Have you listened to Dennis Rancourt? JJ couey watched his interview with S. Kirsch....with Kirsch representing the vast majority of people who think pandemics are possible and we must have these rules....poor Kirsch is so deep in the lie, its pathetic, but Rancourt and Couey's commentary are brilliant.

Here's the link if you haven't seen it....although you will die with embarassement for Kirsch. https://www.bitchute.com/video/EPwVwjEsk8z5/

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🙏 love Bob’s work like yourself it gets us thinking

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I love Bob's work too. He has been getting hammered lately by the meddling hall monitors who call themselves 'freedom fighters' so this was a bit of a middle finger to those people.

This is a really beautiful interview with him from 2021 that I watched last night. the quality is not great but it's the series 'Lockdown Legends' that can be found on other platforms. https://odysee.com/@UNWAShED:8/Bob-Moran:8#8

Edit: here is a better quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AulHcbLBeKU

It's funny how in 2021 he (like so many of us) were talking about 'the other side' as if there are only 'two sides.' For those of us who really push the boundaries we now know how naive that view was, and how huge and integrated the power structure really is.

It has been fascinating to see how many of these 'freedom fighters' have been reabsorbed back into the matrix, how they are being rewarded, what they are not allowed to talk about, and how they are now policing the speech of others.

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