to accept that this world holds people i love who will never address reality.
Australian corporate globalist rainbow authorities are welded to this charade, lock, stock and needled barrel. Mesmerized OZzzz has provided 1% of the funding to WHO/CEPI Access to COVID tools Accelerator, the 100 day magical woe to go production co-operative bringing a novel mRNA / LNP shot to 'everyone, everywhere'
Bravo. All media, politicians and police should be advised to ensure they keep absolutely up to date with every GOV recommended seasonal shot, and covid booster, bivalent, trivalent, quadrivalent, novel trimeric alum and whatever else is recommended. All future mandates should be tested on every member throughout these authoritarian entities for 1 year prior to any attempted imposition on the wider public.
What I like about Sage Hanas take is jabs are bad island 1 and jabs are bad island 2.
Her suggestion as I perceive it being , those on jabs island one are giving a public discourse about danger but it is still a complacent half challenge to the System. And possibly planted opposition
The jabs island two being the whole way truth. Nothing to lose. No compromise.
Thank you for this post. Way past the hand wringing phase now.
Time to cull the cretin politicotards that willingly led us all into this EVIL. STOP them in their tracks. NOW. TODAY.
Yes my post is Brit centric. That's a system I know about.
However I know that every country's political system does have the mechanism to deselect your political representatives. Get rid of them all. They've FAILED US ALL.
I don't understand the logistics of 'deselection.' What have I missed? What does this physically look like? How does one achieve this without the media, police and military?
In a UK constituency. If 10% of the voters want to get rid of the politician. They will circulate a petition in the press & to all registered constituents. If that petition reaches the 10%. Their petition will be delivered to whichever part office is relevant to the sitting MP. He She IT, will be deselected & a fresh byelection will be called. To elect another MP for that constituency.
I am unmoved by the sentiments expressed by the author of “To my Unjabbed Heroes”. I am not your hero . You will never stand with me. The reference to the Anzacs was especially galling and I suspect many Anzacs would not have bothered fronting up to the world wars if they could have foreseen Australia’s future tyrannical response to Covid and mandates.
In my own experience, the era of Covid madness and “vaccine” dogma showed me who the friends in my circle really were and they failed spectacularly as human beings. Not one of them expressed any empathy that people were excluded from society and employment on the basis of their choice to decline an experimental “treatment” injection. Their silence continues to scream at me. Accordingly, I have zero interest in detente with the vaccinated, whatever their motivations may have been in taking that jab.
Many thanks for your post. A family called Train. is this all meant to be a Train wreck, albeit a different one to the East Palestine event in the USA! :)
Who is the cretinous female police office in the last video?
Not to mention that probably the majority of the jabbed don’t even think they made a mistake or did anything wrong. They will do exactly the same next time and feel justified doing it. It’s the doctors and nurses for me. The doctors who were too afraid to write people exemptions or speak out. The ones who swore to do no harm. I will never go to a doctor or hospital again if I can help it. Yes I have the rage. I fear it will never go away.
For me, it's the judges. There have been around 400 legal challenges to the mandates in Australia and I don't think any of them have been successful. Americans have the "four boxes of liberty:" soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge. That's why I wrote about the Trains in Queensland. If you look on the comments on the video, they are very illuminating. People aren't stupid.
I was moved by the original letter but I am even more moved by the second, very much more so. Midway through, I was shaking my head in disagreement but by the end, he had me completely. Now, as it happens, it's not so much pity that I feel for them but mainly contempt. I'm still waiting for any of them to offer that full and frank admission of fault and begging for forgiveness. It's not going to happen, is it?
Once you bought a Honda, you don’t go around hunting down bad reviews of Hondas. You just happily drive it looking out the front window. That is most of the jabbed driving happily to the next pandemic where they will do exactly the same thing. Except the jab injured. They fell out of the car and were left on the side of the road. We can pick them up along the way.
Wow. This is amazing. ( it ok if I imagine a clown car?)
I don't know what will happen Joel. I was recently reflecting on the piece you wrote about being burned out by data. I understand this - I think I commented on your article. I'm honoured that you have found a little 'home' here to recharge and share. I write anonymously because I want it to be about the work rather than my background - if people knew they would be off to the races and it would be endless circular arguments.
In your bio you said that you are an 'accidental' political activist but here's another way to look at it: courage is a decision, even if made in a split second. There is nothing accidental about your courage. As Teddy Roosevelt said you are the 'man in the arena.' I'm glad you're here.
Rage, like everything, cannot stand still. It must move, evolve. I raged against those idiotic compliant masked proles who just queued up to get jabbed and by doing so led us all into hell. All they needed to do was stop and THINK, but they couldn't or wouldn't, so self-righteously convinced were they that what they did so blindly, ignorantly, and irresponsibly, was for their own good and for the 'greater good'. They were catastrophically wrong on both counts. We are still counting the cost in human lives, human health, a wrecked economy and a massive social divide. I rage now against the unrepentant and those still convinced that they were right and that they were 'following the science'. I rage against the cowards who cannot find it within their hearts to admit that they were wrong. Because those people will surely lead us deeper into hell the next time.
Thankyou. Rage is vital.
Your poetry is beautiful by the way.
"A knowing, not of the mind…. something cleaner and more immediate, that needs no words at all
Is present
Christ consciousness
It doesn’t ride in the vowel or verb. It rests in the beginning before the beginning.
You know"
That is beautiful. I call this intuition. Instant knowing. So few people have the courage to listen to the low whispers of the intuitive mind. Had they done so, there would now be no need for rage.
Yeah it's divine. Reflections of John the Revelator. Hard subscribe!
What the media in Australia will never tell you is that the Australian government spent years analysing what happened during the Spanish flu Pandemic and also piloting programs for locking people in their houses. For example, when the vaccines were rolled out across the country and quarantining commenced in 1919, all the public servants took a stand AGAINST getting a mandatory vaccine. Yes, they refused, with the unions backing them. The complete opposite of what happened in 2020, where the human cattle complied with the shots and worse, condoned the segregation of the vaccinated and unvaccinated across public facilities and services. Shame on you and if the government, one day soon, changes your work contract so that you are forced to donate a healthy kidney or some other organ to the greater cause, perhaps you'll reflect on your cowardice.
Interesting how the union has changed from supporting the workers rights to supporting the government narrative. The CFMEU hierarchy being protected from their own members by the police. I never thought I’d see the day.
That was such a great day. Why? It totally blew away the narrative of "far right Nazi protestors." Look at the crowd. Maoris, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Eastern Europeans, all the people. We shut it down baby. Big masculine energy that day. Australia and Melbourne is not dead! I was screaming and woot wooting in my living room in Perth while Stairman Dan was whimpering and seething. Thanks for posting the link. Anyone overseas who wants more look up Rukshan Fernando's coverage.
Edit: I particularly enjoyed the guys doing their unjabbed 'smoko protest' in the middle of the street just tables and chairs stopping traffic. They weren't allowed in the break rooms unjabbed so just set up shop in the busiest roads in Melbourne :D
Rukshan Fernando's footage was great. He was my go to for finding out what was really happening on the ground in Melbourne.
Love love Rukshan. Thanks for posting this. The international readers will appreciate it. I always laugh when I think about his reporting from the union protests when they shut down the bridge "I've never walked so far in my life! My legs are falling off!"
Edit: Also how he is "just a wedding photographer." Absolutely dead with laughter my word
That's really interesting. You should start a stack and this could be your first article with all the documents. Report back!
In 'Plagued' which chronicles Australia pandemic response, authors Benson and Chambers (pp. 16, 17) cite records from the National Archives of Australia which reveal communications between government departments about public servants across Australia refusing the vaccines in 1919, "on the grounds that they do not believe it has any efficacy..." and the problems with enforcing mandates.
In 2018 (pp. 45 - 48), public servant Michael Pezzullo who was the secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, brought together agencies from Border Force, Federal Police, Health, Agriculture etc to co-ordinate exercises in crisis control for a 'pandemic outbreak of a zoonotic influenza virus'. And which government minister headed up that department? Peter Dutton.
The authors do a good job of supplying the receipts but it would be a good idea to verify all the data - as we all know, interpretation's the thing.
You may be interested in this, explains the ‘Spanish Flu’
I don't feel angry at the jabbed, for the ones I know all believed (and many still believe) that covid was really-truly-OMG-super-dangerous and the "vaccines" "safe and effective." They were just duped, and that they were being lied to was (and for many still is) a hippopotamus beyond impossible for them to wrap their minds around.
I wasn't duped-- early on, I figured out that I was being lied to by the governments and the mainstream media, and goodie for me, but am I perfect? I'm human, and I don't think there's a human being on this planet a day out of kindergarten who hasn't been fooled by someone about something.
That said, I feel a burning determination that our rights be restored-- free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and so on, most importantly our medical rights, medical privacy, and bodily autonomy. What has happened with this covid catastrophe, the lockdowns, the censorship, the masking, and the jabs is 1,000,000% UNACCEPTABLE.
So my personal focus isn't on who took the covid jabs and precisely why (guessing around down there in the murky labyrinths of other peoples' consciousnesses), but rather, here and now and going forward: What can be done to restore and defend our rights?
As I see it, first and foremost, those who violated the rights of others need to be held accountable before the law.
And on this practical level, I was tremendously heartened to see the litigation conference held recently in Atlanta, Georgia:
Many more people are bringing lawsuits, and also have had success with lawsuits, than anyone reading the mainstream media and social media would guess. Same story with legislators and officials waking up and trying to do something about it. Take heart.
I understand post War German's perspective.
My own family's history with Iron Curtain Communists propensity to murder dissenters gave me a profound understanding of:
Die on your feet, don't live on your knees.
I tried my bit to pass on the "It's OK to say no" attitude. Employees, friends, family, I said it is only a mandate, and covid only kills the old and already dying.
But everyone of them did submit, they felt they had to comply. I saw them get side effects, I saw the men in my office all having sudden flare ups of "possible melanoma's" needing to be cut out of their bodies. Many of them refused to believe to it was the injection, and became quite hostile as the suggestion of it.
I think it comes back to adversity. Many people complain about snowflakes and the nanny state. But you are right, those who stood their ground and said NO, most of us seem to have faced an existential crisis or were close to someone who had.
Another great piece dear lady🤗
Frankly, i have experienced and feel that alot of the jabbed are not sorry, or expressing real regret over their behaviour, they are simply too scared of confrontation, so they "go along to get along". They are trying to "smooth things over", because god forbid, anybody starts yelling!!!
Society has vilified righteous disobedience and justified cowardice.
We have people too afraid to stand up for themselves or others, because they cannot handle getting "yelled" at on social media!🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Also, people seem to have lost the ability to apologise properly.
To take a situation and justify your response for behaving badly, is what 8 year olds do! Adults take responsibility for their decisions. Good or bad, right or wrong. They suck it up, look the person in the eye and say, "I did that. I am sorry. I understand if you cannot ever forgive me. I will learn to live with knowing you can't, remembering what I did and learn from it, and hopefully, never do it again."
That's what real, fully grounded adults do. It's what our ancestors knew and acted from.
As far as I can tell, there's not too many around today that even understand the concepts of truth, honour, respect, forgiveness and love. I hope I am wrong.
#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget
You bring up an important point that goes to leadership, which I hint about in the piece. If people are too afraid to be yelled at or of confrontation, they are unfit to be servant-leaders. If they need 'counselling' when people disagree with them, they are unfit to lead. If everything is 'hate speech' they are unfit to lead. Enough!
Thankyou for this article. So grateful for this kind of intelligence coming out of Australia. So far I have largely had to reference American freedom writers. They have been bright lights in the dark, highly motivating and educational, but there something about Terre firma Australia and the relevance it holds. It is home
I guess my experience is that the gaslighting narcissistic violence of the plandemic was another example of a long list of lived experience. I’m going to really throw this open at the risk of being misunderstood... the ego is narcissistic... and it is in everyone of us
When I consider this false self, this construct of identity, it was groomed all the way by a narcissistic society.
It is the spirit, that abides in as the heart that has a frequency of simplicity inclusivity gentleness and freedom. Because it is not invested in the fictitious identity anymore. It doesn’t need to defend it
This spirit is one being, and so when this perception is revealed as true self, the word enemy seems somewhat fruitless. It’s impossible. Because ultimately, it’s all us
I feel like spiritual awakening is primary to this situation we are in. And it really is the fallen, the evil identified trying to take over the world.
I have no faith in legal or political viability because these are all infiltrated by the Illuminati. In the time of the genocide of the Jews, the system was still required and so perhaps a facade of justice was performed
But the powers that be are collapsing the system now. They are in the final stages of an 80 year plan (at least)
I think it’s humbling for the ‘pure blood’ advocates to note that all blood, vaccinated and unvaccinated is poisoned by nanotechnology. It’s in our food, water, skies.
This kind of division (vax and unvaccinated) is perpetuating what the government has started. Don’t buy it.
I was oppressed and discriminated against during the pandemic. But as a single mother who choose to raise her children at from home, I have been oppressed and discriminated against the whole way. My sense is that we need each other. We need each other. We need each other. But waking up sleeping people is a spiritual matter too.
My best friends are vaccinated to the hilt. They Shame me subtly when I approach them on this.
The best I have been able to do is connect with awake folk and in my sphere that equals one person
All I can say is I am here to love. Love is the teacher and the student. Prayer and meditation are vital. Informed action like yours is God send. It is a privilege to be awake and however God uses me... I pray to serve. Anyone who wakes up and sincerely apologises, it is done. Hold my hand. We are together. But the fallen is so dark, the mentality has to break open. Not just one brick, the vaccination idea, shifted. It’s bigger than that. My heart knows the difference
Having said that I was definitely sucked in by Jacinda Ardern. Barack Obama. It’s been such a shock. I see the planted opposition and it freaks me out. So maybe careful discernment is very necessary at these times. So much is not what it seems.
Thankyou soooooooo much for your substack. You are a gift in my days.
Thank you for commenting. A question: why are you friends with people who shame you? Do they (as Marie Kondo says) spark joy?
Thankyou. No they don’t. This last year my connection with almost every contact I had has capsized. There is one maybe two friends left. Yikes 😳❤️🙏
I read the grandmother’s thank you and in the manner she wrote it I truly appreciate her writings, this even so Jim Brandt seems not to do so in that somehow he seems to hold she didn’t apologise or whatever.
More than 50 years ago I was living in Germany to try to find out what really happened during WWII when many of my Jewish family died in Auschwitz. For over a year I lived there and later as a soldier in the Dutch army served in NATO at the then IRON CURTAIN. I learned that what eventuated then much was now eventuating in the Commonwealth of Australia. My 90 year old wife lived during WWII and knows too well how 3 bombs were dropped on the family farm destroying all 3 bunkers her father had built for the family and workers in Czechoslovakia. Luckily, that day her father ordered everyone to be in the main house on a guts feeling as ordinary they all would hide in bunkers. Actually not until recently she held that the 3 bombs were simply dropped because a bomber needed to get rid of them. I explained that when there are three bombs targeting 3 different underground bunkers that is not coincidental but were targeted. Yes, there were Germans who openly bragged to me about what they did during WWII but there were also many whom made clear that trying to survive the tyranny was important. I carefully read the grandmothers story and recognise that she like many Germans at the time were left no choice. However she did not seek to push others to be jabbed if anything she shows to oppose this. I gained respect for her. Because my wife suffers from heart failure and other comorbidities I held it was my obligation to protect her and research from onset this covid scam and had no doubt it was a scam. My wife’s life was at risk and her specialist even pushing for her to be having the jab. I confronted him there and then as to the risk to my wife and he admitted he didn’t know. I as a constitutionalist and retired Professional Advocate realised that I needed to build a legal case against the evil doers. Because my wife and I are well into retirement we had mandates but not any risk of losing a job and so monies to pay bills, etc. Admittedly my wife often scorned me over the decades for always buying bulk and in November 2019 I again refilled our toilet paper supply to at least 200 rolls, much to her criticism then but then when the toilet paper rush commenced I was even giving away for free toilet paper rolls to friends who got caught out. Apart from a few issues we were prepared as to the onslaught of (unconstitutional) mandates. I recognise however that others as this grandmother had little choice and do not hold it against her she had to subject herself to the jab. My wife even asked me when I was violently attacked by a man 1/3 my age for not wearing a mask if I was not afraid to go out. I made clear nothing was to have me caving in. My official complaint went to nowhere, even so I provided an image of the person and the store had video recording, as after all to them I was the lawbreaker, regardless I was not. My blog sets out that what we need to do is to hold the evil doers, including their collaborators, legally accountable and if convicted award them with the death penalty as a deterrent for others to do similarly. This is why I have been carefully working on getting details and publish them for others to use also. Our real problem is with the courts, as they will seek to prevent politicians to be held legally accountable. They are in it together and so the Australian Federal Police. However, I have no doubt that eventually they will be held legally accountable! Those who know how I represented myself in both appeals in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 are well aware I persisted and the Commonwealth and all 9 Attorney-Generals caved in. This because I so to say did my homework. We do not desire to turn away people like the grandmother as we need their views and the information they provide also and then use this against the evil doers and their collaborators and also pursue appropriate compensation for the victims! My wife made clear that during WWII she had bullets flying around her but she never was in fear, however the (unconstitutional) mandates and the way politicians were hissing on citizens she felt fear, even at times making known she might be better off dead. However I was able to calm her down that we will get through it and just the best was to relax. Regretfully many who had no supportive partner may have caved in, and let us not ignore their tremendous suffering!
I'm glad you are with me, and like me, will never bow even when faced with the threat of death. We are the 'stopping condition' everyone asks about. Please say hello to your wife for me, and let her know that I am not afraid either.
The jabbed are in a dream. They do not want to be woken. Don't even try. Let circumstances and their own lived experience be the thing that wakens them; it's the only way it will work.
I do think we need to be there when they do wake up; not separated or estranged, however. Someone to let them know that they can make it without the experts or Daddy Big Government.
I'm not sure how to do that. After one is told one should be 'liquidated in a camp' it's difficult to 'be there when they wake up.' I would prefer to be far away from them. I don't think I'm the right person for that job. That's when I plan on #stayinghomeandsavinglines (mine).
Not everyone had that attitude ("liquidated in a camp"), but if that's your entire experience then I completely understand.
I know fully jabbed & boosted people who still believe it's (should have been) our choice. I share a house with one, right now, and am scared af they will get cancer or some other neurological issue from the injections. Or friends of theirs will.
It's taken a long time but we can nearly talk about it, although it devolves into "I can't believe you're a conspiracy theorist, Stoichastic, I know you're intelligent".
In Christian terms it can be communicated as "A little leaven leavens the lump".
I realise I am fortunate in having a friend who is jabbed but also reasonable to a degree, not everyone can say the same. Even being open to the possibility that such people exist is enough, is a start.
If jabbed people know us, see us get infected and come through the infection in the same time with the same level (or less) of malady (as I did unjabbed right after my jabbed housemate), it's one more piece of evidence that even if "effective and safe," (mostly untrue) the jab didn't actually provide a provable benefit.
I know jabbed people who went on the freedom marches, and people who I love very much are jabbed. Yet, like the title of the article, there is a fault line, even if it's a hairline fracture. For those who were vicious, still asleep, or were in positions of power and did not listen to the cries of the people, I want nothing to do with. That particular fault line is the size of a canyon and it's not up to me to provide them with a parachute.
I hoover up anything about Germans or Russians, or any historical lesson that will help me understand. I still don't know how to deal with even apologetic friends who had no energy to spare for learning, listening, thinking, resisting, moralising. But i do know where my (our?) energy belongs. It should be directed at those who deserve it. As i post the 12th comment, the previous 11 include a who's who of authors who are consistently being thoughtful, honest, informed, insightful. They deserve my attention. I care what they think first. After which i find it easier to accept that this world holds people i love who will never address reality.
This is such a sad comment.
Australian corporate globalist rainbow authorities are welded to this charade, lock, stock and needled barrel. Mesmerized OZzzz has provided 1% of the funding to WHO/CEPI Access to COVID tools Accelerator, the 100 day magical woe to go production co-operative bringing a novel mRNA / LNP shot to 'everyone, everywhere'
Bravo. All media, politicians and police should be advised to ensure they keep absolutely up to date with every GOV recommended seasonal shot, and covid booster, bivalent, trivalent, quadrivalent, novel trimeric alum and whatever else is recommended. All future mandates should be tested on every member throughout these authoritarian entities for 1 year prior to any attempted imposition on the wider public.
I wonder if Premier McGowan and his family are up-to-date on their jabs?
What I like about Sage Hanas take is jabs are bad island 1 and jabs are bad island 2.
Her suggestion as I perceive it being , those on jabs island one are giving a public discourse about danger but it is still a complacent half challenge to the System. And possibly planted opposition
The jabs island two being the whole way truth. Nothing to lose. No compromise.
I feel like it’s an important discernment.
I love the ‘Mistakes we’re not made’ anthem
Jabs are bad island one folk talk about how it was a big bungle oops sorry
Jabs island two folk say the bandaids coming all the way off. The government’s trying to kill us. This was planned genocide.
‘Mistakes we’re not made’
With you on this assessment Lynley :-))
Cool 💜👍🏾🙏
Yes there is a difference
Jabs are bad island one you get to keep a few friends
Jabs are bad island two....
There is no more mixing in ;))
It is Sage Hana’s metaphor. She is a great sub stack writer
Thank you for this post. Way past the hand wringing phase now.
Time to cull the cretin politicotards that willingly led us all into this EVIL. STOP them in their tracks. NOW. TODAY.
Yes my post is Brit centric. That's a system I know about.
However I know that every country's political system does have the mechanism to deselect your political representatives. Get rid of them all. They've FAILED US ALL.
I don't understand the logistics of 'deselection.' What have I missed? What does this physically look like? How does one achieve this without the media, police and military?
In a UK constituency. If 10% of the voters want to get rid of the politician. They will circulate a petition in the press & to all registered constituents. If that petition reaches the 10%. Their petition will be delivered to whichever part office is relevant to the sitting MP. He She IT, will be deselected & a fresh byelection will be called. To elect another MP for that constituency.
That's interesting, thanks Andy. Reminds me of the Gavin Newsom recall. I wonder if Australia has provision for this.
I am unmoved by the sentiments expressed by the author of “To my Unjabbed Heroes”. I am not your hero . You will never stand with me. The reference to the Anzacs was especially galling and I suspect many Anzacs would not have bothered fronting up to the world wars if they could have foreseen Australia’s future tyrannical response to Covid and mandates.
In my own experience, the era of Covid madness and “vaccine” dogma showed me who the friends in my circle really were and they failed spectacularly as human beings. Not one of them expressed any empathy that people were excluded from society and employment on the basis of their choice to decline an experimental “treatment” injection. Their silence continues to scream at me. Accordingly, I have zero interest in detente with the vaccinated, whatever their motivations may have been in taking that jab.
I understand this perspective. I struggle with it myself. We need numbers though so hopefully enough of them now get it for 'next time.'
Many thanks for your post. A family called Train. is this all meant to be a Train wreck, albeit a different one to the East Palestine event in the USA! :)
Who is the cretinous female police office in the last video?
I am not sure of her name. Let's call her "Counterterrorism Karen."
Speaking of East Palestine, did you see this? I was in tears with the clownyness of it all
At least they didn't re-set this on fire.
Thanks. I have searched internet and come up with Tracy Linford. I am not sure if this is of any use but clearly shows her L.H.S. in picture.